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Chapter 70

seven days later,

Three thousand kilometers away from Linggang,

There are two rays of light that are constantly fighting in the universe.

The extinction tide passed through this place just two days ago, so the once brilliant starry sky now showed chaos and filth.

The light of the stars was shrouded in a thick layer of haze, as if bound by an invisible force, unable to penetrate the thick layer of darkness. The night sky was no longer a deep and mysterious black, but an indescribable gray mixed with

There are little stains on it, as if a layer of oil paint has been splashed on it that is difficult to wash off.

In this chaotic starry sky, the stars have lost their former brilliance and tranquility. They shine with a weak and unstable light, like lights struggling in despair. Some stars have lost their original positions, and they seem to have been

Pulled by some kind of force, it floats around in the night sky, like a lost child looking for the way home.

That might also be a sign that the hidden chaos beast is quietly moving around.

In the distance, there are occasional dazzling lights streaking across the sky, but their trajectories appear extremely twisted and unstable. They are no longer the graceful and mysterious streaks, but like thrown stones, flying in the air.

Tumbling and falling. Every fall seemed to announce the end of this starry sky.

Moreover, these special trajectories are like the streamers of death. Once they pass by, they may be fine, but they may also be severely cut by the power of chaos contained in them, directly leading to the most terrifying consequences.

Suddenly, two groups of light suddenly appeared and intertwined together. After a series of rapid and fierce collisions, one group of light quickly retreated toward the rear, while the other group of purple-black light stayed in place.

This guy is clearly a chaotic creature!

As the light receded, it gradually became clear that it was no other creature, but the blood-striped arbiter controlled by Fang Linyan. Fang Linyan in the cockpit wiped the blood from his face. This action caused his left eye to be smeared.

There was so much blood that the whole world looked bright red, and then the whole body leaned to the left with all its strength.

In this way, the huge blood pattern arbiter also made a quick horizontal roll. Considering its astonishing height and weight, you can know how high the gold content is.

Such a swift tactical action directly allowed the blood-striped arbiter to dodge a terrible blow - the enemy's arm and foot swept past, less than half a meter away from the blood-striped arbiter's back, and even the black surface of the arm and foot was

The mist was so thick that it reached the surface of the armor.

What attacked Fang Linyan and the others was a chaos jellyfish. It actually had nothing to do with jellyfish, but its appearance was 50% or 60% similar to it.

Its head is composed of six evil eyes of chaos, and below it is a black foot of chaos that extends nearly a hundred meters long. It is extremely concealable, and once the foot of chaos entangles the target, it will wrap it tightly.


This chaos jellyfish has corresponding records in the database, and the internal evaluation risk level is A.

The final suggestion is to stay away or run away, because it is very difficult to deal with and has extremely low killing value.

There was once a Son of God who was attacked by a Chaos Jellyfish, and then killed him at a huge cost. In the end, he was disappointed to find that nothing valuable was found in this guy's body.

Therefore, the advice given in the database is to dodge as far as you can after encountering it, and don't fight back if you are hit by it.

In fact, Fang Linyan also strictly followed the prompts given in the database. He did not retaliate when scolded or hit, and he ran away when he encountered him.

But perhaps due to the influence of the extinguishing tide, this Chaos Jellyfish set its sights on the rapidly advancing Magical Battle Fortress and pursued it for more than 50,000 kilometers! The posture was as if the two parties had a hatred for killing their father and taking away their wives.


This is the disorder of chaotic creatures. Without any warning, they will go crazy and chase their targets to the ends of the earth. Of course, it is also possible that when they have the upper hand, they will suddenly lose all will to fight.

In fact, the Magical Battle Fortress could have continued to escape, but the meteorite belt was in front of us. If it kept crashing into it at super high speed, even if the Magical Battlefort's armor and survivability were fully strengthened, it would not be able to hold on for long.


Under this situation, Fang Linyan could only control the Blood Pattern Arbiter to fight, but as soon as he met, he was tricked by the opponent. The Chaos Jellyfish actually used an illusion to attract his attention, and slapped him hard with one arm and leg from behind.

On the body of the blood-striped arbiter!

The powerful strength of the chaotic creature was undoubtedly demonstrated at this moment. Such a fierce collision directly caused a lot of damage to the blood pattern arbiter, and the location where the tentacle hit was coincidentally right in front of the main control room.

