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Chapter 166 Parasite

While Fang Linyan was talking, the vulture had already sent and shared the data it had detected:


Explanation: This is a terrifying monster that has been mutated by pollution from unknown energy. It has a unique ability to pollute and can occupy the bodies of other metal life forms. Every time it occupies other metal life forms, there is a probability of obtaining related weapons.

special power.

Basic attributes: Strength 40 points/Agility 25 points/Spirit 50 points/Charm 0 points

life value:???


Talent: Gravitational pull, which can be released on the target and make it quickly approach the designated location.

Active ability: Parasitic occupation. Using this ability has a chance to occupy the body of other metal life forms. However, the prerequisites for using this ability are also quite stringent, and once this skill is used, regardless of whether it succeeds or not, Pumas' body will suffer.

to severe damage.

Active ability:???

Active ability:???

Passive mutation ability: extreme absorption, derived from rust-eating parasites.

The owner can rely on this ability to convert the metal elements, vitality and organic components in the living body into energy that can be absorbed and digested by the owner.

After the rust-eating parasite came to the earth, it mutated into a similar ability and can obtain iron, potassium, phosphorus and other absorbable things from human blood.

After Pomas took over the body of the rust-eating parasite, he inherited and strengthened this ability.

Passive mutation ability: metallic nerve fibrosis, derived from earthquakes.

Earthquakes rely on their own metal nerves/wires that are much thicker than normal metal life to erupt with amazing power, so they can inject seismic waves into the ground to attack opponents or buildings.

After Pomas took over Quake's body, he acquired and improved this ability. The owner will directly fibrate the nerve wires in the metal organism, making it a versatile tool when dealing with fibrotic metal nerves.

After injecting a large amount of energy, this thing will be harder and sharper than a sharp needle!

Passive mutation ability:???

Comments: This is a terrifying monster, extremely good at hiding and disguising.

When you stare into the abyss, the abyss is also staring at you. People who get along with Pumas can hardly imagine that he, who once fought side by side with you and went through life and death, will turn against you directly in the face of interests, and even devour you as food.


You would never imagine that the abyss is right next to you!


After hearing Fang Linyan's words, earthquake, no, it should be Pumas now. He was silent for a while and said indifferently:

"Hey, why do you have to be so smart? Isn't it wrong if you honestly don't know anything?"

Fang Linyan said sarcastically:

"Even if we didn't see anything, wouldn't you have murderous intentions towards us?"

Pumas shook his head and said:

"That's different. If you don't know anything, then you won't be on guard against me. When I attack you, I will be as fast, accurate, and ruthless as possible! I will definitely kill you all in a short time.

Get rid of it."

"However, after you find out my identity, you will definitely run away everywhere or even resist! In this case, I will not only waste time, but also delay the process of killing you longer, so that you will suffer greater consequences.

I still can't bear the pain."

At this time, the goat finally couldn't bear it anymore and said angrily:

"Pumas, we rescued you and then took the risk to come here to avenge you! We have no conflict with you, why do you have to kill us!?"

Pumas roared loudly:

"Do you think I am satisfied if I occupy Quake's body? How can such a deformed dwarf body be worthy of me? The great Master Pumas!"

"What I really want is the perfect body of the most powerful leader MG. Only in this way can I take the most solid step in my ambition!"

"Because of this, those of you who know the truth will die and no leaks will be allowed! Otherwise, once the news gets out, I won't be able to use my identity as Quake to get close to the leader!"

After Pumas said this, he suddenly calmed down and said slowly:

"More importantly, I have cooperated with you in depth and know that there is a strong and cold will behind you to support your actions."

"Since this great will has given you the task of killing Quake, you must kill him! However, now Quake's consciousness has been enslaved by me. Before I get the next body, he must not die.

Yes, then there is a fundamental conflict between us!"

After hearing what Pumas said, Fang Linyan simply shut up, because the conflict between the two parties was indeed irreconcilable.

