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Chapter 38 The Harvest of the First Yellow Exclamation Mark

The old butler counterattacked Lin Yan almost immediately, sweeping over with one elbow, and his speed was not inferior to Fang Linyan's.

"This guy...is actually a robot?"

Fang Linyan had a sudden realization in his heart.

Fortunately, Fang Linyan had already reached the level of perfection in melee combat. Unless the opponent used skills, ordinary fists and kicks would be too easy for him to suppress.

So after Fang Linyan realized that his punch was ineffective, he ducked down and let the old housekeeper hit the wall next to him with his elbow, and there was a loud "bang" sound.

Immediately afterwards, Fang Linyan reached out and hugged the old housekeeper's waist, throwing him directly into the half-opened room next to him.

The old butler rolled around on the ground a few times and quickly got up. The strange red light of the electronic eyes shone in his eyes, which made him look even more strange. He tilted his head expressionlessly and made a "click"

A slight "click" sound.

Obviously, Fang Linyan's previous behavior also caused some harm to him, and the old housekeeper was not as unscathed as he seemed.

But Fang Linyan had already blown a whistle at this time, summoned Rubes, and then said sincerely:

"I'm so sorry, I don't have much time to waste here, so your opponent is it."

Then Fang Linyan walked out without looking back, but after only walking more than 20 meters, he heard a fierce collision in the room.

And that little yellow exclamation mark on the retina is in the room at the end of the corridor.

After finding the target, a sneer appeared on Fang Linyan's lips. He quickly stepped forward and gently turned the handle on the door, allowing the exquisite wooden door to open a gap large enough to get through. After observing it, he discovered that

There was no trap or ambush, so I walked in gently.

Entering the one-bedroom suite, Fang Linyan finally found the target of his trip. However, when Fang Linyan stood in front of the inner door and saw the state of the target, he hesitated to take action.

"What the hell, is this the key I'm looking for?"

It turned out that on the big bed in the inner room, a pale-faced, skinny woman lay suddenly. From the hanging tag next to her, it could be seen that her name was Oanna.

Oanna's condition looked very bad. She was lying motionless on the big bed and had lost consciousness, but there were many medical equipment beside her.

Judging from the data displayed on the electrocardiograph, Oanna's blood pressure was about a full three percent lower than normal, and her pulse was quite weak. There were needles inserted into both of her arms, and intravenous drips were hung on them.

Not only that, Ou Anna's breathing was extremely abnormal. On average, it was less than ten times per minute, which was only half the standard of ordinary people in a quiet state. Her belly was beating with difficulty, which was obviously due to severe lung injury.

Only damaged patients will show signs.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for ordinary people in a dreaming state to use abdominal breathing without conscious guidance.

Not only that, Oanna was still wearing an oxygen mask on her cheek, but Lin Yan could also see that her lips were widely opened. Medically, this kind of breathing is called "fish breathing", which is more common in respiratory failure, and

Or patients with pulmonary obstruction.

She was breathing very hard. Judging from the physical signs on the monitor, Oanna was undoubtedly unconscious at this time, but her sick breathing caused her neck to tilt up involuntarily.

Fang Linyan knew these basic medical common sense when he was first diagnosed with lung cancer, so after a few more glances, he immediately judged the signs that Ou Anna was critically ill.

To be honest, Lin Yan had imagined many ways to meet the mission target, but he did not expect this situation. At this time, he was disappointed. It was impossible to face a patient who had even lost his language ability.

Give him the truth he wants to know.

But at this moment, the door to the balcony suddenly opened.

Immediately afterwards, an extremely ferocious Caucasian mutant dog rushed in, creating a gust of fishy wind! This guy was as strong as a calf, and its strong muscles almost burst the skin.

However, Fang Linyan, who seemed to be caught off guard, suddenly turned around and hit it with a backhand elbow. He was so fast that he hit it directly on the head!

Or to be more precise, it was more like this Caucasian dog took the initiative to bump into Fang Linyan’s elbow!

There was a horrifying sound of bones breaking, and the fierce dog was smashed five to six meters in the air. It let out a shrill whimper and tried its best to get up, but blood was spurting from the corners of its mouth and eyes, and then its muscles all over the body twitched several times.

, after walking a few steps, he bumped into a pillar next to him and convulsed to death.

Immediately afterwards, Fang Linyan picked up an ashtray and smashed it out. With a "pop" sound, another Caucasian mutant dog rushed in from the door and flew away. The ashtray shattered into pieces!

However, this blow allowed the fierce dog to avoid critical damage, except that one of its front legs was broken and it was obviously limping when moving.

