Turn off the lights
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Chapter 3 Variables

The next day,

Night falls.

Fang Linyan sat in the Internet cafe a little uneasily,

The environment of the Internet cafe was very poor, with people smoking and shouting everywhere, and the atmosphere was smoky, which made Fang Linyan very uncomfortable. However, this was the only Internet cafe in Nitou Town, so the business was still very good.

Why is Fang Linyan in the Internet cafe in Nitou Town?

It is because this is the closest town to Huichuan Pier 5. The text message clearly states that at 0:17 on the 13th, Huichuan Pier 5 will be reached. You cannot go early or arrive late.

Fang Linyan considered that his body was too weak to engage in strenuous exercise such as running, so after careful inspection and calculation, he set off at 11:30 pm on the 12th, and then rode a battery car to Huichuan Pier 5, so that

If so, you can arrive at the road outside Huichuan Pier 5 at around 10:10.

This place is only 400 to 500 meters away from Huichuan Pier 5. Waiting here for about five minutes will ensure that you will arrive on time at 0:17.

As for the battery scooter, of course Fang Linyan rode it here himself. He also specially inspected the second-hand battery scooter before he came. After arriving in Nitou Town, he fully charged it to ensure that there would be no mechanical failure.

The battery cart was placed at the entrance of the Internet cafe where the light shined, and the network administrator specially asked the network administrator to lock it with an iron chain to eliminate the risk of theft.

Therefore, Fang Linyan thought very carefully from beginning to end and almost eliminated all possible risks. Now everything is really ready, all he needs is the east wind.

Time passed little by little, and Fang Linyan absentmindedly flipped through the web pages in front of him, but his thoughts had already drifted to the upcoming events.

What will happen on Huichuan Pier 5? Why does the mysterious text message tell me not to be late or early? How will my fate be reversed?

Precisely because Fang Linyan had been silently distracted, he ignored the cold looks of several non-mainstream dressed people sitting on the sofa in the Internet cafe, who looked like delinquents at first glance.

Suddenly, Fang Linyan felt his phone vibrating. He suddenly broke out of his distracted state. He picked up the phone and looked carefully. He immediately realized that the alarm clock he had set had gone off. It was already eleven in the evening.


At this time, Fang Linyan suddenly felt that his throat was dry. He took two deep breaths, and according to the plan he had made before, he first gave himself analgesic and cough medicine. This was to prevent him from getting sick at a critical moment, and then

I drank a can of Red Bull to ensure my strength for the rest of the day.

Then Fang Linyan closed his eyes, cleared his mind of distracting thoughts for ten seconds, took a deep breath, stood up and walked to the bar to pay.

When he stood up to pay the bill, several bad boys sitting on the sofa next to him looked at each other and walked into the darkness first.

Next, Fang Linyan left the Internet cafe door, then started to unlock, ride, and prepare to turn onto the road ahead. But at this moment, he saw a few rocks blocking the road ahead. The road here was already bumpy.

If there are rocks blocking it, you will definitely not be able to ride through it.

At this time, Fang Linyan was in a hurry and was so anxious that he had no time to think about it, so he hurriedly stopped the car and went to move the rocks.

Unexpectedly, after he left the battery car, a young man rushed out from the corner next to him and went straight to push the car. Then two other non-mainstream teenagers came out of the darkness, one holding a hand.

The other one casually took half a brick and pointed it at Fang Linyan.

The non-mainstream boy holding the knife was full of anger. He pointed the knife at Fang Linyan and said:

"X, what the hell are you looking at? Take out all the money you have, and by the way, keep your cell phone too."

Fang Linyan felt cold all over, because he had also been at the bottom of society and knew that these gangsters were the most difficult to deal with. They were simple-minded, easily prone to fever, and their attacks were insignificant! If it were normal times, he would have given in on the spot.

, but he took his revenge slowly afterwards.

But how could Fang Linyan give in now? How dare he give in?

For him at this time, money and mobile phone were nothing more. It was located in a remote place and it was late at night. He couldn't even call for a taxi. However, the battery car decided whether he could get to Huichuan Pier 5 in time.

The only means of transportation also represents the glimmer of life that Fang Linyan ignited!!

Therefore, Fang Linyan had made a decision in his heart, with a look of fear and panic on his face, and he hurriedly took out his money and mobile phone. When the boy with the knife saw the red banknotes, his eyes immediately became hot and he reached out to grab them.

As a result, when Fang Linyan let go of his hand, the banknotes naturally fell down.

The young man bent down to pick it up naturally.

Fang Linyan pushed his knee into his face! Fang Linyan could even clearly feel the cracking sound of the opponent's nose bones deforming under the impact and breaking into pieces!

The boy holding the knife let out an inarticulate cry of pain from deep in his throat, covered his face and rolled around. At this time, he could no longer care about the RMB. There was only one thought in his mind, and that was pain, pain, pain.

It hurts so damn much!!

After Fang Linyan succeeded in the attack, he picked up the switchblade, pointed it at the cart and chased after the boy.

Seeing Fang Linyan coming up with a knife with no expression on his face, and the "big brother" was already rolling on the ground and screaming in pain, the young man panicked, threw the car down and ran away. Fang Linyan felt relieved when he saw that his battery car was fine.

Take a breath.

However, Youdao was careless and missed Jingzhou. The moment Fang Linyan relaxed, he suddenly felt something strange coming from behind. He turned around hastily, but as soon as he turned half of his body, he saw that the bad boy holding the brick was actually going to be...

The brick in his hand was aimed at him and hit him...

"Fuck..." As soon as Fang Linyan cursed in his heart, his vision went dark and he didn't know anything anymore.


"Hey Hey hey?"

The shout seemed to come from far away, but seemed to be very close at the same time. Fang Linyan opened his eyes with difficulty, feeling a severe headache, a buzzing in his ears, and a burst of pain in his mouth.

After opening his eyes, Fang Linyan swallowed a mouthful of saliva that smelled of rust, and then saw the light and shadow in front of him. He raised his head with difficulty to cover the light, and his vision gradually changed from blurry to clear, and finally he saw a familiar picture.

face, oh, by the way, isn’t this guy a network administrator?

"Are you okay? After someone checked out and left, they suddenly came back and said that you were lying outside. Do you want to call 120 for you?"

The network manager still looked a little anxious. After all, what happened not far from the entrance of the Internet cafe, and he was just a part-time worker. How could he bear the responsibility?

Fang Linyan was about to speak when suddenly, an indescribable fear surged in his heart. He suddenly stood up and staggered. Fortunately, he immediately held on to the wall next to him and said urgently:

"What's the time now?"

The network manager looked at the phone and said in shock:

"12:15, what happened?"

This chapter has been completed!
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