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Chapter 13 Repair

The purpose of going out to find water was achieved, and the group of people returned directly to the camp.

Along the way Morris was yelling that he must inform the chef about this before he made dinner, so that he wouldn't have to make a big pot of dirty and disgusting mush to save water.

 In Morris’s original words, that thing was as bad as the soup made by a witch using crickets as ingredients. He didn’t vomit on the spot out of respect for the food.

After returning to the temporary camp, the news that a water source was found nearby spread throughout the camp, and the morale of the group was also boosted.

Fang Linyan and the other three did not go out next. After taking a nap, they went outside to help dig deep trenches. After all, the attack of those damn wargs last night gave them enough pressure to strengthen their defense.

Just as Fang Linyan was sweating and digging at the outer wall of the base, an alarm suddenly sounded, and then a hoarse voice came from the newly purchased loudspeaker:

“Everyone returns to the base. Repeat this once. Return to the base. An unknown object is approaching at high speed.”

Fang Linyan decisively dropped the shovel and left. After returning to the base, he saw rolling yellow sand in the distance, but soon there was a high-pitched and dull sound of car horns, and two all-terrain vehicles drove towards here at high speed.

There is a heavily armed machine gunner with his head exposed on the roof of the terrain vehicle.

Tucker next to him was already shouting excitedly:

 “Hey Goth! Look here, I’m glad you’re alive.”

 Obviously, the previously installed communicator worked, and the coordinates continuously sent were received by the separated people, so they sent people to investigate.

 At this time, De Yaco immediately came out of the camp to welcome him excitedly.

When the all-terrain vehicle reached the edge of the trench, the machine gunner Goth jumped off and said eagerly when he saw Dejaco:

“Finally I’ve found you. The boss is in danger. I’m afraid I won’t be able to hold on for long. Take your people with you and support me!”

Dejaco was shocked. After briefly asking for details, he found out that Kenny's landing point was only about 70 or 80 kilometers away from here, and that he was in big trouble.

 Obviously, Dejaco personally led the team at this time, quickly mobilized most of the combatants, as well as the all-terrain vehicle, and drove directly over to provide support.

The trenches were deepened in the camp, and two more machine gun towers were built. The Goths also brought a lot of ammunition supplies, so it was no problem to leave these remaining people as guards.

Fang Linyan and the other three were naturally selected among the reinforcements and were directly assigned to the second car.

Three all-terrain vehicles loaded with armed personnel were driving quickly in the desert. The person in charge of liaison in Fang Linyan's car was called Talon, who was Ruide Bai's deputy. After exchanging pleasantries, he told them the general situation of the matter.

It turns out that after encountering a super sandstorm, Rhett Butler's team and Kenny's team also lost contact for a time.

However, the damage to their transport ship was very light, so it took only two or three hours after landing to quickly contact Kenny.

Only then did we know that Kenny's team was in dire straits. They were brutally blocked by local creatures. They were attacked from both sides. They were targeted by hundreds of wilderness scavenging wargs and a large number of blood-mouthed vultures. They were making desperate resistance.

, and there are still many wounded in the team. Due to the lack of medical supplies, six people have died so far.

 Fortunately, they were lucky and found a cave to hold on to, so they were able to persevere.

After Rhett Butler received the news, he immediately rushed over with people to help.

Judging from the information sent back by Rhett Butler, the manpower rushed to reinforce was not enough to suppress the crazy wolves. Instead, they were surrounded by cunning wolves several times, not to mention tearing a path for their companions who were trapped in the chaotic battlefield.

There's an escape hatch.

The main problem is that among the beasts that attack them, there are both wolves and blood-mouthed vultures. The two have a symbiotic relationship like aphids and ants. Once the wolves attack, the blood-mouthed vultures will also cooperate to attack them from the air.

Launching an attack is extremely difficult.

At this time, Rhett and the others were still being dragged around by the wolves and blood-billed vultures, and they had lost several men.

Talen was originally responsible for staying in the camp to take care of the wounded, but the predicament here also made him anxious, and he tried every means to try to break the situation.

Fortunately, they received the one-way signal sent by De Yaco's team at this time. Under such circumstances, Talon immediately contacted Rhett Butler and said that he was willing to bring two people over to check the coordinates to see if there was any.

It is impossible to find Dejaco's team and get help to rescue the trapped Kenny team.

Unfortunately, what Talon didn't expect was that the situation on Dejaco's team was not too bad, but it was by no means too good. There were only about a dozen warriors who could be used at this time. But this was actually not the case.

Strangely, the team led by De Yaco is mainly for logistics. Isn't it nonsense to expect them to pull out a group of people to kill everyone?

However, in Talon's view, although the number of helpers is small, it is still better than none. Youdao is so weak that the team of Rhett Butler and Kenny were wiped out, and Dejako and the others also suffered from a bad end.

