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Chapter 27 Omis Story

At this time, Fang Linyan first sprayed the smell-masking aerosol around the RV, and then according to the instructions he had read before, he pulled out a thick water pipe from the side of the RV, immersed it in the creek next to it, and then

Then he took out the car key and pressed the start button.

"Gentlemen, welcome to my mobile home!"

Soon, the dining table of the RV was filled with all kinds of food from Taicheng. Of course, it was mainly marinated, barbecued and other easily portable food.

In the center of the dining table is an induction cooker, with a soup pot sitting on it. Inside is a large pot of steaming instant noodles, making a sizzling sound.

It also adds snow-white cooked chicken, tender red shrimp dumplings, brown beef balls, yellow sweet potato starch, green melon cubes, etc. The smell is really amazing.

Fang Linyan and the others were okay, they had just entered this world less than ten hours ago.

Oumi and the others have not eaten hot food for almost thirty hours. They usually eat high-calorie foods such as chocolate and individual soldier rations. At this time, they are already hungry. Waiting to smell this fragrance

After that, my saliva couldn't help but flow out.

Not to mention that there are so many kinds of delicious food on the table, although some of the dishes seem strange (such as roast suckling pig).

Maxina was a cheerful person. He looked around, broke off two branches to use as chopsticks, and then sat down.

However, I suddenly realized that I still lacked a bowl for serving noodles. I couldn't find where the dinner plate was for a while, so I simply took out the "Da Shidai" instant noodle bucket from the trash can, washed it and started cooking.

Snort, I had a great time eating it.

At this time, seeing Max start, the rest of the people were not willing to follow suit. When Fang Linyan walked out of the steaming bathroom wrapped in a bath towel, he found that all the instant noodles with ingredients he had cooked for six people had been eaten, leaving only

I poured out a little bit of leftover soup at the bottom.

Not only that, the table was full of roasted meats and pickled meats, but only the bones were left. Even the chicken feet with pickled peppers, which is said to be not eaten by foreigners, was making a "crunching" sound in Max's mouth.

Only then did Fang Linyan realize that there are many things that must be seen to be believed! He sighed in despair and could only choose to wash the pot and cook again.


About half an hour later, the rest of the people fell on the bed and snored slightly. As a lady, Omi got the preferential treatment of a single room and fell asleep.

Fang Linyan sat in the cab and kept vigil. Although the Umonica RV had an automatic early warning system, in a dangerous adventure world with powerful enemies like Xie Chan, it was always better to be cautious.

At this time, there was a noise behind him, and then Max's burly body squeezed over and sat down on the passenger's chair.

Fortunately, the space of this capsule RV is large enough and the quality of the chair is good enough. Otherwise, if Max sat down on his ass, there would be no chance that an ordinary chair would leave a complete body!

Max handed Fang Linyan a bottle of Wusu. Of course, he also held a bottle in his hand. After taking a few sips, he immediately praised:

"This beer tastes really good! It's a pity I don't have this beer over there."

Fang Linyan smiled and said:

"There are still about ten bottles in the refrigerator. You can take them all if you like. I actually don't like drinking in general, so this is for friends."

"By the way, it's so late, why don't you take the time to take a rest?"

Max shrugged and said:

"I'm so full of food here in Asia that I didn't expect it to be so delicious. I flew there as soon as I came back and had a good meal."

"I have a problem with eating too much and I can't sleep at all. Why don't I come and chat with you to eat and drink? You really don't drink?"

Fang Linyan said:

"Actually, drinking feels pretty good, but alcohol will affect the stability of the palms and the reaction speed of the nerves. This is a very fatal thing for me, so I don't drink."

Max said:

"What you said is exactly the same as Omi's!"

Fang Linyan smiled and said:

"Oh, really? I like to do some mechanical and precise work, so I want to maintain my peak condition. What's her reason?"

Max said:

"She is a doctor and surgeon, and her opponents have very high requirements."

Fang Linyan nodded and said:

"I got it."

Max smiled and said:

"But you are a teetotaler, but Omi doesn't usually drink. If she is really stressed, she will hide and drink alone, and she will definitely get drunk."

"It's just that people usually don't know about this situation. I came to her for treatment in the space once, and then she dragged me to drink. It turned out that she was also an ill-fated person."

Fang Linyan recalled Oumi's usual appearance, which was indifferent but with strong self-confidence. It was difficult to associate it with Max's ill-fated words, and he couldn't help but wonder:

"To be honest, I thought she was a female CEO or something like that, but she doesn't seem to have a rough life, right?"

Max shrugged and said:

"That's her appearance. In fact, Omi lives a very tiring life. Her apparent profession in the main world is that of a doctor, a well-known surgeon. She has had very outstanding talents since she was a child."

"Once this talent is turned on, her concentration is amazing, and when she concentrates on one thing, her stability is also extremely good, far beyond that of ordinary people."

"This is exactly what a surgeon must possess, because if the scalpel deviates by even one millimeter at a critical moment, it may be the difference between life and death for the patient!"

Fang Linyan said:

"This talent is amazing! I think it is very suitable for me."

Max continued:

"However, after becoming an adult, the boring profession of a doctor gradually made Omi feel boring. At this time, an accident changed the trajectory of her life."

"By some mistake, Omi actually rescued a senior agent and helped him complete a conspiracy. The two also formed a deep friendship and developed feelings for each other. However, this senior agent was about to

When the relationship between the two was revealed, he was brutally killed."

"This incident hit Omi very hard, but she is not an ordinary woman. Instead, she gritted her teeth and quickly got out of her grief and vowed to avenge him!"

After hearing this, Fang Linyan held his chin and said:

"It was a bit of a coincidence that they met, but I guess I overreacted a little, please continue."

Max smiled bitterly:

"Actually, I thought so at first, but later I still thought it was fate or fate."

Fang Linyan said:

"Omi hadn't become a space warrior at that time, right?"

Max shook his head and said:

"No, and based on her condition at the time, she would probably die if she came to space."

"At that time, she wanted revenge. Fortunately, the senior agent's uncle Tom was also a retired intelligence officer. After hearing about Omi's request, he used his connections to let Omi in.

The special training camp received a full set of agent training, and she was very successful and graduated with high marks in just one year."

"It was only during the training camp that Omi discovered that a pair of stable hands not only has advantages in holding a scalpel, but also has advantages in holding firearms."

Having said this, Max took a sip of wine and said with a wry smile:

"But when she was avenging her lover, she discovered that the truth was unexpectedly cruel!!"

"The fundamental reason why his boyfriend was killed was that he offended a Chinatown gang called Lotus and took their "goods." At first, Omi thought the goods were poison, but later he discovered that they were drugs."

"A very expensive anti-cancer drug "Lano" for chronic myelogenous leukemia!"

"Due to patent reasons, this drug is only exported to Asia in limited quantities. It is extremely expensive and often has no market price."

"More than 80% of patients suffering from chronic myelogenous leukemia are children. In Asia, millions of families have lost their money to treat the disease. The key is that some children have relieved their symptoms and have hope of life after taking medicine.

But I can’t buy any medicine at all!”

"Having gained hope in despair, and then having hope shattered again, who can bear such a cruel blow?"

Fang Linyan suddenly felt something in his heart and said:

"Behind this kind of monopoly, there are huge interests hidden."

This chapter has been completed!
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