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Chapter 71 Scarlet Memories

After leaving the warehouse for a block, the goat has directly optimized the next course of action:

"We have a total of three missions now. Two of them are side missions and one is the main mission."

"The closest place to us right now is to send a blood-stained ring to the Dartford Gift Shop on Fourteenth Avenue. It's only 1.2 kilometers away. What do you think?"

Fang Linyan said:

"no problem."

The vulture nodded and said:

"I don't have any objection either."

So the three of them immediately called a taxi and arrived at their destination in just a few minutes.

The Dartford Gift Shop looks ordinary from the outside, and there is nothing very attractive about it. The width of the store outside is only about five meters.

Even if it weren't for the "OPEN" wooden sign hanging on the white wooden handle, you wouldn't know that this store is still open.

After Fang Linyan pushed the door open and walked in, he found that the main specialty here was hat gifts. The massive hats hanging on the walls were full of strange textures and beautiful tassels, which was dizzying.

The rattan lounge chair next to it, the abstract oil painting on the wall, the special dream catcher, mottled antique furniture, retro chandeliers and other elements all seem to have solidified a wonderful afternoon tea time here, making you

Stay here forever...

Watching three people walk in, a girl with flaxen hair smiled and nodded:

"Welcome, please feel free to take a look! But if you want to try it on, please let me know so I can put a disposable lining on the hat you want to try on."

The goat thought for a moment, and then said in a low voice:

"I didn't come here to buy a hat, and I must say sorry because I brought you bad news."

The girl suddenly froze, her face suddenly turned pale, and she suddenly fell down on the wicker chair next to her, and then said after a long while:

"I'm sorry, I'm... very confused right now. Could you please wait a moment?"

Goat said:

"No problem at all."

Then the girl stumbled into the store and walked out after a few minutes. Apart from her eyes being a little red and swollen, she couldn't see much change from before.

Then she nodded and said:

"Okay, tell me, I'm mentally prepared to accept any bad news."

The goat said:

"I don't know what to call you?"

Goat said:

"I'm Julie."

Goat said:

"Okay, Miss Julie."

"We went to the Rennes warehouse to do some work this morning, and then we noticed something was wrong there, so we investigated further."

"As a result, a gentleman was found in the secret basement of Rennes Warehouse."

"At that time, this gentleman was dying and completely dead. He asked us to come here to deliver a message and gave us this ring as a token."

With that said, the goat took out the blood-stained ring. The girl bit her lower lip, then took the ring and looked at it carefully...

Suddenly two lines of tears flowed out. She closed her eyes and said after a long while:

"Well, you can say that now."

At this time, Fang Linyan suddenly said:

"Beautiful lady, I must apologize again, because my next words may be a bit direct."

"Actually, we are not very free. The reason why we came here specially is because this gentleman gave us a promise."

"That is, after giving this ring to the person who needs it, he will give us a generous reward."

The vulture also came out to play the villain and said coldly:

"Yes, we are not short of money! And I have no interest in doing good deeds. If he hadn't told me that there would be surprises waiting, I would never have come!"

After hearing what his companion said, the goat shrugged and said:

"Miss Julie, I'm so sorry. My companions are a group of rude and ignorant people. I'm really ashamed to stand with them."

Julie nodded and said:

"Is that so? Okay, I understand, please wait."

After saying that, she walked in, and when she came out again, she already had a camouflage-colored backpack in her hand. She said:

"Three gentlemen, you should have met my father Tomos. When he was young, he was keen on adventures on various planets and brought back enough specialties."

"He saw this as fun and a way to make a living for a long time."

"In the last few years of his adventures, he was completely enjoying these extraordinary journeys. With this mentality, my father Tomos gained extraordinary gains...


At this point, Julie had already taken out three transparent pearl-like things from the backpack, and she continued:

"Since Tomos promised to give you a surprise, and it's not money, then it must be it."

The three of them looked at each other and took what she handed over. After Fang Linyan's fingers touched the thing, he immediately got the hint:

"Contractor No. ZB419, you have obtained the prop: Water of the Forgotten River."

"Prop Quality: Silver Plot."

"Materials: cardamom essential oil, red cinnamon powder, vanilla, colored carp scales."