At this time, Morris suddenly said:

"Brother, the Mercury transport ship of your Rhett Butler team is an extended model, and it has transported those two big guys! This thing is very good at anti-aircraft. No matter how many blood-mouthed vultures it has, it won't be enough to kill it.


“After eliminating the interference in the air, even if you face hundreds of wargs, it should be no problem, right?”

Talen shook his head, looked at him lonely, and said in a serious tone:

"Hey! Forget it, that thing needs to be able to move. Is that so? You are probably talking about the two Gloria self-propelled mechas, right? They were damaged during the emergency landing. It's lucky that they didn't fall apart. The boss started it

After a few times, I couldn’t move at all.”

“I heard from Leal, who is in charge of maintenance, that there is probably something wrong with the power system, so it can only be assembled by hand and parked in a temporary camp to be used as a fixed fort.”

Morris mused:

“Is the maintenance spare box still there? If it is, I can give it a try. I have driven a Goliath for three years in the army before. I can’t handle other armored machines. I still have some experience with this thing.”

Talen’s eyes lit up after hearing this:

"The two maintenance spare boxes are here! Then the rest of the people will go directly to the reinforcements. Let's go to the temporary camp to repair Gloria first! Without strong firepower support, it will be difficult for Kenny and the others to escape. Even if they barely escape, they will definitely be unable to escape.

To leave the wounded behind would be a heavy loss."

Without further ado, after Talon made his decision, under his direction, the entire army split up and took action.

 The other two all-terrain vehicles were led by De Yaco, who gave priority to carrying combatants to the battlefield, while Talen drove another all-terrain vehicle with maintenance personnel to the temporary camp established by Rhett.

 Because Fang Linyan had shown his ability in welding when De Yaco was setting up the camp before, so Morris directly named him without him having to come forward.

At Fang Linyan's insistence, the goat and the vulture also went together as assistants ------- Are you kidding me, the three of them can never be separated in this SS difficulty task.

 Although Talen was very unhappy, he could only agree to Fang Linyan's request.

While he was in a hurry, Fang Linyan, in the name of understanding the relevant maintenance reserves, asked for the relevant lists and looked at them. He found that in terms of military supplies reserves, Rhett White's was several levels higher than Deyak's.

In addition to three conventional all-terrain vehicles, their team's transport ship also carried two retired military land combat mechas called "Goliaths", commonly known as Bigfoot, which was the big secret weapon that Fang Linyan had seen before.

Gloria is a land-based medium-sized mecha. It is a standing self-propelled war machine that can walk on complex terrain. The shape of the mecha is similar to the Bigfoot ED-209 from the movie, and it is equipped with humanoid folding feet.

, but the knees are reversely bent to allow the mecha to adjust its center of gravity at any time, maintain balance, and provide reliable recoil support for the artillery.

The original intention of developing this mecha is to provide ground troops with powerful assault capabilities. Under the arms on both sides, there are two Gatling heavy machine guns hanging, which can also be replaced with surface-to-air missile boxes when necessary.

The warhead adopts the military's standard configuration, the "Hellfire" small laser-guided missile. This warhead carries a small flame blast capability, which can cause devastating strikes on air targets and cover a wide area.

However, with the advent of the new generation of military industry's Strike Gloria, the old Iron Giant was supposed to be eliminated by the military. New iterations of the product eventually caused these dangerous equipment to be lost among the people. Kenny used his connections to obtain these outdated weapons.

, even so, these two mechas that were eliminated by the military are still expensive.

It only took about an hour or so for the all-terrain vehicle to drive into Rhett Butler's camp.

It can be seen that the Mercury transport ship on Rhett Butler's side is obviously in much better condition. It seems that it landed successfully and smoothly, but it probably landed too hastily, so one side of the landing gear was seriously damaged. In addition, the aircraft body was completely damaged.

No big problem.

The camp is simply surrounded by a trench. Near the trench are many five- to six-meter-high spire-type electric piles. These electric piles are powered by the reactors of the transport ships. Each of them has a temperature sensor and an identification friend or foe system.

They are spaced apart from each other and lined up around the camp. As long as a creature tries to break through the gap between the electric piles, the electric piles will receive the induction and shoot out a terrifying current to attack the enemy!

As for the two Bigfoot mechas, they were placed in the camp. The mercenaries equipped the lower parts of the mechas with trailers. The mechas entered transport mode, folding their knees and kneeling on them, which were used as fixed turrets.


After getting off the car, Morris asked Talon to find the relevant maintenance box. He jumped directly into the cockpit and began to correct the fault and analyze the cause.

 Less than five minutes, Morris jumped off one of them, shook his head simply and said:

“The control system was seriously damaged and the hydraulic transmission device was broken.”

That tone is similar to a doctor holding a film and telling the patient solemnly, "You have terminal cancer."

However, Morris's judgment is still correct. Even in a military maintenance base, such a serious injury will need to be repaired for a day or two, not to mention it is in such a rough place?

