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Chapter 140 Shock! This battlefield actually gave away the artifact for free (fifth update)

In just ten minutes, a message began to spread throughout the entire Moston Planet War Zone (Capsule Technology):

"What, a new battlefield has been opened now? It's called the Ball Fern Area Battlefield?"

"Well, yes, take a look at the message just sent to us. There are very detailed instructions in it."

"Oh wait, let me see...what the hell is the title of this push??!!! "Shocked! This battlefield is giving away artifacts for free")"

"Is the editor of Capsule Technology actually so polluted that there is no bottom line?"

"What about the integrity of media people? What is the lower limit for media people? What about the professional ethics of media people? Such a title really captures the essence of the shamelessness of Internet media."

"Although I knew it was probably a shocking scam, my hand still disobediently opened it. Why can't I control myself with this hand?"


There is no doubt that Fang Linyan, as an ally of Capsule Technology at this time, and whose reputation has already overflowed with friendship, also received this push message carefully written by himself:

With a feeling of satisfaction, Fang Linyan clicked on it, and the following content was even more eye-catching.

Do you want a shield mastering skill book, a powerful black shield, a magical prop that can strengthen or change talents? No money, free!

In view of the principle of saying important things three times, Fang Linyan pasted and copied the above line of text three times.

Then I started to defend my title.

As we all know, if you want to become the core of the team and the mainstay of the MT, then the shield mastering skill book must be acquired. Therefore, for those with lofty ideals, the shield mastering skill book is their artifact and will not accept any refutation!!

This time, the opportunity is in front of you.

The new Ball Fern area battlefield is open for a limited time (currently there are only 37 hours, 32 minutes and 22 seconds left). After the battlefield opening time ends, the ranking will be calculated based on the platinum coins finally obtained in this battlefield.

The third place will receive the Shield Mastery Skill Book (Picture: Detailed description.)

The second place will receive Kress's back shell (picture: specific attributes)

The first place will receive the mutated egg of the Blazing Worm (picture: detailed description)


This unscrupulous push from Fang Linyan was like pouring a drop of water into hot oil, causing the pot to explode.

First of all, the new battlefield is very eye-catching. After all, in the remaining battlefields, only a few people can have the advantage, and more people are still dissatisfied with the status quo. This is just like the first few days when a new server of an online game is opened, the population is always full.

A truth.

Then there are the new battlefield rewards thrown out. Although there are many people who have been deceived because of the word "artifact", these three rewards are actually very practical and in great demand. Even if there is no need, you can get them.

The kind that can be sold in minutes.

Some strong people will definitely want to dominate the top three.

The other group of people who are relatively weak in strength also feel that they can at least stand out, right?

Not only that, everyone who saw this prompt message started to complain. Obviously the value of the shield mastering skill book is greater than the previous two. It should be the reward for first place, but why was it put away?

To the third place prize?

But Fang Linyan's intentions are sinister. After all, there are only a few contractors who are qualified and confident to get the first place on the battlefield, at least much less than those who are confident of getting the third place on the battlefield.

On such a large battlefield, the power of an individual is never as strong as the power of a team.

To put it more intuitively, if you put the shield mastering skill in the first place, you can probably only attract three people, but if you put it in the third place, then maybe ten people will be attracted by it.


So in this case, after twenty minutes, people began to join the battlefield directly, and this wave of joining reached its peak an hour later.

Fang Linyan's soft article directly attracted three teams, nineteen space warriors, including six colonists and thirteen contractors.

The reinforcements that suddenly joined in like this caught the opponent off guard. Hank and the others had been advancing quite smoothly, beating the Red Suo Star Thieves back steadily, but they were hit hard by this blow in the head, causing stars to pop out all over their eyes.

It can be seen that several plumes of black smoke rise from the entire Ball Fern battlefield. This is a scene that occurs after the destroyed federal motor vehicle is set on fire.

Not only that, Hank was also attacked by decapitation tactics, forcing him to use three portable exoskeleton suits again.

Not only that, even the red box carried by Hank's adjutant was also Hank's trump card, and an elite-level "Fire" portable exoskeleton armor was forced out.

Seizing this opportunity, the Chisuo Star Pirates immediately sent out a lot of manpower to restore all the various mechanisms and arrangements that were destroyed last night.

With the addition of contractors, the battle began to escalate rapidly. It can be said that a large amount of information was collected into the C7 secret base at every moment. At this time, the remaining Chisuo star thieves also knew that Fang Linyan and the other three were VIPs, so even if

Top-secret areas like the command room are also accessible to him.

