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Chapter 59 Salt Brick

After everyone waited for almost half an hour, Kos finally ate half full and swam towards them with satisfaction. Everyone noticed that during this period, no other aquatic dinosaur dared to come and harass him.

It can be seen that the power of the bite just now has been transmitted to the nearby waters of Walden Pond along with the scream of the mosasaur.

At this time, Omi said to Kos:

"My friend, can you take us to the island in the middle of the lake?"

As she spoke, she took out a palm-sized white stone and threw it into the air.

Kos's long neck once again showed amazing speed. He stretched out all of a sudden and bit the white stone, just like a child chewing candy.

Happy expression.

Then he walked ashore and knelt on the ground, motioning for everyone to get on the bus... Oh no, on his back, and then he waggled his tail and quickly swam towards the small island in Walden Pond.

The goat said curiously:

"What did Omi feed?"

Max said:

"Didn't you do some research before coming here? Most dinosaurs need salt intake."

"Although this is an island and theoretically there is no shortage of salt, the unrefined salt contains a lot of impurities, which definitely tastes bad and contains many toxic impurities, so whether hunters or scientific researchers come to the island

I always bring these salt bricks with me when I go up."

"In addition to enough salt, this thing also adds special spices based on the taste of dinosaurs. The seller claims that if you meet a Tyrannosaurus rex on a narrow road, and if it is not in a hungry state, then you will eat the salt bricks.

If you throw it to the side and run away immediately, you have a good chance of saving your life."

"For experts who study dinosaurs, a salt brick is also a good thing to help them get close quickly and eliminate the dinosaur's wariness."

The goat sighed and said:

"We are not so lucky to have the opportunity to investigate and prepare!"

"As soon as we entered this world, we arrived on this damn island, and all three of us were disabled! All the mission items for the main mission have been taken away by others. It would be good if we could not be led by others."

Max patted him on the shoulder:

"This is really unfortunate."

After hearing what Max said, Fang Linyan and the others immediately asked for some salt bricks for later use.

Soon, an island appeared in front, but there were no tall trees on it, let alone anything that could be called a giant tree.

Omi, on the other hand, was holding the neck of Kos, the Ajax Basilisk, talking to it intimately. From time to time, he would throw a salt brick to it to coax Kos into submission.

Soon, Kos swam to the front of another island. It could be seen that this island seemed to be quite large. Not only that, because of the heavy fog, it looked like a group of dark clouds floating on it from a distance.

, probably because the vegetation is very dense.

After seeing this scene, everyone felt happy, this must be the target!

But after arriving here, Kos's neck suddenly became stiff, and his paddling limbs were motionless. After a few seconds, he actually let out a wail, turned around and ran away frantically, and there was still water behind him under the water.

There was a burst of turbid smoke...

Faced with such a strange thing, everyone was a little shocked. What is going on? Are you scared to urinate?

You know, along the way, Kos, besides being afraid of those sickle-clawed dragons that appear in groups, basically plays the role of a troublemaker. Although he doesn't cause trouble wherever he goes, he is definitely not afraid of trouble.

However, when I came here and saw nothing, I suddenly got scared! Not only that, but I was so scared that I even sprayed out feces and urine to help... Of course, it may also be because of fear.


However, everyone repeatedly observed the rear area and found nothing unusual. Except for the ripples caused by Kos, the water surface was calm. Unless the guy who scared Kos was transparent, he would definitely not be able to escape their observation.


After escaping for almost five or six hundred meters, Kos stopped. Everyone looked at each other. Omi and Max looked at each other, and then went to comfort Kos. However, this guy still looked extremely scared and refused.

Swim back again.

In desperation, the group of people obviously had to rush to get the amber, and there was no way they could give up halfway here, so they had no choice but to swim over.

Fortunately, they are all contractors, so there is absolutely no problem with their physical fitness. No one can't swim, and the goat, the big housekeeper, has also done a good job. They have already expected to go into the water, so even the swimming equipment is very well prepared.


Unfortunately, the Umonik RV from Capsule Technology is not truly amphibious. It can only pass through a wading depth of about 2 meters. Otherwise, it would be of great use now.

After jumping into the water with a "plop, plop", without saying anything, everyone began to swim hummingly. The unconscious Jane Motes put on an inflatable life jacket for her, and Max

It can be said that this strong man acted as the front of the car and pulled it with no difficulty.

After Max and Vulture entered the water, it seemed that in order to gain speed, one of them used freestyle and the other used butterfly stroke. They made a lot of noise, and white waves surged on the originally quiet lake!

Omi and Fang Linyan were both shocked when they saw this, and hurriedly stopped. Then they reiterated in the team that they must keep a low profile. In order to avoid attracting attention, everyone must use breaststroke, a less dynamic swimming method.


But after swimming twenty or thirty meters, Fang Linyan immediately held his breath! He couldn't help but stop all his movements!

At this time, Fang Linyan must have released the mechanical gyrfalcon. At this time, in the field of vision of the mechanical gyrfalcon in the high altitude, under the originally relatively clear water, there was actually a huge black shadow that seemed to be slowly aiming towards this side.

come over!

Looking at the size of the black shadow, it is not inferior to that of Ajax's basilisk. The most important thing is that Ajax's head is disproportionately small compared to its body.

The ratio is estimated to be smaller than 1:20.

However, this black shadow looks like a mixture of a giant crocodile and a blue whale, with the ratio of head to body reaching 1:1.

Needless to say, this ratio is very convenient for hunting. It is of great significance to Fang Linyan and the others. If that guy wants to do something to these "snacks" floating on the water,

If you order something, you can swallow it in just one bite without taking a second bite!

Fortunately, at this time, Kos finally showed his loyalty, overcame his fear, and swam over to protect the group of people. The giant underwater beast seemed to know that this guy was not easy to mess with, so

He wandered around for a while, then walked away with a wagging tail.

However, after Kos escorted them to swim another hundred meters, he refused to move forward anymore, as if there was an invisible barrier blocking him! He could only circle and swim anxiously in place, and shouted at them from time to time.

A warning growl.

At first, Fang Linyan and the others thought that there was a very ferocious beast in this area, which was Kos's natural enemy, so Kos suddenly became so fearful, but now it seems that is not the case. The ironclad evidence just now has shown that,

Even the local snakes here are very afraid when they see Kos.

With doubts, the group of people continued to swim forward, and after swimming almost two hundred meters, they suffered the first attack!

The enemy that launched the attack was something no one expected. To be honest, no one was surprised that the giant underwater beast from before came back.

But the first thing to attack them was a group of fish that were only twenty centimeters long!

This fish looks like it should be a close relative of the flying fish in the ocean. It has two huge pectoral fins that look similar to the wings of a bird. Moreover, it does not appear alone, but in groups!

After they fly out of the water, they can glide hundreds of meters in the air before falling into the water.

That's fine. The key is that the mouth of this fish is very sharp. There are at least five centimeters of horny spikes in front of the mouth. They are very sharp, like long thorns. When these fish are gliding in the air and aiming at Fang Linyan

When it hit him, Fang Linyan immediately remembered a movie he had watched: Hero.

The moment when Wuming, played by Jet Li, faced the overwhelming barrage of bows and arrows when he walked out of the palace, he probably felt similar to what Fang Linyan felt at this moment!

Fortunately, these flying fish were not arrows after all. Fang Linyan was so surprised that he shouted for Max to help, and then pierced a fierce one next to him.

This chapter has been completed!
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