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Chapter 2 Cult

And when they had been playing for half a month, their leisurely life was finally broken.

At that time, the three of them were chatting on the viewing platform in the manor, and they were looking at the magnificent sunset over the Aegean Sea. At a glance, the sea level and the sky were dyed bright red by the sunset. For a moment, it was hard to tell which was the sea and which was the sky.

, or in other words, the sea and the sky are already integrated.

At this time, it seems that words are redundant. Only the sea breeze and the sound of seagulls in the wind can be perfectly integrated with such a scene. The whole body and mind are immersed in this beautiful scenery.

At this time, even if the goat picks up the coffee and takes a sip, it does so as gently as possible, for fear of destroying the quiet atmosphere.

The light and heat of the setting sun is limited after all. Gradually, it turned into a red ball, and sank little by little towards the line connecting the sea and the sky.

And at this moment, an explosion suddenly came from the distance, breaking the silence!

The three of them turned to look at the same time, and immediately saw a car driving on the winding mountain road in the distance.

This car is a very common Toyota Yaris in Greece. You can see it in the streets and alleys, and even some taxis are equipped with this model as standard.

However, the Toyota Yaris that appeared at this time is obviously the most special car. Just look at the long orange tail flames ejected from the dual exhaust pipes at the back, and you know that it must have been deeply modified.

This car was driving at an astonishing high speed, showing the level of a professional driver, but behind it could be seen three black motorcycle riders chasing after it.

Their motorcycle has also been modified. It has a machine gun and a rocket launcher. The previous explosion was the rocket they fired, but it was dodged by the vehicle in front.

Seeing this scene, the goat couldn't help but whistled:

"Wow, that's really cool."

Fang Linyan stood up and said solemnly:

"The ones being chased should be our own. There seems to be something wrong with the guys we brought in from behind."

After hearing this, the vulture immediately stood up and said:

"Then do we want to help?"

Fang Linyan shook his head and said:

"No need, as long as this car can stick to any nearby olive tree, it will be fine. Although the current goddess is not very powerful, she is at most a weak god, but she is very good at using her power.

On the basis of it, it is superb.”

Sure enough, just as Fang Linyan said, after the Toyota Yaris turned a sharp bend next to it, he immediately saw a twenty-meter-high olive tree on the hillside by the roadside, spreading its branches and leaves in the breeze.

Nothing happened after the Toyota Yaris passed by, but when one of the three riders passed by, he suddenly found a thick tree root on the road! You know, his speed at this time was as high as 100 kilometers per hour.

The above is still on this winding mountain road...


The rider didn't even finish his curse words when he was tripped over by the tree root. He and the bike were thrown straight out, hitting the cliff below. After a few seconds, there was an explosion.

The flames surged up.

Another rider was chasing after him, and even used his scope to hit the tire of the vehicle in front of him. With one burst of fire, he was on the verge of losing control and kept moving in an S-shape in the middle of the road.

There was a sneer on the corner of his mouth, and his finger had already clicked on the button of the rocket launcher. He just waited for the sight feedback from the sunglasses to catch it, and the mission could be successfully completed.

But at this moment, the illusion of an olive leaf suddenly flew past the knight's eyes. The illusion suddenly grew in size, as if it was directly attached to the sunglasses, blocking most of the knight's field of vision.

In shock, the knight immediately shook his head and stretched out his hand to pull. As a result, with such a small movement, the motorcycle lost its heavy weight and rolled over. After the out-of-control motorcycle rolled over, it still had inertia.

It slid forward, dragging a series of shrill sparks on the ground.

And he hit the rock next to him in mid-air. The safety helmet he was wearing was broken directly, and his head inside was also deformed. It was obvious that he would not survive.

Only the last motorcycle rider saw that something was not going well. He braked suddenly and swerved, turned around and ran away. Then he saw a strange pattern appear on his body, which looked like

It was an oval-shaped green egg that successfully resisted the instant magic spell aimed at him and escaped successfully.

After witnessing this scene, Fang Linyan knew that something must have happened [pencil novel www.qbxs.vip], and sure enough, not long after, Evelina came to the terrace and presented a piece of information to Fang Linyan


Fang Linyan opened the information and took a look. He was stunned and said:

"Huh? Cult?"

