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Chapter 7 A bad start

Although Yanig has been discovered for almost twenty years, it is a huge planet that humans have not set foot on in depth so far. From a distance, it is just an earthy yellow color, like a flat egg.

It rotates around a central celestial body called "Tyne". It happens that there is also a source of water on the Yaniger planet. After tens of thousands of years of evolution, a thin ozone layer has gathered in the sky, and primitive life has emerged.

The birth of.

Humans can breathe freely on the planet Yanige, but it will be harmful to the body over time. However, the air on the planet Yanige is judged to be "usable", so there is no need to wear a space suit when moving on it.

When wearing a helmet, you only need to put on two nasal plugs to filter and breathe freely.

Different from the Earth, the surface of this planet has a large number of deserts and Gobis, and is full of barren loess. Most of the water sources are underground. The total length of day and night is 30 hours. The area is about twice that of the Earth, and the gravity is 1.2 times that of the Earth.

times, so some people infer that it has an underground world with an astonishing area.

In the latest exploration manual, Yanig was evaluated as a four-star potential planet, so as early as five years ago, someone had invested in establishing a semi-permanent outpost camp: Camp Narazi.

However, probably because of some shortages in the capital chain behind the investors, the original plan for in-depth exploration and development was changed.

However, Narazi Camp is still in operation, and what is surprising is that this camp makes a lot of money by providing supplies to adventurers who continue to come here, and it has become a major source of wealth for investors.

This undoubtedly reminds people of Levi Strauss, the king of jeans.

At that time, countless people flocked to California to hunt for gold, but Levi Strauss believed that these influxes of gold diggers were the real gold mines, so he launched jeans that were strong, wear-resistant, and stain-resistant to provide services for gold diggers.

Everyone knows the final result. Those guys who were digging for gold were still paupers, but Levi Strauss became a multi-millionaire in three years. A hundred years later, it was already a huge enterprise worth 8.2 billion US dollars.


Of course, Ryan and his team who wanted to rescue also went to Narazi Camp for supplies. Obviously, no matter whether this rescue operation goes well or not, they will probably be repaired in Narazi Camp.

As the spacecraft gradually approaches Yanig, the passengers on the spacecraft can see that the appearance of the planet is actually similar to that of Saturn. It is huge and orange-yellow, with dense airflow mixed with green and white flowing in it.

Of course, this is only similar in appearance. This is because the atmosphere of Yanige is a bit weird. The clouds are very dense, the visibility is very low, and the electromagnetic interference is very strong.

It is really cruel and difficult for hill giants to be born and evolve in such a harsh environment, but this is from the perspective of carbon-based organisms on the earth. For them, perhaps this is the best area for them to grow and reproduce.


Fang Linyan was sitting at the window next to him and was fascinated. As time passed by, the transport ship gradually entered the outer orbit of the planet. Then, the engine of the Mercury transport ship spurted out long flames and began to prepare to enter the planet.

's inner space.

At this time, you can see that the silver-white ship's exterior begins to have flames flashing and annihilating. If you look at it from the ground, the entire transport ship should be like a burning meteorite streaking across the sky.

But what no one expected was that this seemingly normal trip suddenly changed suddenly.

Without any warning, a series of irritating alarm bells sounded inside the ship.

"Damn it, we encountered a huge sandstorm as soon as we came in. Everyone, hurry up and keep your heads down."

As soon as the voice on the communication broadcast finished, two rows of oxygen masks popped down from the cabin roof, and everyone was reminded to put filtering nasal plugs in their chest pockets in advance.

The person sitting next to Fang Linyan was named Maher. He was a doctor. He glanced at the situation outside the window and turned pale, and he couldn't help but tremble.

In the strong winds exceeding level 15, there are also a lot of sand and dust, and rocks the size of fists. This threat to the transport ship can be said to be extremely huge. Once too much debris is sucked into the engine, it will only end up with a bang and damage.


Probably due to bad luck, as soon as the three Mercury transport ships broke through the atmosphere, they crashed directly into the core area of ​​the sandstorm. The metal components of the fuselage made a heart-breaking crunching sound, and the entire fuselage

Trembling violently.

