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Chapter 40: Lure the snake out of its hole

While almost everyone's attention was attracted by the explosion on the roof, Fang Linyan and the other three quickly walked over, picked up the man in the floral shirt who seemed to be the leader, and left, then turned into the alley next to them.

The vultures stay behind and kill anyone who dares to chase in. They will be served with flying knives.

Five minutes later, four or five men had fallen down in the alley, holding their hands on their chests and groaning in pain. No one dared to step forward.

After a while, four people finally plucked up the courage to rush forward together, only to find that nothing happened. However, there was no one in their sight at this time, and the person they were looking for had simply disappeared.


Ten minutes later, Fang Linyan and the others had entered a house.

The agile vulture had checked this place first. The owner was not here, and there was a thin layer of dust on the coffee table. It was obvious that he had not been home for at least three days.

The vulture quickly stripped the guy in the floral shirt in front of him naked, and after searching carefully, he confirmed that there was no tracker, and then said expressionlessly:

"May I have your name?"

The guy in the floral shirt gritted his teeth and gasped:

"You idiot...I will kill you, I will peel off your skin and hang you on the roof...Ahhhh!!!"

It turned out that before he finished speaking, one of his fingers was broken off by a vulture:

"What a pity, this is not the answer I wanted."

"Okay, let's continue. What's your name?"

Flower Shirt gasped in pain:

"fk, I will...ahhhhhhh!!"

Needless to say, another of his fingers was snapped off!

The vulture said calmly:

"It doesn't matter, you still have eighteen chances to answer incorrectly. I happen to be a very patient person."

"Okay, let's continue. What's your name?"

The flowered shirt trembled for a long time, and finally regained his breath. This time, he finally stopped being nervous and said weakly:


The vulture said coldly:

"Hey, it seems that you finally started to cherish your fingers...Young man, this is a good habit."

At this time, Fang Linyan saw half a bottle of something that looked like blue gravel placed in the cabinet next to him.

His eyes flickered, and he reached out to pick it up and look at it carefully. He found that the words "rose smelling salts" were written on it, so he moved his eyes slightly and put it in his private storage space.

Then Fang Linyan said impatiently to the vulture:

"Can't I just chop off one of his hands? Why torture him finger by finger? Can you have some compassion?"

When Curtis heard this, he almost spit out a mouthful of blood:

"Cut off one of my hands and you call me compassionate? Brother, do you have any misunderstandings about compassion?"

At this moment, Curtis, who originally hated vultures so much, suddenly realized that this guy actually looked a bit pretty.

Because he at least saved himself three fingers...

There is no doubt that Curtis's mentality has completely collapsed at this time, so when the vulture asked him next, this guy almost answered all questions:

"Do you know a guy named Bat?"

Curtis smiled bitterly and said:

"If you are talking about Bat Helter, then you know him and are very familiar with him, because he is my uncle."

Fang Linyan and Vulture looked at each other secretly, with joy in their eyes.

Because the purpose of their swagger this time is actually to lure out this person! One of the three giants of the underground black forces in Zha Bay, Helter!

While this guy controls a bunch of villains and scum, his main business is smuggling and smuggling.

In the previous chat, Hank told them with certainty that if they wanted to collect something rare in the star port, then Helt would be the most confident in getting it all.

However, the reason why Helter is nicknamed Bat is not because he is good at spraying sticky oil everywhere or flying and setting fire.

But most of the time, this guy is like a bat, hiding in dark corners that people don't know, and his whereabouts are as erratic as a bat flying.

Therefore, Fang Linyan's ultimate goal is actually very simple, that is to find this damn Helter and let him help complete the milestone: those shiny things.

If Heert knows what he is interested in and cooperates, then Fang Linyan and the others will not exploit him in vain, but will give him the Star Thief Box as a reward.

If Helter is playing tricks, then I'm so sorry, so sorry, Helter will soon realize that he has made the worst choice in his life.

After hearing what Curtis said, the goat laughed and said:

"That's a coincidence. We recently bought a new batch of goods. I heard that your uncle is the most generous when doing business here, so I want to do some business with him. Can you take us to see you?

Where is your uncle?"

Curtis was silent. Of course he knew that the goat's words were lying to him. Even in his heart, he had already madly scolded the goat a hundred times.

But the severe pain on his fingers told him that there were still many people in the world who were not afraid of his uncle Helter.

He could only say:

"Yes... yes, but I have to call him first, otherwise it will be very rude."

The goat nodded and said:

"Of course, this is what it should be."

The call was dialed quickly. After Curtis chatted for a long time, Goat picked up the phone and said:

"Hello, Mr. Helter, we heard that you are a very powerful person, so we want to make a deal with you."

Helter said coldly:

"If I were really powerful, then Curtis should be sleeping in his doghouse right now instead of being stripped naked and having two fingers broken off."

The goat smiled and said:

"Mr. Helter, negative emotions are not helpful in solving the problem. I think you still want to see your lovely nephew come back to you alive, don't you?"

Helter took a deep breath and said:

"What's your deal?"

Goat said:

"I want one hundred grams each of zircon, purple polycrystalline stone, and Venter crystal."

"The chips I paid were ten loot boxes from the Red Solo Star Thieves...and your nephew."

After hearing this, Helter lost his voice and said angrily:

"You're crazy! The other two things are okay. The Venter Crystal is an absolute contraband. If you are found to have smuggled five grams in the entire Star Alliance, you will be charged with a felony!"

"Don't say a hundred grams, even one gram is hard to find!"

The goat smiled and said:

"That's your business. I heard others say that you are an expert in this area."

Helter roared:

"Who said that! Who is it!"

The goat said calmly:

"Mr. Helter, who said this is not important! The key is that in an hour, I will see these things in front of me. If not, I will send you a finger of your nephew."

Helt roared:

"You are crazy, you can't do this in an hour."

The goat said slowly:

"Well, I know, so I sent my fingers instead of my head."

"It doesn't matter, you can look for it slowly, because if your nephew adds toes, he can send it seventeen times at a frequency of once an hour. After these things are sent, there are still ears, eyes, 0o."

"If you still want him to live, then please remember one thing, our patience can only last until this time tomorrow."

After finishing speaking, Goat hung up the phone directly.

The behavior of Fang Linyan and the other three towards Helter and Curtis was quite cruel and bloody. However, the three of them had investigated before coming. It was certainly not kindness, integrity and kindness that allowed these uncles and nephews to thrive in the underground world.

Truth, goodness and beauty.

Both of them were burdened with at least double digits of lives.

Halter likes chickens, and Curtis's hobby is to throw people off the rooftop with a cigarette in his mouth, and then dance a passionate samba.

So there is no burden on goats who are cruel to them. Such scum are unnecessary in the world.

The three of them waited for about half an hour when they suddenly heard Curtis' phone ringing again. When the call was answered, it was Helt's voice:

"Hey, the goods are ready. When will you come to pick them up?"

After hearing this, the goat smiled and said:

"Mr. Helter, we actually know that you are tracking the source of the phone call and have already brought your men to the vicinity."

"But it doesn't matter. We asked you to do this on purpose. The purpose is very simple. We just want you to understand one thing and put away your unrealistic fantasies. Cooperation is the only way out."

As the goat said this, he walked to the window on the second floor, where he could already see the people around Helter falling down in the small square thirty meters away.

It was already dusk, the street lights were beginning to light up, and the shadows of vultures were moving through the darkness like ghosts. The dim light made it even more difficult to guard against his flying knife.

At this time, Helter could no longer believe his eyes. He froze on the spot holding the phone, and could only watch his men fall to the ground in confusion and numbness.

This chapter has been completed!
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