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Chapter 2014 The exploded items were robbed?

This set of combos only took less than two seconds, and it was completely done in one go. The key was that in the face of the mutated Ou Xier's counterattack, Fang Linyan shamelessly chose to use Whirlwind to deal with it.

In this case, no matter which angle the opponent chooses to attack from - as long as it is not above the head, what they have to face is the sharp edge of the rotating rotor blade.

After this set of combos, because Fang Linyan also received the magical bonus from the people in the Cult of Order, he directly dealt a terrifying 8994 points of total damage!

Among them, the percentage damage of Kasaya Slash contributes a lot. In addition, the Punishment of Order personally blessed by Archbishop Mahan, which can cause additional holy order damage in each attack, also contributes a lot.

And this set of combos is also Fang Linyan's most explosive conventional combo in theory. After he successfully succeeded in the surprise attack, Goat also took a last hit, and a large string of fireballs hit the mutated Ou Xier's face.

Go up and directly clear its health value to zero.

However, what is surprising is that the mutated Ou Xier was still standing on the spot at this time, with a large amount of sticky purple-black foam coming out from all over his body. Any attack damage hit on him would only be 1 point.

s damage.

Then, his whole body completely dissolved like a candle, quickly spreading towards the ground and turning into a large group of purple-black viscous foam, which looked like a cesspool on the ground.

But the purple-black sewage quickly split into three, and quickly expanded into three smaller purple-black viscous foams like cell division. Then it quickly reshaped, and there were actually three mutated Ou Xier stations again.

stand up.

Everyone's eyes widened at this time. This chaotic creature is too powerful. It's even more perverted than the minotaur chief's rebirth with full health and mana. I worked so hard to kill you, but in the end, three of you stood up again.

stand up?

Faced with such a situation, Fang Linyan of course retreated shamefully. Safety must be the first priority. By the way, he also expressed his feelings about how good it felt to have a tall man holding up the sky when it fell.

However, the group soon discovered that the appearance of the three reborn O'Siers was the same as before. In fact, their true combat effectiveness could be said to have been weakened a lot.

If the previous O'Sheer was considered a leader-level monster with S strength, then after rebirth and fission, it has become three elite monsters with strength of A- or B+. At least the ones before can run faster the more they are beaten.

The weird passive skill is gone.

As a result, Fang Linyan entered the stealth state again, and then continued to attack Ouxier's three clones. After killing one of the clones again, he saw the clone evaporate directly on the spot, and finally remained.

A purple-black crystal.

Fang Linyan was also a little hesitant about this crystal, not knowing whether it was a treasure or a time bomb. In the end, it was grabbed by the Blue Devil who rushed over and took it away.

Damn it, this behavior of grabbing treasures and picking up bargains really made Fang Linyan a little angry.

Next, Fang Linyan learned a lesson and paid attention to the situation of the other besieged clone. He finally waited until this guy burped, evaporated, and crystals appeared.

As a result, at this time, another chaotic pollution body next to it rushed over with its claws and teeth, and also launched a range-wide spray attack similar to "Tiannu Scattering Flowers".

Of course, Fang Linyan was not a fool who wanted money rather than his life, so he obviously had a steady hand and let Xingyi control an activated earth element to pick it up.

As a result, something changed again. Ou Xier's last clone rushed over, grabbed the crystal and swallowed it. This clone was strengthened again and actually grew two more arms. Fang Linyan was depressed again: You bastards

Don’t talk about martial ethics!

Fortunately, the chapel was suppressed by the artifact of the Balance of Order. The God of Order group was able to securely gain the upper hand. This time, Fang Linyan also acted aggressively. He directly asked his teammates to help block positions and deal damage, and steadily defeated the last unlucky one.

Kill the egg and get the crystal dropped by this guy.

However, Fang Linyan didn't have time to take a closer look now. He only knew that the description above was ???, and he needed to find a professional to identify it, so he put it away first.

