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Chapter 25 Falling out

At this time, Burwell had already taken out the anesthesia gun and started debugging it. Fang Linyan looked back and immediately objected:

"No, the Chrysanthemum wasp itself can secrete venom with extremely strong anesthetic effects. Its most famous habit is to capture insects, then use paralyzing venom to make them immobile, and then lay eggs next to the prey."

"Half a month later, the prey in a state of suspended animation is still alive, and its larvae have hatched, just in time to eat the fresh food next to it!"

"If you use a tranquilizer gun to deal with this mutant wasp, there is a high probability that it will be ineffective. You must use a net gun. In order to ensure the hit rate, you must be within 20 meters."

Burwell showed a troubled expression and said:

"Captain, I'm not very good at using a net gun, how about you come?"

Fang Linyan sneered and said:

"Burwell, am I the captain or you are the captain, go as you are told. Do you want to disobey?"

"Besides, it was my idea to go out all night to capture mutated creatures, and it was also my idea to choose the destination. It doesn't cost you any effort, just follow along! Now you have to push back and block the things that should be done by you. Today

Is there such a good thing down there?”

"I'll count to three. If you don't go, I'll go by myself. But don't expect me to share the credit with you."

After listening to Fang Linyan's words, Burwell returned to his dull expression. After nodding, he picked up the net gun. After taking a few steps, he suddenly turned around and said:

"Is there anything I should pay attention to?"

Fang Linyan said calmly:

"According to records, mason bees are very focused when eating, so you first make sure to approach from downwind, and then crawl forward. This is not a difficult thing, you just need courage."

Burwell continued to take two steps forward, then sighed deeply, and his voice suddenly became deeper:

"When did you find out?"

Fang Linyan smiled and said:

"Oh, have you finally stopped pretending? Now it seems that being low-key has its benefits, and being high-profile has its benefits. The position of team leader is also useful. If you are asked to go east, you cannot go west."

"Although you managed to avoid detection and disguised your identity as a plot character, the purpose of bringing the plot characters here is to make them cannon fodder, so whether you are a contractor or a plot character, your identity does not actually matter.

It’s not important. I’ll send you to be cannon fodder and your true colors will be revealed.”

Burwell said coldly:

"You are so deceitful. Fortunately, I checked the monster's information before I came forward. Otherwise, I would really have fallen into your plan."

Fang Linyan smiled and said:

"Oh, is this Leaf-toothed Chrysanthemum Wasp very powerful?"

Burwell turned around and said word by word with a gloomy face:

"You are still telling lies. It is not a leaf-toothed golden green mud wasp at all, but a killer bee, you know! The kind that can kill a person with its toxins when it is not mutated!"

Fang Linyan said calmly:

"Oh, after hearing what you say, I can't even go up there. Go ahead, I'll be here to cheer you on."

Burwell took a deep breath:

"So, you are definitely going to fall out with me and refuse to cooperate?"

Fang Linyan said calmly:

"If you answer me readily when I ask you about your identity, then I think we can still cooperate. However, you are pretending to be a pig and have already regarded me as a fool, so why should I cooperate with you?


When Fang Linyan said this, Burwell felt speechless and could only sneer after a few seconds:

"Oh, if you put it this way, do you think you've got me?"

Faced with his question, Fang Linyan did not answer, but pointed to the side and said:

"Let's go?"

Bowell was stunned and said:

"Where to go?"

Fang Linyan said seriously:

"Of course we need to resolve our differences. You don't want to make too much noise and frighten this mutated creature away, right?"

Burwell said coldly:


The two turned around and left, and then came directly to a deep ditch more than 100 meters away.

Suddenly, Burwell pulled out a shotgun with his backhand, aimed it at Fang Linyan, who was more than ten meters away, and then pulled the trigger fiercely.

Fang Linyan, on the other hand, pounced forward without saying a word, and aimed at Burwell's back and threw something. It seemed that he was going to take a shot but also have to fight hand to hand with Burwell, who was almost two meters tall?

Unexpectedly, Fang Linyan discovered that after Burwell's shotgun was pulled, the bolt made a "click" sound, but no fire was emitted from the muzzle. It looked like the bullet had jammed and caused a malfunction.

Fang Linyan was stunned for a moment, and then a sneer appeared on his lips.

In just an instant, Fang Linyan figured out what was going on: Burwell was really confident. His shot was obviously not a malfunction, but a deliberate empty shot.

The purpose is very simple, to let Fang Linyan take the lead in getting that bit of blood value.

In the eyes of Bowell, this blood value is equivalent to increasing the explosion rate of Fang Linyan's most valuable equipment/skills/props by 10%!

