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Chapter 22 Hunting

Facing the ruthless reminder from the space, Fang Linyan could only curl his lips helplessly, then said hello to the guarding Royal Dragoons, and entered Westminster Abbey in front alone.

Although Fang Linyan entered alone this time, he had been in and out of here several times and was very familiar with it as a public toilet.

And I also have the book "Magical Creatures Are Here" in my hand. Once I have it, I can just follow the pictures and follow the instructions like a ready-made guide.

Fang Linyan is still a very cautious person. After he learned that powerful magical creatures like to stay in thick fog, he resolutely refused to enter the thick fog area and sneakily shot and ran away.

To give a very appropriate example, he is like a player who just clears the dungeon. He secretly lures a monster out, hits and runs, and manages to keep up with it. At the slightest sign of trouble, he will directly run out of the dungeon...

....Although this kind of behavior is a bit petty, it is undoubtedly quite effective.


an hour later,

Fang Linyan squinted his eyes and aimed at the giant mosquito-like creature flying in front of him.

To be precise, the target was its abdomen.

Details of this giant mosquito-like creature are on pages 14-15 of "Amazing Creatures Are Here".

Its name is Cow Mosquito. It has a wingspan of more than three meters. It is characterized by amazing strength. It can even hug large livestock such as cattle and horses, and then fly hundreds of meters into the sky and drop it to death.

After it decomposes, it flies down to suck the juices from the corpse.

Its magical ability is teleportation, which allows it to flash up to 10 to 15 meters in an instant. This ability gives it a huge advantage when hunting and escaping.

There are two weaknesses of the Cow Mosquito:

The first is the eye-shaped pattern on the abdomen, which is one of its life glands. Once successfully hit, it will cause a critical hit.

The second is the fear of blood. As long as blood is smeared on the arrows or bullets of the bow and arrow, and then used to injure them, the cattle mosquito will be in great pain and struggle crazily. After its power is exhausted, it can do whatever it wants.


The key thing is that the mouthparts and the pair of compound eyes of the cow mosquito are both spell-casting materials and can be sold for money, and in exchange for the hard currency of the magical world: gold galleons!

So after Fang Linyan saw this cattle mosquito, it was as if he had seen a lot of shining gold galleons. He had been carefully observing its parade route for almost ten minutes, and he had been planning for it for a long time and was determined to win it.

Suddenly, Fang Linyan retracted his finger slightly and pulled the trigger.

The muzzle of Lee Enfield's short rifle suddenly spit out tongues of fire, and a bullet that had already been smeared with a large amount of blood quickly shot out and accurately penetrated into the fat and soft abdomen of the cow mosquito.

It is worth mentioning that at this time, Fang Linyan had already completed the milestone of poacher, and also wore the title it brought: hunter.

The effect of this title is: Increase your damage to any magical creature by 20%.

After the shot was fired, it hit the eye-shaped pattern on its abdomen. This kind of monster did not have the advantage of a digitalized body, so it immediately suffered an astonishing damage!

72 (Lee Enfield short rifle damage double feature) + 14 (Title Hunter increases damage by 20%) + 7 points (basic shooting lv4 bonus) = 93 points x 2 (weak point attack critical hit) = 186 points (theoretical damage)

The cattle mosquito is a flying creature,

A common problem of flying creatures is low defense. Just like an airplane, it is definitely not as thick and thick as a tank.

So even after removing the defense damage reduction, the actual damage suffered by the Cow Mosquito is a terrifying 169 points!!

Under such huge trauma, the Bull Mosquito was immediately knocked out of the air. A half-meter-long gash was opened in its entire abdomen, and the colorful internal organs inside were rolled out.

But the powerful vitality of the magical creature made it flop on the ground for a few times, then struggled and flew up again, and then suddenly blurred its figure, and then displayed its biological power, and instantly teleported about ten meters towards this side, so

If so, the distance between the two sides was shortened to thirty meters! Its two compound eyes turned red due to pain and anger, and an angry "hissing" sound came from its mouthparts.

Facing the cattle mosquito flying closer and closer, Fang Linyan calmly continued to aim, and when it got closer to 20 meters, he pulled the trigger again.

After the "bang" shot was fired again, Fang Linyan's basic lv4 shooting allowed Fang Linyan to hit wherever he wanted within 20 meters, directly hitting the center of the head of the cow mosquito, lifting up the chitin that protects its brain.

The bones are thick, and even the gray-white brain inside is exposed.

This shot also triggered the basic shooting lv4 special effects extracted by Fang Linyan, slowing down the target by 25%. It can be seen that after being hit by this shot, the cow mosquito was immediately stopped by the huge kinetic energy carried by the bullet.

Then it continued to flap its wings and fly, but this time the flight speed was significantly reduced.

