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Chapter 101: First Arrival Feelings

Seeing that Mir seemed to be very talkative, several people came up to chat with him, and what Mir said was not top secret, but something they could learn when they got off the shuttle, so the random sergeant also

There is no stopping.

From Mir's mouth, Fang Linyan and the others learned that the mission of their large group of people should be to build a military base.

The standard configuration of each military base is three hundred soldiers,

Two Phantom fighter jets used for reconnaissance,

Twelve "Rainbow Trout" rapid response all-terrain jet combat vehicles,

Twenty-four full-time four-wheel drive "Objector" tracked armored self-propelled vehicles (can be equipped with high-explosive fuel injectors or Black Mamba tracking bombardment devices).

At the same time, after the military base is established, it must leave room for expansion in the future when it is converted into a mining town.

However, there is another possibility to build military outposts, although this possibility was briefly mentioned by Mill.

But Fang Linyan knew very well that what was passed over in a hurry was probably the key point. This should be the absolute hard work, and it was what this group of people had to face!

This is just like when a newcomer sees the salary in the job advertisement saying 3000-9000/month, and immediately starts to dream of a monthly salary of 9000.

Ahem, wake up, brother, what is waiting for you must be a monthly salary of 3,000. No, no, after deducting this and that, you might end up with only 1,700...

In addition, Fang Linyan also received good news:

That is, under the current extremely heavy combat missions, the casualties of soldiers are very heavy. There is no doubt that the damage rate of fighter planes and armed vehicles has also skyrocketed. Therefore, it is not only the army and mercenaries who are exhausted, but also those who arrived with them.

maintenance worker.

At first, they could take turns sleeping for a few hours a day, but later, as a large number of combat equipment was constantly being returned, the maintenance workers were completely at full capacity and were so busy that they did not even have time to eat, and their time for sleeping was also used up.

Squeeze, everyone's eyes are as red as rabbits.

Why don't synthetics like David Cole work as repairmen?

That is, when they are manufactured, they can only load the combat module and do some simple mechanical work.

However, in order to determine faults based on complex situations, such as maintenance, and then carry out repairs according to local conditions, this requires a very sophisticated and advanced logical thinking program model. Similar artificial intelligence is still under development.

It is worth mentioning that after takeoff, relevant information on the planet Moston began to be played in the cabin, including all kinds of weird and ferocious creatures on it, which really made people's scalp numb.

After flying for about two hours, this shuttle formation had already begun to enter the meteorite belt.

At this time, the unique six thrusters of the Rhizoma II began to work, just like thick-looking scarab beetles, nimbly shuttled through the meteorite belt.

Large meteorites can be avoided by maneuver, while small meteorites can be hit by force by wearing two layers of thick armor.

This nearly three-hour journey through the meteorite belt has been unforgettable for many passengers.

Because the Rhizoma II model has two major shortcomings, the first is that the model is too old, and the second is that it is too pragmatic, so comfort is completely ignored...

Therefore, 50% of people vomited out half an hour after entering the meteorite belt.

The remaining 49% of the people started vomiting ten minutes after entering the meteorite belt.

Fortunately, the crew had anticipated this, so they had thoughtfully prepared vomit bags for everyone and placed them within easy reach.

Ahem, there are only five people in the entire hanging cabin who haven't vomited.

Fang Linyan trio,

A thin-faced man huddled in a corner and kept silent.

As for Mir, he adjusted the seat belt to the shortest length, which was equivalent to tying himself to the seat, and then fell asleep.

Looking at that thin face, the goat said:

"This guy is a bit suspicious. We didn't vomit because our bodies were digitized. Is he also a contractor? Do you want me to check it out later?"

Fang Linyan smiled and said:

"Just keep an eye on him. What we have to do shouldn't cause unnecessary problems."

"Don't worry too much, thinking that I'm hiding something. In fact, the information collected so far is not complete, so I don't have much confidence. Saying it will not help. It's better to wait until I am absolutely sure before saying anything."


Finally, after three hours, this journey that seemed like a nightmare to most people was finally coming to an end.

Some unlucky ones even vomited bile directly, and their faces turned pale as if they were seriously ill.

Soon, the shuttle had begun to enter the atmosphere of Moston. At this time, Fang Linyan noticed that Mir had woken up, silently holding a cross as if praying.

Obviously, in Mir's mind, there is no danger in the meteorite belt at all, and he can sleep peacefully.

