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Chapter 24 Sudden accident

After listening to the goat's question, Fang Linyan said leisurely:

"I really hope I guessed wrong."

At this time, someone knocked on the door again, and Fang Linyan said:

"Please come in?"

Upon closer inspection, it turned out that the person who came in was the vulture Lipul. He was holding a bottle of wine in his hand. Lin Yan raised it and said with a smile:

"I saw it when you came back. At that time, you and the motor chief Jieha were having a lively chat, so I didn't come to disturb you."

Fang Linyan smiled slightly and said:

"What kind of interruption is this?"

At this time, the goat saw the wine in Li Puer's hand, and his eyes suddenly lit up and he said:

"Wow, is this gin? I just happened to have some snacks here."

As the goat talked, he took out a lot of snacks from his arms. Peanuts for drunkards are a must, as well as deep-fried dried fish, braised pig ears, etc.

The gin brought by Lippur is a specialty of his world. It is brewed from a rare blackthorn and has a unique aroma.

When you drink it, you will taste the fragrance of grass and trees at first, and then a rich and rich aroma of wine will come out. The fragrance is brewing in the slightly bitter, which can be said to have a unique flavor.

Almost all contractors can be said to be privileged people in their own main world, and Lippur is no exception. If not, he would not be able to get this kind of blackthorn gin, which is not sold to the outside world at all.

There was wine and food, and after a couple of drinks, the originally astringent atmosphere suddenly became more harmonious.

At this time, Li Puer smiled bitterly and said:

"To be honest, I was forced to come here this time by the people in the team. I really owe the boss a favor, so I can only shamelessly come to you to collect information."

"I know this matter is quite taboo, so you can say as much as you can. If you can't, I won't force you. Let's just drink and reminisce."

Fang Linyan's eyes flashed, this kind of thing must make people a little uncomfortable, but Li Puer's behavior is also very suitable for him, that is, everything is stated in the open.

People are in a world where they can't help themselves. If they want to struggle to survive in this difficult space, everyone has to ask for help from others.

So Fang Linyan smiled slightly and said:

"You don't have to force yourself to do it, I was lucky enough to rely on my own talent and get some advantages in the first stage of this mission."

"Actually, I was thinking about using this advantage to find someone to cooperate with in the next task. You came at the right time, Vulture, to pull the strings in the middle."

Of course Vulture knew that Fang Linyan said that on purpose. After the two chatted for a while, Fang Linyan picked up some information that he could tell.

After a while, Tombstone, the current team leader of the Vultures, received the news and came over on his own initiative.

The tombstone is not tall, but it is very strong. It exudes a spirit of vigor. It belongs to the category of not saying much but having great weight.

In just a few words, the cooperation with Fang Linyan was finalized.

It turned out that the Tombstone team had a conflict with a crew member named Schweik in the previous stage, so they suffered a lot when assigning repair work.

It just so happened that Fang Linyan had opened up high-level relationships, so Fang Linyan was responsible for resolving Schweik's possible obstruction.

At the same time, in the next stage of the task, Fang Linyan will be responsible for speaking good words in front of Latvian and fighting for the interests of the Tombstone team.

For Fang Linyan, this kind of thing is a small matter that is free of charge and has no cost. Of course, it is not embarrassing.

In return, the Tombstone team will naturally form an offensive and defensive alliance with Fang Linyan to help each other and at the same time resolve possible hidden arrows from the Blood team.

At this time, Fang Linyan had won the trust of the senior management on the Coles, so the Blood Team did not dare to deal with him openly and could only embarrass him secretly.

As far as Tombstone is concerned, as long as they don't have to face the Blood Team head-on, the cost of maintaining Fang Linyan is bearable.

After reaching an agreement, Fang Linyan also made a request, which was to let the vulture follow him temporarily.

Firstly, it is to supplement the lack of manpower on our side, and secondly, because the vultures can communicate in a timely manner through the team channel.

Tombstone readily agreed to this request. In his mind, Vulture's strength was pretty good, but he was not someone who was difficult to replace.

More importantly, when someone who has been a team leader comes to join, he always has to be careful.

Because he personally saw a bloody example of a team who kindly took in someone, but was eventually turned against him and took over the magpie's nest. After all, internal fighting and external fighting are two completely different things.

It's not a bad thing to be away from your team for a while at this time.


Three hours later, Fang Linyan was sleeping soundly in bed, seizing the time to recuperate.

Goat and Lippur were playing with matches attentively... a copy of Gwent was left behind.

Suddenly, the wall opposite the cabin suddenly lit up, and the face of the motor chief Jie Ha appeared on it, smiling and saying:

"Hey, Battery, I promised you that I would notify you as soon as there is news about the meteorite belt."

