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Chapter 5 Reclining Woman

After seeing this scene, Fang Linyan immediately took a breath of cold air and tightly grasped the tentacles of light on his body. He didn't want to follow in such a footsteps!

But what Fang Linyan didn't know was that he had already experienced a similar thing when he entered the 811 world for the first time, but he just fainted at the time.

After calming down, Fang Linyan saw many people around him being rolled up by the tentacles of light, flying towards a certain place quickly. He must be in the same state, but the light from the tentacles of light was quite bright, and he couldn't see clearly.

The faces of the others.

Suddenly, a passage suddenly appeared in the darkness next to Fang Linyan, and a man wrapped in a diamond-shaped light quickly flew out from it.

As the flight time became longer and longer, more and more people around Fang Linyan were wrapped in diamond-shaped light.

Not only that, passages were opened one after another in the darkness, and then people wrapped in balls of light appeared and were quickly brought to fly.

Faced with such a strange scene, it was not difficult for Fang Linyan to deduce the truth of the incident

It turns out that this joint trial was actually a joint effort between at least three spaces.

The characteristic of the space where people are fished from the world where Fang Linyan lives is the use of tentacles of light to fish people from the other two worlds. Its characteristics are diamond-shaped rays of light and light balls!

Thinking of this, Fang Linyan immediately understood:

The competitors he has to face this time are not only from this home world, but also from two different worlds!

Just after Fang Linyan deduced the general outline of the matter, he suddenly realized that the tentacles of light surrounding him had disappeared, and the feeling of entering the passage also disappeared.

He had entered a very strange state, as if he had encountered the so-called "ghost on the bed". He was conscious, but his body was completely out of control, and he couldn't even move a finger.

It was also dark before his eyes, and there were only bursts of weird monotonous sounds coming from his ears, as if someone was repeatedly tapping steel.

The ∞ mark on Fang Linyan's chest was always shining faintly, but Fang Linyan himself didn't see it.

I don't know how long this situation of total darkness lasted. It was not until a glimmer of light appeared in front of Fang Linyan that things improved.

Then a series of messages began to pop up on Fang Linyan's retina:

"Receiving joint trial information..."

"Start analyzing the target..."

"Start assimilating characters and joint trials..."

"Human! You are lucky enough to be selected and enter the joint battlefield. This place is full of dangers but full of opportunities. In the next trial, you only need to do one thing, and that is to survive! There is countless wealth here.

, endless power, the temptation of immortality, do you want to understand all of this? Do you want to obtain it all? Then survive first!"

"Your current identity is: Trialist, and your temporary number is zb419." (The temporary number code is generated after analyzing the genetic code of the organism, and has nothing to do with the order of entry.)

"Your talent has been awakened. At this time, your body has been temporarily digitized, but you can only obtain permanent digitization after passing the trial."

"Warning, if you die here, you will also die."

"You have been mastered by default in the relevant mainstream languages, and will be forgotten after you leave."

"You cannot reveal some secret information to the indigenous people of the world, such as trials, your true identity, etc. Even if you reveal your words, they will be automatically filtered."

"Start entering the world..."

"Start finding and matching relevant identities"

“When humans open the Pandora’s Box of artificial intelligence, they enjoy the convenience it brings but ignore the threats it brings!”

"The future world has become a mechanical civilization. After artificial intelligence has evolved to its extreme, a self-aware personality, Typhon!, has emerged. This has led to sharp conflicts with human society and brazenly launched the "Purge Day" war. Humanity has

Under the all-out attack of mechanical civilization, they tried their best to resist, but they were already at a disadvantage. The entire planet was damaged and devastated in the war..."

"A large number of powerful robots called Reapers have been produced. The purpose of their creation is to treat humans as slaves and capture them first, or... kill them directly if they cannot be captured, and then take away the bodies."

"Because for mechanical civilization, human fat is a very good lubricant after being refined. Metal elements can be extracted from human bones, and a very excellent additive can be extracted from human hair and blood, which can greatly

significantly improves the ductility of its latest alloys.”

"It is precisely because of this that mechanical civilization slowed down its offensive against human civilization, and actually began to try to raise humans as renewable resources like livestock, and named the area where humans are kept in captivity the flesh and blood regeneration mine. It is the darkest place in human history.

The time has come!"

"This is Yangfan City, which ranks among the top ten remaining human settlements. It is facing a new round of raids launched by Typhon."

"You will appear in the world at this time."

"It is worth mentioning that the dangers you have to face are not just mechanical life. Under the influence of radiation, some beasts and insects have also mutated and become dangerous and aggressive. Humans are also at the top of their diet.

s position!"

"So, hide well and make sure you survive!"...

As his eyes gradually adapted to the light, although Fang Linyan could not move yet, he found himself collapsed on the side of a highway. He could still vaguely see the movement around him. The road sign next to him showed that this was Highway S6. The air

It was very cold, with a faint smell of turpentine after inhaling it. Rain fell from the sky, making it extremely cold.

The light quickly moved from far to near, from soft to dazzling, and then you could hear the roar of the engine. It was a jeep driving at full speed, and the light came from the high beam on the front of the car. After turning a road

After the sharp bend, the high beams became clearer. At this time, Fang Linyan was shocked to realize that there was a woman lying in the middle of the road less than ten meters away from him.

This woman was motionless, and she didn't know whether she was dead or alive. She must have been lying in the rain for a long time. Her clothes were soaked through and her fingers turned pale white. Not only that, there were several people behind the woman.

There were no motionless vehicles, but these vehicles had been severely damaged.

This chapter has been completed!
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