"The effect of use by aborigines: making them forget the most painful memories in their minds."

"Contractor's use effect: After drinking, specify a skill. The LV level of this skill cannot exceed LV7, so that this skill will be forgotten, but the general points and potential points consumed will be partially returned."

"The repayment ratio is related to the user's skill level and...luck."

"Warning! This operation is irreversible, and once used, the skills designated to be forgotten cannot be restored."

"Explanation: Knowing too much can sometimes be a burden."

Looking at the props he got, the goat was suddenly surprised and said:

"This is a good thing. I once saw someone asking for it and offering an astonishing price."

The vulture said simply:

"Hard currency! It can be said that most people can use it--such as me."

The goat seemed to understand something all of a sudden:

"Hey, hey, are you planning to use it directly?"

The vulture said in astonishment:

"Yeah, what's the problem?"

Goat said:

"........All right."

The vulture said simply:

"I was the team leader before, and then I became a wanderer, so I will definitely adjust and learn some useful skills based on my identity."

"Especially after I became a Ranger, I worked in several teams. I was always suspected and marginalized, so I could only work hard to make up for my shortcomings."

"But now that I have met you and this team that is willing to trust me and allow me to have a clear division of labor, then of course I need to adjust my positioning, eliminate redundant skills, and develop in the direction that the team needs.


After hearing the vulture's words, the goat also fell into deep thought... Well, then he also shot himself.

Fang Linyan thought about it, but realized that he... actually didn't need this thing for the time being! Okay, let's put it away first.

Then he glanced at Julie and said to her seriously:

"Beautiful lady, the gift your father left us is quite nice, thank you very much!"

"So, what he wants us to bring is: password 317789M."

Speaking of this, Fang Linyan hesitated and said:

"Then, I love you, Julie."

After hearing Fang Linyan's words, Julie didn't notice the pause in the sentence, and immediately covered her face again and began to cry silently.

At this time, a prompt appeared in front of Fang Linyan:

"Side mission: Bloody Ring completed."

"Contractor No. ZB419, you gained 1 potential point."

"Your team experience has improved."

"Members of your war team also completed the side mission: The Bloody Ring."

"Your War Squad experience is now 22/40."

After seeing this prompt, Fang Linyan made a gesture to the other two people, and then left the gift shop at the same time. Goat said:

"Now we are only 2.2 kilometers away from the destination of the main mission. Do we want to set off?"

Fang Linyan shook his head:

"No, let's find a quiet place first and take a look at the message Jha left us."

"I think that after reading this information, many of our questions will be answered."

Goat said:

"OK, although we don't have enough time now, we still have enough time to sit down and read a piece of information."

So the three of them searched on the street, and it was difficult to find a relatively private place with private space for a while, so they had to go to a nearby hotel to get an hourly room.

However, none of the three people noticed that the name of this hotel is: "Scarlet Memories"!

So when the girl at the front desk watched three men opening an hourly room, she couldn't help but look up and down with strange eyes, and then confirmed it twice before giving her the room card, which was very meaningful.

The way:

"Have a good time, you three."

Then, after opening the door, Fang Linyan and the others were quickly stunned by the heart-shaped water bed, pink bedding, and a silicone mold that was at least a foot long hanging next to it.

Not only that, the smart butler also said ambiguously in a kind and gentle voice:

"Dear guest, I wish you an unforgettable and exciting time in Scarlet Memories..."

The three of them really looked at each other at this time. Recalling the look in the girl's eyes at the front desk, they even felt like jumping off the building.

But in desperation, the deal is already done. If you want to leave now, wouldn't it be even more embarrassing if you are regarded as a member of the Three Seconds Party?

So the goat had no choice but to smile bitterly, turn on the optical brain, and choose to play the mini USB flash drive.

Soon, lines of fonts appeared in the projection area of ​​the portable optical computer.

"This memory has been encrypted...."

"Please enter the relevant password or log out!"

"Warning, this memory contains a self-destruction device. If you enter the wrong password, the information erasure process will be started. Please enter it carefully!"

"Password: juantu1980."

"The password has been verified, the memory will be opened..."


"Start playing memory!"

This chapter has been completed!
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