At this time, Fang Linyan turned around and ran away without saying a word. With the perspective of a drone, he was not afraid of any surprise attack from behind by the cattle mosquitoes. He couldn't react for a while.

However, just because Fang Linyan escaped does not mean that he has no means to deal with the cattle mosquitoes. A machine gun tower arranged next to him has spit out tongues of flame in time! A large number of bullets are also pouring over!

Under the intense suppression of firepower, the furious Bull Mosquito flew directly towards the machine gun tower. Its forelimbs had huge strange power and destroyed the machine gun tower in two or three hits. However, Fang Linyan was already prepared and threw another shot from the machine gun tower.


To make matters worse, after delaying for so long, the blood mixed in the body fluids of the cow mosquito also began to act. Its whole body began to tremble, and its wings gradually became weak. Finally, after chasing for more than ten meters, it fluttered on the ground.

He started trembling and smashed the nearby tables and benches to pieces.

At this time, Fang Linyan asked the machine gun tower to stop shooting, so as not to break its compound eyes or mouthparts and make it unable to sell at a good price. Fang Linyan fired one shot after another with the Lee Enfield short rifle, and the last shot exploded.

Cut off its head, ending its pain.

After killing the cattle mosquito, Fang Linyan sprinkled a handful of salt on it, then took out a dagger and began to carefully cut the materials on it. At this time, he could say that practice makes perfect------

This matter came about very quickly, and it was done in three strokes, five divisions and two divisions.

At this time, Fang Linyan originally planned to kill a magical creature before leaving, but the body of the cow mosquito did not rot quickly after being stained with salt, and the smell of its body fluids had attracted predators.

So Fang Linyan calculated the time and realized that time was almost up, so he left the machine gun turret behind and successfully left with the materials he obtained.

It is worth mentioning that during this hunting process, Fang Linyan was in danger several times. He used up all the remaining "Porcupine" depleted uranium armor-piercing bullets he brought from the joint trial, and also consumed the supplies he carried.

Almost half of it.

However, hunting these magical creatures in the Westminster Abbey area will also increase the reputation with the Royal Dragon Knight. Fang Linyan's reputation at this time has also increased to friendly (2500 points).

After returning to the square, Fang Linyan looked at Robby and found that he was probably too tired from the previous mental and physical exhaustion, so he found a military blanket nearby and wrapped it up and fell asleep. It seemed that it was still early for him to wake up.

Then he walked towards the side street.

He was not walking fast at this time, as if he was looking for something as he walked. Finally, after walking down a street, his face suddenly became happy.

Because there is actually a triangular symbol engraved directly above the door of the house next to it. And its shape is not an equilateral triangle, but more similar to a tree crown or a barn roof with an obtuse angle.

Fang Linyan stood at the door of the house and hesitated for a moment, then reached out and knocked on the door. It was early in the morning, and after a while, a tired voice yawned and said:


Fang Linyan said:

"I came to find the grave."

The person behind the door was obviously stunned, then opened the door, bent down deeply and said:

"Sir, I'm sorry, the Jack the Ripper incident has been a big deal recently, so we opened a little late."

Fang Linyan nodded and walked in:

"Take me to the fireplace."

The person who opened the door was an old man. He didn't say much after hearing this. He showed a very respectful attitude and led Fang Linyan inside, and then entered the basement.

There was a fireplace there that looked very new. The old man pointed it out, and Fang Linyan threw a shilling to him and asked him to leave. Then he grabbed a handful of green powder in his hand and said loudly:

“Diagon Alley!“

Then he threw it into the fireplace.

Immediately, a soft sound of "bang" was heard, and a bright green light immediately rose up, swaying like fire. Then Fang Linyan stepped in, and after his eyes blurred, he realized that he had appeared in

Inside the communal fireplace in Diagon Alley.

He hesitated for a moment, then was urged by a little dwarf next to him who was impatiently urging him to leave quickly, otherwise the people teleporting from behind would bump into him.

The thing Fang Linyan uses is Floo powder, which allows users to shuttle back and forth between fireplaces connected to the Floo network.

Looking for the knowledge about the fireplace that can use floo powder, I learned about it from Thermaplugg.

The price of Floo powder is not cheap either. A large spoonful requires two Sickles (17 Sickles = 1 Gold Galleons). The key is that if Fang Linyan wants to use the transmission function of the Floo network, he still needs to pay another 300 universal points.

But this is much better than opening and closing the Leaky Cauldron.

Next, Fang Linyan naturally went to sell the materials he had hunted before. The sales were good in magic props stores, spellcasting materials stores, and leather goods stores. In the end, he sold them for a high price of almost thirty-six gold galleons.

This chapter has been completed!
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