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Chapter 100 Soul Equipment

As long as it is a profitable industry, its viability must be very tenacious, let alone huge profits?

In fact, after thousands of years of development, three corresponding giant organizations have even formed in the Hope Sector, competing and cooperating with each other, controlling the corresponding gray industrial chain of chaotic polluting organisms, and wandering on the edge of illegality.

Of course, there must be strongmen or even the shadow of gods behind these organizations, and a large amount of profits will flow into some official organizations. Otherwise, they will definitely not be able to grow big or last long.

This time, after Fang Linyan obtained the image data of the giant mutated scorpion snake, the staff at the Magical War Fortress, after obtaining Fang Linyan's permission, sent it to all three families. One of them expressed little interest and gave

The price is cabbage price.

However, the other two companies are very interested and are asking if there is any latest imaging data.

After Fang Linyan killed two of them, the latest images and data were sent to them. Judging from the word count and speed of the replies from those two families, it can be seen that they were excited:


"Send some more corresponding pictures, we are very sincere." Omit 500 words here)


"We can offer you a high price and promise to give you the highest commission." (Omit another 500 words here)

"Bye, I'm going to take a shower first."

"We are really sincere." (Five hundred words will be omitted here.)

In the end, the corpses of these six giant mutated scorpion snakes were only sold for five Order Crystals, but the alive ones were worth much more. Two heads were worth ten Order Crystals, for a total of fifteen Order Crystals. This was what Fang Linyan pocketed. As for

The remuneration of the staff on the Magical Battle Fortress is borne by the other party.

This amount of money may not seem like a lot, but it is because the space warriors have a lot of expenses. In fact, it is already a huge amount of money. Think about the rewards they received after smashing the conspiracy against the God of Order. That's it.

It's understandable that life is much more expensive than death, but Fang Linyan can understand it. It's like marrying a living wife plus a house, car, and other gifts, which is probably a million, but marrying a dead wife is said to be 10,000 yuan.

Money is enough (for Yin marriage)

Fang Linyan actually didn't expect that he could actually find the weakness of the giant mutant scorpion snake, so he didn't use the item he exchanged for before: Siren's Whisper. This thing was bought for ten order crystals.

It is used to replace the lion's roar skill, and it can also use sound waves to attack enemies. It is also the trump card that Fang Linyan plans to use.

Once you have no idea when it comes to attacking, use the "Siren Whisper" thing to force them out.

Now that he had saved this prop and had fifteen order crystals in his account, Fang Linyan felt that even if he failed, it would not be a loss. After all, the investment cost this time was very small, and the most expensive thing after all was the time cost.

After confirming that all the giant mutated scorpions and snakes in the cave have been driven out, Fang Linyan will certainly not do the next dirty work himself, but will leave it to the people on the Magic Battle Fort.

I left an avatar there to supervise the work, and then monitored the whole process with cameras. If anyone dared to be lazy and hide things privately, the magic elves on the Magical Battle Castle would notice and punish them.

And this time, following Fang Linyan on a mission, they can get extra money, so the enthusiasm of this group of people is quite high.

Under this situation, corresponding news continued to come. First, the team found a pile of egg shells in the cave. Unfortunately, it seemed that they were from half a year ago. Otherwise, the eggs of these mutated monsters would also be very valuable.

Then there was a new discovery in the area where the scorpion snakes kept their food. On a big stone, sure enough, the two pieces could be put together.

The pieces after being put together are still incomplete, but they can already be seen to be somewhat similar to the shape of half a token. The text on it originally read:

Listen, my heart is cut,

Now when complete it becomes:

Listen, the sword cannot cut the heart.

Finally, an abbreviated name appeared:


Now there are suddenly more clues.

When Fang Linyan was looking up various stories and legends before, he remembered that in a world called Arad, there was a powerful swordsman with this name. He could incorporate the power of ice and flames into his swordsmanship.

It's just that Fang Linyan has never entered this world and witnessed the elusive power of this swordsman with his own eyes.

The puzzle immediately locked the identity of the person who left the piece:

Space warriors, or warriors who broke away from the mysterious world of Arad.

After thinking about it, Fang Linyan issued instructions to focus the next search on the toilet area.

The digestive ability of snakes is not very strong, and bones, scales, and hair are everywhere in the feces, so if the unlucky guy is eaten, there is a high probability that the things he carries will be left behind.

Of course, the term "toilet" is more elegant. In fact, although these giant mutant scorpion snakes can divide roughly functional areas, they are not powerful enough to install flush toilets. Therefore, the so-called toilet is the excretion ground deep in the cave.

Youdao eats a lot and poops a lot, and there is no one to clean it up, and the giant mutant scorpion snakes are all carnivores. It is well known that the poop of meat-eating animals is very smelly, and the smell is mixed with the smell of rot.

It's more disgusting than cat and dog feces, it smells like dead mice mixed with smelly fish, rotten shrimps and feces.

So you can imagine how bad the environment here is, and the job here is to dig out manure.

It's just that since Fang Linyan has a legitimate reason, his request must not be violated by the people on the Magic Battle Fortress. Not only that, Fang Linyan takes into account his subjective initiative and promises that if someone can find valuable clues, then he will come up with a

A huge reward was offered.

Of course, this money must have nothing to do with the Order Crystal, but the gold rand, the common currency of the star region. For these ordinary people, this thing is more down-to-earth.

So soon, Fang Linyan got good news and bad news.

The bad news is: the relics of the unlucky guy who left the fragments were found, and his identity was completely locked. He was a warrior from Space K in the previous rotation. After all, Fang Linyan was not able to achieve his dream.

The good news is: the found relic contained a lot of resentment, but it was an out-and-out piece of soul equipment!

