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Chapter 14 Milestones

The captain nodded, then approached Fang Linyan, bent down and stared into his eyes and said seriously:

"Boy, that's not a car. To Hans, it's a wife, a lover, a shooter (local slang, especially referring to the attacker among gays), caramel-flavored donuts, James Bond...

...He will go crazy without this car, so I have to give you a piece of advice, that is---Don't play tricks! There are twenty-four hours in a day, sixty minutes in an hour, and I

, Captain Lucan of the Steel Fist Brotherhood can find you every minute!"

Fang Linyan shrugged and said:

"I am an honest person, sir. People who know me well like to call me honest wrench!"

Captain Lucan twitched the corner of his mouth, then tilted his head and said:

"Okay, Mr. Wrench, you can come over."


Dirty, messy, but full of life.

This was the first impression of Yangfan City on Fang Linyan.

When he first entered here, he almost thought he was in a slum in India. The building materials of the house were gasoline barrel walls, cut barbed wire and discarded rubber tires. There were colorful clothes hanging around to dry, and only a small amount of bricks and concrete.

Structural architecture abounds in it.

Of course, there are more traces of the battle left in the devastation, so people everywhere are busy repairing and trying to heal the wounds caused by the war. Obviously there is a huge force managing this place, and the entire Yangfan City

The order was pretty good, and there were almost no crimes such as vandalism, smashing, and looting.

After close contact and even integrating into Yangfan City, Fang Linyan could feel firsthand that there was indeed a powerful and brutal force surging in this dry, dirty, and rough city.

According to the news that Fang Linyan heard, the source of this power is the organization whose logo is the clenched steel fist, called the Steel Fist Brotherhood!

After the mechanical civilization retreats, it usually leaves humans some time to breathe, and it will not come back until more than a month at the latest, so a temporary and false peace has temporarily arrived in Yangfan City.

Not only that, Fang Linyan discovered that despite facing such a harsh situation, the people here did not despair, but actually had a strange vitality shining through them. How should I put it, like worker ants controlled by the queen, working silently and selflessly?

No matter how bad the environment is, I will still work hard.

However, Fang Linyan had no time to delve into these deep-seated secrets at this time. His first priority at this time was how to get the remaining 1,400 universal points, because he felt that he could still try to complete another milestone: Time is money for me


At this time, he has obtained 1,400 universal points, and there are still fifty-three minutes left in six hours. He only needs to obtain the remaining 600 universal points in the remaining time.

According to Fang Linyan's previous experience, the benefits gained from taking risks in these open worlds are directly proportional to the risks and difficulty.

Time is money. It can be said that it is not easy for my friend to complete this milestone, so the title he can get must be quite practical. Therefore, he is now nervously looking for a store that can make money.

Although it is impossible to sell universal points directly in aboriginal stores, it is possible to use a curved approach to save the country and exchange valuable items on your body for some rare items in the store, and then sell the rare items to the space for money.


Therefore, in this case, after Fang Linyan inquired about it, he came directly to a two-story building. The outside of this building was also in dilapidated condition. It was made of gray stones and yellow soil. It looked completely earthy at first glance.

The slag was almost like a toilet. Only a mechanical steel arm hanging at the door was shaking slightly like a sign. Above the mechanical arm, the words "Bison Stamping Workshop" were scrawled.

Fang Linyan is a cautious person. After taking a few steps to the side, he discovered that the side of the store was directly transformed from the carriage of an old double-decker bus. It can be said that everything is used to the extreme.

There is also a camouflage-colored warning device with a diameter of more than three meters on the top that is constantly rotating. It rotates silently, which shows the precision of its craftsmanship.

Fang Linyan opened the straw curtain at the door and walked in. What greeted him was the familiar smell of engine oil. After he got used to the light inside, he could see a large iron counter in front of him.

The bearded man wearing a leather apron snorted:

"Boy, we don't have what you want here, get out of here, and keep your hands and feet clean, if you don't want to go out lame and crying."

Fang Linyan sighed, walked forward, and threw the backpack behind him on the iron counter with a thud. Of course, the rest of the things inside were stored in the storage space that came with it, and then raised his chin:

"This is what I brought, take a look?"

The bearded man looked at Fang Linyan's tattered clothes with disdain, bared his smoke-yellow teeth and sneered:

"Boy, we don't accept scraps here."

Fang Linyan looked at him deeply:

"You will regret this."

After saying that, he picked up his backpack and walked out. The bearded man snorted contemptuously, picked his nose, and smeared the sticky yellow unknown substance on his fingers on the table next to him:

"I? Regret? Hahahahahaha, are you kidding me?"

Then he yawned loudly, lay down on the counter and fell asleep.

I don't know how long it took, but Beard suddenly felt someone pushing him, and he fiddled with it impatiently, and then continued to sleep on his stomach. However, the next second he felt a sharp pain on the top of his head, and he jumped up and shouted in pain.

When I touched it with my hand, I realized that someone had poured a cup of boiling water directly on my head.

He was about to curse, but when the words came to his mouth, he forced himself to hold back because he suddenly saw an old black man with dreadlocks staring at him fiercely. This old black man was very imposing and his left hand was broken at the elbow.

, was equipped with a mechanical arm, and then the old black man roared:

"Athos! You idiot, what on earth have you done!"

Athos said with a confused look on his face:

"Ah!? Lord Gajeel, what have I done? I haven't done anything!"

The old black man Jiaji laughed angrily and said:

"Then why does the boy at the door refuse to sell anything to us? He claims that our bison's taste is so bad that we are not qualified to buy his stuff? Is this something you did? Now the Bistaff Arms Store next door

People are already starting to laugh."

Athos became angry when he heard this. You know, their bison stamping workshop has been open for more than ten years. Some people say they are domineering, some say they are arrogant, some say they are a group of lunatics... these

Word of mouth doesn't matter to them at all, and they directly regard it as praise.

However, if someone says that they have poor vision, then they really can't stand it. This is pouring dirty water on what they are most proud of! They must be completely different from others.

Therefore, Athos immediately rushed out like an angry bull, opened the door and roared:

"Who the hell is talking nonsense!"

This chapter has been completed!
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