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Chapter 122: Stone of Flesh and Blood

Obviously, the adjectives used by Fang Linyan in this sentence deeply stabbed the guy in front of him, or to be more precise, it should have torn open the blood scab on his soul again.

Therefore, it screamed angrily the next second and pounced on Fang Linyan!

On Fang Linyan's retina, Ao's Ember has begun to share this guy's information, although... it's not too much.

Name: Experimental Subject No. 148

Race: Experimental subject/flesh hunter

Strength: Elite

Explanation: This is a humanoid biological weapon prepared by the Blood Umbrella Organization. It has huge compound eyes, a keen sense of smell, and fast movement speed. They are a combination of assassins, scouts, and hunters. They have unique abilities in tracking and assassination.


Strength: 12 points


physical strength:???


Charisma: 2 points

Spirit: 11 o'clock

Passive ability: poison, introduction????

Passive abilities:?????

Passive abilities:????


After seeing a series of very incomplete information about it, Fang Linyan actually had a feeling of déjà vu!

It's like returning to the underground experimental base and facing Bloody Mary's offspring! Perception is completely suppressed, and the enemy can approach you silently and then deliver a fatal blow.

Perhaps, the two originally originated from one body?

Fortunately, Fang Linyan has sufficient fighting experience against this kind of monster! That is, don't be timid after seizing the opportunity, fight head-on, and then use a storm of attacks to directly overwhelm the enemy until it collapses.

Therefore, facing this flesh and blood hunter elite who waved his fist over, and whose strength seemed to be only 12 points, Fang Linyan showed a sneer on his lips:

Where did you find the confidence to dare to punch me?

Therefore, Fang Linyan's answer was also very concise and clear, that is, he punched back hard!

Just when the fists of the two were about to collide head-on, Experimental Subject No. 148 suddenly showed a vicious look on his face, because several sharp claws suddenly popped out of the surface of his fist! And it also shone with a metallic light.

To put it simply, it is a poor version of Wolverine's claws! Moreover, the claws also contain the poison secreted by it itself. Once the skin is broken, the blood will seal the throat!

Seeing this scene, Fang Linyan felt strange in his heart:

"It's so familiar. It's so similar to the attack of Bloody Mary's heir. No, it's actually much weaker!"

The last thought came to Fang Linyan's mind after the two fists collided head-on.

There is no doubt that the fists and claws of Experimental Subject No. 148 were deformed, twisted, and broken in an instant like a dry branch!

And blood ------- or to be precise? A bodily fluid similar to blood was instantly splashed into the air? It was accompanied by an unpleasant smell that was ten times more pungent than blood!

Not only that, Fang Linyan's fist seemed to have encountered no obstacles? After destroying the attack of the flesh hunter elite, he punched it in the chest without any politeness!

The power attached to this punch was finally unleashed in an extremely violent way. The sound of bones breaking under the load was also heard.

This monster from the laboratory was severely hit by Fang Linyan's punch and flew more than ten meters away. Then it rolled on the ground several times before regaining control of its body. Then it opened its mouth and sprayed

A large ball of blue-black blood mist appeared.

Experimental Subject No. 148 still didn't have time to figure out what happened. His memory was still stuck on the moment when he punched his fist. And then? He felt like he was run over by a high-speed train...


At this time, Fang Linyan looked at his fist with some unsatisfied thoughts:

"Well, the feeling when the fist hits it is not like flesh, but like a carapace. Is this because the skin strengthens the defense against firearms?"

"But this guy seems to be much weaker than Bloody Mary's offspring... in exchange for greater concealment and the ability to move freely in human society."

"As for the lost combat power, how about using bombs, toxins, and human weapons to make up for it? This biological weapon is really...a poor copy!"

"Yes, it's the low-end version of Bloody Mary's descendant? And it has been castrated and has lost its combat effectiveness, and even the strength of the metal hybrid skeleton has been reduced? Hmm? Not even as good as the one I met in Raccoon City.

Trinity, the female secretary who can transform."

I have to say that Fang Linyan's review is quite vicious... but in fact it is just a layman's review.

