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Chapter 116 The Gift of the Twisted Jungle

Next, Max went to buy a potion to soak the encrypted files. He could do this alone in the store without any help.

At this time, Fang Linyan found a Starbucks outside and sat down. He leaned on the lounge chair and basked in the sun without wanting to move. He directly summoned the key of Kanner that he had killed before to open the treasure chest.

Trialist No. ZB419, the blood value of this enemy you killed is 2 points, and the explosion rate of high-value items/skills on it will be increased by 20%.

At the same time, you have 2 points of blood value, and the explosion rate of high-value items/skills on you will be increased by an additional 10%!

The explosion rate of high-value items in this bloody treasure chest will be increased by an additional 30%. This option will be common to options one, two, and three.

Because if you choose the first option, the contractor may theoretically have golden potential points and bloody potential points.

You can choose one of the following options as your trophy.

1. Obtain 70% of the remaining potential points and general points of the deceased.

2. Randomly obtain three props (including body equipment) that were in the character's storage space before death.

Third, there is an 80% chance of obtaining a scroll of a certain ability of the deceased. The ability level after learning the scroll will directly inherit the ability level of the deceased without paying any price, but the prerequisites for learning remain unchanged.

Fang Linyan hesitated for a moment. He deliberately chose the first option because to be honest, he currently lacks potential points because he has almost never obtained any potential points from his adventures in the world.

He also mentioned this matter when chatting with Max before, and Max told him that according to the rules they have figured out so far, only the main missions will reward merit points and attribute points.

Side missions have a greater probability of rewarding potential points.

The rewards of hidden tasks are related to the content of the task itself, and the coverage is wider.

Fang Linyan thought about it and realized that this was indeed the case for him. He had been focusing on milestones before. There was nothing he could do about it. If he fought alone, he would definitely face the problem of not being able to divide his time.

But just before choosing the first option, Fang Linyan changed his mind again because he was not a person who liked to take risks.

According to Max's description, Kanner is mainly a scout, but he is actually a snake oil type character. To create such a comprehensive character, the probability of having extra potential points and universal points is low.

Therefore, he finally chose the second item with stable income and obtained three props.

As the light shone, the first thing he pulled out was rotten guinea pig oil, indicating that it was a casting material that was about to expire.

Fang Linyan sighed and sold it directly to Space for 30 general points.

The second thing pulled out, the cleaned Xinxinmei radish, this thing continued to make Fang Linyan sigh, indicating that it was food. After eating it, the life recovery rate increased by one per second (non-combat state), and the duration was sixty

Second, Fang Linyan said that he would reluctantly stay, although it was not worth much.

However, the third thing he extracted suddenly made his eyes light up.

"Is this...the equipment released?"

Name:Shadow leather shoulder armor


The shadow wolves living in the twisted jungle were hunted in large numbers by humans. Shameless humans used guerrilla tactics to harass them and made them miserable.

However, during a certain attack on a caravan, they discovered that among the cargo was a war wolf with gray hair and a lame leg.

This old war wolf claimed to be from a distant place called Mag'har. There happened to be a big explosion when it passed through the teleportation array, so it was brought here by the turbulence of time and space.

This old war wolf was once ridden by a warrior, so he learned an ability called "trapping" and taught it to the shadow wolf clan, causing big trouble for those damn hunters.

Origin: Northern city-state of Zaun

Equipment rarity: black

Equipment part: shoulder

Material: rattan, stone beetle shell, shadow wolf skin

Weight: 2.2kg

Equipment usage conditions: Strength 12 points, Agility 8 points, Perception 8 points

Equipment special effect: Wolf's Dexterity (passive effect), which increases the wearer's defense by 5 points and increases agility by 1

Equipment special effects: Entrapment (low level), throws a shadow vine net at the target, restricting its movement, and the throwing distance is twenty meters. When the shadow vine net hits the enemy, the enemy will be judged.

When the enemy's strength is greater than 20 points, the shackles of the Shadow Vine Net will be torn directly without any impact.

When the enemy's strength is in the range of 12-20 points, it will be slowed down by 50% for 4 seconds (pvp)/8 seconds (plot characters).

When the enemy's strength is lower than 12 points (including 12 points), he will be restrained in place and unable to move, lasting 3 seconds (pvp)/6 seconds (plot character)

The cooldown of the trap effect is 60 seconds.

The trapping effect is not a locked skill, and its landing point cannot be changed after aiming and throwing it. Moreover, the Shadow Vine Net has a certain flight time in the air, so it is necessary to predict the enemy's actions.

The trapping effect can only be used 3 times a day and refreshes at 12 o'clock every night.

The trapping effect has priority.

Equipment negative special effects: Wolf's resentment, resentment value at this time (15 points)

This shoulder armor contains the remnants of a shadow wolf, so it can trap. However, the pain and anger before its death still torture it all the time. You must regularly use the fresh blood of powerful creatures.

