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Chapter 20 Attention

What? Why do you think Fang Linyan is practicing for his own benefit?

Of course, they were trying to improve the heart of the mechanical dire wolf and overcoming the technical difficulties of the mechanical gyrfalcon egg. They practiced with great enthusiasm.

In the end, Jie Ha really felt sorry for the materials that were wasted by Fang Linyan... These things are really expensive!

So he couldn't help but interrupt Fang Linyan's contact and said:

"Ahem, battery, that old bastard Latvous is urging me..."

Fang Linyan practiced for another quarter of an hour without finishing it, until Jie Ha urged him again, and then he drove the sci and followed him.

The two of them arrived at the internal dock of the Karls and then boarded an engineering ship directly.

As the name suggests, the engineering ship performs comprehensive maintenance on the Karls in times of emergency. Under normal circumstances, except for some very serious damage, almost all repairs can be completed.

But the problem is that most of the current crew members on the Karls have died in a frozen state! This is obviously not a normal situation, so we can only count on an outsider like Fang Linyan.

Not only that, after the engineering ship flew out this time, it also played a very important role, that is, it opened the protective shield in front to provide cover for Fang Linyan who was working in outer space.

After boarding the engineering ship, Fang Linyan directly replaced the jet engine for the sci in the cabin. He also installed an outer space control module and began trial operations in the cabin.

This procedure has been demonstrated once before during teaching, but now it doesn't matter if Fang Linyan becomes more familiar with it.

After the two of them entered space, Captain Latvis would also cooperate accordingly to stabilize the ship as much as possible.

Then activate a heavy particle cannon at the front of the transport ship for self-defense, and when encountering giant meteorites, try to destroy them instead of avoiding them.

Jie Ha, who was driving the engineering boat, was obviously not particularly professional. When he flew out, he even seemed to be bumping into each other. The thumping sound caused by the impact made Fang Linyan feel a little nervous...

Soon, the engineering ship arrived at the damaged No. 2 engine. It can be seen that the scene of the accident was more shocking than the 3D modeling, and the damage looked more and more serious.

After Jha adjusted the engineering ship to follow mode, he began to control the mechanical arm next to him, trying to pull out the meteorite fragments embedded in the ship's engine first.

This large piece of meteorite is more than three meters long. Jha controls the two mechanical arms, but it seems to be very difficult.

Fortunately, Fang Linyan sat in the passenger seat at this time. At this time, he already had a general understanding of today's technology.

So Fang Linyan quickly controlled two robotic arms to help.

This robotic arm sounds very high-end, and it seems to be very high-tech.

But after in-depth understanding, Fang Linyan believes that the excavator in his world is actually a product that has evolved for two generations, and the control is even more fool-proof.

With Fang Linyan's help, Jieha's work progress suddenly accelerated.

Because Jie Ha seems to be a skilled user, but the robotic arm under his control is quite mechanical and dull.

For example, holding the meteorite piece is a typical decomposition action of opening your fingers, then being dazed for a second, then reaching out, being dazed for a second, and finally closing your fingers.

But this is normal.

Jie Ha didn't think there was anything wrong, because the instructor when he was receiving training was also so mechanical and old-fashioned during the demonstration, even worse than himself!

To use the instructor's exact words, I will teach you how to use a robotic arm to lift this container up!

As for the process, how fast and convenient is it?

But after Jie Ha saw the robotic arm controlled by Fang Linyan, he felt that his three views were shattered.

How could that thing be so flexible?

Intuitively speaking, the robot hand controlled by Jie Ha looks stiff and rigid at first glance, as if it is being controlled by a machine.

But the robotic hand controlled by Fang Linyan is like a one or two-year-old child starting to try to perceive the world with his hands.

Although the mechanical arm still seems a bit stiff and futile when operating, the feeling of smoothness and smoothness has been vaguely revealed.

There is obviously only one reason why Fang Linyan performed so well, and that is his overwhelming talent!

Soon, without Fang Linyan having to say anything, Jie Ha began to help Fang Linyan honestly.

Fang Linyan took the lead in pulling out the meteorites, while Jie Ha performed cutting, assisting and other work beside him.

The two of them worked together and quickly achieved results. They pulled out the meteorite fragment that had penetrated the interior of the No. 2 engine to a depth of three to four meters and threw it into space.

The next step is to repair the No. 2 engine.

According to the calculations of the optical brain, the workload of repairing the No. 2 engine is quite huge.

First, as many as forty-three damaged or faulty parts must be disassembled and thrown away.

