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Chapter 21: Beat up the drowned dog

Chapter 2099 Beat up the drowned dog

After staying in this battlefield for two minutes, Fang Linyan realized that the degree of damage here was quite alarming. These Cybertron worker bees would probably not be able to rest for a year or two.

At this time, Fang Linyan's first thought was of the Red Alert who transformed into a giant steel dragon, and the metal crow fighting with him. Only these two guys dared to fight unscrupulously here and not care.

as a result of.

After all, these two guys must have the credentials to legally enter this place.

Moreover, Fang Linyan now has a considerable degree of understanding of the fusion technology, that is, it can only be used as an explosive method, not a conventional combat method, because although the combined mechanical life form formed after the fusion is powerful, the consumption is also extremely terrifying.

As the saying goes, a man's outburst is always very short-lived, and he will be slaughtered after three seconds. Therefore, even if Red Alert and Metal Crow have not yet decided the winner, both sides must be at the end of their fight. Then

Isn’t it possible that I might make a big mistake?

Of course, Fang Linyan knew very well that the probability of this was low, but he wouldn't lose a piece of meat if he gave it a try, right?

So after making up his mind, Fang Linyan released his unique stealth drone and tried to track the traces of the fiercely fighting pair.

As a result, after the first batch of drones flew out, Fang Linyan's eyes immediately lit up. It turned out that less than a kilometer away from him, there was an obvious huge pit. This was a typical phenomenon caused later.

Destructive damage, and before the inside could be cleaned, smoke emitted.

Why Fang Linyan needs the help of a drone is because the explosion crater is located on the top of a building. The shape of the building is similar to a capacitor, but its volume is at least equivalent to a Wanda Plaza. The crater is also about ten meters in diameter.


After climbing up in threes and fives, Fang Linyan's first thought was that it would be good to get some crown sand. This stuff is a specialty product here, and it is probably very expensive outside.

As a result, after cleaning the coronal sand inside, it was discovered that there was a sharp and twisted fragment at the bottom, and the temperature on it was extremely high.

What's even more unique is that the surface of the fragment actually has light red patterns. Although the fragment has been peeled off from the main body, it is still pulsing like capillaries.

Seeing this fragment, Fang Linyan's eyes lit up.

Because the light red pattern was very recognizable, he confirmed its identity almost immediately. This thing was taken from Red Alert's body.

I really didn't expect that the high-ranking boss would have such a day. Thinking of this, Fang Linyan felt a sense of revenge in his heart. He immediately picked up the fragment and found that the reminder was a special item in this world and could not be taken out.

This world cannot be put into a private space.

But it doesn’t matter, for Fang Linyan, all he wants is the smell from it!

Next, Fang Linyan directly threw the fragment to Rubes, and then after thinking about it, he took out a few things from his personal space and began to assemble them quickly, and finally synthesized something similar to a mask and gave it to Rubes

Put it on.

This thing is a new thing that Fang Linyan researched and developed from his knowledge base after he became a kis engineer. It's called a perceptual amplifier.

After a mechanical creature wears this thing, it will lose mobility and defense, but its perception will be strengthened to a considerable extent.

In the research sequence of kis engineers, what is the original use of this sensing amplifier? It is used for early warning aircraft, or battlefield killers with similar functions.

Although this thing is small in quantity and has no offensive power, it is actually very useful.

To put it simply, the party with the upper hand on the early warning aircraft is equivalent to opening the full map plug-in.

Students who have played games such as CS, LOL, DOTA, etc. all know how disgusting the figure is. It is so annoying that people can’t help but join in.

However, when Fang Linyan was trying to make this thing, he suddenly came up with a bold idea. Although he did not have an early warning aircraft, Rubes relied on his sense of smell to make a living, and his olfactory tracking can be regarded as a kind of perception.


As a result, after making the thing, Fang Linyan tried it, and his eyes suddenly lit up. Damn it, it really works, but Lubos's combat effectiveness must have been greatly affected.

