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Chapter 31 Doing Business

Facing the short-haired girl's question, Fang Linyan shrugged and said:

"Of course, I have been in and out at least five times, and I also have very detailed information inside."

The short-haired girl looked at him suspiciously, and then said:


Soon, the short-haired girl came over with another man with blond hair. The man looked Fang Linyan up and down and said:

"Have you obtained information about this area in advance, or have you been to this world before?"

Realizing the doubts in this man's words, Fang Linyan didn't feel dissatisfied at all and asked instead:

"What is your mission? I have to listen to your needs first before I decide whether to do business with you. There are dangers everywhere! I am very short of money now, but I am even more afraid of death."

The short-haired girl hesitated and said:

"We have three tasks in total..."

Fang Linyan waved his hand impatiently and said:

"Don't be secretive, just share it with me. Words are sometimes just the smallest difference. If you don't describe it properly, we might suffer heavy casualties!"

[Tianlai Novel www.23txt.info] The short-haired girl was obviously a little confused by Fang Linyan's strength, so she went straight to look at the blond man. As a result, the blond man immediately sneered:

"I think you are a shameless liar..."

He stopped abruptly in the middle of his words, because Fang Linyan had already expected that people would question him, so he directly demonstrated the Lee Enfield short rifle he got and his drone capabilities.


Nothing is more convincing than facts.

Looking at the ugly face of the blond man opposite, Fang Linyan said simply:

"So you two, you have to understand one thing. I am the only one in this world who has the ability to sell information and serve as a guide, and there are more than forty contractors who need this! So, if I were you,

, you will definitely be polite to me."

The blond man stared at Fang Linyan for a while, exhaled a breath, then waved his hand to the short-haired girl:

"Show him."

Immediately, the main mission of this group of subsequent contractors was presented in front of Fang Linyan, and Fang Linyan quickly memorized it.

"Main Mission: Going Deep into the Monastery"

"Mission Summary: Save Bishop Molegni."

"Task tip: A sudden change occurred in the former sacred temple. Many magical creatures were attracted by the lost resonance energy. During the emergency withdrawal, Bishop Molegni was accidentally injured, so he was

He was forced to hide in a secret room. Later, the authorities organized two rescue operations in succession, but both ended in failure.

"Mission description: Successfully rescue Bishop Molegni and escort him to the square in front of the church."

"Additional mission reminder: The content of this main mission will change according to the situation of Bishop Molegni. If someone has rescued the bishop before you, then the main mission will become to find the bishop's diary lost in the monastery.

, if the diary has been taken away, it will continue to change.

"Warning: Successfully rescuing Bishop Molegni will result in the highest evaluation and the most generous rewards for the main mission. If the content of the main mission changes once, the evaluation and rewards will drop by one level."


"Side mission: King's Stone."

"Mission introduction: A mysterious man entrusts you to retrieve part of the King's Stone."

"Mission introduction: In the attached cemetery, there is a sacred stone called "Scoon". It was originally the traditional coronation seat of the King of Scotland and a symbol of his power. In 1297, Edward I brought it to London

, after the death of Edward I, he placed it in front of his grave as a merit.

The Scottish independence activists have been working hard to bring the King's Stone back, but they have never been able to do so... Over the course of hundreds of years, the stone was broken into four or five pieces and placed separately.

In the secret room of the attached cemetery.”

"Mission description: Bring back the King's Stone."

"Task tip: The mysterious man does not insist on getting all the parts of the King's Stone, but at least you have to get back one of them to get the reward. Of course, if you can bring him the entire King's Stone, then he will definitely not

He will be stingy with his rewards."


After understanding the content, Fang Linyan said simply:

"The entire detailed map of Westminster, including introductions to most of the monsters there, 5,000 common points."

"I will accompany you deep into Westminster Abbey and help you complete the main mission. 10,000 general points. If any loot appears after entering, I will choose one first."

"I will accompany you deep into Westminster Abbey and help you complete the King's Stone mission: 5,000 general points. If there are trophies after entering, I will choose one first."

After hearing Fang Linyan's quotation, the golden-haired man cursed on the spot and turned around with his men.

Fang Linyan shrugged and said that he was not in a hurry. It is wise not to shed tears until he sees the coffin. When he entered, there were police first and dragoons as cannon fodder. How could the rest of the people have such a unique advantage? Let them hit the wall.

You will know if you are expensive or not.