Of course, the price to pay is also very obvious, that is, losing the initiative and having to take damage from Fang Linyan first.

It can be said that Burwell was very far-sighted when he thought of opening a treasure box and drawing a lottery before the war started.

This is similar to the fact that when some little girls with bulging fronts and backs saw Ah Tu's beautiful face, they held their cheeks in their hands and made their eyes look like hearts. After ten seconds, they began to imagine whether their children with Ah Tu would go to Tsinghua University or Peking University when they grow up.

Different approaches but similar results.

In terms of chess, the routine he played is called discarding stones to take the lead. In tactics, it is called foresight. In business, it is called planning for a rainy day. In LoL, it is called prejudgment and casting. In love games, it is called inserting a few small eyes into Durex...


However, the prerequisite for receiving these compliments is: winning in the end!

If you lose, it's called being careless, stubborn, pretending to be a fool...

If the strength of both sides is equal, then Burwell's decision to let Fang Linyan take the lead might become the winner of this battle. The situation that was originally a 50-50 draw between the two sides might immediately become a 60-40 draw!

In Go, if black plays first, he will end up with 3 and 3/4 pieces.

This is the power of taking the initiative.

In other words, Burwell felt that his opponent Lin Yan had at least 80% chance of winning, so he dared to play like this!

"Hehehe." Fang Linyan sneered in his heart.

This time he did not want to pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger, but the enemy in front of him still regarded him as a pig.

Perhaps my identity as a trialist is too confusing.

So... Burwell should be both a contractor and a successful job change?


After turning over all these thoughts in his mind, Fang Linyan has decided to make good use of this opportunity that Burwell deliberately gave up.

He saw that the punch was about to hit Burwell, but he suddenly stumbled and his fist missed.

If Burwell wants to counterattack at this time, it will be a great opportunity.

It's just that this big guy wanted Fang Linyan to get some blood points before, so of course he wouldn't give up halfway now, and immediately dodged towards the back lightly and deftly.

Fang Linyan immediately chased after him, but sneered:

"You want to trick me into getting more blood value by attacking first? How naive, can you trick me with such a clumsy trick?"

Burwell's intention was discovered, and he must have been a little unhappy. He snorted coldly and made a decision before loading the shotgun with a click.

The most taboo thing about doing things is hesitation. Since you can't deceive the opponent into making mistakes, then just use the enemy's first move and take my first two shots head-on.

Just when he was about to raise his gun and take aim, Burwell suddenly felt something was wrong.

Because he remembered very clearly that as soon as the battle started and the enemy pounced on him, he seemed to throw something behind his back.

Burwell's dynamic vision was extremely good, and he even noticed that the thing was somewhat similar to a grenade with a metallic luster, so he activated an accessory in advance that could absorb the damage of long-range explosions. However, two or three seconds had passed by this time, so why "

"Grenade" still doesn't explode?

Could it be that what this tester threw was not a grenade at all? It was an anti-infantry mine like "Bounce Betty" or "Broadsword".

Just when Burwell was wondering, he already felt a great sense of threat coming from behind. He immediately took a breath of cold air, tightened his right hand sharply, and activated a "click" on the middle finger of his right hand.


Burwell spent 6,000 utility points to acquire this ring. Although it is a disposable item, it can form a temporary shield on the body, absorbing a full 800 points of long-range physical damage, which can last for ten seconds.

The disadvantage is that it requires 800 general points to activate once.

However, just when Burwell looked back, he saw a steel fist with a long tail of flames coming from behind, aiming at him and hitting him directly. This punch could be said to be completely unexpected, so

I was completely caught off guard and was hit hard in the face by this punch!!

At this moment, Bowell felt that his vision went dark, his whole face was numb, and he seemed to have completely lost consciousness.

Not only that, he was also waving his hands and feet continuously, and involuntarily fell backwards, completely out of control.

A series of data popped up on Fang Linyan's retina.

"Determining...Your summon: Elite Mechanical Warrant Officer used Steel Impact and successfully hit the vital part of the enemy's head."

"You take the initiative to attack the contractor."

"You gain a little blood value."

"Your summons caused 19+22=41 theoretical damage to the enemy."

"Your summons hit a double critical hit (hitting the vital part of the head), which will cause 82 points of damage to the enemy."

"Deducting the damage reduction rules for contractors attacking each other, it will cause 41 points of damage to the enemy."

"After deducting the enemy's own defense, your summons will cause 34 points of actual damage to the enemy and cause it to fall into a dazed state for 1 second."

This chapter has been completed!
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