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Chapter 7: Swearing

Listening to their conversation, Orasis was a little puzzled. Athena was enshrined here, not the goddess of wealth. Why were they all thanking God for their increased assets?

So I took the opportunity to go to the bathroom to check it out.

A top tycoon like him, of course, has a lot of information at his disposal. He immediately discovered that the wealth and influence of Hartge, who was hosting him here today, had increased rapidly in the past two weeks.


The wealth he holds has more than doubled in value in the past two weeks, and his influence in the circle is also increasing day by day.

Not only that, the assets of several wealthy people present today have all increased in value in the past week, with most increasing by 40% and the least increasing by 15%.

You know, the assets of these rich people all start with at least "100 million".

Especially since the economy has been in a downturn recently, it is certainly unusual for these wealthy people from different industries to see their assets increase significantly at the same time.

Of course, in the eyes of Orasis, these people can only be described as little kids. His personal assets are so amazing that even all the people present combined cannot match them.

However, Eulasis's confusion was soon answered, because after the meal he witnessed a business signing within the church...

This signing completely subverted his imagination. It can be said that from ancient times to the present, there has been no business (yes, Oraxes rarely used swear words, but it is impossible to express his feelings without using swear words).

They talked like this, but this happened right in front of him.

The subject of this business contract is a wealthy businessman named Donis. He has now received a large order for olive oil and wants to purchase it.

Then, the supplier of olive oil is also a believer in the church, called Samaris, and his business scope includes oil refining.

Another believer, Carnezis, was a large plantation owner and grain merchant who could obtain large quantities of olives.

The normal negotiation sequence should be that Donis places a bid to the supplier, then completely keeps the price of the large order he received completely confidential, and finally chooses the supplier with the cheapest price to maximize his own interests.

Samaris, who is in charge of oil refining, should try to raise his olive oil quotation as much as possible, and then lower the purchase price of olives.

Karnezis, who supplies raw material olives, exaggerates his acquisition costs as much as possible, and then obtains greater benefits from Samaris.

Of course, this is normal business practice.

However, what Orasis saw was that Donis, who was supposed to have the initiative, actually stood up first and said calmly:

"Dear parishioner, I recently got a large order. The total amount of this order is xxxx..."

Yes, he actually revealed his trump card to everyone as soon as he arrived!

Samaris, who was in charge of oil refining, stood up and simply listed the machine costs and labor costs for his oil extraction.

In the end, Karnezis also calmly quoted the price he paid for these olives...

Such a business worth tens of millions of euros should have been a war of words and a large number of negotiation teams were dispatched. At this time, the three parties simultaneously revealed their trump cards and started negotiations in a transparent state.

Without even needing the help of an assistant, the three people first deducted all costs and calculated the profit of this large order.

Then, the three wealthy businessmen had worked hard in this industry for a long time, so they discussed for a few minutes and distributed the profits according to each person's contribution to the order.

For example, if olive oil is in short supply now, the contribution value of Donis who provides orders will be lower.

For example, if there are many factories producing olive oil now, then the contribution value of Samaris will be lower.

In the end, the profit was distributed according to each person's contribution. In this transaction, the olive oil was slightly unsaleable.

Therefore, the final profit distribution ratio is Donis taking 40%, Samaris taking 30%, and Karnezis taking 30%.

This transaction method seems to be very fair, and it is very worry-free. As for the profit, because it eliminates many links, it will definitely improve a lot, and the product quality will definitely be guaranteed.

But the most important thing is that no one of the three people can falsely report the cost, otherwise it will be a tragedy.

Eulasis, who was watching, naturally asked relevant questions to Hartge, and Hartage said with a smile:

"This kind of transaction will only be carried out among our devout believers. The glory of the goddess shines on us, and we will never deceive each other."

"Not only that, their signed contracts will be sent to the sacred altar to be worshiped for 24 hours. If someone lies, there will be no escape under the gaze of the true God."

"No one wants to lose their status in front of the goddess because of worldly wealth, so the relationship between us is as close as brothers."

After hearing Hartage's words, Orasis was even more shocked. If there really is such a core mechanism, then this circle will definitely shine in a short time. The most important thing in business is information and connections.