Therefore, although Fang Linyan was heavily protected inside the machine, he was injured by the flying debris inside the machine at this moment, and even his left eye was blown out. Although such injuries can still be healed in the future, it still makes him feel uncomfortable now.

He looked miserable.

Fang Linyan also realized at this moment that although it was convenient, quick and worry-free for him to find someone to hunt the monsters on the blood book list before, and it also prevented his own strength from being leaked, the consequences were now fully demonstrated:

That is because I seriously lack actual combat experience in controlling the Blood Pattern Arbiter!

There is a saying that goes well, no matter how long and good you practice on the training field, it is not as good as actually going to the battlefield for five minutes. Even if there are more than ten gigabytes of teacher videos on the hard drive, you will still be sweating profusely when you actually go into battle.

This sudden attack from the Chaos Jellyfish was a severe lesson for Fang Linyan's "truant behavior"!

"Fortunately, my war machine is strong enough, and I still have a chance to make a comeback!!"

At this time, the strange ring that automatically floated beside the Blood Pattern Arbiter - the quart system started to rotate again, quickly turning from the original ring into a strange sphere, and it was still in a unique and looming state.

This unique state is called the phase state. Unless the enemy's attack has the special ability to cross planes, it cannot cause damage to the quartet system itself.

A series of information and analysis instantly appeared in Fang Linyan's mind:

"The enemy data has been entered."

"Enemy data is being analyzed."

"The enemy model is under construction."


"The current best attack method is: Fallen Matrix!"

The next second, a light blue space door suddenly opened next to the Blood Pattern Arbiter, and then a metal warrior rushed out from it. Long tail flames were sprayed out from behind his feet, aiming at the person in front.

The chaos jellyfish rushed forward with one arm.

When he was about a hundred meters away from the arms and legs, the warrior suddenly transformed and turned into a metal stegosaurus. He ducked under the arms and legs as soon as he buried his head.

The sharp sword cluster on its back instantly caused continuous cutting damage to the Chaos Jellyfish. Moreover, the sword cluster looked less than half a meter long from the outside, but in fact, the moment it missed the enemy, it actually exploded.

It has a sharp light blade that is more than five meters long, and the attack type is also converted into an orderly one under the control of the quart system.

Therefore, this arm was immediately broken off, and then the broken arm was actually jumping around in the universe, as if it had self-awareness and was about to launch a pincer attack on the blood pattern arbiter.

It's just that the Quart System seemed to have anticipated this. The Blood Pattern Arbiter shot a decoy bomb from the shoulder, and this thing also contained a strong power of order!

Please note that it is not powerful, but intense and very recognizable!

The severed arm and leg were immediately attracted by the bait bomb, and it jumped towards the bait bomb, completely ignoring the control signal sent by the main body.

After this scene appeared, Chaos Jellyfish immediately became a little anxious.

Originally, its severed limbs still retain combat effectiveness and are a very unique killing weapon. However, there are pros and cons in everything. Once the severed arms and legs are too far away, it can easily lose control completely, and then rely on the powerful characteristics of its own chaotic creatures.

, split into a separate individual with sufficient nutrition.

Chaos creatures have little chance of being of the same species, and it is not uncommon for them to kill each other. If this severed limb re-grows into a daughter body, it might cause huge trouble to the main body.

Therefore, the Chaos Jellyfish's offensive immediately slowed down! Seizing this opportunity, the Blood Pattern Arbiter suddenly sprayed out a stream of flames from his waist. The powerful thrust caused the huge war machine to quickly stretch its body and make a charged move.

force action.

At the same time, the metal stegosaurus that cut off the arms and legs of the Chaos Jellyfish transformed again in the air and turned into a golden flail. Under the influence of powerful electromagnetic force, it quickly flew into the hands of the Blood Pattern Arbiter, and then whipped down violently!

This golden flail hit the Chaos Jellyfish's forehead hard, and three of the six Chaos Demonic Eyes immediately exploded with a "crack" sound, and the powerful electric current caused its body to twitch continuously.

But the most difficult thing about the chaotic creature is not its combat power, but its ability to withstand pollution and be as durable as brown sugar! If such an attack doesn't last a hundred times, there is no way it can cause serious damage to it.

Take the Chaos Eye that was just exploded. After a few seconds, the injured area began to squirm and twist in an attempt to recover. At the same time, the other arms and legs also rolled towards it, forming a situation where it was surrounded from all sides.

