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Chapter 38 Next destination

After saying this, Hank looked at the Star Thief Box in his hand and said with emotion:

"The first pot of gold I dug when I was twenty was from this star thief box. From then on, I began to transform from a pauper to a boss step by step."

"Now, just when I was about to close my shop and return to my hometown and become a pauper again, God sent another Star Thief Box to me!"

"This is like a reincarnation of fate! If this box is empty, then I can follow the Lord's will and go home with peace of mind."

"But if there is still wealth in this box, it means God is willing to give me another chance to start over!!"

When he thought of this, Hank's rickety back straightened suddenly, and then his eyes shone with an unprecedented look.

Because the two parties had an agreement before, he picked up the Star Thief Box in front of him and explained to Fang Linyan:

"Most of Star Thief's boxes are specially customized, and password locks can be added according to the buyer's needs, and the locks can be unlocked in various ways."

"For example, some use the most common passwords and keys, some use voiceprints to unlock locks, some use fingerprints, some use iris recognition, and some use direct faces, and the remembered face is a photo, not the person himself.

...It can be said to be all kinds of strange things.”

"So, it is almost impossible to open the lock through normal methods. Normally, our internal lock opening is to soak it in a specially prepared corrosive liquid."

"Let the liquid slowly penetrate and destroy the internal lock structure, and then unlock it successfully. The disadvantage of this is that it will definitely trigger the alarm device of the box itself, and the unlocking time will be very long, almost forty minutes."

"For the star thief who keeps the box next to him at all times, if the enemy can easily crack his box in this way, it means that he will either die or be caught, so it is not

Mind this."

"What they are worried about is the kind of cracking method that opens instantly and does not trigger the box alarm, but so far there is no such method."

At this time, while Hank was talking, he had already prepared a large pot of blue-black viscous liquid, which seemed to have the texture of mercury.

Then he soaked the Star Thief box in his hand and immediately saw that the box began to make a buzzing and trembling sound, and a large number of bubbles began to appear on the surface.

Hank said:

"This means that the alarm device of the box has been triggered, and the alarm chip will be buried under the owner's skin, often on the buttocks, inner knees, etc."

"Once the alarm is triggered, it will cause burning and twitching pain to the owner of the box. This is to prevent the owner from not receiving the warning message when he is asleep or drunk."

Fang Linyan nodded and said:

"Will it be turned on after just soaking it for half an hour?"

Hank took a deep breath, looked at the box inside the basin, and said expectantly:


Then Hank looked at the Blue Vine medals pinned to the chests of Fang Linyan and the others, and said with some surprise:

"This must be your first time coming to Turtuga Star Port, right?"

Fang Linyan said:


Hank said:

"No wonder, if I were you, I would definitely take off this medal and put it in my pocket. Otherwise, it will bring a lot of trouble to myself."

"No, maybe they have already caused you some trouble."

Fang Linyan said in surprise:

"How do you say this?"

Hank said seriously:

"When you went to apply for the Blue Ivy Medal, all relevant information and even video data had been recorded in detail."

"If my guess is correct, these things have been placed on many people's desks and sold at a good price. Visitors from out of town like you are the most popular."

Fang Linyan said thoughtfully:

"Is it because... we are tourists?"

Hank said:

"Yes, the Order of the Blue Ivy was established forty years ago. The holder will receive a lot of privileges, which seemed very useful at the time."

"For example, you can take the starship directly without queuing, or you can avoid paying the berth fee for the starship to dock. Now it has become useless."

"But some privileges have begun to become valuable, such as being able to purchase any acre of land in the star port at a 50% discount."

"Forty years ago, when Tutuga Star Port was in the development stage, buying land at a 50% discount was completely useless, because no one would buy it. If they were willing to spend money, even the government could actively lower the land price.

To 30% off.”

"But now, there are many places in Tutuga Star Port where every inch of land is at a premium, and this privilege represents terrifying profits!"

"And the governor who established the Blue Vine Medal at that time recognized that the Blue Vine Medal was transferable in order to allow recipients of the Blue Vine Medal to obtain substantial benefits..."

Fang Linyan suddenly realized:

"I understand, there is no killing without buying and selling."

Next, the three of them chatted with the old man Hank for a while and inquired about some local news.

It soon became clear that energy weapons were still commonly used in large machinery, such as starships, tanks and other war weapons at this time.

Although portable energy weapons exist, they are very expensive to use and inconvenient to carry.

To put it simply, the price and use cost of portable energy weapons are ten times that of gunpowder weapons, and their power is only twice that of gunpowder weapons.

Therefore, gunpowder weapons are still very popular in this world, especially in gang wars, street melees and the like, almost all of which are gunpowder weapons.

With the information provided by this old guy who has been here for decades, the three of them had a good idea.

Half an hour passed quickly. Hank took out the Star Thief box in his hand, wiped it dry with a towel and put it on the table.

Then Hank took out a knife and pried it gently, and the outer layer of the box was opened smoothly.

There is an inner box inside, which needs to be opened by twisting the medicine bottle.

At this time, Hank Rao was getting older, and his breathing became slightly faster. This kind of gambling behavior is the most exciting.

One step to heaven, one step to hell!!

As the inner box was opened, three crystals emitting a faint green light rolled out from inside...

Seeing this scene, Hank couldn't help but froze, and murmured:

"Greenstone! It's still bluestone!!"

It turned out to be a coincidence. The first pot of gold that Hank dug out of the Star Thief's Box was a large turquoise stone, and Hank became rich from it.

When he was at the end of his rope, he chose to open the Star Thief Box for one last gamble, and he still got three medium-sized turquoise stones!!

These three medium-sized green stones are widely used in scientific research, and they are even used as decorations and inlaid in jewelry.

Almost like gold, it can be used as both an industrial raw material and a luxury product, so it is not surprising that it is collected as hard currency by star thieves.

Looking back on the past, Hank couldn't help but burst into tears, and the hand holding the bluestone couldn't help but tremble slightly...

Fang Linyan smiled, patted Hank on the shoulder and said:

"Come on, it seems God doesn't want you to retire yet."


At this time, with the few hundred yuan given by Hank, Fang Linyan and the others had start-up capital, and then they used the ready-made things in Hank's store to make some modifications.

For example, he darkened his skin, put on sunglasses, put on a hoodie, etc. Then he directly called a convenient taxi and headed to the Slag Bay that Hank mentioned.

The convenient flying cars here are all driverless and can recognize the waving gestures of passers-by and automatically park there.

Billing starts five minutes after getting on the bus. It supports voice input destination/manual input destination. The billing adopts a fully intelligent mode. It also drives automatically when flying in the air. There is no need to worry about things like ripping off customers.


Tutuga Star Port is a huge city with more than 10 million people. It produces more than 20,000 tons of garbage every day. It is also a tourist city at this time, so a garbage treatment plant is necessary.

The Slag Bay where the three of them went is right next to the garbage treatment plant. It is the poorest and most chaotic area in the entire airport. It is equivalent to the dark side of the bright-looking Tutuga Star Port.

Or to use Hank's intuitive and crude adjectives, there is Tutuga Starport, a gorgeous lady who has not wiped off her buttocks.

Although this place is chaotic, dirty, disorderly, and even filled with sin wherever no one is around, there is a strange vitality rippling there.

Well, it's like cancer cells are frantically absorbing nutrients and growing.

The convenient speed car stopped four kilometers away from the destination entered by Fang Linyan, and a mechanical electronic sound came from the speed car's computer:

"Dear tourists, the destination you entered belongs to an area that this speed car cannot reach."

"You can try to re-enter a new destination or just get off the car and walk there."

This chapter has been completed!
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