It was the next part of the journey that made him feel dangerous.

After successfully arriving in the airspace of Moston Star, we can see large clouds of fog everywhere, like clouds and haze. It looks hazy and the visibility is very poor.

Moreover, there are occasional thunder and lightning flashes in this mist, and from time to time there are dull roars in the distance, which makes people feel an ominous premonition in their hearts.

Not only that, the signal connection between the shuttle and above also began to become intermittent, and it was almost necessary to shout loudly to barely recognize the other party's words.

Probably to avoid the fog in the air, the entire shuttle formation was flying at ultra-low altitude.

It even directly hit the thick and soft cap of the huge purple mushroom tree on the ground many times, and then scattered large swaths of purple spores, which looked very spectacular.

At this time, Mir also looked a little nervous. Although he was tightly tied by the seat belt, his hands were tightly holding the gauntlet next to him.

Fang Linyan said that he could understand his nervousness because he had used Laget's account to access the intranet before and knew some top-secret information:

That is, the harsh climate on the planet Moston (codenamed Planet β on the intranet) is quite terrifying. Even if it is just taking off and landing, the crash rate has reached 8.2%. What does this mean?

When a ground-attack aircraft is flying, every twelve times it takes off and lands, there is a high probability that it will crash! Although a crash does not mean that the aircraft will be destroyed and no one will be killed, it is still frightening enough.

Fortunately, the pilot was very stable this time, and it only took about half an hour to safely dock at the airport.

This is the first fortress built by the Starry Sky Consortium on the planet Moston. It is named New Watchfort. At this time, almost three thousand people have been stationed.

In order to strengthen its defense, even the poured components were airdropped at any cost, and a steel-concrete city wall with a height of five meters and a width of about eight meters was built directly around it.

According to the introduction of people nearby, the suppressive firepower on the city wall is extremely amazing. The total is as follows:

24 Hotchkiss 47mm electromagnetic rapid-fire cannons,

12 AN/SQR-20 Punisher 127mm twin all-round guns,

12-door Barracuda 610mm rapid-fire acid missile launcher,

The most noteworthy ones are the two penetrating heat ray precision strike systems that have not yet been mass-produced, also known as Doomsday Gaze.

Any enemy hit by it will be instantly hit by high-heat rays with astonishing penetrating power, reaching tens of thousands of degrees, which can be said to be almost indestructible.

Such a defensive force can only be described as armed to the teeth.

In the future, after this military operation is completed, New Watchfort will become the largest advanced mining base on the planet Moston, maintaining the strength to expand into a town of two to thirty thousand people within a week.

At this time, it is no longer too difficult to build a city on an alien planet. All kinds of components can be manufactured directly in the factory, and then used to be hoisted and assembled by heavy-duty transport aircraft. Its essence is not much different from playing with Lego bricks.

The New Watch Fortress, a battlefield fortress like this, is even more convenient at this time. The living barracks are reinforced containers with built-in air filtration facilities, beds, free water vapor collection facilities, intelligent modules, bulletproof armor, etc.

It is mounted under the belly of a transport ship and can be used directly by dropping it on the ground. Of course, the premise is that the user needs to know the password to open the door and bring a blanket with him.

Before Fang Linyan and the rest of the group were chased away from the Strawberry II shuttle, everyone was told to wear the assigned filter masks.

This is because although the air on Moston is barely breathable by humans, poisoning symptoms will appear after at most one hour, so a filter mask must be used to shield harmful substances in the air.

However, Fang Linyan secretly took a few breaths and realized that this thing may be poisonous to ordinary people, but the contractor of the digital body can last at least a day. Those with high physical strength may not need this thing at all. This is probably the case.

The advantage of the contractor.

The group of them got off the plane as if they were being driven away, and were quickly sent to a large barracks nearby, where seven or eight soldiers were already waiting.

As soon as Fang Linyan and the others entered and sat down, the leader, a bearded officer named Jason, said loudly:

"Rookies! Welcome to hell!"

"Now, take that little blue pill in front of you and take it!"

"Don't worry, its effect is not to keep your thing standing up at a ninety-degree angle, but to quickly relieve your symptoms of severe vomiting after airsickness."

"I'll give you ten seconds to take your medicine!"

"Hey, why don't you eat?"

Jason looked at Fang Linyan and the others with some annoyance and said:

This chapter has been completed!
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