But the Quart System spun again at high speed, and responded promptly. The golden flail's fallen matrix was also radiant with light, and it was drawn out again, directly cutting off the three tentacles drawn out.

Then he repeated the same trick and fired four decoy bombs, successfully deceiving three more tentacles.

Now the unlucky Chaos Jellyfish dare not ignore it. Once the four escaped tentacles awaken their self-awareness, they can threaten the safety of the body. In this case, it no longer cares about fighting the blood pattern arbiter.

Letting out a strange scream, he aimed towards the distance and rushed forward.

At this time, the suggestion of Quart System came into Fang Linyan’s mind:

"The enemy has lost the will to fight. There is no need to waste energy again. It is recommended to let him go."

After hearing this suggestion, Fang Linyan's eyes shone with light, and then he tightened his fingers on the control ball.

Suddenly, another light blue space door opened in the void, and then another powerful war machine appeared. It was in the form of a centaur at the beginning, but in the next second it quickly transformed into a

He made a long bow that shone with golden light and fell directly into the hands of the blood pattern arbiter.

The centaur Chiron appears! Transformed directly into a powerful weapon: the executioner's bow!

The three crimson crystals on the long bow's body quickly shone and began to resonate with the Blood Pattern Arbiter.

Immediately afterwards, the bow string was loosened, and a sharp red light fell from the sky, hitting the Chaos Jellyfish in the distance like a meteor. Then the light quickly materialized, and suddenly formed an extremely sharp snake-headed arrow.

The Chaos Jellyfish was nailed to the void sky.

This arrow first broke through the tough skin of the Chaos Jellyfish, pierced into one of its Chaos Demonic Eyes, then penetrated more than five meters deep before piercing out from the other side of its body, and finally pierced like a dimensional anchor.

It entered the space barrier and firmly pinned the Chaos Jellyfish to the void.

The powerful force of order attached to the arrow reacted violently with the inside of the Chaos Jellyfish. The part of the Chaos Jellyfish that came into contact with it was like flesh and blood touching a red-hot iron rod, making a sizzling sound, and then returned.

Begins to corrode and dissolve rapidly.

Of course, such an injury can only be said to be a serious injury to a chaotic creature and will not be fatal. However, the powerful binding force it produced made this guy crazy. He could only watch his three severed arms and legs move away quickly.

Go, once the distance between the two parties increases to more than fifty kilometers, there is a high probability that the severed arm and foot will lose control, become independent, and then take the initiative to escape.

Fifty kilometers may be a long way for humans on foot, but for a commercial airliner that can fly, it is only eighty or ninety seconds, not to mention that this is space! For creatures that can chase and fight in it,

A mere fifty kilometers is nothing to mention.

And Fang Linyan's arrow, which contains powerful space power, can trap this chaotic creature for at least ten minutes.

He had no intention of wasting any more time on this mutated and disgusting monster. The Blood Pattern Arbiter quickly disintegrated and ended the combined state. Fang Linyan's body came into the cockpit of the Greedy Needle, and then flew with all its strength and aimed at the front.

The Magical War Castle gave chase.

During the pursuit, Quart System came to the cockpit of Greedy Needle and flew parallel to it, and then began to communicate with Fang Linyan in a flash:

"Master, can I understand your previous thinking mode? Your decision confuses me."

Fang Linyan said:

"What's wrong?"

Quart System says:

"That Chaos Jellyfish is about to leave. You could let it go, but you actually shot a Weeping Arrow at it. However, this arrow wasted more than 300,000 points worth of casting materials, 17%

You received the energy quota, but you didn’t receive any reward, and your departure was delayed by fifty-four seconds.”

"So, I still think that the advice I gave you before was right. You should just let it go instead of continuing to attack it."

Fang Linyan smiled and said:

"You are not a human being, you are just a data stream, so you cannot understand what I am doing. This is actually normal."

Quart System said stubbornly:

"Master, you should explain to me clearly that I am a powerful AI with the ability to learn. I must obtain more information from you in order to provide you with more optimized services."

After hearing Quart System's words, Fang Linyan's smile disappeared, and he pondered for a while:

"You said that there was no benefit after I shot that arrow of mourning. This is actually wrong."

Quart System was suddenly at a loss and spun a few times quickly:

"Excuse me, I really didn't find any benefit. Did I miss something?"

Fang Linyan said:

"In a small way, I gained happiness!"