Then there are fifty-two parts that need to be welded and installed.

So the question is, why are there nine more parts installed than removed?

It was because we were considering traveling through the meteorite sea in the future, and in order to avoid the previous tragedy from happening again,

Therefore, the newly installed parts can produce protective shields in emergencies.

After the two of them used a robotic arm to peel off and dismantle some of the exposed debris, it was Fang Linyan's turn to officially take the stage.

He got into the sci, turned on the outer space control mode, then pulled a huge box and aimed it at the outer space and flew out.

At the same time, the engineering ship also flew in front of the damaged No. 2 engine, entered protective mode and put up a protective shield in front.

In this case, Fang Linyan, who is working in the rear, can be directly protected.

Originally, according to the operating manual, a long safety cable was connected to the rear of the sci.

But considering the current complex environment, once the safety line is caught by flying meteorite fragments,

If the safety rope is not broken, the sci will be dragged out by a sudden and huge force, which will increase the danger...

So Fang Linyan simply took the initiative to lift the safety cable. Not only that, he also released a mechanical gyrfalcon to give an early warning two hundred meters away.

In this case, even if there is any emergency, Fang Linyan will have enough time to buffer.

It is worth mentioning that at this time, the appearance of the mechanical gyrfalcon changed to the form of a drone, which is not very eye-catching.


Since half an hour ago, the actions of the two men have been paid full attention by Captain Latvis and First Officer Sanchez.

Sanchez has more professional knowledge than Latves,

As soon as he saw the robotic arm controlled by Fang Linyan, he immediately took a breath, and then said to Latvis:

"I originally thought that Jie Ha was afraid of death, so I highly recommended this battery to top it up..."

"It doesn't look like that now. This battery is really interesting!"

Latvis said:

"Really? I think it's just like that, it's not bad."

Sanchez shook his head and said:

"That's not the case. People who can use robotic arms like this already have talents that transcend their profession."

"People often say, don't use your interests to challenge other people's careers."

"However, professional level players can be achieved through serious study and decades of consistent training."

"However, those champion players who can crush professional players must have both talent and hard work, and talent is more important than hard work."

"This battery has already revealed the potential of a champion player."

Latvis laughed, took out half a bottle of whiskey from the side, and poured half a glass for Sanchez:

"Under such circumstances, we can still meet such a genius. This shows that we are quite lucky, don't you think?"

"How about a toast to our luck?"

Sanchez nodded, with a smile on his gloomy face:

"Yes, you are right."

Then he raised his head and drank the wine in one gulp.

The two of them were talking and laughing, and they stopped talking and laughing at the same time after watching Fang Linyan clean up the breach on the construction ship.

Because the next step is crucial.

That is to use sci directly in outer space to perform "ship repair operations" while the spacecraft is sailing!

This is a very typical iconic operation, equivalent to a gap...

No, to be precise, it is like a gantry blocking most mechanical repairmen.

Don't say that you have a bright future if you make the leap. At least you will have no worries about food and clothing for decades.

If you can't get over it, you are a hard-working blue-collar worker, a bug in the middle and lower classes of society.

Although Latvis does not know much about this aspect, he also knows that repairmen who can perform "ship repair operations under sailing conditions" are without exception a hot commodity in the star port!

It's the kind of place where the buyer can't make a counter-offer after the repairman quotes.

Once the buyer makes a counter-offer, the other party will ignore you at all. It is a fixed price in the true sense.

If such talents are willing to join the army, they can even directly obtain the rank of second lieutenant and become a cadre in the army.

Seeing Fang Linyan driving the sci and carrying the parts box, he successfully flew out of the engineering ship.

Sanchez and Latvis' breathing became a little rapid.

It is said that everything is difficult at the beginning. The speed at which the first part of the battery is replaced will basically determine the fate of the two of them in the next ten years.

After all, I will continue to be popular, drink spicy food, touch soft things, and suck hard things... I will live happily for a few years.

Or is it because of the use of Pandora's banned additives that the spare engine was damaged and the ship owner faced a huge claim for compensation and was living alone?

After fifty-eight seconds, Sanchez said slowly:

"The first part has been replaced. Well, I also did some welding by the way."

“Let’s take a look at the optical brain’s evaluation rate after welding... 87%!”

"The quality is very good! The maintenance manual says that an evaluation rate of 80% is considered excellent."

Latvis slowly shook his head:

"This speed is very difficult..."

Sanchez stared at Fang Linyan on the screen and said word by word:

"No, look again."

This chapter has been completed!
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