Under Fang Linyan's demonstration, the rest of the people also joined the battlefield, and soon the Blue Devils' group also hurried to support, along with a large number of church knights.

After all, there is a problem with the chapel in the core area of ​​Victory Cathedral, so it must be the first priority to be supported.

From this group of newcomers, we learned that in addition to the resurrection of corpses in the Baptistery, there were also two strange events in the Victory Cathedral:

At the same time, there is a fountain sculpture in the square at the entrance. The sculpture shows the deeds of a demigod who killed the monster that was entrenched here when Ansukka was established.

The person who made the sculpture was a famous artist: the legendary demigod was very muscular, bare-chested, holding a spear and pierced the monster's chest!

But now, both demigods and monsters have been resurrected, and they eat everyone they see, and are extremely cruel.

There is another strange incident in the wishing fountain behind the cathedral. There is a legend circulating here that if a couple can make coins float on the water, they will have a perfect love.

This is obviously just for eating like dog food, but young people just do this, so there are quite a lot of people here.

But now something strange happened. Everyone who put their hands into the wishing pool to try to float silver coins was unable to pull their hands back, as if the water in the pool was tightly adsorbing their palms.


If one had to forcefully extract the palm, it is estimated that only the metacarpal bone would be able to be extracted.

Obviously, if Fang Linyan had not intervened, then these two emergencies were used to attract people to cooperate with the conspiracy in the chapel.

With the rapid support from the church's high-level forces, the chaos pollution in the chapel was quickly brought under control. In the end, only waiting for the artifact Scale of Order to slowly kill the fallen Son of God, the entire legendary team also participated in the battle, which can be regarded as accumulating some battles against chaotic creatures.


Fang Linyan and others soon discovered that the most troublesome part of this battle was the post-war finishing work. After the battle, Fang Linyan's weapon, Max's shield, and even the parts that had been attacked by chaotic creatures,

A layer of faint purple-black light appeared in all of them.

This light actually seems to have a life of its own, wandering around in the same place. If left alone, it will deteriorate and spread rapidly.

Therefore, after a fierce battle with chaotic creatures, you need to bathe in the holy water provided by the church, or soak it in the holy water, or even drink some holy water to make sure that the body is not contaminated. If there is contamination, the two will have a fierce conflict.

The conflict caused intense and severe pain.

Yes, this is really not a joke. According to the previous example, a knight was particularly passionate when fighting, and he would "raise his arms and shout" at every turn. Of course, that was a war cry, but the final result was that he was contaminated by Chaos and mutated.

Then he killed people in the neighborhood where he lived.

Later, according to the investigation, it was discovered that during the battle with Chaos, some of the enemy's bodily fluids and debris would be splashed into his mouth unintentionally. At that time, he did not realize the horror of this matter, so in the end

That's tragic.

Even if it is a weapon or shield, if its Chaos contamination is not dealt with for a long time, Chaos corrosion will occur, directly damaging it. If the equipment has a weapon soul, it will even cause the weapon soul to corrupt, which may kill you at a critical moment.

What's more important is that the holy water only allows the chaos pollution to be discovered, and the subsequent processing is even more troublesome. The people from the Victor's Cathedral even sent a manual. The steps in it are so cumbersome that it makes you want to cry, because just one

There are four steps to washing hands before handling, which last up to six minutes.

Fortunately, space warriors always have some privileges. After the goat made a minute-long complaint, Space S said that it is impossible to quickly clear chaos pollution for free, but it can find ways to speed up the process.

Next, Space No. S gave a formula. This formula actually existed as a catalyst. It looked really ordinary, but it turned out to be a light black powder, called activation powder.

Then apply this powder to the area contaminated by chaos, and then the chaos pollution will spread crazily as if it were injected with chicken blood.

Ahem, yes, you read that right.

However, when it breaks out, it will quickly enter the refractory period and become completely sluggish. Everyone should know this. At this time, a splash of holy water can completely remove it.

The terrifying nature of chaos pollution lies in its latent ability, and it is as difficult to remove as tarsal maggots, but this activation powder does the opposite. Instead of trying to restrain the power of chaos, it lures it out.

