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Chapter 1994 Assassination

The vulture carefully touched the vicinity of its underground cave, and then found several ventilation holes that the guy had deliberately left. He gently blew out a puff of light white smoke from his mouth. This white smoke seemed to be alive and flowed directly along the way.

A vent hole was drilled in.

Immediately afterwards, this wisp of white smoke twisted mistyly in the air, gradually approaching the rat man from behind, and then suddenly got into its other ear hole.

The next second, the rat-man froze up, fell to the ground quietly, twitched, a large amount of blood flowed from his mouth and nose, and died silently.

The cave it dug for monitoring purposes has become its own tomb.

Immediately afterwards, the vulture attacked the enemy hiding in the nearby utility shed. He stabbed a dagger directly into his back from behind, releasing a powerful electric current that caused the guy to tremble all over and his heart was paralyzed to death.

But what is surprising is that when this guy died, the lurking elf seemed to feel something, and immediately jumped up and ran away. It is estimated that the plants here smelled the breath of death and treated him.


Fang Linyan and the two men were killing people to clear the situation, so it was best for this guy to run away to save trouble and worry.

Next, Fang Linyan continued to monitor the entire scene with a drone, and then the vulture released the Eye of Kilrogg. Now that this thing has been strengthened by the vulture, it is even more useful for investigation than the original one.

First, it can fly,

Second, it is small and can be invisible.

Third, and more importantly, it is very special and has spiritual vision. To put it simply, this thing can see things that are invisible to the naked eye, such as spiritual creatures and the like.

This is an out-and-out haunted house, and it has been five days since the crime occurred, so there should not be many useful things left. Therefore, the Eye of Kilrogg taken out by the vulture is the most likely to find something valuable.


As the light yellow Eye of Kilrogg floated in, corresponding specific pictures began to appear in front of Fang Linyan and Vulture. When it floated into the hotel, the Eye of Kilrogg trembled slightly, and then

Received a bonus:

"This creature is a creature from the spirit world. The environment here is relatively rich in negative energy, so it received a 5% bonus to all attributes."

Seeing this prompt, the vulture immediately said excitedly:

"Boss, we have come to the right place. This place is almost certainly haunted by evil spirits and the like."

Fang Linyan said:

"It is strange to be killed by one's own father, husband, or son, and the soul of the deceased has no resentment. However, our purpose is not to solve the case, but to verify whether there is the intrusion of the power of chaos in this matter, so don't put the cart before the horse and create extraneous matters.


After hearing this, the vulture said:

"Okay. I found something."

The Eye of Kilrogg immediately accelerated and flew into the room on the first floor.

Because the hotel had only been closed for five days, it seemed relatively clean inside, and there was nothing unusual except for a little dust on the table.

But Kilrogg's Eye suddenly emitted a yellowish light, shining on the bed next to him, and he immediately saw a ghostly girl in her twenties sitting there, crying.

She looked up in surprise, and then her face suddenly distorted, as if she was about to turn and attack, but the light emitted by the Eye of Kilrogg suddenly intensified, just like a car light suddenly adjusted from low beam to high beam.

Under the illumination of this light, the girl's entire body was instantly twisted and transformed, and then she was sucked directly into the Eye of Kilrogg.

The goat closed his eyes at this time, as if reading something, and said after a few seconds:

"This girl's name is Sonja. She was killed twenty days ago. The person who did it was the hotel owner McKinney. As for the motive for the murder, hell, this dead man doesn't even know!"

"Twenty days ago, she returned to her room drunkenly and fell asleep. In the middle of the night, she felt a pain in her heart and felt like she had been pierced by a sharp object. She could only confirm that it was McKinney who had done it, and then she died.

Out of strong unwillingness, she became an earthbound spirit and cries here every day."

Fang Linyan nodded and said:

"Go somewhere else."

Then the Eye of Kilrogg found nothing in other places, even in the room where McKinney killed his children, wife, and parents, nothing was found.

Then it is obvious that this place must have been "cleaned" manually, so no clues were left.

Fang Linyan pondered for a moment, then sneaked directly into the hotel and came to the murdered girl's room to check.

It turned out that although the bedding had been changed, there was still a hole punctured by a sharp instrument on the wooden bed board, as well as specks of blood.

This is also the disadvantage of the Eye of Kilrogg. It has limited influence on real things. For example, if you turn over the mattress and check the situation below, you can only do it yourself.

Seeing this scene, Fang Linyan squinted his eyes:

"The people in front of them are a bit outrageous in their work. Do you think they are rough? The rooms where the McKinney family committed crimes are all kept clean."

"You said they were meticulous in their work? But the Earthbound Spirit here on the first floor stayed here without even handling obvious traces like the murder scene."

However, without a diamond, he did not dare to take on the porcelain job. Fang Linyan relied on the early hints from the Mobius Mark, so he made full preparations for the trip to the Fortress of Hope.

More importantly, when heading to the Fortress of Hope, Omi completely lost control after being contaminated by Chaos, which also allowed Fang Linyan to successfully collect some samples contaminated by Chaos.

Although these samples are purified when they pass through the constant liquid, their characteristics have been directly recorded.

There is no doubt that this gives Rubes a place to play.

At this time, Fang Linyan's own strength has been greatly improved, and so has Rubes. Before being summoned, Fang Linyan can use the sacrifices he made to unilaterally strengthen him, such as attack power and speed.

, defense, health, etc.

Of course, what Fang Linyan chose to strengthen this time was the auxiliary ability. What was strengthened was Rubeus's sense of smell, hearing, etc.

