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Chapter 113 Flesh Hunter

After hearing the following report, Gust's eyes immediately turned cold:

"Hunt this man immediately. I will see him brought to me within half an hour."

Immediately afterwards, a series of information was quickly sent to Gust, including screenshots of Fang Linyan entering Dr. Rawls's laboratory, screenshots of Fang Linyan entering the dangerous material room, and then someone reported remotely:

"We have found Dr. Rawls, I repeat, we have found the Doctor."

"But the doctor's current condition is not very good. His spirit seems to be on the verge of collapse. It seems that he must have been tortured to extract a confession, and one of his fingers was cut off."

Gust nodded and said:

"Have the people who went to hunt set out? By the way, who are there in the pursuit team?"

After hearing this, his deputy Dasul immediately reported:

"Now we have sent three flesh hunters to hunt him down. At the same time, we also set off with the experienced Test team. This kind of power is enough to kill a company of active soldiers in a head-on confrontation.

Yes, I believe there will be no problem in chasing this person back."

Gust groaned:

"The flesh hunters are okay, but they can only complete basic obedience commands, just like hounds... Why did you send Team Test?"

He was still very impressed by this team. Its backbone members are three members of the Israeli special forces. The captain is 43 years old. Although he has entered a period of decline in terms of physical fitness, he is the most mature in terms of experience and combat skills.


However, being older means being conservative, seeking stability, and retreating!

This is something Gust absolutely doesn't want to see. He is so furious that he doesn't want to know how many people will die on his side, as long as it's not him. The only thing he wants to know is whether he can bring the intruder back on time.


Dasuer clearly heard the meaning of Gust's question and said hurriedly:

"Because Team Test was on duty nearby at the time, they were able to arrive at the scene as soon as possible and start chasing the enemy."

"I'm currently dispatching the Trident Team and the Wire Team to help. They will set off in five minutes."

After hearing Dasul's answer, Gust finally nodded slightly and said:

"Switch to the perspective of Team Test. They should be equipped with battlefield recorders, right?"

Dasur said:



In the conventional sense, a hunter refers to a person who hunts wild animals.

In this Veronica laboratory, if the word hunter is added with the word flesh, it is the code name of a biological weapon, which represents brutality, tracking and madness!

They look highly similar to humans, but they always wear sunglasses and windbreakers because their eyes have transformed into compound eyes like flies or dragonflies.

Once these guys lose the protection of their sunglasses and appear in human society, witnesses will be stunned for the first time? Then come to their senses and call the police? Of course, they may also take pictures and post on WeChat Moments saying that they accidentally entered a movie set today.

What is covered under his windbreaker is his highly mutated limbs, which can display amazing combat effectiveness when necessary!

Three flesh hunters drove three motorcycles. They were traveling quickly on the road along the lake. At the same time, they kept spitting out messages like poisonous snakes. Their scarlet tongues quickly stretched and contracted in the air in order to capture the remains of the enemy.

The smell in the air? Precisely pursue it in the direction it escaped.

At this time, Team Test also followed behind in an electric vehicle.

To be honest? Gust saw it very accurately. The long-term experience in Veronica's laboratory has indeed weakened the spirit of Test's team, making them approach this task not to seek merit but to seek no fault.

? There is a strong intention to leave everything to the three flesh and blood hunters ahead.

Suddenly? The flesh hunters in front stopped their motorcycles one after another, then turned to look at the dry underground lake next to them, and they all let out ferocious roars towards it.

The Test team immediately felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy, got out of the car and took up hidden positions.

This scene was restored intact on the monitor screen by the battlefield recorder they carried. Seeing this scene? Dasul's face was very ugly, and he couldn't help but glance at Gust next to him.

The head of the security department had an expressionless face. He didn't say a word, but his right hand had firmly grasped the back of the chair next to him. The corners of his eyes were twitching slightly, which was a sign that the anger level in his heart had exploded!

Yes? The behavior of Team Test seems understandable? But? Now they are chasing the enemy! Being too cautious about their own safety is a waste of extremely precious time. In this kind of pursuit, even one second at night may be

It will cause heavy losses such as losing the enemy's whereabouts.

