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Chapter 31 Strong Enemy

Omi immediately said:

"Of course we have to fight. If we don't fight now, maybe Tony's team, Xiechan's team, and the Diamondbacks will come to fight us in the future."

Fang Linyan was slightly surprised and said:

"Can these guys actually unite to attack us? That means Tony is very good at communication and organization!"

Omi said:

"Yes, I feel that this group of people is very difficult. The more pressure you put on them, the more amazing their rebound will be."

Max also added at this time:

"Especially since these people also have a portable madness potion that can be injected automatically."

"After the injection, these guys will be fully strengthened, and they will charge wildly without fear of death. Once they get close, they will activate the bombs they carry and explode themselves."

"According to the data we have obtained before, the damage caused by self-destruction is real damage, which is very disgusting. In this case, it is easy to be infected if you are not careful."

And in just a few words, the group of people from the Rattlesnake organization were already driving Hummers and motorcycles and aimed at this direction and rushed over quickly.

Fang Linyan pointed at the vulture and said:

"You stay here first and see if there is a chance to assassinate a few of them, or find a way to cut off their retreat. Let's evacuate the road first so that their speed advantage cannot be used. What do you think, Omi?"

Omi nodded and added:

"Hakan, teach them a lesson and don't give them a chance to advance recklessly."

Hakan nodded and said:

"no problem."

Soon, the people from the Rattlesnake organization chased here directly, and then suddenly, a violent explosion occurred underneath a Hummer! The entire vehicle was lifted up more than two meters high, and then plunged into the side.

of ditch.

This is exactly the effect of the high-explosive mines deployed by Hakan!

However, the Sidewinder organization was obviously well prepared for the attack. The Humvee at the front had been specially reinforced, and it was directly driven by unmanned driving. Therefore, although this high-explosive mine produced

The effect was that it only destroyed a Humvee.

Not only that, according to Fang Linyan's professional vision, the damage to this Hummer is not serious. If he leaves it to him, he can get it moving in at most ten minutes. Not only that, it seems that the chassis of this car can also be optimized.

Then it seems that the oil circuit structure can also be changed.

Ahem, this is Fang Linyan's weakness. Whenever he mentions machinery, it is equivalent to automatically entering a distracted state.

In the few seconds when Fang Linyan was stunned, Hakan had already pointed at the enemy on another Humvee and pulled the trigger. The weapon he used was a Mauser rifle that looked very honest, and it even attached to the

The scope also seems to be temporarily installed.

After the gunfire rang out, an enemy on the Humvee immediately fell down.

It's just that after this enemy fell off the car and fell to the ground, he was able to cover the place where he was shot and roll a few times, rolling directly behind the obstacle!

Not only that, only Hakan knew that he was not targeting the black man who was shot at all, but a gray-haired young man who seemed to be depressed.

Because Hakan saw a portable computer next to him, Hakan had the impression that such a technician was easy to kill and was also very important to the entire team, so he pulled the trigger without hesitation.

However, as soon as Hakan fired, he immediately saw a black man wearing a heavy body armor next to him who jumped out and blocked the shooting route to create a human bunker, making the shot in vain.

Fang Linyan witnessed this scene with his own eyes, but found that Hakan ran away immediately after shooting, and then ran away with standard tactical movements.

Fang Linyan was surprised, but he realized that the next second, the bunker where Hakan was staying was directly hit by random gunshots, causing dirt and grass blades to scatter. Then, an incendiary bomb was directly bombarded, burning the place into ashes.

A sea of ​​​​fire!

"How can these guys counterattack so fast?"

After witnessing this scene, Fang Linyan suddenly felt that Omi's previous caution was indeed necessary.

At this time, the lurking vulture had already sent information about an enemy who had detected detailed information:

Quentin Han

Identity: Member of Rattlesnake Organization/Elite Creature

Basic attributes:???The enemy has anti-reconnaissance capabilities, so some of its intelligence cannot be detected.

Precision Shooting LV4: People with this advanced ability can shoot with high accuracy under various conditions, and can always find the enemy's weaknesses when shooting, with a 50% chance of ignoring the target's 30 points of defense.

