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Chapter 50 The Rebirth of Vulcan

What does setting the tone mean?

This is like if you ask a girl out and directly scan the shared bicycle to pick her up, then the girl must have an idea of ​​the tone of the upcoming date: it seems that the next meal is not to go to Shaxian Hotel, that is, to have sex

At the Braised Chicken Club, the girl would probably immediately click on the WeChat avatar with a note of 510,000 spare tires to chat.

However, if you pick her up in a Ferrari, she will definitely understand the tone of the evening, and she will even thoughtfully remind you to bring your ID card to the movie.

It is worth mentioning that the first sacrifice at the end of the Trojan War was the head of Philimir, the general of the Trojan city-state, which immediately set the tone.

Next, Evelina held an olive leaf-shaped tray decorated with gold patterns in her hands, slowly walked towards Fang Linyan, and he directly gave the first sacrifice:

Fang Linyan half-knelt on the ground and presented his sacrifice in a standard manner - a ball of fiery red light the size of a fist. Even after it appeared, there was a violent smell of sulfur in the air.

As soon as this sacrifice appeared, the temperature in the entire hall directly increased by more than ten degrees, and even an angry roar came from the air:

"Heresy, don't let me surrender!"

Seeing this scene, everyone suddenly changed their expressions. Some of the priestesses with lower divine favors were so frightened that they collapsed to the ground. Even speaking seemed to be difficult. You must know that this is still the core of the goddess temple.


Evelina was immediately blessed by the goddess's power at this time, and the hands holding the tray immediately emitted light to form a shield to cover it. Even the high priest couldn't help being shocked when he saw this scene:

"Is this the godhead of the main god??!!"

The number one thing that the gods attach most importance to is the number of believers - Fang Linyan can't help it.

Second, of course, is the Godhead!

A complete godhead represents a complete law!

Take Athena as an example. Her main functions are wisdom and war, so she is almost invincible in this field.

After getting a new godhead, the god usually has three choices:

First, absorb it directly, and then understand the rules. In this case, it is very likely to condense a new priesthood. If it can complement your other priesthoods, your divine power will inevitably increase. For example, if Athena takes

When you reach the godhood of healing, you have completed a perfect closed loop of being able to fight, strategize, and heal.

Second, give it to someone you trust and let them comprehend and absorb the divine nature and make it their own follower.

This situation usually occurs when the obtained godhead is not closely related to one's own priesthood. For example, if Athena gets the godhead of a water god, then it is useless and she can just throw it to her younger brother.

Third, that is to crush the godhead, restore it to its original power, and then absorb it, thus directly increasing the upper limit of the god's power.

Or use this crushed power to cultivate the younger brother, but in this case, the probability of the younger brother becoming a god is actually not high, and at least half of the power of the godhead will be wasted!

This situation is rare, but it is not uncommon. That is, Athena has to use such an embarrassing method when she obtains the godhood of the Nordic Odin god system.

The main god's godhead mentioned by the high priest is rare! That means that this god was on par with the twelve main gods of Olympia during his lifetime, and was on an equal footing with Athena.

This is similar to Soviet weapons: the Su-27 fighter jet competes with the American F15 fighter jet, and Sony's PS3 competes with the XBOX360.

When the sacrifice was delivered to the statue of the goddess, Athena finally couldn't hold back the surprise in her heart. She leaned directly on the icon, leaned over and picked up the godhead. She quickly recognized it.


"This godhead comes from an alien plane, and its priesthood is: a volcano that represents disaster?"

Following the words of the goddess, a large illusion suddenly appeared in front of her. It can be seen that there are many volcanoes in this world. Once an eruption occurs, the people will be in great pain and a large number of villages and towns will be destroyed!

However, after the large amount of volcanic ash brought by the volcanic eruption fell on the earth, it became extremely fertile, and the crops grown on it could even ripen four times a year, with abundant fruits.

