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Chapter 2029 The big snake destroys the world!

Fortunately among the misfortunes, this chaotic nightmare beast only broke through his sea of ​​consciousness, and his soul was not contaminated, so he could still go to the Kingdom of God.

After all, this heroic spirit later found out that the Chaos Nightmare Beast was two levels below him, as outrageous as a trialist consuming a colonist to death.

It’s not too unusual to challenge someone by jumping up to two levels. However, Fang Linyan asked himself that he definitely couldn’t handle it. He felt that it would be a suicide. But it happened right in front of him. How could he not let this happen?

What about people sighing and sighing?

Of course, after sighing with emotion, I also felt great awe and vigilance for this chaotic nightmare creature - a terrifying monster that kills people by crossing two levels, is it easy to deal with the same level?

There is no doubt that the key to this cross-level killing lies in this dream-killing strategy (forgotten after waking up from the dream)!

Therefore, Fang Linyan, and even the entire Legend Team, were looking for a way to avoid this desperate plan, and the final conclusion they got was: There is no solution! There is no absolutely effective way.

In this field, the chaotic nightmare creatures have an overwhelming advantage, and there may be two effective ways:

The first is to pay close attention to your physical condition. Once you have a headache, or are still listless and drowsy after sleeping enough, you should immediately be careful to see if you have been targeted. You may have been exposed to someone in your dreams many times.

The enemy fought a battle.

Second, after entering the dreamland, try every means to record your experiences, encounter the enemy's weaknesses, deal with them accordingly, etc., and keep them in your own sea of ​​consciousness.

In this case, although the next time you enter it, you will still be confused and the corresponding memory will be deleted, but the things left in your consciousness will not be erased. You can get the general idea just by reading it once.

What Fang Linyan is doing at this time is actually the second thing, and for him, he also has a unique advantage, which is to use the power of time.

Youdao has a shortcoming and a longing. If I was hit at this time, there should be a companion around me. Even if my memory is erased by this chaotic nightmare creature, it doesn't matter. My companion will tell me that I have been hit.

Even if you can't remember what happened in the dream at that time, I can directly recall the memory to a few hours ago with the sand of time, or even the eight wine glasses, which can control time. As long as you don't go back to the physical body, the price you pay will be

Not big.

There is no need to check it carefully at that time. It is enough to just flip through the written record and then use the capabilities provided by the space to take photos and keep the record.

Time passes quickly,

Fang Linyan couldn't defend here and took advantage of the home court. After the offensive of these monsters hidden in the fog of chaos lasted for more than ten minutes, it began to fail. After all, the defender's advantage would be much greater than that of the attacker.


Although people often emphasize pre-emptive strikes, in fact, in wars throughout the ages, those who strike first often lose more and win less.

Speaking more closely, Germany's blitz on Poland in Europe was the beginning of World War II, Japan's surprise attack on Pearl Harbor was the beginning of the Japan-US war, and Japan's launch of the Marco Polo Bridge Incident was the beginning of the Anti-Japanese War. Everyone knows the final result.

In ancient times, Cao Cao was the first to go south in the Battle of Chibi, and it was Fu Jian who started the Battle of Feishui.

Even in basketball, a highly confrontational sport, teams with good defense win championships, not to mention football. Mourinho, who parked a bus in front of the goal, directly became famous. Of course, Pep Guardiola's Cosmos team is a special case.

Under this large-scale offensive of nightmare creatures, Fang Linyan also collected a lot of information. For example, if you are not sure, never fight in the opponent's home field: the fog of chaos.

Once the war warriors you control enter, their strength will drop by at least 30%, while that of the enemy will increase by 30%.

In order to confirm this, Fang Linyan even lost two war warriors, causing the scope of the dream to shrink by almost one-seventh.

But who is he? These two war warriors are just bait thrown out, luring the chaotic nightmare creatures outside to think that victory is in sight and successfully fight in.

And looking at Fang Linyan's panic-stricken face, it looked like he was about to blurt out "Don't come over here" at any time. These guys were even more excited and rushed forward violently. They were in an evil and ferocious state!