In fact, strictly speaking, the reason why Fang Linyan is able to sell information like this is thanks to the Mobius mark on his chest.

During the draft, this mark used the Bisca data flow to cover up part of Fang Linyan's abilities, allowing the other three major spaces to incorrectly evaluate his information. Therefore, in the internal records of the three major spaces, Fang Linyan got

The internal rating is very low.

How low is it?

Of all the people who participated in the draft at that time, please note that he participated in the draft rather than being selected... His paper rating ability was in the top three, but of course, he was at the bottom.

The result that Fang Linyan won the first place in the Ghost Face Dog Tag was attributed to a small probability event.

Then Noah Space R300 also has its own set of calculation and evaluation formulas. After simulating it with this calculation formula, I felt that Fang Linyan was a little reluctant to complete the task of exploring the Westminster area with his low strength, so he was completely left alone.


In the end, when Fang Linyan submitted the task, it seemed that he confirmed the evaluation results at that time. The exploration completion rate was only 64%, which can be said to be very barely reaching the passing line.

As for Fang Linyan's additional goal of completing special energy resonance, it can only be explained by a small probability event again.

Under this situation, Noah Space R300 was even more dismissive of Fang Lin Yan, but it did not expect that Fang Lin Yan would not take an unusual path at all, skipping the main tasks arranged and going directly to do private work.

During the exploration, I relied on my drone skills and stayed behind the characters in the plot. My main focus was on collecting all kinds of intelligence. I only wanted to pass the main mission, but in the end I wanted to be an intelligence dealer.


After the blond man left, two or three waves of people came one after another.

However, after they saw Fang Linyan's offer, almost all of them, without exception, mocked him for being crazy about money.

Fang Linyan didn't bother to pay attention to them. After these people experienced the brutal conditions inside Westminster Abbey, they would naturally understand why the flowers are so red and why my fees are so expensive...

Thinking of this, Fang Linyan simply didn't bother to wait here. He was now an old acquaintance with the Dragoons. He went straight to a field tent and lay down in it. He slept for an hour before talking. Speaking of which, he had become a trialist since then.

From then on, I developed the ability to fall asleep whenever I wanted, and within two minutes of falling down I was snoring sweetly.

However, Fang Linyan did not sleep for an hour at all. He was woken up after more than forty minutes, and the person who woke him up was Robbie.

At this time, Robbie's face was very anxious. Looking at the sleepy Fang Linyan, he said with embarrassment:

"I'm really sorry, sorry, but I just, just received a message saying that Nataya will come to see me after get off work!!"

It can be seen that Robbie was very panicked at this time, so much so that his words were somewhat incoherent.

Fang Linyan was stunned for a moment and said:

"What time does she get off work?"

Robbie said:

"Six o'clock in the afternoon, and then she should use Floo powder to go directly to the nearby area."

Fang Linyan calculated the time in his mind and said:

"No problem, there are still three and a half hours, which is enough."

After saying this, Fang Linyan pointed to the square and said:

"Have you noticed that there are a lot more people in the square? They are all bounty hunters and monster hunters I invited. To get your box back, you have to rely on their power. Don't worry, I will go there right away.

Arrange, we will set off in half an hour."

After listening to Fang Linyan's words, Robbie said gratefully:

"Mr. Wrench, you are such a noble gentleman!"

When Fang Linyan heard this, he looked up to the sky and shouted, haha:

"Wait for me here, I'll go find someone now."

Robbie said:


Next, Fang Linyan naturally went to the square again. This time, before he even raised the wooden sign, he saw the short-haired girl from before limping over. There were wounds on her face, and she knelt down on the ground crying.


"Please... please, save them, our people are trapped inside! It's so scary, so many flying snakes."

Fang Linyan said calmly:

"Calm down, my friend, my name is Wrench, what is your name?"

The girl with short hair said:

"Nite, my friends also call me Walnut."

Fang Linyan nodded and said:

"Okay, Ms. Walnut, I must know some things now, such as what area you are trapped in, how many of your people are left, and why you were able to escape successfully."

Walnut said with some lingering fear:

"There is a druid in our team, and his animal companion is a German blackback. With this dog leading the way, we first went to the attached cemetery. After entering, we saw a room and went to explore it. It turned out that the

The dog seemed to have discovered something through its sense of smell, which attracted a large group of flying snakes. I happened to be outside for a walk at the time, so I escaped..."

This chapter has been completed!
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