Gunpowder Weapon Specialization: People with this ability can always exert the maximum power of the weapon when using related weapons, and can easily troubleshoot its malfunctions.????

Self-destruction: Official members of the Rattlesnake organization will carry a powerful bomb. In addition to having huge lethality, this bomb will also produce terrifying sarin gas within a certain range, so it will cause real damage and abnormality within the range.


Madness: Official members of the Rattlesnake organization will be assigned a status medal. This status medal will be controlled by brain waves. Once necessary, its internal stimulants will be injected into their bodies to make them in a short time.

Enter a state of madness within a certain period of time.

The mad state will last for 180 seconds. During this period, it will enter a crazy state that ignores pain. All attributes are doubled, and the speed and jumping power are increased by 300%. However, once the mad state disappears, the owner will die.


Looking at this series of detailed information, Fang Linyan realized that these bastards were really troublesome. Once they felt that they could not defeat them, they would go berserk. When they went berserk, they would self-destruct at close range.

A guy like Max, who charges forward with a shield in both hands, is probably most afraid of this kind of suicidal attack, because it is impossible to guard against it.

However, if it is said that the opponent has no weaknesses, that is not necessarily true. Identity medals can be exploited by being controlled by brain waves.

When being knocked unconscious, it is impossible for the target's brain waves to issue instructions for injecting stimulants, and when the opponent wakes up from dizziness, he will certainly not inject stimulants immediately and enter a state of madness.

Although this thing can definitely make a person become a superman in one second, the price is that he will become a dead person in 180 seconds, so as long as he is a normal person, he will definitely make sure that he is not saved before using it.

Moreover, these aborigines do not have digitized bodies, which means a very critical thing. They are vital. As long as their spines are directly interrupted to achieve the effect of high paraplegia, even if they become mad, there will be no big impact.

It makes sense, even a guy after becoming mad can't catch up with him by crawling on his hands, right?

Just when Fang Linyan was thinking about how to clean up the other party's affairs, the Vulture guy was the first to cause trouble!

Since he changed his job to become a shadow dancer, he has become more courageous. He used a shadow escape technique to hide in the shadow of the nearby trees from a distance, making it almost impossible to be discovered.

Then he secretly controlled the shadow to do bad things. At this time, the vulture had deeply felt the power of the new profession, and felt that these guys without digital bodies in front of him were really full of flaws.

So when Hakan fired, the shadow clone he controlled immediately popped up, and then nailed a blowgun to the gray-haired man's neck. The key is that the shadow clone quickly retracted into the shadow next to him.

At this time, the battlefield was in chaos, with shouts and explosions everywhere. Williams, the gray-haired man, saw his comrades taking a bullet for him. Of course, he was frightened and angry.

At this time, the adrenaline secretion in his body was at a high level, and he really didn't feel anything when he was hit by the shadow clone's blow dart.

But less than five seconds later, Williams noticed that the top of his lips was hot. He instinctively reached out and wiped it, and saw a large area of ​​bright red blood on his palm!

Before his brain could react to what had happened, Williams fell from the car! He completely lost consciousness, and blood quickly flowed out of his ears, nose, and mouth.

This thing is a toxin that the vulture asked the goat to find in the market, and it has little meaning to the contractor.

Due to the existence of PVP rules, the duration of the poison must be halved. If you can't grit your teeth, just drink a bottle of comprehensive recovery potion, and then you will definitely grit your teeth and be extra vigilant.

So this thing can only serve as a source of harassment at best, and there is no way to make a final decision.

However, when this toxin is applied to plot characters, the effect is surprisingly good, but there are many restrictions, such as it cannot be applied to bullets, and applying it to arrows or swords will consume a lot of the toxin, etc.

Before entering the world, Vulture also asked Fang Linyan whether his current direction was focused on plot or PVP. Fang Linyan replied that it was plot, so he asked Goat to buy this thing and use it in actual combat.

As expected, I found the effect to be amazing.

This chapter has been completed!
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