"This damn chaos jellyfish stared at me for no reason. I ran 50,000 kilometers without fighting back or yelling back, but it still bites and refuses to let go. This undoubtedly makes me feel very unhappy!"

"I gave it an arrow, which made the bastard hurt and feel pain, and prevented it from retracting its arms and legs. This made me feel happy and my thoughts clear!"

Quart system suddenly sluggish:

"Ah? Can emotional changes also be regarded as benefits?"

Fang Linyan said:

"Of course, in order to gain positive emotional benefits, humans are actually willing to sacrifice a lot of things, even their own lives! You don't know what 688 is, and you don't know what 1314 is. You are just a battlefield AI and don't understand these things.

It’s normal.”

"Looking at the big picture, after I fucked this guy once, he will definitely not give up. He will keep moving around looking for me as an enemy. But don't forget, that old bastard Dinwick sold it at a high price.

My relevant information."

"That means that someone will be following you soon, and the Magical Battle Castle they are riding in has a high probability of encountering this crazy chaos jellyfish. What do you think will happen in the end? It will turn into my help

, clean up those guys who may be following you."

The ring surface of the quart system began to rotate slowly and shine:

"Master! After your analysis, it seems to make sense."

Fang Linyan said calmly:

"So you still have a lot to learn. After a battle, the one who is repulsed does not necessarily lose, but the one who may leave is the winner! Sometimes what seems like useless effort is actually the core and key to fighting this battle.


Quart System was at a loss, confused, and after a while he said:

"Human beings are so complex."

Only then did Fang Linyan say:

"Really, you can't learn it? Then you should just make a battlefield auxiliary information collection system."

At this time, the Greedy Needle had turned into a stream of light, quickly traveling through the meteorite belt. In front of it was the Magical War Fortress that was slowing down and was about to successfully send Fang Linyan back to the top.

Fang Linyan didn't know that the Chaos Jellyfish he attacked ran away without looking back after breaking free from the Weeping Arrow, without any intention of revenge.

Because it has sensed that its three broken arms and legs have completely lost control, it will become self-aware in a short period of time, and then transform into a three-headed body.

All chaotic creatures are very ferocious, and any kind of cooperation and division of labor is impossible, because that is a characteristic of orderly creatures, such as bees, ants and other creatures, and the female mantis who eats the male mantis during mating is closer.

To the creatures of chaos.

Therefore, as long as this chaos jellyfish does not want to be surrounded by its three split offspring and then eaten as food, running away is actually the wisest choice.

Therefore, what actually caused big trouble to the following Magical Battle Castle was the offspring of the three Chaos Jellyfish. They would attack each other when nothing happened, and learn fighting skills in the process until they were exhausted.

until they are exhausted, and when they sense the presence of prey nearby, they will join forces to fight against the enemy until they transform from offspring into mature bodies.


This is the time when the extinction tide comes, so the energy of chaos is extremely high. Chaos creatures will also be pushed by the terrifying extinction tide, and their bodies will move around involuntarily. Therefore, the offspring of these three chaotic creatures will not have to worry about running out of food.

Of course, there are also times when someone is beaten to the point of running away with his head in his arms.

The magic battle forts that followed Fang Linyan, without exception, all had their weapon systems banned. Naturally, they were treated as soft persimmons by the three chaos jellyfish, which helped Fang Linyan a lot.


Back to business,

Fang Linyan and his group finally successfully arrived at Linggang by relying on the strengthened and renovated magic battle fort.

Before the extinction tide came, the route from the Hope Sector to Linggang was actually a very mature route. Basically, it would be possible to have an accident every twenty or thirty times.

However, during the extinction period, when this specially modified magic battle castle arrived here, its overall shape was already like a ping pong ball that had been stepped on, and its appearance was even darker, as if it had been stepped on.

It's like a fire burning.

You should know that this was still under the condition that Fang Linyan drove the Blood Pattern Arbiter to escort him throughout the entire journey.

When the tide of destruction comes, it is really terrifying. It feels like everything in the world will be torn apart by it crazily, not to mention the terrifying and savage chaotic creatures contained within.

I have to say that Bangadamo played a big role here. His danger perception allowed the Magic Battle Castle to successfully avoid several extremely dangerous turbulences. Once he was involved in it, it would be a disaster, even if Fang Linyan faced it

It is difficult to ensure that one can escape from such a danger.

