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Chapter 52 Testing each other

Fortunately, at this time, Dongzhang's hand-wrapped rope played a huge role in an instant, and its passive special effect "Tangle of Shelter" instantly generated a powerful and strange force field.

After Dak Motes' fist hit, it initially felt as if it hit an extremely flexible tire. The huge force was directly absorbed first, and then there was a rebound force.

Originally 10% of the punching power was absorbed by 20%, and then 30% was consumed by the force coming back from the shock. The feedback to Dak Motes was that he was unable to use his strength.

This is how it is. After Fang Linyan was hit by this punch, although he could still maintain a blocking posture, his whole body was knocked five or six meters away. There was an unusual feeling of suffocation in his chest, and he seemed to be able to cough even if he wanted to.

If I can't come out, it's even difficult to breathe.

"Let me go, it's so powerful. If it were someone else, wouldn't they have to punch it out to crush the damage and blow it up directly?"

After blocking the punch, Fang Linyan couldn't help complaining in his heart.

At this time, Dak Motel continued to point at Fang Linyan expressionlessly and walked over step by step. Fang Linyan simply stretched out his foot, pulled a stool from the side, and then pointed it at Dak Motel.

Si smashed it over.

But Dak Motes simply stretched out his hand and the stool fell apart and flew away.

But Fang Linyan knew clearly in his heart that this hit actually had no effect on Dak Motes, so why did he do this?

The reason is very simple. After he had experienced the battle with the captain of the Rattlesnake organization before, he already knew that the fighting ability of these guys could not be measured by ordinary people, so he had to do something secretly and not directly.

Therefore, the moment Dark Motes stretched out his hand, Fang Linyan activated the Dragon Cough Flash, and a crimson lightning fell from the sky and fell directly on him.

At the moment when the dragon struck down, Fang Linyan had already used part of his mind to observe the battle record! In an instant, he saw the battle record pop up:

"The dragon flash you released attacked the enemy."

"Dragon Cough Flash caused 34 points of damage to the enemy!"

"Your special ability: Magic feedback takes effect, the enemy's energy value is deducted by 32 points, and the enemy suffers 12 points of damage."

"The actual damage suffered by the enemy is 28+8 points, but it was completely absorbed."

"Please note that the combat armor worn by the enemy will be short-circuited for 2 seconds, but the enemy will still remain awake."

"The accumulated food and health marks on the enemy are: 2."

After seeing the battle record, Fang Linyan sighed. The high-tech armor worn by Dark Motes was really sharp. It absorbed all damage and even withstood the stun effect.

However, the magic feedback actually took effect on the energy of this high-tech armor! I don’t know what the opponent’s energy reserve is, and whether 32 energy points is too much or too little for it.

Fortunately, it didn't matter at this time. After Fang Linyan fired the Dragon Cough Flash, he had already ordered Lubus and the Mechanical Gyrfalcon to pounce down together, because these two summons also inherited the magic feedback.

Special effects.

After Fang Linyan, Rubes, and the Mechanical Gyrfalcon rushed in front of Dark Motes, they directly attacked for a round! The damage caused was nothing to this high-tech armor, but its energy value was actually I was abruptly deducted 108 points again.

At this time, Dark Motes had not noticed that his energy reserve had dropped a lot!

He looked anxiously at the information projected on the transparent mask:

"Body short circuit... Troubleshooting is in progress."

This line of small bright red characters gave him an ominous premonition! Because this was the first time that this "No. 3" aircraft had such a fault code prompt.

A mere two seconds seemed so long to Dak Motes!

And just when the projection screen in front of the anxious Dak Motes showed "the short circuit fault has been eliminated", his whole body was shocked, and he regained control of the armor.

It feels so good to be filled with surging power all over your body!

Just when Dak Motes was about to launch the most ferocious counterattack, the damn red letter actually popped up again:

"Body short circuit... Troubleshooting is in progress."

"Ahhhhh!" Dark Motes roared loudly and violently. Of course, his roar was of no use.

Because Fang Linyan had successfully circled to his side, Wing Chun's series of Japanese punches came down like raindrops, and Rubeus and the mechanical Gyrfalcon attacked again.

This round of explosion directly destroyed almost 300 energy points again!!

Fang Linyan also had some contradictions in his heart at this time. If the energy reserve of this armor was 3,000 points, then he should consider escaping unscathed now.

Although Dark Motes is just an ordinary person, after putting on the armor, he can achieve the combat power of a leader level, and he is also the kind of pervert who can suppress the contractor in terms of strength.