And Pumas knew very well the principle of striking first and gaining the upper hand! A light flashed in his eyes!

The goat and vulture in the distance were caught off guard, as if they were hit by a giant transparent hand, they flew up in the air and hit the wall next to them.

Just hearing two crisp sounds of "bang bang", the two of them were already at the end of their fight, and they immediately passed out with blood on their faces.

Not only that, Pumas directly aimed the arm composed of white tentacles at Fang Linyan and pressed it.

At this moment, Fang Linyan felt as if an invisible black hole had appeared in front of him, trying to suck him in deeply!

That power is really, really amazing.

If he hadn't been very strong and had grabbed the pipe next to him with his hands, and even hooked the pillar next to him with his feet, he would have been pulled directly over by such a move without any warning.

As for the consequences of sucking it in, just look at the unlucky Muba.

This is Pumas' innate ability: gravitational pull.

When he first awakened this talent, Pumas could use it to attach space stations, satellites and the like to his body to build a powerful protective shell. At this time, Pumas was already extremely skilled in using this talent.

So of course it's more powerful.

However, the previous Pumas was able to absorb space stations and satellites because the body it controlled was constructed from the remains of several Mercury transport ships, so the power it could exert was of course astonishing.

However, he now occupies Quake's body, and Quake's consciousness has not yet been annihilated, so the power he can exert is definitely limited.

At the same time, the energy of the energy block absorbed by Pumas before was also exhausted. Otherwise, Fang Linyan would probably not be able to resist and would be directly hit. It was quite sad to be like this. All the strength in his body had to be used to resist the suction, and even

It's hard to fight back.

Pumas wanted a quick victory! After sucking for a few seconds and realizing that he couldn't hold it anymore, he decided to end the stalemate and suddenly let go.

Fang Linyan was originally fighting against this attraction with all his strength, but he didn't expect that the power suddenly disappeared. His arms had no time to retract their strength, and suddenly hit the wall in front of him with a "dong" sound, and stars suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

His face was covered in blood and he looked very embarrassed.

Immediately afterwards, Pumas took advantage of this opportunity and used a very sinister force to inhale again. The dizzy Fang Linyan could no longer control his body and was rolled over continuously.

Although Fang Linyan kept waving and dancing, trying his best to grab something next to him, he was still slowly pulled towards Pumas.

The tentacle arm on Pumas' left side kept pressing towards Fang Linyan, and then you could see that there were dozens of white tentacles surrounding the end of it, swimming towards Fang Linyan like a living creature!

Obviously, once you are infected by this tentacle, it will penetrate into your skin, start sucking your flesh and blood, and convert your life into Pumas' ration.

However, suddenly, Pumas shook his head violently and roared:

"Ah! You idiot, why don't you just be imprisoned in your mental prison by me? Why are you still resisting me?"

Obviously, the suppressed Earthquake's consciousness began to cause trouble when it was attacking Fang Linyan, and Fang Linyan's suppression was also relaxed.

In this case, Fang Linyan struck him with electricity without saying a word! The dozens of long white whiskers were directly curled up by the electricity, and the surface was burnt black, and even gave off an unpleasant smell as if the wires were burnt.

This electric shock caused Pumas to scream strangely!

In his mind, Fang Linyan should be the same as goats and vultures. They are all at the end of their power and dying, but he didn't expect that he could still fight back?

Under the severe pain, Pumas' gravitational force suddenly exploded, slamming Fang Linyan into the wall next to him.

Just hearing a loud "bang", Fang Linyan's vision went dark and he was in extreme pain. However, in this case, he actually threw a standard incendiary grenade at Pumas. This thing was

The ones distributed by the Rattlesnake Organization are equally powerful!

However, just after the grenade flew four or five meters, it seemed to hit a transparent wall in mid-air, and then bounced back towards Fang Linyan.

This chapter has been completed!
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