And although its attributes are very average, this guy's dead teammates are willing to pay a high price to acquire him. This should be friendship, and it is also a rare bright spot in the cruel space.

It is said that teammates are thinking of ways to resurrect him. With soul equipment, the difficulty of the resurrection task will be dropped from SS to A level by two levels.

In response to this, Fang Linyan simply rejected the goat's proposal to raise the price, and scolded him for having no conscience at all, and finally sold it for 330,000 universal points.

Ahem, it’s not that the wrench is too dark, it’s that the business is too big and too expensive. These common points are only enough for 99,999.

After Fang Linyan officially returned this time, he found that his teammates had also returned one after another, and after they heard that Fang Linyan had started flying solo outside, they also followed suit.

For the S space, such behavior must be strongly encouraged and rewarded! Therefore, they did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to directly mark their private actions as tasks. As long as they can enter the chaotic pollution zone and come back safely, they will get 10

The guarantee of a crystal of order.

But the S space didn't know that Fang Linyan's teammates dared to do this because they knew that the devil Freddy had been suppressed by Fang Linyan, and it was relatively safe to go out now.

This is similar to the fact that even though a tiger is killed, no wild beasts will approach the tiger cave for a month or two.

Fang Linyan was not in a hurry about this situation. Anyway, he had just come back from the outside. The S space should have a good impression on him. It would be no problem to take a short break and paddle in the water.

So he lived here and began to repair and improve the No. 2 and No. 3 engines, and also manufactured some high-precision spare parts.

About ten days later, Fang Linyan's teammates also returned one after another. They did not dare to go deep into the chaotic pollution area, so they just explored the edge area.

Fang Linyan can also feel that after some rest, his teammates have almost come out of the negative emotions left over from the last battle. After all, everyone is an adult or a senior space warrior. What has not happened before?

However, when the teammates heard that the Abyss Lord had been resurrected, they were all stunned. After all, this kind of thing was not too unusual. Since Fang Linyan could resurrect them, of course the Abyss Lord could also be resurrected.

Fortunately, everyone breathed a sigh of relief after listening to Fang Linyan analyze the inside story.

Strictly speaking, these three people are just three copies of the Abyss Lord in appearance. Their memories, aspirations, even combat experience, and personal temperament are completely different from the Abyss Lord.

However, during the period when Fang Linyan went to do private work, Tiger, the unlucky guy, was already complaining. After all, for now, he was the one who suffered the most fundamental interests.

The three new SHEs are definitely not a fuel-efficient lamp. If the three of them have more say and get more resources, it means that the interests of Tiger's side will be smaller. After all, the R number

The pie that space here can only provide is so big.

As the saying goes, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, and in this Hope Sector, Tago sadly discovered that the only reliable friend he could find was Fang Linyan!

So he often complained to Fang Linyan to build relationships, and even revealed some top-secret information, such as the approximate strength of the three new abyss lords, their good fighting methods, etc.

And at this time, something happened that greatly increased the pressure on all the warriors in Space R. Another core figure of the legendary team: Omi returned from the contaminated area. It seemed that the situation was not good. He was hit hard again. He relied on magic guidance

The life support system on the battle fortress can barely survive.

As soon as he returned, he was sent directly to the Holy City and handed over to the God of Order for treatment.

The reason why she can be so taken seriously is because Omi really found the clue that S Space wanted!!

That's a stone.

However, the weird thing about this stone is that the outer surface of the stone looks and feels exactly like a normal stone. Perhaps this is the fundamental reason why it cannot be discovered by others.

However, after removing the outer stone skin, you will find that the inside is actually a mass of twisted flesh and blood.

What's even more weird is that there are some silver metal particles inside the flesh and blood. If you blow on it casually, you will find that the flesh and blood is shrinking and twitching, and it looks very sensitive.

This stone is so special, just like jade, it is hidden deep in the stone. I don’t know how Omi found it.

And it is none other than a part of the No. 11 Noah space that fell here.

This thing is also something that all Noah's Spaces dream of. If they can eat its corpse, their strength will definitely increase greatly.

Although the fragment Omi found was very small, after the S space devoured it, he could analyze it and then peel off the cocoon to sense the approximate location of its fall.

Even if you swallow one piece and cannot find it, if you accumulate so many pieces and swallow a few, the feeling will be even stronger!

To be more specific, if a piece as big as a swallowing fist is swallowed, the S space can probably only sense its approximate direction in one of the four directions: southeast, northwest, and northwest.

If more than ten pieces are swallowed up in total, the S space can sense its approximate position billions of kilometers to the north, but the error will exceed 10,000 kilometers.

If the cumulative number of swallowed ones exceeds one hundred, then the sensing error is estimated to be only one hundred kilometers.

It must be noted that chaos represents disorder and chaos.

Therefore, whether it is the corpse of the fallen Creator, treasures, cargo, or the position of the corpse in Noah's space No. 11, the position is not static, and will continue to change its position with the impact of the fog of chaos and the tide of elements.

Therefore, it was not easy for Omi to get this thing, which meant that she not only had to accurately measure the specific location of the No. 11 space fragment, but also found it before its location changed again.

However, according to the existing information, Goat speculates: After Omi escaped from Freddy's nightmare, her health points permanently dropped by almost 20, but her own talents also gained a certain degree of evolution, which is consistent with her tarot card divination ability.

A perfect match.

Therefore, Oumi's current success has directly made Noah Space S "Long Yan Jue". Oumi estimates that in addition to receiving generous rewards, his status has obviously risen rapidly.

Of course, some are happy and some are sad. Omi's success undoubtedly highlights the incompetence of the space warriors under R Space. You can also imagine the pressure they are about to face.

This chapter has been completed!
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