This is like catching a spy internally. The effect of forceful investigation and interrogation is actually not good. The spy is not caught, but the internal atmosphere is chaotic. The more efforts are made, the deeper the spy is hidden.

On the contrary, if you keep calm on the surface but take out bait to fish secretly, then you will definitely catch them.

At this time, Motav saw that the situation was over, so he took the initiative to find Fang Linyan, and told all the truth dejectedly.

In fact, it is very simple to explain this matter. The Motav who was caught by Fang Linyan and the others was just a scapegoat.

The person who committed the horrific murder was Murtaugh's younger brother. The two were identical twins. From a scientific perspective, their genes were almost identical. Murtaugh's brother was just like O'Shea.

You and the others are inextricably linked, and the case of dismembering the homeless man was also caused by him.

After realizing that the matter might get serious, O'Sheer and his team immediately destroyed the replacement evidence and threw Brother Murtaugh out as a scapegoat. Of course, no evidence of Chaos contamination could be found from him. This was a perfect match.


Of course, this brother Murtaugh was not replaced for nothing, and he was not a good person either. This must have involved a lot of power, money and sex transactions. I won’t describe the disgusting and dirty details.

After hearing this Li Daitao strategy, the Legend Team felt that it was really a clever idea. While they were having a heated discussion, Rothbacher came over and asked Fang Linyan and the others for help.

It turns out that at this time, the Church of Order has already felt that its manpower is stretched thin:

First of all, the artifact of the Scale of Order must be guarded by someone. Once something goes wrong with this thing, it will have a huge impact on the ruling foundation of the entire Cult of Order. Let’s put it this way, even if the Victory Cathedral is razed to the ground,

There should be no flaw in the balance of order.

Secondly, the degeneration of the Son of God + O'Xier line directly weakened its internal strength significantly.

At the same time, the outbreak of chaos pollution on the wishing fountain and square sculptures also consumed a lot of manpower.

Not to mention the sculptures in the square. The hero sculptures and monster sculptures transformed into chaos are wildly harvesting people and devouring lives.

The unlucky dog ​​food show at the Wishing Fountain failed completely, because the water in the Wishing Fountain had been transformed into chaos, forming a giant chaotic water element or something like that, sucking life forms directly into it.

You can clearly see the scene of the unlucky ones being digested and absorbed in its translucent body, and it will grow as more life forms are swallowed.

Of course, the Baptist Church where the problem initially broke out is also severely understaffed, because there will be more and more enemies here as time goes by.

After some discussion, Fang Linyan and others felt that it was unjustifiable not to help, but it was absolutely impossible to just work for free, so after some discussion, they made several requests to the Church of Order, and finally chose to go to the Baptist Church.

This way.

Although the other two sides must have much more benefits, after all, they are fighting BOSS-level chaotic creatures, but the risks are definitely higher.

Most of the enemies at the Baptistery are living corpses caused by Chaos pollution. Their individual strength is actually similar to that of zombies, but their contamination is obviously more than that of the T virus, so as long as you are not careful, the risk is smaller.

When they arrived at the Baptistery, they found that the situation was much worse than they had imagined. There were only less than twenty people left at the church to clean up the place, and the total number of Chaos zombies had exceeded

Three to four hundred head were raised, and the person responsible for this was only a regional bishop.

At this time, let alone cleaning up the baptistery, it was difficult for this group of people to even prevent the situation from getting worse.

If the bishop named Schroeder hadn't had an idea during the evacuation, he directly opened the cold storage door responsible for parking the corpses, allowing the living corpses to find a large amount of food in front of them, and most of them were attracted to move away. Otherwise, the surrounding people would be around now.

Several neighborhoods have become a living hell.

However, what Schroeder did was actually to drink poison to quench thirst, because there are only thirty or forty corpses left in the cold storage. Once these guys eat them up, a full-scale outbreak will occur.

This chapter has been completed!
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