At this time, Fang Linyan installed this thing on it because the smell of debris on Red Alert was not too strong, so to be sure, he simply installed it first.

After Rubes obtained this thing, he immediately became more powerful and quickly led Fang Linyan towards the front.

And after its sense of smell was improved, it also gained a new ability, which is that it can use the intensity of the breath to determine whether there are Cybertron guards nearby.

These Cybertron guards also have their own unique smell. After Rubes memorizes this smell, he will directly draw a red line. Once an area with such a smell concentration higher than the 100-point threshold appears in the distance, it will be very dangerous.

There may be Cybertronian guards lingering there.

Because all Cybertron guards and even Transformers have a vague concept of "smell", there must be very few or even no protective measures in this area.

In this case, Fang Linyan, under the leadership of Lubos and protected by the vision provided by the micro-drone released by himself, traveled without any surprises along the way.

His journey was winding and winding, but he was able to achieve the effect of running wildly, and soon arrived at the second battlefield.

Standing on the high side of Linyan, you can see that on the plains in the distance, three wrecks have suddenly appeared, and there are about a dozen glowing triangles around them - Cybertron worker bees are clearing them away.

Fang Linyan didn't get close, and directly let the drone get closer, and then took the images of the wreckage and analyzed them one by one. He immediately discovered that two of the wreckage belonged to the guards who were combined with this guy Red Alert.

One of them forms the claws of the steel dragon, and the other forms the tail of the steel dragon, so even the wreckage has obvious corresponding features, so it is easy to identify.

As for the other wreckage, it belonged to a steel spider, which was the product of the previous attack on the steel whale Dardi. It seemed that many of them had escaped the fate of disintegration and came to support the battlefield here.

It is obvious from the current battle situation that the situation of Red Alert is very bad. As far as Fang Linyan's judgment is concerned, as long as the steel dragon he incarnates does not resolve the battle within the strong period of five minutes, then the final outcome will be failure.

It's inevitable

After continuing to track forward, Fang Linyan discovered two more battlefields one after another, and then discerned through some clues on the battlefield that the red alert was gradually beginning to come to an end.

It was obvious that the enemy knew it very well, and the dragnet they laid out was very targeted.

Fang Linyan's tracking methods are now quite sharp, so seeing this powerful, willful, and arrogant guy gradually being forced into a blind corner, for some reason, he feels a little happy in his heart.

About ten minutes later, Fang Linyan stopped in front of a building that resembled a lightning rod. Here, it could be seen that the pursuers were heading due west, but the prompt given by Rubes was to go north, which made Fang Linyan

Lost in thought.

At this time, Fang Linyan felt that the situation of Red Alert should be quite bad. In fact, based on the information he currently has, if Fang Linyan saw the burning wreckage of Red Alert a few hundred meters in front, he would not know at all.

Surprising, then why do such strange events occur?

After pondering on the spot for a few seconds, Fang Linyan suddenly squatted down, looked at the ground carefully, and then smiled:

"What a trick to get the golden cicada out of its shell. I really underestimated you, Red Alert. If it weren't for the support of Rubes' sense of smell, I might have been misled and followed the wrong route."

"It's really interesting. You were able to convince the Cybertron guards who have always remained neutral to help you escape. I don't know what price you paid for it!"

After Fang Linyan chased him for about a kilometer, he realized that a unique landform that he had never seen before appeared in front of him. If the previous internal environment of Cybertron was like a circuit board magnified hundreds of millions of times, then this place was like a crystal.

In the forest of clusters, crystal clusters more than twenty meters high are densely distributed everywhere, showing red and blue colors, which looks spectacular.

At the same time, the red and blue lights are constantly intertwined here, making people feel dizzy and uncomfortable.