Linggang has also become devastated, beyond recognition, and almost everything has been destroyed. Fang Linyan and the others originally planned to supply supplies after they came here, but at this time, it seems that several permanent warehouses built here have been

It has been contaminated by the power of chaos and is obviously unusable.

According to the previous agreement, the magic battle fort Fang Linyan was riding in slowly took off, and then used the only remaining weapon: a fusion beam aimed at a distance and fired a shot. This fusion beam was similar to a laser cannon, but when it was fired, it was different from other weapons.

The beam will scatter differently, and it will quickly condense and zoom.

To be more specific, when the fusion beam is first emitted, it is a giant beam of light with a diameter of more than ten meters. However, after it flies a hundred kilometers, the diameter will be reduced to one meter. After it flies out, the beam will be concentrated.

The smaller it gets.

Of course, there is a threshold for this degree of concentration, and it will become ineffective after reaching this threshold.

According to the magician's calculations, the fusion beam is a typical long-range strike weapon. When it is a thousand kilometers away from the launch point, its diameter will be focused to about one centimeter, its power will reach its peak, and then it will begin to scatter rapidly.


When this fusion beam hit the void, it didn't seem to have much of a reaction, but after two minutes, the starry sky in the distance suddenly became a little rough and blurry, like looking through frosted glass.


Soon after, a behemoth emerged from its stealth state. This guy's appearance looked somewhat similar to the prehistoric behemoth on Earth: Basilosaurus! But the mottled ring-shaped scars on its body undoubtedly made it clear that this was

A powerful and uncontrollable chaotic creature!!

Moreover, such a powerful chaotic creature has almost reached the top level of the food chain among chaotic creatures. It is almost impossible to appear in this area normally, just like a blue whale will not come to play in the shallow sea beach area.

Immediately afterwards, the Chaos Basilosaurus Whale began to swim towards the Magical Battle Fortress. The speed seemed slow, but it felt like it was constantly teleporting.

After this guy got closer, a group of people realized how huge it was. Its length was at least nearly a hundred kilometers, but its eyes exceeded the size of the entire Magical Battle Fortress.

What's even more terrible is that this giant swam towards the Magical Battle Fortress without any hesitation at all, and slowly opened its mouth.

It seems that in its eyes, the Magical Battle Castle should be just a candy ball or a dessert after a meal, and that terrifying giant mouth, wow! It is just like the gate of hell, or the entrance to the terrifying abyss.

"No, we must run away immediately!!"

Carrick, desperate for his life, screamed at the top of his lungs.

At the same time, he was frantically controlling the Magical Battle Castle to enter the highest alert state and prepare to run away.

But at this time, Fang Linyan's heart jumped suddenly, because he suddenly saw something on the forehead of Basilosaurus. Taking a closer look, it was the giant meteorite that carried Wenyin Port, and even Wagu

The Siberian Hills are among them!

In other words, the Utopia Gate carrying the corpses of his teammates was also pressed against the head of this Chaos Basilosaurus.

Obviously, chaotic creatures do not have such a habit.

"Could it be said that this Chaos King Dragon Whale came to meet my envoy under the orders of those two black figures?"

An incredible idea suddenly appeared in Fang Linyan's mind.

He immediately shouted to Carrick:

"Don't resist, there shouldn't be much risk."

After hearing Fang Linyan's words, Carrick turned around and showed a sad and bitter smile:

"Sir, in fact, I can't resist. A mysterious and powerful force has been transmitted just now, directly paralyzing our power system!"

After hearing his words, the others were also stunned, and Tier even said desperately:

"OH, shit! Although I knew that I would probably die on the battlefield, I never thought that I would die in the monster's belly and be excreted in the form of feces!"

Seeing this scene, the rest of the crew also fell into chaos. Some were crying, some were busy leaving last words for their families, and some were looking for alchemy bottles - this thing is very strong and can be used for

Important items that are small in size may be found by others later.

Fang Linyan was about to speak, but Bangadamo stood up and said calmly:

"Quiet, I don't feel death approaching."

Bangadamo quickly showed his value after boarding the ship, so of course Fang Linyan would not hide him, and quickly used magic to transform him into a silicon-based life.

There is no doubt that such a strange life form is what Bangadamo has been pursuing. Just as he predicted before, although the curse on him is still there at this time, it can no longer cause any trouble.