Evelina said:

"Yes, this is a piece of information that our believers passed on at great cost. It describes the information about this cult very clearly. This is a very vicious cult, and the main body even wants to sacrifice children as sacrifices.


"What?" After hearing what Evelina said, both the goat and the vulture were shocked.

Evelina continued:

"The most terrifying thing is that their sacrifice ceremony has already been successful once. This is the video data brought by the informant just now."

As she spoke, someone came over and set up the projector. This made the three of them couldn't help but think of the portable optical computer terminals of the previous world, which used technology to project 3D directly into the air.

Then I saw a piece of news before the projector started playing:

That is to say, a ferry had a problem during rush hour and was about to sink in bad weather.

As a result, the captain was very irresponsible and ordered the thirty primary school students in the cabin to sit quietly and wait in the cabin. As a result, he abandoned the ship and ran away, leaving these primary school students in the cabin.

Then, because the rescue was too slow, these thirty obedient primary school students were directly drowned.

This news had a huge impact at the time, and the victim was a child, so it was very well-known around the world. Even tech nerds like Fang Linyan had heard of it.

But the information in the projector explains that this is not a natural disaster at all, but a man-made disaster!!!,

This was a well-arranged murder, even a sacrifice.

Those thirty children were sacrifices to the evil god.


Looking at the information listed above, the expressions of Fang Linyan and the others darkened. Not only that, but the projector made it very clear that this cult was about to plan a second sacrifice event!

The object of the sacrifice this time turned out to be a kindergarten.

The other party's plan is very simple. When the kindergarten starts, all the children will gather inside the auditorium for the opening ceremony. At this time, they will lock the auditorium, and then set it on fire to death!

The gods of this cult often require sacrifices to undergo extreme torture and pain before death, so that their souls with great resentment after death are what they need.

And this time the god they believe in is called "Wuzhijun"!

Fang Linyan looked at Evelina, and then said seriously:

"what can we do?"

Evelina said:

"We highly suspect that this monster named Wuzhijun should be the evil god under the command of the Sixth Heaven Demon King! Because its behavior style is similar to that of the Sixth Heaven Demon King."

"It may be difficult to catch it in normal times, but at the scene of sacrifice, it will definitely come in its original form, and it is also exclusive, because few evil spirits will share their sacrifices with others."

"To catch the other party this time, we must go to Nasu Island above the Tsushima Strait. That is not a place where the goddess's divine light can shine, so it is still difficult to hunt down this evil god. We need to

You took action."

Fang Linyan nodded and said:

"I'm OK."

Then he pointed to the goats and vultures:

"The two of them are also included. They have been eating and drinking here for free for so long, so they should contribute something."

Both the goat and the vulture nodded solemnly. Such a thing can only be described as anti-humanity. There is no psychological pressure to kill this guy. Moreover, Fang Linyan had revealed that he might need their help before coming this time.



Forty-eight hours later,

Eighty-six nautical miles northeast of Busan, on the Sea of ​​Japan,

It was windy and rainy, and the weather was very bad. The yacht called "Lunke" that Fang Linyan and his crew were on struggled hard on the sea and sailed into the distance with difficulty.

If you look down from the sky, you can even see the cruise ship. Sometimes it is even covered by a huge wave and cannot be seen at all. After a long time, you think it has sunk, and then you struggle to get out of the water.

come out.

However, inside the cruise ship, it is warm and comfortable, and there is a smell of coffee.

In the spacious living room, the goat was concentrating on playing the game console, while the vulture was lying on the sofa next to it, sleeping soundly. The bumps of the ship seemed not to have any effect on them at all.

Fang Linyan was holding a stainless steel iron bladder that looked like it was used for fitness and was studying it carefully. However, this metal ball that seemed to be shining with silver light and seemed to be integrated was actually suspended directly in the air after being tapped by Fang Linyan.

In mid-air.

Not only that, but it also began to rotate on its own, revealing the extremely precise mechanical structure inside. Those who witnessed this scene probably could only think of the words "ingenious" in their minds.

At this time, Evelina came over with a folder in her arms. Because the vulture was sleeping soundly, Lin Yan whispered to the other party:

"The high priest said that if you are free, please come over."

This chapter has been completed!
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