The biochemical technology contained in Experimental Subject No. 148 is more than two generations stronger than that of Snake Girl!

The strongest point is that the life span of Experimental Subject No. 148 can exceed 50 years, and the cost is only one-fifth of Snake Girl. Snake Girl's peak use period is only three years, and the cost is extremely expensive!

Experimental Subject No. 148, who has a metal hybrid skeleton, is faster and has three times the vitality of Snake Girl.

And their killing efficiency is obviously stronger than that of Experimental Subject No. 148. It only needs to scratch the skin, and the blood will seal the throat.

Experimental Subject No. 148 had decisively given up on the unreliable idea of ​​"exclusive rewards" at this time, and realized that if he didn't seize the opportunity quickly, today would not be a lucky day at all, but his death anniversary!!

So it turned around and ran away. Its companions could smell its own blood five kilometers away, and they might have already set out to rescue it.

But at this time, Rubes had quietly appeared from the side, and pounced on it, causing it to lose its balance and fall to the ground. During the fall of Experimental Subject No. 148, Rubes's alloy steel teeth had penetrated deeply.

bit into its body.

Five seconds later, Fang Linyan sighed and said:

"Fighting skills...are a mess!"

Of course, this is a comment made by Fang Linyan, a strong person with basic melee combat level 10.

In fact, Experimental Subject No. 148's basic melee combat can still reach the level of LV3, and he can defeat three or five ordinary people on the street without any problem.

There is nothing we can do about this. The Blood Umbrella Organization has actually implanted as many positive factors into the Scarlet Hunter as possible:

long life,

stable genome structure,

Powerful metal hybrid skeleton,

Amazing vision, keen sense of smell,

Terrifying poisons, etc.

After having so many characteristics, it has been optimized to the extreme. There is no way to forcibly implant the fighting instinct of a beast into its genes. However, in the eyes of these researchers, even if it takes two or three years to cultivate

Their melee combat capabilities are also very cost-effective.

What they are producing now is a biological weapon with a theoretical service life of fifty years.

But because of this, Experimental Subject No. 148 performed very poorly in the confrontation with Rubes. It can even be described as being pushed to the ground and beaten, not to mention that there were embers of O next to it.

Eager to try...

In this case, Fang Linyan chose to test the power of Ao's ember transformation... Ten seconds later, he looked at a pile of smoking ashes and nodded with satisfaction, then turned around and entered

garage, and then walked towards the Ford Raptor.

In this case, even though the members of the Scarlet Organization who came to help tried their best to come, they still couldn't even see the taillights of Fang Linyan's car! They could only see the unrecognizable charred corpse of his companion!!

Fang Linyan, who was driving on the road, easily opened the key to Experimental Subject No. 148, which was brought back for him by Rubes himself. Surprisingly, this blue key produced a bunch of miscellaneous items.

In addition to other things, I also made a prop that looks quite useful.

Name: Stone of Flesh (medium)

Quality: black

Explanation: This is the essence of life condensed from the body of a modified organism. After taking it, you will get a random effect, which will be one of the following three different effects.


B: Permanently increases the user's upper limit of health by an additional 50 points.

C: The user will acquire a permanent negative state: genetic aberration. Whenever your heartbeat exceeds 100 times, your head will suffer severe pain for 5-10 minutes.

How to use: Eat it, and the remaining consumption times are three times.

Fang Linyan thought for a while and began to ask about the space:

"I want to know if I can eliminate the negative state of genetic aberrations after returning to the inner space?"

Space Machinery’s reply:

"If you want to know the answer to this question, you need to pay 2000 universal points."

Fang Linyan Muran:

"Okay...please deduct it."

The way of space machinery:


Fang Linyan said helplessly:

"So how much does it cost to get rid of it? There can't be a fee for this answer, right?"

The space finally changed its tone:

"Be confident and remove the impossible."

Fang Linyan rolled his eyes and said:

"I will offer up to 2,000 general points at most. If it is higher, then I will give up this issue."

This chapter has been completed!
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