However, just when the other party was getting carried away, Fang Linyan suddenly had a sneer on his lips.

"Since I am in a dream world."

"Since the rule here is that the bigger the heart is, the stronger the power will be."

"Then, this move, which I can only dream about usually, should be ready for use!"

Fang Linyan suddenly took a deep breath, and then his whole body floated up in the air for almost half a meter, and a vast and unpredictable aura emerged from his body.

It turned out that just when he withdrew his defense and let the warriors focus on defense, Fang Linyan had secretly begun to save energy and restore it to its best condition.

A big move that he had been holding back for a long time exploded instantly.

Immediately afterwards, from behind Fang Linyan, the illusion of a man with red eyes and white hair appeared. His upper body was naked, his chest was full of interlaced scars, and there were blue and black tattoos, but his body felt a little ethereal, as if he was the person in the mirror.


This man's eyes were full of indifference and loneliness, as if everything was a cold stone in his eyes.

Then, Fang Linyan raised his hands, the male illusion also raised his hands, and a murmur came from the void:

"No one who is better than me will exist in the world!"

"Let everything come to nothing!"

When the last sound came out, everything in front of Fang Linyan instantly turned into a vast expanse of white.

that is light,

The light that purifies everything!!

The fog of chaos, the warriors of war, and the ferocious nightmare creatures all gradually disappeared or were dissolved in this light that purified everything.

This is the trick in Fang Linyan's heart that can purify everything, the trick that makes these chaotic nightmare creatures disappear and vaporize in an instant!!

The ultimate meaning of Orochi: the sun shines!!!

As long as Fang Linyan believes this in his heart, he can do it!

The world is unkind and regards all things as stupid dogs. As the representative of the earth's will, the big snake's power will also purify everything.

Whether it is justice or evil, whether it is chaos or order, in the face of the power of the serpent, it will seem to be formatted and return to a state of nothingness.

Fang Linyan firmly believes that the big snake's move can do this, so he can do it in this dream!!

The purifying light that covered everything lasted for three seconds, and then gradually disappeared. Fang Linyan was already kneeling on the ground, breathing heavily:

There is no longer the reception room in the dream, nor the surging white mist, nor the ferocious nightmare creatures, nor the majestic and sacred God of War, the Knight, around him.

Everything seemed to have completely come to nothing.

Immediately afterwards, there seemed to be a vast amount of snow falling between the sky and the earth, but if you look closely, you will see that it is ashes, ashes!!

Large tracts of ashes are floating all over the sky. When you are among them, the desolate feeling of world destruction really shouldn't be too strong.

Fang Linyan took a few breaths, and then suddenly felt like the world was spinning. He completely disappeared from here. He had obviously woken up from a dream, and of course he left.

However, as Fang Linyan left, this dream still continued to exist.

Suddenly, the ground suddenly squirmed, and then wisps of smoke emerged from it. The smoke re-aggregated into the gray-white mist, starting from nothing, from less to more, and finally condensed into a sea of ​​buses.

Large fog clouds.

A series of weird sounds came from the fog, including screams, songs, groans of agony, the blood-curdling gasps of people dying, and the chewing of skin and bones.

After a while, these messy and redundant sounds gradually subsided, and finally turned into rapid breathing, painful whimpering, and an indistinct voice gnashing teeth:

"I remember you, just wait for me!!!"


In a beautifully decorated guest room,

Fang Linyan, who was lying on the bed, suddenly sat up!!

If someone was around at this time, they would be able to see that even though he had regained control of his body, the pupils in Fang Linyan's eyes had no focus at all. He looked like a blind man, unable to focus his eyes at all.

But as his body functions recovered, his eyes gradually became normal, and soon a long groan came out of his throat, and then his eyes began to become condensed, and then clear.

"Where am I?"

After looking around, he realized that this was the resting cabin of the Sorcerer's Battle Castle. He was lying on the bed where he usually slept. His feelings were acquired during his normal sleep.