"Now Mr. Jha, who is true to his word, will officially inform you that the density of meteorites outside is 93% thinner than at its peak."

"Well, according to the analysis of the optical brain, we will leave this damn meteorite belt soon."

Fang Linyan rubbed his sleepy eyes, then sat up and said:

"Oh, that's really good news."

Jha whistled and said:

"The second good news is that our current position has been determined. Just eight hours away is the Tutuga Star Port."

"The tusked rabbit leg stewed with potatoes there is very famous. One bite will make your mouth full of oil! We can eat this dish and have a drink in order to survive such a devilish voyage!"

Fang Linyan smiled and said:

"I am looking forward."

Jha said:

"Okay, I'm going to go do some work. You can have a good sleep."

Fang Linyan made an OK gesture and said:

"See you later. By the way, if there's anything you can't handle or if you're too busy, remember to call me in time."

Jie Ha pointed:

"Of course, I won't pull you down, seeyou."

After talking to Jie Ha, Fang Linyan frowned and said:

"Strange...could my guess be wrong? It can't be that Coles's entry into the meteorite belt was really an accident, right?"

However, it was less than ten minutes after Fang Linyan finished saying this.

Suddenly, a shrill siren sounded again on the Coles. Everyone was already mentally prepared and stood up one after another.

Then the electronic synthesized sound sounded on the radio:

"Warning, warning, an unidentified fast cruiser is approaching, and the other party always maintains communication silence."

"According to the provisions of Article 7, Section 5 of the Interstellar Navigation Act, we will have the right to initiate an attack."

"When firing, the ship may vibrate violently, shake, catch fire, explode, etc."

"Dear guests, please fasten your seat belts to avoid accidental collisions. If an emergency occurs, please follow the indicator lights to escape."

After hearing the broadcast, Fang Linyan nodded silently and muttered:

"As expected, the purpose of introducing the Coles into the meteorite belt is to create the illusion of an accident and thereby deceive others."

"But the other party obviously didn't expect that the Coles could actually break out of the meteorite belt, so they had no choice but to fight hard."

"But I don't know what the other party's goal is? Is it to seek money or rob someone, or is it a grudge?"

Vulture Lipur said:

"Actually, we have also discussed this issue, and finally felt that no matter what the other party's goal is, it should have a lot to do with Captain Latvis."

Fang Linyan said:

"Is this because the main mission requires Latvous to survive?"

Vulture Lipur said:

"Yes, there is no doubt that Latvis is the core figure in this series of events."

Fang Linyan nodded without comment.

At this time, I felt the ship body shake violently, and then the lights in the cabin flickered on and off for a while before returning to normal.

Fang Linyan did not hesitate and said simply:

"Come on, let's go find Latvis. At any rate, we have to grasp the specific situation at this time."

At this time, Fang Linyan already had a general understanding of the Coles, which was truly a behemoth.

Its main structure is divided into two parts, the first part is the main ship area, and the second part is the cargo area.

For this kind of space passenger and cargo ship, the main ship area functions as a locomotive, used to pull cargo. The cargo area itself does not have any maneuverability and is completely pulled forward.

At this time, a total of 83 interstellar container cargo bays were mounted in the cargo area of ​​the Coles, with more than 20,000 tons of cargo.

After being damaged in the meteor shower, twenty-seven interstellar cargo bays were abandoned.

The main ship area is a huge thing with a length of three kilometers and a height of 160 meters, so that during manufacturing, various components can only be manufactured one by one on the ground and then spliced ​​together in space to complete.

The three people walked all the way and soon arrived outside the central control room of the command area. A watertight door fell down here, which was extremely thick and blocked the way for the rest of the people.

Moreover, there are many artificial humans armed with live ammunition outside the watertight door, so the precaution is very obvious.

Perhaps it was due to the narrow road between enemies. After arriving outside the gate, Fang Linyan and the three of them bumped into a group of people.

Most of the people in this group were strangers, but Fang Linyan knew two of them.

One of them was a match, and he hid behind him timidly, but his eyes when looking at Fang Linyan showed hatred from time to time.

Needless to say, the other person is none other than Blood Knight Crespo. His face does not look much different from that on the space battlefield.

But Fang Linyan was taking over Fang Xiaoqi's identity at that time, so it was impossible to tell at a glance what he looked like.

Needless to say, this group of people is the Blood Team.

But at this time, Fang Linyan knew it was not time to hide his clumsiness, so he stood up with a smile and said to Blood Knight Crespo:

"What a coincidence, we meet again."

This chapter has been completed!
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