Just like a severely abnormal, cauliflower-shaped sharp wormwood would make the infected person miserable, but even if it were ten times worse, it would be useless against a piece of rock.

Youdao, having won Long, looked to Shu. After Bangadamo solved the imminent problem, of course he set his sights on the godhead reward promised by Fang Linyan. After all, his silicon-based life only took effect for fifteen years, so at this time

Bangadamo's enthusiasm was the highest, ahem, like an old dog that had tasted the sweetness but was not yet full. He indeed gave Fang Linyan a great help during the journey.

Seeing the highly prestigious Bangadamo stand up, the rest of the people also got out of their panic state.

At this time, the huge mouth had occupied the entire screen, biting it down with overwhelming force. The external alchemical eyes used for observation also dimmed in an instant. In an instant, everyone completely lost control of the outside world, and at the same time held their breath in despair.

People with poor psychological quality may even close their eyes if they stop breathing.

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the entire Magical War Fortress was as silent as a tomb.

After about fifteen seconds, Carrick suddenly let out a cheer:

"Wow!! Great genius! We survived. Master, your judgment is right!"

Tyr hurriedly asked:

"How did you judge that?"

Carrick vowed:

"Although the old fellow we are riding on has been strengthened in terms of defense and survivability, when it sailed here, it was already covered with bruises and was at the end of its strength. If this Chaos Basilosaurus had any ill intentions towards us, it would not have survived until now.

No damage warning was issued.”

Hearing what he said, the second officer next to him immediately rushed to his post, inspected it carefully, and whistled excitedly:

"Although this guy with the bald head has a bad mouth, his judgment is really good. That's true. All the data shows that everything is normal!"

After hearing the conversation between these people, everyone cheered and smashed the things at hand into the air. The excitement of narrowly escaping death made them feel an urgent need to vent. There was even an unrestrained guy.

He took off his pants and started waving in the air while screaming and whistling.

Fang Linyan did not stand up and be a villain at this time, and said simply:

"Everyone, bring out the wine! As for the barbecue arrangement, there is no limit to the fruit. Today's supply cabin is fully open to you. Let's celebrate our luck!"

The group of people all cheered, and then left their posts and began to enjoy this rare period of relaxation.

The second officer suddenly asked:

"Sir, are you sure it's a supply cabin? Including supply cabin K?"

Fang Linyan nodded, and the group of people immediately exchanged glances, and then swarmed out excitedly.

There is no doubt that working on the Magical Battle Fortress is hard, boring, and even fatal. The staff will be under a lot of pressure, so they urgently need ways to relieve stress.

For ordinary people with healthy personalities and hobbies, there are only two ways to quickly relieve stress:

Alcohol and sex.

In the supply cabin K, there are more than fifty androids in stock. They can only do some simple activities and make some indescribable sounds, which seem to be very useless.

But in fact, the funds are mainly spent on appearance, modeling, and body feeling, because they are all restored with 1:1 replicas of celebrities.

Therefore, these bionic people can bring those lonely crew members more experience and pleasure than real people, and then lose three to five grams of weight when they leave them.

For some special men who don't take the usual path, several bionic humanoids have been made to look like men and are equipped with artificial rectums with hemorrhoids - surprisingly, these have the highest usage rate

, the damage rate has also remained high, which is the core reason why the K supply cabin needs to be opened for a limited time.

After all, everyone on the Magical Battle Castle has a full schedule and cannot waste too much time repairing these things.

Looking at the empty operation hall, Bangadamo smiled bitterly:

"Your Excellency, you are too lenient with them. Once any emergency occurs now, we will be completely passive."

Fang Linyan sighed and said:

"If they stick here, can we successfully handle various accidents?"

After hearing Fang Linyan's answer, Bangadamo could only smile bitterly. He also realized that the current situation was so special and dangerous, so he could only resign himself to his fate.

After all, the entire Magical Battle Castle has now been swallowed up by the Chaos Basilosaurus, and other people may have had similar experiences like this, but it is absolutely impossible to share this experience.

So as Fang Linyan said, since it doesn't matter whether the crew members stay or not, it's better to let them seize the time to relax and release their pressure.

After a day's rest, Fang Linyan actually received good news, that is, there was a new major discovery and breakthrough in the cage of the Abyss Lord's childhood.

Fang Linyan rushed over after hearing this. After seeing the research materials, he immediately participated in the whole process.


at the same time,

The Abyss Lord also obtained relevant information through his own channels and pursued directly.

