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Chapter 141 Smuggling

Soon, Fang Linyan took the elevator downstairs, arrived outside this huge technology laboratory, and sat down next to a flower garden.

Then, Fang Linyan looked around and found that no one was paying attention here, so he flicked it.

Immediately, the body of the Nimbus, the rust-eating parasite, took advantage of the momentum of the bullet and jumped high like a grasshopper, and then flew away directly.

There should not be too many small flying insects like this in the Garden of Eden. The number is probably in the millions, so it is almost impossible to attract the attention of other people. There is almost no need to worry about safety.

At this time, Fang Linyan checked the map and was thinking about where to go to explore, but suddenly received a private chat from the vulture:

"Boss, come here, this is where we split up before."

Fang Linyan's heart moved, and then he used his ID card to open a shared bicycle and rode directly there. He saw the vulture staying there in the distance.

"What's the matter? Why don't you talk about it in the group?" Fang Linyan said hello and said with a smile.

Vulture said:

"That woman Omi is too thoughtful, I can't trust her."

Fang Linyan smiled but didn't say much.

As far as he is concerned, everyone has their own style. As long as everyone can complement each other during the battle and leave it to his back, it will be fine. In other matters, he can seek common ground while reserving differences.

Then the vulture said:

"You know my abilities. When I was detecting a yellow exclamation mark area, I used the shadow's detection ability to discover something very important."

Fang Linyan's eyes lit up and he said

"Oh??What's the matter?"

Vulture said:

"Some people can actually directly resell the high-tech products in the Eden Laboratory, and listen to the chats between them. An industry chain has been formed, and the buyers are all people from the outside world!"

After Fang Linyan heard this, he was immediately shocked.

Because along the way, everything I saw and came into contact with, I honestly felt that whether it was the environment or the cultural atmosphere, it was a bit like a transcendent world, a divine kingdom on the ground.

From the living environment to the various systems in the Garden of Eden, everything is incompatible with modern society, and the quality of life is obviously much superior. Most of the people living in it also feel that they have the feeling of a new human being.

However, when the vulture said this, the fullness of his personality suddenly dropped.

Hmm? It’s like a goddess who is so glamorous and beautiful, but whose temperament is not that of a cannibalistic person, suddenly urinates and defecates in front of you...

Maybe after this incident? She dressed up again. She smiled sweetly and her image was still perfect. But the feeling of sacredness and inviolability in her heart was gone.

"What are they selling?" Fang Linyan asked curiously.

Vulture said:

"Drugs! This kind of medicine can only be produced in the Garden of Eden because of its raw materials? So the outside world cannot manufacture it at all."

"This drug is called Kirkland? It was originally provided to employees in the Garden of Eden for free, and its effect is nothing more than to enhance immunity."

"But after accidentally leaking it, we found that the health care effect of this thing is not very effective for ordinary people, but for women, the effect is very obvious in terms of removing wrinkles and freckles."

Hearing this? Fang Linyan immediately realized the profit behind this, which would probably drive people crazy.

There is a saying that is right: Men conquer the world, women conquer men.

And this kind of drug with powerful beauty effects can conquer all women! No wonder a smuggling industry chain has been established.

"Wait, something seems wrong?"

Fang Linyan suddenly realized the contradiction.

"Is this thing so powerful? Then there is no reason why Marcus, the founder of Eden Garden, would miss such a large gold mine. He must have directly used it for official operation? How can there be room for smuggling?"

Vulture said:

"I was also confused about this issue at first, and I just found out the reason after doing some research."

"Boss? What do you think is the most important creature in the Garden of Eden?"

Fang Linyan said:

"The most important... creature?"

Vulture said:

"That's right."

Fang Linyan thought for a while and said:

"Besides people?"

Vulture said:


Fang Linyan said:

"Then it should be these dozen mutated giant World Master trees scattered on the island."

The vulture nodded and then said:

"That's absolutely true."

Having said this, he shared a piece of information with Fang Linyan.