However, this kind of injury aroused its ferocity. It bared its teeth and let out a ferocious growl at Fang Linyan. The sound sounded like blisters rolling up in the throat when a person was gargling.

Fang Linyan said that you can call him whatever you like, as long as you don't disturb me. He slowly came to the bed, and after thinking about it, he took the patient away and put him on the sofa next to him. Then he did the rest of the medical treatment.

The equipment was also moved away again.

At this time, I realized that the little yellow exclamation point on the map had not changed at all. I was immediately happy and immediately lifted up the bed sheet, and then the mattress underneath it, but I still didn't notice anything unusual.

Fortunately, at this time, Fang Linyan thought about it and continued to lift the bed. However, the bed seemed to be fixed on the floor. Well, then he could only dismantle it instead of lift it, and finally dismantle this special large bed.

After opening it, I discovered that there was a secret safe hidden underneath.

At this time, some people started to try to rush in, but Rubes had already bitten the old housekeeper, and continuously bit two servants who were holding wooden sticks and knives and wanted to come up to investigate. The blood dripping on his sharp teeth made

These people were intimidated.

And because the old butler usually sticks to his words here and takes charge of all affairs when the master is away, the only thing the other servants can do is to call the police. Even the master of the villa cannot be contacted, so Fang Linyan also has a lot of time to waste.


It only took five minutes for Fang Linyan to rely on his talent for metal touch to successfully open the metal safe in front of him.

The safe contained a dazzling array of items, including cash, watches, land deeds, etc., but Fang Linyan's eyes fell on a small box engraved with strange patterns.

After Fang Linyan opened it, he found a dark silver ring with a double-headed snake stamped on it inside the small box. It looked inconspicuous, but occasionally a strange light could be seen passing over it.

But when Fang Linyan picked up the ring, he immediately felt that something in his body seemed to be resonating with it.

There is no doubt that Fang Linyan directly used his investigative ability.

Name: Two-Headed Snake Fang-Ring of Demonic Power."

Quality: blue

Description: This is a ring made of mixed Meters silver. The craftsmanship is quite good. It can be sold as a work of art in this world and can also be worn as equipment.

Rich passive effects: Enhance the upper limit of the wearer's MP value, and the increase rate is 10% of the wearer's maximum MP value, or 100 points of maximum MP value, whichever is the largest increase.

Tip: The abundance effect is the only effect and cannot take effect at the same time as other similar effects.

There is also an inscription on the inside of the ring:

There is no double-headed snake in the world, so of course there is no double-headed snake tooth, so why should I give it this name? Of course it is because I am happy------great, outstanding, outstanding

, handsome, personable PJ Peck!

Fang Linyan noticed that after he picked up the ring, the small yellow exclamation mark on his retina disappeared instantly, indicating that this was the hidden item here.

It's just that although I have gained something, it still doesn't seem to be related to the key I'm looking for.

"That's all, I didn't go all the way in vain and come back empty-handed."

Fang Linyan comforted himself, then whistled to call back Rubes, broke the window and fled the scene of the crime in a bold manner.

After driving his motorcycle for two kilometers, Fang Linyan stopped in a deserted street garden nearby. He took off his coat and threw it into the trash can next to him, and then started to change his clothes simply.

After finishing this, I sat down to drink a cup of coffee and checked the group messages on my phone to see how other people were progressing. When I clicked on the messages in the chat group, I saw someone making complaints:

Tianren Pengfei: This damn mission prompt is really hard to use. Damn it, I actually found a public toilet according to that yellow tip! And it’s a women’s toilet. Do you want me to scoop out feces?

I am picking the little girl’s big mushrooms: you look up, or you look down.

Tianren Pengfei: What does ??? mean (expression: confused)

Special note: This means that the map that appears on our retinas is flat, but the space we are in is three-dimensional, and the real mission items may be directly above or below you.

She was born in 1998, and I can't play with her: Yes, this is a big trap, I almost fell into it just now.

Tian Ren Pengfei: Ah, ah, this public toilet seems to be the parking lot of the office building next door! (Expression: dog head)

Fengqinyang: Seeing your chat, a sense of intellectual superiority arises spontaneously.

He Tiantian: (animation: knocking on the blackboard) Everyone, change their names to your real names, immediately, immediately!! (expression: fist)

ZH222: Omi, you haven’t changed yourself!

Looking at the chat records of a group of people, Fang Linyan felt really dumbfounded. He suddenly thought of one thing, what is the name of the social software of High Priest Tritogoniya? He must add it later.

He took a look at this time and realized that the next place he wanted to go to was not too far away. The straight-line distance was only five kilometers, so he quickly drove towards it.

This chapter has been completed!
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