However, the soil in other parts of the world is extremely poor. It takes a year to accumulate fertilizer before planting crops. Moreover, the crops are ripe only once a year, and the fruit yield is only half of that in volcanic ash soil.

Because of this, the residents of this world can only endure the irregular eruptions of volcanoes and live and farm near volcanoes in order to have a good harvest.

Therefore, they sincerely worship the God of Volcanoes, hoping that this violent god can control the scale of each volcanic eruption and give as early a warning as possible before an eruption.

Because of this, the number of believers of this volcano god is astonishing, and his divine power has easily reached the level of the main god. He is violent and powerful.

But the first shot was that he fell in a battle between gods within the Hope Sector, and his godhead was directly taken away, and was finally exchanged for Fang Linyan.

After obtaining this godhead, Athena stayed in place for a rare moment. Then after more than ten seconds, she simply opened her mouth and blew, and she saw a wisp of red breath being exhaled from her mouth.

You must know that Athena descended directly on the icon at this time, so the red breath blown out from her mouth was actually not small, at least two or three meters long.

And this thing instantly turned into a big red hand in mid-air. It had thick bones, bursting veins, and heavy calluses. It looked like it would cover an area of ​​at least ten square meters when stretched out.

Immediately afterwards, a bronze hammer appeared in Athena's palm!

This hammer has simple lines and is made entirely of the hardest Martian stone. Its surface shines with blazing light, as if there are flames jumping in it.

The hammer head is conical, sharp and sharp, and seems to be able to penetrate all obstacles. The hammer handle is long and thick, with complex divine patterns carved on it, which contains mysterious power!

More importantly, after Fang Linyan and even anyone saw it, they could feel the majestic and vibrant power contained within it, and then the word "artifact" spontaneously emerged from his heart.

Obviously, this is not a popular artifact, it is a powerful artifact similar to the Balance of Order and the Aegis Aegis! In a sense, its appearance even represents the arrival of this god!

But what surprised Fang Linyan was that heavy weapons like hammers are inherently capable of restraining armor. Theoretically speaking, the lethality is very terrifying, but what he can sense from this hammer is not destruction, but heavy destruction.

Shaping, creating, and full of vitality, this is really surprising.

The next second, the big red hand that suddenly appeared grabbed the mysterious artifact hammer and smashed it directly on the god of the volcano god.

An angry and twisted face suddenly appeared behind the godhead, which should be the will of the volcano god hidden in it. It looked like he was about to open his mouth to say something, but the face immediately turned into little rays of light and drifted away.

Not only that, even the godhead was deformed by a single blow. It was originally only the size of a fist, but under the blow of this artifact hammer, it suddenly expanded to the size of a basin.

Then the big crimson hand couldn't wait to grab it, and the light suddenly became bright. A large crimson light group suddenly appeared in front of the icon. The surrounding light was burning and beating like a flame.

It looks awe-inspiring.

Athena was mumbling words at this time, and it seemed that she was blessing the light group in front of her.

Not only that, Fang Linyan noticed that next to Athena, a bright red light bloomed, forming a blazing and beautiful red rose, and then a blond beauty appeared, and she also began to perform magic on the light group.

This blonde beauty is none other than Aphrodite, the goddess of love.

Hyacinthus, the God of Plants, and Hypnos, the God of Sleep, also appeared together and helped sing beside them. It seemed that this large red light group was also very important to them.

Soon, a series of heroic and hearty laughter came from the entire hall:


This sound lingered and echoed throughout the entire hall, sounding very sonorous and powerful, like the sound of gold and iron clashing together, like the crisp sound of a blacksmith forging weapons.

Then a burly man appeared. His upper body was naked, his hair was red and curly, he looked very strong, he looked proud, and he was very heroic. He was holding the hammer from before, and there was a layer of mist around him.

Light flame.

When Athena saw this big man, before she could say anything, Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love, already smiled and said:

"Hephaestus, welcome back."