However, from the perspective of a chaotic nightmare creature, it is normal to follow the normal rules and take advantage of the situation. If you suddenly fall asleep like Omi and have many abnormal phenomena, you can easily be awakened by your companions and cause accidents.

When sleeping normally, there are very few people to disturb you, which can be said to reduce at least 80% of accidents.

After Fang Linyan woke up, he was confused for a while, shook his head, and then with a sudden excitement, he immediately took out his pen and notebook and started writing!

This is to recall the previous experience, lest you forget it quickly afterwards, you should write down all the key points. If you see relevant prompts in the future, you can quickly write down the things.

After completing this crucial matter, Fang Linyan first touched the order gyroscope next to him, only to find that it had been destroyed. Of course, his intention was to verify whether he was still in the dream.

According to the corresponding information collected previously, this chaotic nightmare creature is very cunning and unpredictable. It will deliberately create dreams within dreams. You think you are safe when you wake up, but in fact you are still in the dream. As soon as you relax, you will immediately

Many people have died due to this attack.

Although the Order Gyro has been destroyed at this time, there is still a simple way to verify whether you are in a dream. This method is actually very simple and convenient, and that is swallowing saliva.

If you can swallow five times within ten seconds without a mouthful of water in your mouth, you are in a dream.

If under this situation, you can only swallow saliva four times in ten seconds (most people can only do it three times, less than 3% of people can do it four times, if you don’t believe it, you can immediately

Try), then it means that you have returned to the real world and the dream has successfully awakened.

Of course, this method is a crude method, and it is not practical for some powerful chaotic nightmare creatures, because these guys have perfected the details of these nightmares to a terrifying level, so they mainly rely on the Order Gyro.


After memorizing the most critical things in the battle in his dream, and then confirming that he was awake and returning to the real world, Fang Linyan immediately got out of bed without saying a word.

As a result, he moved too much, and immediately heard a tinkling sound as if something had fallen down. When he lowered his head, he saw that it was actually several transparent crystals.

At this time, Fang Linyan didn't have time to take a closer look. He only knew that this thing seemed to be a pure gem, but it seemed to be different. He put it away and prepared to take a closer look in the future. Then he rushed out anxiously and aimed directly at everyone's room.

He kicked the door directly and issued an order to the team:

"Everyone, come to the door! Now, now!"

After kicking open the goat's door, I saw this guy standing in front of the bed. On the bed was the centaur girl, and she was still naked. Its nature is described briefly below. Even if you don't lack the money, this chapter will do it.

That will be blocked.

Fang Linyan frowned and said to himself that the goat was really dissatisfied with his integrity. He usually kept saying that he was sacrificing himself for the sake of legend. It was all because the title of Tianxia Buwu was too deceptive, so he was forced to have in-depth exchanges with foreign races. The result was

True love.

Moreover, the little mare originally only brought two oranges, but now she has turned into a papaya, which shows that the bastard must have worked hard.

Regardless of explaining to the goat, Fang Linyan continued to rush to the next room. As he was about to take off, he saw Xingyi yawning and came out. Then when he saw the person, he suddenly let out a scream and covered his head again.

Face ran in.

Fang Linyan's heart suddenly tightened, thinking that this slut would not be so panicked if she ran out with her butt naked, so he immediately chased after her.

Then she immediately rolled her eyes. This woman actually took the powder and threw it directly on her face. It turned out that she remembered that she hadn't put on makeup yet.

After such a delay, everyone rushed out of the room, but only two people's doors were still closed. One was Crespo Blood Knight's room, and the other was Omi's room.

Seeing this scene, Fang Linyan's heart suddenly sank. The reaction of the others was not slow. Max and Crespo also had a good relationship, and he stood at Crespo's door. He stretched out his hand and pushed the door.

, the door flew out with a bang, and then an extremely strong smell of blood rushed out.

After walking in, you immediately felt creepy. It turned out that the entire room, including the top and walls, were covered in blood, and the smell of blood was even more pungent!

There is an idiom called Gan Nao Tu Di. It was originally used to describe something fictional, but when used here, it becomes out-and-out realistic!

This chapter has been completed!
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