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Chapter 4 Artifact

After discovering this, Fang Linyan's eyes suddenly lit up.

This means that he originally had to chop three rounds of Dragon Cough Flash before he could summon a Yumeijia Tree Puppet.

But... now two shots are enough!

But unfortunately, when the second shot was struck, under normal circumstances, it was actually directly superimposed with 4 Shishengming marks.

It's just that this mark is directly cleared when summoning the Yumeijia Tree Puppet.

If it is not cleared, Fang Linyan's third Dragon Cough Flash can summon a Yumei plus tree puppet again, which is really abnormal.

However, maybe it's a fact or an illusion, Fang Linyan feels that the Yumeijia tree puppet summoned by consuming four food-sucking inscriptions seems to be more powerful...

Under this situation, Leskali was soon surrounded by a large number of summons, and her speed was reduced to 50% by the paralysis poison effect of the Yumejia Tree Puppet.

It is absolutely impossible to catch up to Fang Linyan, and his MP has been knocked out early...

In this case, her defeat can really be said to be just a matter of time.

After only a few minutes, Leskali let out a shrill scream.

The whole body was stiff, revealing a terrifying white bone body like a centipede. Only the head still retained human characteristics.

On each section of her body, there was a strange bone seam that looked like a hollow eye, and then her flesh and blood turned into smelly, turbid black water, flowing into the ground one after another.

In the end, only a pale white skull with four eyes and a small red stone were left.

Lin Yan checked the two items, East and West, and found that the small crimson stone had the affix "unidentified", so he could only put it away.

The pale white skull with four eyes had the words "plot prop" written on it, and Fang Linyan was ready to hand it over to the high priest.

Then Fang Linyan looked at his Toyota Overbearing and found that it was in tatters. The key was that the steering wheel was split in half by Leskali's mutated claws, making it impossible to drive.

So he went to look for the Audi TT sports car that Leskali drove next to him. This car just hit the roadside guardrail, and it should be a skin injury.

Sure enough, Fang Linyan walked over and made a general inspection and found that it was indeed as he judged. The car's outer shell seemed to be seriously damaged, but in fact, its power and performance were not affected.

So he stepped on the accelerator in the cab and drove quickly towards the manor where the high priest was.

The Audi TT was driving very fast on the mountain road, and Fang Linyan's thoughts certainly did not stop.

At this time, the situation was actually very clear. The high priest should have noticed that Leskali was contaminated by the enemy, so he alerted Fang Linyan early.

However, why didn't she just cooperate with her and take it down on the spot?

Instead, he deliberately asked her to take him out,

Could it be that the men sent by the evil god have actually arrived in Greece and are lurking near the manor! And they are closely monitoring every move in the manor.

The so-called enemies coming from the sea are probably just bait.

The high priest actually wanted to deliberately create an empty situation inside the manor, and then... lure this hidden enemy into action?

After thinking of this, Fang Linyan suddenly felt that he had captured the high priest's intention.

After galloping, he had arrived five or six kilometers outside the manor.

Looking from the winding mountain road from a distance, you can immediately notice something very strange.

The entire manor where the statue of the goddess was placed was actually shrouded in heavy rain.

You can see the dark clouds surging above, forming a strange giant bowl shape, while the rest of the place is sunny and windy.

A discerning person will know at a glance that such anomalies are definitely not normal.

When Fang Linyan approached about one kilometer away from the manor, he saw many light blue demon spirits of Japanese samurai wearing rags walking around in the pouring rain.

The bodies of several bodyguards were lying on the ground. Their causes of death looked very miserable, and it looked like the injuries on their bodies were all cut by sharp samurai swords.

Some ghosts of Japanese samurai even came to the corpse, opened their full masks, revealing the terrifying scorched faces inside, and possessed them to greedily suck the blood.

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded in Fang Linyan's heart. It was the high priest Tritogonia. She said in a soothing and relaxed tone:

"You did understand my hint. I hope Leskali didn't cause you too much trouble, right?"

Fang Linyan said:

"Fortunately, I was just warming up. But you look very bad, but it's okay, hold on, I'm here."

The high priest chuckled and said:

"This time you saw it wrong. I actually deliberately reduced our strength to make the opponent feel that the defense was empty and they could take advantage of it."

"Otherwise, how could the enemy take out this trump card? This is an artifact with a domain nature! This kind of thing is in short supply right now!"

Fang Linyan sighed and said:

"You always like to play with fire, what if I don't get your hint?"

The high priest smiled and said:

"No, you won't, for God's grace is with you."

Fang Linyan rolled his eyes helplessly. This woman said nicely, "What kind of divine grace is with you?" But in fact, didn't she realize that Athena's Blessing is my current core skill?

After sighing, Fang Linyan said helplessly:

"I saw many ghosts of Japanese samurai in the rain. Do you want me to come in now?"

The high priest said:

"No, the enemy won't be able to break through my magical barrier for a while, so you must not show up now! Otherwise, my hard work will be in vain."

"Now look at the nearby mountains. There must be a priest casting a spell to control an artifact to suppress me."

"What you have to do is very simple. Attack him and snatch the things away. This will make him feel more uncomfortable than killing ten of the Evil God's men!"

Fang Linyan said:

"Okay, I'll give it a try. By the way, the attack type of my summons is mainly physical. If it encounters things like ghosts and ghosts, its lethality will be greatly limited. Is there any way to strengthen it?"

The high priest said simply:

"I will always pay attention to the battle situation here. Once the war starts, I can use divine power to support it. Now in order to avoid alerting the enemy, I will keep the status quo."

At this time, Fang Linyan had already gotten off the Audi TT, hid in a hiding place, and then used the mechanical gyrfalcon to observe the surrounding environment.

As a result, it didn't take long before something strange was discovered on the top of the mountain facing the manor.

Then when the mechanical gyrfalcon approached, it was discovered that a magic circle had been preset here, and there were several strange runes on the eyes of the magic circle that were shining red.

The person presiding around the magic circle was an old man wearing a high crown and a red and white priest's uniform. The old man's face was wrinkled, but his eyes were strange, like the eyes of a demon cat.

Beside him, several men had fallen.

At the same time, there were several men standing next to him with fanatical expressions on their faces, and they seemed to be willing to sacrifice their lives at any time.

Around the priest, there were five or six Asian men in black suits, who looked like they should be bodyguards and guards.

Blood gurgled from the wrists of these fallen men and flowed into the magic circle.

In the central eye of the magic circle, there should be something that looks like a fan enshrined. There are constantly changing illusions of fire and smoke behind it, so it can't be seen clearly.

This thing should be the artifact that the high priest mentioned?

After the mechanical gyrfalcon flew slightly closer, two monsters suddenly stood up next to the magic circle. They looked like lions and dogs, with gray fur. They let out a threatening roar from their throats and looked around vigilantly.

This thing is called "Koma Dog". In ancient Japanese legends, it is the incarnation of Tengu and Dog God, and is used to protect the residence of the gods.

It can be understood as the common golden-armored warriors and divine guardian generals in Chinese mythology, which are popular items that every Japanese god has to have.

After seeing these two monsters, Fang Linyan frowned slightly. He originally planned to touch them quietly, but after encountering such monsters, he had a headache.

Fortunately, the high priest had already sensed Fang Linyan's hesitation at this time, and simply sent him a message:

"Come on! This is my home court. I will deliberately counterattack to attract the opponent's attention and at the same time suppress their perception as much as possible."

"What you have to do is actually very simple. First kill the great priest, and then seize the artifact!"

This chapter has been completed!
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