Out of fear of death, no one wanted to die on the way, and most of the crew members had fearful expressions on their faces and silent prayers in their hearts.

But what can tiny humans do in the face of natural threats? Severe electromagnetic interference has caused frequent malfunctions in the electronic system of the Mercury transport ship. The instrument panel is rotating at an alarming speed, and the transport ship is completely on the verge of losing control!

Fang Linyan wanted to look outside, but the strong wind blew up the dust on the ground, making the observation windows cloudy. He didn't even need to put his ears against the cold wall of the machine to hear the huge wind sound coming from outside.

The transport ship also began to bump and tremble non-stop at this moment.

The observation conditions from the seats were so bad, and the situation in the cockpit ahead was probably not much better. Then, the three Mercury transport ships were like a lonely boat in the tidal wave, and were involved in the core area of ​​​​the storm.

After only holding on for about two minutes, one side of the bulkhead of the Mercury transport ship was hit by a whizzing stone, tearing out a half-meter-long crack.

Immediately afterwards, half of the cabin roof was rolled up. Fortunately, there was a safety bulkhead inside the Mercury transport ship, so it would not disintegrate directly.

At the same time, the roaring air waves also penetrated through the gaps, and suddenly they were like thousands of sharp blades, constantly cutting into the bodies of the crew members. Fortunately, everyone was wearing seat belts, so they would not be swept out of the cabin.

Outside, I could only curl up in my seat and hold my head tightly with my hands.

At this time, the other two transport ships had already disappeared. They were probably thrown to other places by the violent turbulence. It is estimated that the situation is not much better. It is not an exaggeration to describe them as uncertain about life and death.

Fortunately, this nightmare-like experience did not last long. Just when the transport ship was about to be unable to hold up and disintegrate, dawn came and they finally successfully escaped from the core area of ​​​​the storm.

Everyone let out a long breath at the same time, and soon, Dekoya's roar came through the radio:

"Everyone immediately takes stock of the damage around them and the number of casualties. I will send people directly to count them later."

"Mahir, come to the cab, there is a wounded person here who needs treatment!"

Maher, who looked very timid, immediately unbuckled his seat belt after hearing Dekoya's call, took two deep breaths, then stood up and prepared to walk quickly towards the cab.

At this time, Fang Linyan, who was sitting outside, stood up and gave way. Maher hurriedly said thank you.

Fang Linyan patted his shoulder and said:

"Relax, the biggest crisis is over. Dekoya asked you to rescue people, why didn't you bring a medical kit?"

Maher was stunned, then smiled bitterly and shook his head:

"Sorry, sorry, I'm still a newbie and I'm too nervous."

After he finished speaking, he took the medical kit and walked in.

Within a few minutes, Maher walked out of the cockpit again, and then Dekoya began to give orders. Although the transport ship seemed to be traumatized, it still insisted on continuing to fly.

About half an hour later, the driver’s anxious voice suddenly sounded again:

"Everyone, fasten your seat belts!! Sit down in your seat, the radar shows that there is a strong wind shear area ahead, and we are about to enter the rapids zone!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the Mercury transport ship fell into violent turbulence again, and the frightening nightmare moment came again.

Fang Linyan could clearly feel that the transport ship that had suffered a disaster not long ago was making a terrifying creaking and twisting sound. It seemed that the main structure was already somewhat overwhelmed.

Obviously, the driver could not ignore what Fang Linyan had noticed.

At this time, the transport ship was less than 100 meters above the ground, and was still about to lose control. There is no doubt that due to the situation, the Mercury transport ship made an emergency landing at this time, which was the wisest choice.

So the driver immediately shouted into the communicator:

"It's no longer possible. The spacecraft can't hold on anymore. Everyone, please protect yourselves. I can only choose to make an emergency landing. Ten seconds countdown and prepare for collision!"

While the collision warning was issued, the experienced pilot had already pressed the emergency landing button, and at the same time began to wildly pull the control lever backward, trying to raise the nose of the aircraft to reduce the intensity of the collision, and try his best to avoid a seedling-like fall.

Amidst a huge roar, the Mercury transport ship dragged up a long black smoke, barely stabilized the swinging fuselage, and dived while aiming at the ground below.

This chapter has been completed!
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