Dark Motes' straight-line movement speed is even more astonishing, and can even reach the point where he can completely explode himself, which means that once he cannot defeat him, the chance of even escaping is very small.

Not only that, he also has many subordinates, and these subordinates are very good at fighting, and many of their modified firearms are used to deal with dinosaurs, so they are also very lethal to himself!

Putting these factors together, Fang Linyan felt that he should be more cautious.

Oumi's mission is not a big deal. In terms of rewards, it is not worth risking his life.

But what Fang Linyan didn't know was that after he finished this trick, Dak Motes immediately received a warning in front of his eyes:

"Energy is declining rapidly. Currently, only 40% is left. It is recommended to turn off certain weapon options that will cause excessive energy consumption! Activate active defense measures: high-frequency shock wave!"

At this moment, a huge wave of air erupted from Dark Motes' body, impacting in all directions and blowing Fang Linyan away more than ten meters.

Although this air wave does not cause harm, the power contained in it is quite huge.

Not only that, this air wave accidentally hit Rubes who rushed to use "Ferocious Bite" and directly interrupted him, and flew out. Although Ferocious Bite failed to attack successfully, it had already entered the CD


Seeing this scene, Fang Linyan immediately dodged to the next room, out of Dark Motes' sight, to avoid the enemy's ensuing pursuit.

At the same time, without the monitoring of the mechanical gyrfalcon, Fang Linyan felt that there would be a few Barretts out there that could be aimed at him, so it was better not to take risks as much as possible. There were not many attacks by such powerful sniper rifles in the world.

I am willing to face it personally.


However, Dak Motes did not choose to pursue.

Because now he is even more panicked than Fang Linyan!

The warning of rapid energy decline hung above his head like a sword of Damocles! He would never take action again until he understood this matter.

It seems that Dak Motes’s previous resume was all about walking a tightrope, but in fact it was precisely because he walked too many tightropes and suffered too many losses in the first half of his life that he was able to clearly realize that one cannot always rely on luck.

Get through it.

So Dak Motes is extremely cautious now, because he has passed the era of primitive accumulation and can afford to lose his family's great business.

Immediately after seeing this warning, Dak Motes took a breath of cold air:

"How can it only have 40% energy!!"

"It's only been a month since I last recharged. During this period, I only put on the armor once, the battle lasted no more than five minutes, and I didn't use any energy weapons!"

"When I put on the armor this time, I remember taking a look and saw that it still had more than 70% energy!"

It turns out that Dark Motes also went through some underground channels and spent a lot of money to obtain this thing called the "Armor of the End".

It is said that the other party is a mysterious organization. If Dak Motes had not done a lot of private work for them before, he would not be qualified to buy it.

At first, this thing was really refreshing to use, and it was as satisfying as killing someone while blocking someone else's way.

However, after the pleasure is over, you will definitely have to face a long refractory period. This "Armor of the End" is very powerful and will cause a lot of trouble.

The first is the maintenance after the battle. When Dak Motes first heard about this service, he must have been confused.

Very good. You have to pay at least a few hundred dollars for car maintenance. For such a high-end and powerful thing, it is not expensive to charge hundreds of thousands of dollars for each maintenance! The key is that he will always give you discounts with a smile.

, which made Motes unable to complain at all.

That's okay, the key is that this thing neither burns oil nor consumes electricity!! It can only be charged...

The other party explained during the sale that once the "Armor of the End" energy alarms, it won't even be a problem of the car running out of gas and being unable to move, but something more serious may be involved.

Well, such as a direct explosion, or a ferocious creature such as a tamed tiger or brown bear that is so hungry that it directly eats the keeper!

Therefore, Dark Motes took the matter of insufficient energy very seriously. After receiving the prompt, he couldn't help but blurt out "Are you kidding me?"

After hearing this sentence, the built-in artificial intelligence actually retorted:

"This system is not loaded with entertainment modules, nor is it loaded with deceptive personalities, so it does not have the function of making people laugh."

"The cause of the abnormal energy drop is currently under self-examination. Based on a preliminary analysis of the current data, we can basically consider three reasons."

"First, an accident occurred during the battle, resulting in damage to the energy system and a leakage accident. The probability of this event occurring is 27.3%, and it continues to decrease with the progress of the self-inspection."

"Second, the enemy has some unknown attack method to directly consume the body's own energy. The probability of this event happening is 57.4%."

"Third, unexplained energy leakage."

"Finally, you can try to fight the enemy again. At this time, the focus will be on data sampling. If this phenomenon occurs again after fighting the enemy, it can basically be determined as the second item."

This chapter has been completed!
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