After Fang Linyan arrived here, he was looking around to find where the red alert was. He felt that this was the time to beat up the drowned dog. But surprisingly, when he came to the edge of the crystal cluster forest, from the side

A behemoth actually walked out of the crystal cluster. It was none other than Red Alert.

It's just that compared to the previous high-spirited, Red Alert now looks very embarrassed. A small part of the entire head has been blown off from the position of the left eye, and weird ember-like flashes are still flashing from time to time at the cross section.

red light.

When the red light appears, a strong "sizzling" short circuit sound will be heard in the air, and a puff of green smoke will appear from the cross section.

At the same time, Red Alert's originally majestic and smooth metal body had many wounds and obvious layers of rust spots. These rust spots should have appeared on the body that had been immersed in a humid environment for a long time.

And it lasts for at least three months.

Humans may just pass by things like rust spots and be easily ignored. However, for silicon-based life forms like Transformers, rust is a very serious and terrible disease. It can almost be understood that humans suffer from it.

Malignant diseases such as acute skin cancer + gangrene are superimposed.

When Red Alert is walking, his whole body makes a "crunching" sound, and even his balance cannot be guaranteed. If one foot is deep and the other is shallow, debris and some broken parts will fall from the body!

Obviously, Red Alert has suffered a lot from the enemy in battles before! Youdao knows yourself and the enemy and is victorious in every battle. The opponent obviously also conducted a targeted investigation on it and then used a lot of corresponding restraint measures.

The Red Alert at this time looked comparable to the embarrassment of Megatron who had just been fished out of the sea!

"Look what I found!" Red Alert took the lead and said with a ferocious smile: "A little bug! A humble carbon-based creature! You managed to survive Dardi's fall, you probably don't want to die here!


As Red Alert said this, he already bent down and grabbed Fang Linyan. His thick steel fingers were sizzling with lightning and he seemed to be shaking very badly.

Fang Linyan looked at the red alert, and then said calmly:

"It's really interesting that you are still so arrogant under such circumstances. It seems that your previous high position had a great influence on you."

"It can be seen that you are even somewhat imitating Megatron. Unfortunately, you only imitated his arrogance and domineering, but did not possess his strength, so you look like a clown, absolutely.

What a clown!"

When Red Alert heard Fang Linyan's words, he suddenly felt as if he had been stabbed in a sore spot and roared crazily:

"Shut up! What do you know, ah ah ah ah, I am not as good as Megatron, I will turn you into a puddle of meat!!"

However, in the next second, Red Alert suddenly discovered that Fang Linyan had disappeared from his sensors, and then there was a strange feeling in his legs that he had never experienced before, as if something had sneaked into his legs, and

is spreading rapidly.

Of course, Red Alert didn't know that he was being fully scanned by Fang Linyan's metal control ability, but that feeling made Red Alert very unhappy and uneasy!

So he violently waved his arms and hit it in a rage, but he could only hit it in vain.

Moreover, after being seriously injured, his control over his body was greatly reduced, and as a result, his arm hit the crystal cluster next to him.

The crystal clusters here have a characteristic, that is, they will never be destroyed by frontal violent attacks. This causes Red Alert's huge arm to simply twist the moment it touches the crystal clusters.

It deformed, making a heart-wrenching "crunching" sound of metal twisting, and then emitted a large number of electric sparks and was paralyzed.

Then, after the thick arm, which weighed several tons, completely lost control, it bounced back and hit Red Alert's body hard, making him stagger, and a series of sparks appeared at the place where he was hit.

Fang Linyan followed the trend and suddenly exerted force. With both hands and four mental tentacles, he went all out, holding Red Alert's left calf and pulling hard towards the back.

Suddenly, Red Alert, who was already in a state of unstable center of gravity after staggering, felt an indescribable force coming from him. Then he finally lost his balance and fell hard to the side. There was a loud bang.

But this place still belongs to the crystal cluster area. Every time the indestructible crystal cluster is touched when it falls, it will cause a second damage to Red Alert.


This chapter has been completed!
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