At this time, the flesh hunter was already like a wild beast, jumping down along the dry lake shore next to it. Only then did Team Test advance cautiously, and then climbed down.

They did not expect that the cautious behavior of their group at this time would completely cause Dasul to give them a bad review!

Soon, what appeared in front of everyone was a smoking electric car. It seemed that the car had fallen from a high place, and then had multiple collisions. It was beyond recognition, but the problem was

The thing is, there was no one in the car.

Obviously, this electric car that was driven down the dry lake shore once again successfully delayed the pursuit of soldiers.

Seemingly realizing that they had been teased, the three flesh hunters roared in low voices one after another, and their whole bodies trembled slightly. Apparently they realized that they had been fooled and were furious!


Half an hour later,

On the projection screen in the security room, a picture of a wide underground quarry suddenly appeared, as well as broken tracks, shelves in disrepair, etc.

Seeing this, Gust couldn't help but ask:

"What is this place and why don't I know it exists?"

Dasul checked the information and said quickly:

"According to our understanding, when we were trying to drain the lake water, the metallic intelligent life Pumas was also doing the same thing. According to expert speculation, the lake water should have a negative effect on his body."

"So, the artificial intelligence we captured: Desini was also entrusted by the subject and was constantly building drainage channels. This is the excavation site he created himself."

Having said this, Dasul pressed the button a few more times in confusion, and the 3D structure of the entire huge cave was immediately projected:

"It's strange. I remember it very clearly at the time. I sent three teams to carefully investigate here, and even used drones to conduct data sampling. I didn't see any external passages. Why did this damn thief come here?


Gust's face softened a little when he saw that Dasuul actually produced the 3D structure diagram of this place.

This shows that his deputy is very practical and reliable in his work. He can tell so many things and is not completely ignorant. At least there is no problem with his work attitude. Even if there are any omissions, they can be forgiven.

"Hmm? Did the enemy climb down from the dome above?"

At this time, you can see in the image transmitted from the screen that three flesh hunters aimed at the sky above the cave and let out a threatening roar.

Then a flesh-and-blood hunter took off his gloves directly, and his hands began to undergo obvious mutations. Suction cups appeared on the palms and fingers like lizards, and there were also barbed bristles like Spider-Man, and he twisted his body easily.

He climbed up against the stone wall.

This is a special ability of the Flesh Hunter: Mimicry!

You can change your genes according to local conditions to make yourself more suitable for fighting in the current environment.

At this time, if it is at the seaside, the flesh hunter will grow gills and webs if it uses mimicry. If it is a mountain canyon, then the flesh hunter will grow a bat-like membrane and become lighter.

However, this also comes at a price. When a flesh hunter uses mimicry once, it needs to wait three days before using it again, and its maximum lifespan is only seven or eight years. Each time mimicry is used, its lifespan is reduced by one-fifth.

In this case, if it wants to enter the mimic state, it needs the administrator to open the relevant permissions for it. It does not mean that it should be opened if it wants to be opened. However, this time the situation is special and Dasul has released the permissions long ago.

I saw this flesh hunter quickly climb to the top of the dome, and then put one hand on the roof of the cave, and groped for something on it with the other hand. Then, I heard the sound of stones being pushed away,

Then a crack suddenly appeared.

Seeing this scene, Dasu's expression suddenly changed. He never expected that there was actually a crack leading to the outside world on the dome fifty or sixty meters above the ground! It was obvious that the enemy was invading through here.

, and then climb down by hanging the rope.

If the Flesh Hunter hadn't been gifted with a sensitive sense of smell and tracking ability, he would have really disappeared from the world due to his play.

However, when I saw this flesh and blood hunter swinging suddenly, and when I was about to climb up, there was a sudden explosion in the crack above. The explosion was actually not big, it was even like a large firecracker, and its lethality was very limited.

, there was only a small puff of green smoke, and sand and gravel fell.

But as the explosion sounded, the flesh hunter who was trying his best to climb up let out a desperate roar and fell down from the air while dancing.

This is an altitude of fifty or sixty meters above the ground. Even with the physical strength of the contractor, death is inevitable. Even if it can save its life after falling, it will never be able to stand up again with its own strength.


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