What he was riding was not a magic battle fortress, but a powerful flying ship. The appearance of this thing was disguised as a huge meteorite, and the core of the meteorite was a spherical flying ship.

Although the space inside is not large, it is as small as a sparrow and has all the internal organs. The prototype of this spaceship comes from the spherical spaceship that Vegeta and Nappa ride in the Dragon Ball world, but it has obviously undergone a lot of improvements to make it more concealable.

, survival type, speed, space and other aspects have been comprehensively improved, and the abyss lord also paid a lot of price to get it.

So the Abyss Lord witnessed a magic battle fortress being attacked by two chaos jellyfish and then being eroded. After realizing that all emergency measures were ineffective, the captain of the magic battle fort bravely chose to self-destruct.

Even before the self-destruction, there were still a few small black spots flying out from the vicinity of the Magical Battle Fortress, like those small flying insects fleeing in panic.

But unfortunately, the arms and legs scattered around the Chaos Jellyfish did not let go of these unlucky ones who were trying to make a final struggle. They waved their arms and legs to easily stick these escape hatches one by one and send them into their mouthparts.

This scene is very calm, and it is reminiscent of the scene where Kong Yiji, while saying "too much, not too much", smeared saliva on his index finger, dipped the sesame seeds that fell on the table, and put them into his mouth.

There is no doubt that after seeing this scene, the Abyss Lord did not have any intention to save people. Instead, he controlled the spacecraft to deliberately stay away from that area. The Abyss Lord did have a way to deal with the two chaotic jellyfish, but his goal was

Wrench, how can you waste extra energy on this?

In just the next second, the Abyss Lord regretted the decision he had made, because the star realm he had just sailed into seemed safe, but was filled with violent turbulence, which completely caused his spacecraft to lose control in a short period of time.


Amidst the frantic sirens, the Lord of the Abyss suddenly understood why the first sentence in the Captain's Manual of the Magical Battle Castle was:

"Don't leave the channel under any circumstances unless you think your life is too long."

However, Lord Abyss's realization came too late.

Under normal circumstances, the consequences of deviating from the channel may only result in damage to the battle fort and failure of the mission, but now is the time of extinction!

The risk of deviating from the waterway will be infinitely magnified, just like driving off the road within the territory of National Highway 318 XZ in winter, you will face a huge risk of car crash and death.

Although the abyss lord tried every means, he was still involuntarily involved in the turbulent flow. What was even worse was that he got mixed into an even larger and crazier undercurrent of chaos, and was carried away by the current towards the unknown.


In this turbulence, the Abyss Lord's aircraft creaked and creaked, as if it was about to collapse at any time, but he had an indifferent look on his face, as if he was not worried about his situation at all.

Suddenly, Tsukuyomi's vision appeared in the cockpit:

"Great master, we found something very strange. I think you need to come and take a look."

The Lord of the Abyss stood up and looked at the display screen. His eyes immediately focused on a large group of strange fog in front of him.

After looking carefully, I realized that the mist seemed to be made up of many densely packed strange creatures, some similar to the midges that gather together in summer evenings. They kept rolling and rolling, and they seemed to be vying for each other.

He pounced towards something at the core.

Although the specific content of that thing could not be clearly seen, it made the abyss lord's heart beat faster, and he felt as if it was connected to his soul and life.

The Lord of the Abyss immediately ordered: Get closer!!

About ten minutes later, the Abyss Lord paid a huge price to drive away those strange creatures, and even received a wound that was almost cut in half. He looked very embarrassed.

However, he didn't care about these injuries, but held tightly the thing he just snatched from outside, with a look of ecstasy in his eyes.

That was a severed hand!! It was frozen in a hard substance like ice, and the color was dead white. More importantly, there was a ring on the finger of the severed hand.

A strange snake is devouring the strange ring on its tail!

That is the ring that holds the power of destiny: the Ring of Ouroboros!!

The Lord of the Abyss couldn't believe his eyes, but he had also owned the Ring of Ouroboros for a long time, and had also been its master for a time. The familiarity from the heart was absolutely unmistakable.

With an indescribable ecstasy, the Lord of the Abyss grabbed the severed hand, then looked up to the sky and smiled, then started to cry loudly while laughing.

This is a fateful encounter, and it seems to be an arrangement of fate. ()

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