It turns out that this big man is one of the twelve main gods of Olympia, the God of Fire + the God of Forging, Hephaestus!

Fang Linyan suddenly realized that the origin of this god is very consistent with the god of the volcano. No wonder they can be seamlessly connected and reborn quickly with the help of a ray of origin stored in the goddess of wisdom Athena.

No! Fang Linyan suddenly thought of something else. What Hephaestus, the god of fire, had stored in Athena was more than just a trace of his origin?

Fang Linyan hadn't recognized that artifact before, but now that the real person has appeared, how could he still be ignorant?

This hammer is also famous, especially to him, its name has long been heard. It is not an offensive artifact at all, but the forging hammer Borak, an artifact used to create artifacts.


Although it is not famous, the artifacts that emerge from its beating have already shocked the world.

The aegis Aegis, the rod of Dionysus, the ring of Cupid, the loyalty of the rose, the throne of Hera, the golden carriage of the sun god, the golden bow and arrow of the little angel, etc., are all his masterpieces.

After listening to Aphrodite's words, Hephaestus also showed nostalgia in his eyes:

"I still remember that the last time I saw you was at the Bacchus' banquet. I didn't expect to see you again in another world, more than 4,700 years ago."

When Hephaestus woke up, Athena had already conveyed to him all the events, as well as the current situation. The communication between gods was so convenient and fast, so Hephaestus was so emotional.


Meishen smiled and said:

"I never expected that we would be able to survive the twilight of the gods and reunite again! Let's have a feast today and have a proper reunion."

Hypnos, the God of Sleep, said impatiently:

"Quiet, we are still at the site of the Thousand Ox Festival of the God of Wisdom. The first sacrifice has just been completed. Please watch the ceremony!"

After hearing what Hypnos said, the other gods suddenly became quiet. After all, sacrifices are very sacred, let alone a thousand bull sacrifices?

Making trouble or being rude at this time is like making trouble at someone's wedding celebration or eighty-year-old birthday, which will directly lead to deadly enmity!

Seeing that the surroundings had returned to normal, a golden light suddenly shot towards the tray where Fang Linyan had placed the sacrifices, and there was also an illusion of a white owl flying around it, which meant that the gods were offering sacrifices to Fang Linyan.

The sacrifices were extremely satisfactory—at least the first sacrifices were so.

Of course, what follows is a series of complex rituals that are dazzling and dizzying, and then comes another highlight:

The offering of sacrifices.

Facing the handed tray and the curious eyes of the surrounding gods, Fang Linyan calmly took out a handful of divine power! He sprinkled it directly into the plate!!

It looked as if I had grabbed a handful of worthless artificial pearls and tossed them randomly into the plate.

Such a coquettish operation immediately made the surrounding gods dumbfounded.

You know, in the Olympus pantheon, although there are battles between gods, they will also fight to the death. For example, Zeus's god king is the third generation, and the two previous generations are Uranus and Kerno.

Nos, but even after defeating the opponent, the remaining godhead was immediately swallowed, how could it still remain?

Only in a place like the Hope Sector, where the population is extremely large, the three major religions regularly launch holy wars, and countless gods, deities, and demigods have fallen over the years, can there be any spare godhead.

These gods are usually regarded as hard currency among the gods, and it is difficult for mortals to get involved. It is also thanks to some good things in the Dow Jones exchange that even the gods covet, that Fang Linyan can exchange for these.

Of course, the quality of the godhead that Fang Linyan produced this time was not that good.

Among the seven godheads, three are from the gods, namely the God of Birds, the God of Dawn and the God of Twilight Mist. Their size is even worse than that of the God of Volcanoes, only about the size of a broad bean.

The quality of the remaining four godheads is even worse. They should be the kind of powerful demigods who have just come into contact with the clerical field. They are only the size of a grain of rice, and the light they emit is also weak. They are the lowest among the godheads and are called the last.

Waiting for Godhead.()

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