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Chapter 135 Warehouse Capsule

I saw two tongues of fire spitting out from the designed mouth of the bunker in an instant. The dozen or so soldiers suffered heavy casualties immediately. They had no choice but to find a place to hide immediately. They were so suppressed that they could not lift their heads.

At this time, the Hercules transport plane seemed to have realized that the situation was over, and started the engine directly to run away. But how could such a giant aircraft take off in a hurry without taking three to five minutes in time?

The final result was that three consecutive fireballs from the goat hit the windshield of the cockpit, causing cracks on it to appear as dense as a spider web.

Not only that, the blazing flames clung to the windshield and kept burning, causing the driver to immediately feel great pressure. In a hurry, he could only activate the emergency mode according to the emergency manual and format the entire driving system.

Not only that, but at this time, he received strict orders from the deputy commander Hank, asking him to detonate the bomb directly in the cockpit. Otherwise, once the plane was captured, Fang Linyan could escape with Mertes. That would be true.

It makes you want to cry without tears.

Seeing the thick smoke billowing from the cockpit, the goat immediately stopped and joined the ranks of chasing the remaining enemies, quickly completely defeating the resistance in the temporary camp.

At this time, the Chisuo Star Pirates began to clean up the battlefield. At this time, they also took out the black technology from Capsule Technology.

The leader of the Chisuo star robbers took out a black capsule and threw it into the air. There was a loud "bang" sound, the air flow hit, and a huge warehouse suddenly appeared there.

The remaining people began to work hard, moving the remaining baggage in the camp into it one after another, giving priority to the energy supply of weapons and ammunition.

Fang Linyan was very curious about how this large warehouse would be moved later, but he heard the tone of the Chisuo Ghost Star Thief next to him.

At this time, Lieutenant Colonel Damoc shouted in surprise at the maintenance camp nearby. It turned out that he discovered a Spitfire chariot being repaired, which was a brand new model.

This thing is not damaged, but because the cabin height of the Hercules transport aircraft is limited, this Spitfire chariot has additional attachments, so it can only be disassembled during transportation, and then temporarily replaced when it arrives at the location.


After hearing Lieutenant Colonel Damok's shout, Fang Linyan was not generally interested in mechanical things.

After taking a look at it, I realized that this was indeed the case. To be precise, it should be called the Spitfire II. Compared with the ordinary model, this thing can be described as completely reborn.

Engineers not only replaced the tank with a high-power incineration weapon "Hellfire Thrower", but also added a variety of modes to the tank to adapt to various tactical needs. This is a staggeringly complex "servo deformation"


Unlike previous flamethrowers, the "Hellfire Thrower" sprays plasma fuel.

Two barrels of protective tanks located at the core of the vehicle are filled with these unstable compounds, which can be used both for power devices and as combustion accelerants to release horrific flames of up to 1800 degrees.

(Note: The melting point of ordinary steel is about 1500 degrees.)

Not only that, even the tires have a lot to offer. In order to adapt the tank to bumpier road conditions, federal engineers also developed an "armored air-cushion tire" that can absorb high-frequency impacts.

The vibration effect is also very good.

At the same time, the biggest charm of this vehicle is that a deformation module has been added to the system. In addition to the four-wheel rapid assault mode, it also has a "combat mecha mode" that can be used in the mountains, which is commonly known as "humanoid mode".

Mecha Mode".

The brand-new combat system enables this off-road vehicle to transform into a powerful mecha warrior.

With the help of Fang Linyan and Vulture, and the fact that the Spitfire II was already 80% assembled, the last step was quickly completed.

Lieutenant Colonel Damoc excitedly entered the cab, pushed the control lever, and the thing immediately transformed with a "click-click" and stood up.

In the new mecha mode, the "Hellfire Thrower" is placed on the shoulder of the humanoid mecha, which can instantly spray high-temperature flames forward.

The body, which originally looked fat, suddenly turned into two anti-explosion shields on the arms of the humanoid mecha. The thick shape alone gave people a lot of sense of security.