Fang Linyan sat in front of a terminal, quickly entered some blocking words, and then began to quickly search for the whereabouts of the colonists Deng, Coster, Daisy, Wood and others.

This is not because Fang Linyan is narrow-minded -- well, in fact he is not broad-minded! But the most fundamental reason is that Deng and Coster restrained him too harshly.

At this time, Fang Linyan has relied more and more on the intelligence capabilities provided by the mechanical gyrfalcon, but as long as Deng and Coster are present, the mechanical gyrfalcon will most likely be destroyed as soon as it appears!

In front of them, Fang Linyan felt as if he had lost an eye!

These two people were really like a thorn in Fang Lin Yan's side, and he had to get rid of them as soon as possible.

Fang Linyan even had a vague hunch that if he didn't seize the opportunity to kill them today, these two guys who were extremely restrained in their tactics would become a serious problem for him in the future.

Suddenly, a cursor flashed next to him. Fang Linyan stretched out his hand and found a picture popping up in mid-air, which showed the colonist Deng walking ahead with a gloomy expression.

Although the next second he saw Deng reaching out and pointing, the scene suddenly turned dark, the coordinate point where it appeared was already firmly remembered by Fang Linyan.

He immediately called to the goat and vulture, and then called Lieutenant Colonel Damoc, asking him to drive his transforming fire chariot to quickly send his group there.

As a result, Damok could only spread his hands and sigh with a bitter smile, because he had withdrawn from the front line exactly ten minutes ago. To be precise, he reluctantly drove back the black-smoking Spitfire chariot.

It turned out that when Damoc was helping to cover the retreat, the federal army took the opportunity and struck him hard.

The survivability of this thing is indeed strong. It was hit by a missile in the front, two high-explosive grenades, and the flamethrower system was blown to pieces, but it was still able to be fired back.

However, the number of technicians at Capsule Technology seemed to be seriously insufficient. Fang Linyan went over to take a look and found that the two workers were staring at this thing, as helpless as mice trying to pull a turtle.

Fang Linyan went over to take a look and found that maintenance seemed to be his specialty.

Moreover, military vehicles are all about solid leather and not so much, so the experience I had with Engineer Ivan at that time came in handy.

So I quickly went to work, looked for it in the pile of discarded parts nearby, found a rusty part, cut it with a lathe and installed it.

Then after welding two more cracks, I connected the driving optical computer and debugged it, and then asked Damoc to start it. Anyway, this time I just relied on its fast maneuverability. As for whether it has a flamethrower or not, it doesn't matter.

It doesn't matter whether it can be deformed or not.

After Damoc got on the car hesitantly, he found that it actually worked, and he felt that cornering was much smoother!

In the ten minutes of hurried maintenance time, Fang Linyan was able to adjust the engine... What kind of magical operation is this!

But then Damok remembered that this guy could rely on his own mechanical repair skills to directly sneak into a top-secret venue like the Federal Command Center. Such a maintenance genius would definitely not be able to repair such a Spitfire chariot.

That's it.


Half an hour later,

Wood was walking deep and shallow in the swamp, looking back worriedly from time to time.

After leaving Deng and Daisy, Wood always felt like someone was following him.

They were originally traveling with a small team of the Federation Army this time, and the process went quite smoothly. Not only did they sweep away many of the monitors placed by the Red Solo pirates in the swamp, control the creatures, but they also captured a Red Solo pirate.

Shuttle Ghost Star Thief.

For the Starry Sky Consortium, this unit was acquired at a huge price.

Starry Sky Consortium and Capsule Technology took similar paths in the early stage, but the technology tree in the middle and later stages began to turn in different directions.

The secret of the Chisuo Ghost Star Thief's invisibility lies in the "Teeris" optical camouflage stealth combat suit he wears.

And this dress uses the powerful technology of Capsule Technology’s high-end technology tree.

Once it is successfully understood, it can fill the technical gaps in the Starry Sky Consortium and save a lot of manpower and material resources.

But what they didn't expect was that the situation suddenly changed. Their team actually suffered a strong counterattack by the Chisuo Star Pirates. What's even more terrible is that behind the Chisuo Star Pirates' counterattack, there were still several colonists and hunters hiding.


One of the colonists had a very strong concealment ability. It was he who first came to the nearby area to attack, so Deng was caught off guard.

This chapter has been completed!
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