In addition, Lubos's own combat effectiveness at this time cannot be underestimated. There is a "zero ray gatling" attached to its back, which is the unique black technology of the Decepticons.

Megatron had been missing for a while at that time, and after Starscream took over, he asked Shockwave to install this weapon on him as soon as possible, which shows how useful it is.

Of course, this was something Rubes only had after Fang Linyan specially modified it. If someone else summoned Rubes, he wouldn't have this benefit.

After Rubes appeared, his size was larger than before. He looked like a calf, but his mobility more than doubled, and he could make more and more dexterous movements.


For example, during the test, it could walk directly across a suspended steel wire, and it could also lie down on it and sleep. It can be called a constructed biological version of the Little Dragon Girl, and its strong balance is evident.

After appearing, Fang Linyan pointed at the crime scene, and then ordered to Lubbers:

"First memorize all the special smells present, and then look for the smell of chaos pollution. I have imported the relevant data characteristics into your database."

Rubes immediately raised his head, then activated its unique olfactory tracking system, and shared the obtained signals with Fang Linyan and the vulture's retinas.

The next second, Fang Linyan saw a black-red aura floating out of the room. Looking carefully, it was on the bedside table, which meant that there were indeed items contaminated by Chaos, and they were also placed there.

On the bedside table.

However, what is puzzling is that only this place has this chaotic and polluted atmosphere.

Fang Linyan pondered for a moment and said:

"Tracing McKinney's scent."

Rubes immediately switched the tracking target:

Soon, patches of light yellow fog appeared in the bedroom. They looked very sparse, but there were dense red patches on the bed and wardrobe, and some yellow fog patches extended directly from the window.

Got out.

These red and yellow fog patches are the locked smell of McKinney. The smell has probably become lighter because of the five days since the incident, so it must be difficult to track it down. However, Rubes has now received a substantial

Strengthened, so we can continue to pursue it.

Next, fog patches of different colors appeared one after another in the bedroom. The special smell of everyone who had been here was remembered by Rubes.

Now that they had the clue, Fang Linyan and Vulture would not let it go. They directly disguised Rubes' appearance and followed the fog.

However, after McKinney's scent reached the outside, it was further diluted and faded, and a full five days had passed, so the two could not continue after tracking him on the street.

At this time, the vulture suddenly had an idea and said:

"Boss, the people who are still closely monitoring this place must be very concerned about this incident. They must have much more information than we have."

Who is Fang Linyan? As soon as I heard it, I immediately understood what he meant.

So the two quickly returned to McKinney's cabin, first collected the scent of the killed rat and the unlucky man, and then went to the big tree where the elf was hiding to collect her scent samples, and then

Take Rubes on the trail.

It was not easy for Rubes to track a smell that lasted no longer than an hour. Soon, a group of people followed the smell to a creek outside the town.

This elf still seems to have the awareness of anti-tracking. First, he smeared another strong-smelling thing here - you can see from the traces on the ground that it is the branches and leaves of some kind of tree, which have been crushed and squeezed out of the juice.

It stuck to its body, and then the elf waded down the stream again.

In this case, even a hound or the like would be unable to do anything here.

But all this pales in comparison to Rubeus's olfactory tracking ability. Not only did these behaviors of the elf not cause it any trouble, but it actually made the tracking easier, because at this time Rubeus was equivalent to having another tracking task.

the breath.

On its conductor, the original tracking was a bright red mist extending into the distance. After it was smeared with the pungent sap, the bright red mist mixed with green continued toward the distance.

Extended and very eye-catching.

After the elf waded out five or six hundred meters, the mist in front of him suddenly stopped. However, after looking around, he could find that there were red and green dots of mist again on the treetops about thirty meters away.


Obviously, after arriving here, the elf used some kind of magic or mechanism to quickly move directly to a tree more than thirty meters away. Such a sudden move would really drive ordinary trackers crazy.

It's a pity that he encountered a group of perverts like Fang Linyan. In the face of the absolutely superior power, all these struggles were in vain, just like a fish that landed on the beach and tried its best to flop.

Soon, a narrow valley appeared in front of the two of them, with a gurgling clear spring flowing out of it. The trees were very lush, almost blocking out the sky and the sun, and there were many shrubs and vines below.

If you want to enter in the normal way, you must hold a machete and forcefully carve a way inside.

It's just that there is already a murderous intention hidden in this valley at this moment. In the image projected by the drone, there are seven red dots shining in the valley, as if they are waiting for work and inviting you to join the urn.

Seeing this scene, the vulture wondered:

"Does the other party know that we are coming after us?"

Fang Linyan said:

"It looks like it's an elf, who is known as the darling of nature. Do you remember that your behavior was discovered inexplicably before? The other party must have some magical means, such as using the power of birds, insects, or even big trees."

"It's a pity that they met me! You should go around and prepare to intercept the escapers."

The vulture nodded and said:


Five minutes after the vulture left, Fang Linyan activated the prairie lantern, summoned three large metal beings, and sent them rushing forward with a finger.

Suddenly subjected to such a surprise attack, the elves remained panicked and shot deadly arrows with a "whoosh".

In this world, the longbows and arrows used by the elves are specially made, and are blessed with special secret techniques. They are as if they were just picked from the tree, and they still maintain their elasticity and freshness, and are even more...

It is slightly green, so it is also called the bow of life.

Therefore, its accuracy is really like that of a guided missile. It can hit wherever it is pointed and can change its direction as the owner changes its mind.

This chapter has been completed!
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