Pour it on the shoulder armor to eliminate any resentment.

Once the resentment exceeds 50 points, one of the two positive special effects of this equipment will be disabled randomly.

Once the resentment exceeds 100 points, all bonuses of this equipment will be completely invalid.

The more powerful the creature's blood is, the slower the resentment value will be generated.

Evaluation: A good swimmer drowned in water. If this shadow wolf had not learned to trap, it would not have come out to hunt humans alone. In the end, it was hunted and killed, and its fur was plucked out and made into equipment.

After getting this shoulder armor, Fang Linyan's eyes immediately lit up. Because the tk throwing wooden handle bullets had been used up, he lacked a trump card in limiting the enemy's movement speed. Now this thing can just do this.

The shortcomings have been made up for.

After equipping this piece of equipment without saying a word, Fang Linyan took it out and tried throwing it once, and found that the speed of the Shadow Vine Net flying out was not very fast.

Fortunately, it does not require the rope loop to enter the neck like a horse roping, but it does not count if it is caught by the net. This can be said to greatly reduce the difficulty.

In addition, Fang Linyan also has a basic shooting base of level 4, so it is relatively easy to use. However, if you want to use this thing as a first mover, it will be difficult to directly hit a defensive contractor twenty meters away.

At this time, Max had strode out excitedly and said with admiration:

"Wrench, what you said is absolutely right. You have indeed asked me to find Ari now."

Fang Linyan's eyes lit up and he said:

"Well, tell me more specifically?"

Max took out the seemingly ordinary document from before. After it was washed with a special potion, the handwriting that appeared on it was completely different.

It turns out that the wording in this document is very harsh, and it seems that it should be reprimanding Kuvantis.

It is said that the excuses he put forward before are unreasonable. At this time, a lot of money and resources have been spent on his girlfriend Ari, but she has not yet been able to obtain the specific location of the launch site.

And finally threatened Kuvantis that if the password was not obtained before October this year, the organization would subject both of them to extremely severe punishment.

Therefore, the goal of Max's current series of side missions is to find Ari and obtain the specific location of the launch site.

After reading the contents of this document, Fang Linyan nodded silently. This information coincided with the information he had found before.

"Let's go." Fang Linyan said to Max.

Max said curiously:

"Where to go."

Fang Linyan said concisely and comprehensively:

"In spx company, Ai Rui should be a senior director there."

Immediately afterwards, Fang Linyan said to Purvi:

"Help me book a flight to Houston and rent a car. By the way, I'm not going alone this time. Please book an extra flight for me. His number is..."


Four hours later,

Fang Linyan and Max were already standing at the door of the spx company building in Houston,

The appearance of this building is completely different. It has brand-new dark blue exterior glass and beautiful lines. It looks like a flying saucer passing by at high speed, full of technology and cool feeling.

On the way here, Max already had a basic understanding of this company.

This company is not simple, because it has created a new industry, that is, space tourism.

The full name of spx company is Space Exploration Technology Company, and its service scope covers many high-end businesses such as space travel/space services/satellite launch.

You know, as far as the technology of this world is concerned, not to mention manned travel into space, there are no more than ten countries that have mastered launching one-time rockets to put satellites into orbit.

The spx company was born as a private enterprise and has conquered most countries in the world in this field. You can imagine how sharp it is!

The key is that its boss, Yaron Musk, has just turned 40 and serves as the CEO + CTO of the group!!

In the beginning, this company was unknown, but its senior management was said to have a close relationship with NASA and relied on some jobs released by NASA to survive.

But five and a half years later, Yaron Musk directly acquired the company, and eight months later, the company shocked the world with a landmark achievement:

That is, after the self-developed Vulture heavy rocket is successfully launched, it will fly around the earth and then return safely!!

Ahem, to be honest, this Yaron Musk is truly a living legend.

(Note: The prototype of this person is Elon Musk. Interested friends can go to Baidu. The famous Tesla electric car is just his side business. His life experience is not even written like this on the Internet! He is afraid of being criticized.

Excessive scoldingyy.)


Next, I recommend the new book by the author Mid-Autumn Festival Yue Ming, The Age of Great Beauty.

This is also an old author (si) (ji). To be honest, I haven’t read this book, but I have read his previous book Dream is King. It is about a professional player who guest-starred as a fitness coach and used weight loss methods to flirt with others.

The story of a young woman, fair and beautiful, a pure class beauty, and a hot Burmese girl is so sexy.

This is the introduction to his new book, I am a pigeon killer; I am nothing about love; I am nothing about money. I am Yi Haizhou, whose surname is unknown; the man who is half-versed in the four great inventions; I don’t want to talk to you, and I don’t want to talk to you.

I threw a beng at you... After reading this art professional article "The Era of Great Beauty"

Finally, 5,000 votes are coming soon! If you have votes, lose two. I will add more votes for 5,000! Keep your word!

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