The transformed Spitfire Chariot looks a bit like the "Hulkbuster" used by Iron Man in the Women's Federation. It is large and round. The two rear wheels are draped on the shoulders of the humanoid mecha, and the front wheels have become thick.

The soles of the feet and the entire shape give people the feeling of being strong and durable.

Different from the high-mobility combat method of the "Spike" in off-road mode, the combat method of the transformed Spifire II is simpler and rougher, that is, it gives up speed so that it can carry out positional assault battles.

Two pieces of explosion-proof armor that look like shields provide extremely high survivability and can also protect the movement of individual soldiers behind them. Of course, they are also unambiguous when mobility is needed.

Not only that, Lieutenant Colonel Damoc also looted all the allocated maintenance parts boxes and energy supply modules.

At this time, a red signal flare suddenly rose on the battlefield over there, which meant that they could no longer support the battlefield and were about to evacuate.

The Chisuo Star Thief immediately stepped forward, pressed the button next to the warehouse, and immediately saw the warehouse door slowly lowering.

When this thing was completely closed, the entire huge warehouse actually made a loud "peng" sound again, which sounded very similar to the sound of a tire blowing out, and a large amount of smoke and dust were generated around it.

Then after the dust dispersed, they saw a fist-sized capsule falling on the spot, its whole body showing black, and it was easily picked up by the Red Suo Star Thief. This scene really shocked Fang Linyan and others.


Next, this guy signaled Lieutenant Colonel Damoc to drive the Spitfire II and directly turn on the off-road mode to send him back to the camp.

Damoc seemed to be taking it for granted. After transforming directly into the air cushion mode, he flew away as if racing in a swamp, splashing a lot of water wherever he passed.

After seeing this scene, Fang Linyan couldn't help but curiously asked a red shuttle ghost star thief next to him:

"What, does that capsule have a time limit? Why did he leave in such a hurry?"

Chisuo Ghost Star looked at him, probably because he thought he was one of his own, and said:

"Yes, once this kind of warehouse capsule is used, even if it is just idle there, it will only be valid for three hours. The more things it contains, the shorter the validity period will be, but it can last for at least one hour."

"However, there can't be any living things in it. If you want to get in and hitch a ride, that won't work."

After hearing this, the goat said curiously:

"What if it contains something alive?"

Chisuo Ghost Star Thief shrugged and said:

"Then of course he will die."

Fang Linyan said:

"Then what happens if you haven't taken out the things when the time is up?"

Chisuo Ghost Star Pirate said:

"I haven't seen it, but it is said that there will be terrible space cracks that will swallow up anything."

Fang Linyan nodded, dropped a time bomb in his hand and placed it in the cargo hold of the Hercules transport plane, then pressed the countdown button and retreated.

Only about five minutes later, a group of people heard the roar of engines in the air. It turned out that the air support called by the federal army had arrived. No wonder Deguigas had to send a signal to go ahead.

Fang Linyan was also secretly shocked when he saw that the "Spiritus" shuttle that came to support had been equipped with external firepower equipment for ground suppression. After swooping down, it instantly exploded into a sea of ​​flames within a few hundred meters.

Fortunately, they had already broken into pieces and dispersed, and lurked directly in the swamp, so the probability of being targeted and hit was completely low.

However, at this time, the time bomb placed by Fang Linyan and others in the temporary camp had also expired. It exploded with a "boom, boom, boom" and directly turned the entire temporary camp into a sea of ​​flames.

The armored bunkers, air defense towers, and dug trenches that the workers had worked so hard to build were all reduced to nothing in an instant.

Not only that, the Hercules transport plane was also wrapped in a sea of ​​blazing fire, and even the fuel exploded.

This scene obviously attracted the attention of the "Spiritus" shuttle in the sky. Apparently it thought someone was still causing trouble here, so it circled here twice but found nothing.

This chapter has been completed!
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