It turns out that the sap produced by this giant tree of the world is a valuable research material. There is no harm in extracting a small amount of sap."

And the thirteen giant World Master trees planted on the island? It is said that they were hatched with the help of rare materials provided by Sound Wave. It can be said that one dead tree is missing one, which is very precious. With the current technology, it is almost impossible to

Cultivate again.

An important component of Kirkland's medicine is extracted from the sap extracted from the giant tree of World Lord!

Seeing this, Fang Linyan suddenly realized:

"I understand! In the beginning, Kirkland was only used to supply the people on the island, so the sap extracted from the World Master's giant tree was more than enough as its raw material."

"However, if we want to expand the scale of production, we must increase the amount of sap extraction from the Giant Tree. Obviously, this will seriously affect the health of the giant tree. Marcus will certainly not allow such a thing to happen, because this will

The thirteen giant trees of the World are the cornerstone of maintaining the unique ecological environment of the Garden of Eden."

Vulture said:

"Yes, but he can ignore the wealth and influence brought by Kirkland's drug, but others cannot..."

"Guess what I discovered at that time? The guys behind the scenes even formed their own interest group, and they even went to the extent of killing people to silence them in order to protect their interests!"

"My shadow saw them disposing of the corpse at that time. The unlucky guy was cut into pieces and used to feed the experimental creatures."

Fang Linyan muttered:

"you mean?"

Vulture said:

"If we want to get information, why not do it through this group of people?"

"They call themselves the Taipan Gang and have great influence at the middle and lower levels. They kill traitors or informants by biting them alive with the highly venomous Taipan snake. They also have a protective umbrella at the top, so even if someone disappears or is

I dare not make any noise even if I kill you."

Fang Linyan nodded and said solemnly:

"Okay, this is an idea. Do you have a goal now? Then let's set off now."

Vulture said:

"Okay, come with me."

Soon, Fang Linyan followed the vulture to the outside of another giant laboratory. He originally thought that the vulture would take him directly in, but when he reached the door, he turned around and walked towards the back.

Then Fang Linyan discovered that the two sides of things were most vividly reflected during this period of time.

My previous impression of a giant laboratory was like a collection of apartments, hotels, and future residences. The windows were bright and clean, spotless, and the air was filled with a faint fragrance.

However, after he followed the vulture from behind to the underground part of the giant laboratory, he realized that although the straight-line distance between here and the above-ground part was only ten meters, they were two completely different worlds.

There are deafening rumbling sounds everywhere, and the air is filled with a strong stench. Not only that, it is extremely hot inside, and soon everyone is covered in sweat. Therefore, most of the people working here are only wearing underpants, but

Also wear a gas mask.

This is because every behemoth such as a giant laboratory produces hundreds of tons of garbage, feces, wastewater, etc. every day. Some internal projects are relatively expensive, and thousands of tons are possible.

The Garden of Eden is a closed biosphere that requires basic self-sufficiency, so it emphasizes recycling, and inorganic waste is incinerated or chemically treated.

Organic waste is more complicated. It needs to undergo a series of classification, processing, and treatment in the treatment plant built below the laboratory, and then be turned into fertilizer and applied to the mutant giant tree of the world.

This series of complex methods directly led to the harsh underground working environment.

Of course, this kind of place is also the best place to destroy corpses, kill people and steal goods. Needless to say, the noise can make people scream and no one else can hear it.

According to the information obtained by Vulture, the underground of this laboratory is also divided into three areas, (garbage) classification area, processing area, and recycling and transportation area.

The people they were looking for from the Taipan Snake Gang were operating in the recycling and transportation area.

After entering, the two followed suit, wearing gas masks with their bare upper bodies on. Therefore, even if they met many people along the way, they just passed by without any flaws, so they quickly arrived at the recycling and transportation station.


The conditions here are relatively good, but only relatively.

As a result, when they just arrived at a passage, they suddenly realized that the rear door had dropped directly from the top, cutting off the back path!

This chapter has been completed!
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