The hardest part is establishing credit.

With such a circle similar to a chamber of commerce, everyone who participates is honest and transparent, and it is impossible for others to compete with them.

After all, Orasis was still a weak patient. Even though he stood up miraculously before, after eating and chatting for a while, he suddenly felt a little exhausted, so he said goodbye to Hartge and wanted to go home, and

I couldn't wait to make an appointment to visit tomorrow.

However, Orasis had just followed the convoy less than two kilometers away from the manor when he suddenly felt extremely uncomfortable all over his body. It seemed that the previous improvement was only short-lived, and all the previous pains returned to him again.

There was a sudden movement in Orasis's heart, and he immediately screamed as if his soul was blessed with happiness:

"Stop!! Stop the car..."

He was already weak due to long-term illness, so his shouting was actually not loud. After shouting a few times, he choked and coughed loudly.

Of course my wife sitting next to me came over nervously to serve.

But Orasis couldn't calm down at all, and he coughed very badly.

Fortunately, his position must have been modified, so he slammed the alarm button in front of him with his fist. When the driver saw it, he immediately stopped to check, and the entire convoy was in chaos.

At this time, Orasis took the medicine sent by his personal doctor and took a few deep breaths before gasping:

"Turn around...return..."

Although the rest of the people secretly cursed the old guy for being so damn troublesome, they definitely still had the final say and the convoy immediately turned around and returned.

Sure enough, Orasis found that within one kilometer of approaching the manor, his body became noticeably more relaxed, and the previous pain on his body was slowly suppressed.

In this case, Orasis sighed and dialed Hartge's phone number...


What Orasis didn't know was that the convoy he was returning to was being stared at from a high place.

This person is none other than the high priest Tritogonia,

The road was dotted with stars, and the head-to-head car lights fell into her bright eyes, causing a faint smile to appear on her lips.

At this time, the high priest's eyes were like looking at an insect caught in a spider's web.

What power is overwhelming, what wealth is astonishing.

In her eyes, they are all ants.

At this time, she had changed out of the complicated and solemn dress and was wearing a simple ol' suit. She looked fashionable and capable. She no longer looked like the sacred and awe-inspiring high priest, but

A powerful female CEO.

In fact, absorbing Orasis as a devout believer is a very important part of the next plan of the high priest Tritogonia. The connections and resources of this kind of top rich man are indispensable for the expansion of the sect.

So, in fact, when Oraxes came to the door of the hall, the high priest cast the magic of eliminating diseases on him.

Although Orasis suffered from a terminal illness, this magical technique could also relieve his symptoms.

Of course, the high priest also played a role in it. Once Orasis leaves the two kilometers within the range of the goddess statue, the effect of the magic will quickly weaken.

Not only that, with the increase in the number of believers, the power of wishes collected by Athena also naturally continued to rise. Of course, the high priest Tritogonia had a hand, and she would not completely do it as her counterpart Lin Yan said.

Relying on the golden double snake scepter to cast magical spells.

However, even if it can be used, it is mostly based on level 0 magic. As for the cost of using it, it is even more shocking. When it is used, the power of the entire world seems to be suppressing it.

Therefore, even if she, the spokesperson of the gods in the human world, performs miracles, the amount of will power consumed is astonishing, ten times that of the original world!!!

About half an hour later, there was a slight knocking sound on the solid wood door next to it. A female assistant came in and said respectfully to the high priest:

"Master, the flight to Taicheng has been arranged and will take off in three hours."

The high priest nodded slightly and said:

"I see."

Seeing that she seemed to have no intention of leaving, the high priest said:

"Any thing else?"

The female assistant whispered:

"The purchase list you submitted before has been put together, but a believer said that it contains metals that are related to the military and are strictly prohibited for export. Once discovered, it will be very troublesome, so please be careful at the airport...


Tritogonia said calmly:


But at this time, another female assistant suddenly said:

"Mr. Hartage just said that Mr. Orasis heard that you are about to travel, so he is very willing to take out his special plane for you to ride."

A smile appeared on Tritogonia's lips:

"It's not good to just reject someone thousands of miles away, so give him a chance."

This chapter has been completed!
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