Fortunately, the other one was basically intact. Morris tried to twist the key on the control board, and the mecha immediately made a "sizzling" sound when it started up, but the console did not light up normally and there was no response.


Fang Linyan did not show much enthusiasm for this, he just watched silently, and did not speak as long as he was not called.

After some fussing, Morris basically concluded that there was a malfunction in the ignition device. It was estimated that the Gloria had been bumpy for too long in the storm, and the power storage system had malfunctioned, short-circuited and discharged. Therefore, the fault must be eliminated first, and then the voltage should be increased.

After a busy period of replacing parts, less than ten minutes had passed. Then, Morris found a power transmission line, connected it to the power storage boxes of the all-terrain vehicle and the mecha, and then connected

Power on, press the button.

There was a series of hoarse sounds from the engine, as if an old man was choking violently, and then it turned off.

Morris was suddenly confused, because in his feeling, all the faults should have been eliminated.

After thinking hard for a while, Morris had an idea and said:

“I understand, it should be a cylinder leakage problem.”

As he said that, he picked up a big screwdriver and walked forward quickly.

Hearing what he said, Fang Linyan rolled his eyes and let out a long breath.

 When Goat saw Fang Linyan’s appearance, he immediately whispered in the team channel:

“It seems like this guy made a mistake?”

 Fang Linyandao:

"It's very possible, and I observed one carefully. This Goliath mecha engine adopts a brand-new design and has very strict requirements on its internal environment. It is easy to disassemble the cylinder, but in the current harsh conditions

If you want to restore the internal environment of the engine, it will be a waste of time, and you have to wait at least three hours before restarting!"

Vulture said:

“Are you worried that Kenny and the others won’t last three hours?”

 Fang Linyandao:

“Of course, and if you think about it, if Kenny and his group are completely wiped out, how will we find people on this damn planet? Let alone save people!”

Hearing Fang Linyan’s words, Goat immediately said:

 “So what do you think the problem is?”

Fang Linyan said in a positive tone:

“There is leakage from the distributor, or a short circuit in the low-voltage circuit!”

After hearing what Fang Linyan said, the goat walked over and whispered a few words to Morris. Morris was actually biting the bullet at this time. After hearing what the goat said, he walked up to Fang Linyan and said:

 “Do you think it’s a circuit fault?”

Fang Linyan nodded and said:

 “Can I take a closer look?”

Morris laughed in astonishment:

“Of course, brother! Look at it and touch it as you like! This is just a Goliath, not my wife naked in bed!”

Fang Linyan stepped forward, slowly raised his fingers and tapped the position of Goliath's engine, and then seemed to be listening to the sound with his eyes closed. In fact, the ability of metal touch had been directly penetrated.

 It only took two minutes for Fang Linyan to say simply:

 “Here’s the problem.”

Morris showed a standard "black question mark face" expression at this time. If it weren't for Fang Linyan's legendary body protection, he would probably have said "Are you kidding me" directly.

As a result, Fang Linyan moved very quickly. When people by him saw him, he almost touched it, and the screws next to him fell off. In just ten seconds, the armor plate was removed, revealing the complex interior.


Then, Fang Linyan easily picked out a yellow wire among the dozens of complex circuits inside, then gently pulled it out, cut it off, and then replaced it with a new wire and soldered it.

Then signal the goat to press the ignition button.

 Suddenly, a series of passionate roars sounded from the engine! The self-check light next to it also began to shine.

Maurice's eyes were about to fall off when he saw it, with an unbelievable expression, as if this Goliath had really turned into his wife lying on the bed...

After a long while, Morris said to Fang Linyan:

“Wow, it’s really incredible, how did you find that wire? There are so many wires there like a spider web.”

Fang Linyan was holding a screwdriver in his mouth at this time and was reinstalling the armor shield. He couldn't speak. He could only point to his face with his finger. Morris said blankly:

 “You mean, you need to use your brain to think more?”

Yang Goat knew Fang Linyan very well and said seriously next to him:

“No, he means to let you smell it with your nose...Brother! I can smell the smell of burnt rubber on the wire from so far away!!”




 Soon, amid a buzzing sound, Goliath's self-examination was successfully completed, and then under Morris' control, it slowly stood up.

Talen said excitedly at this time:

“Great, great, we should be able to rescue Kenny now.”

Fang Linyan wiped the sweat from his forehead and said:

“Hey, remember your promise, you owe us a big meal.”

 The anxious Tarun hurriedly said:

“Of course, of course, let’s set off quickly! The head is still waiting!”

After that, with Talon's help, they hung the trailer behind the all-terrain vehicle. Morris then controlled Gloria to get on the trailer, then transformed into a transportation form and slowly knelt down. At the same time, the buckles on the legs stretched out and fixed on the trailer.

on the trailer.

Talen then entered the cab of the all-terrain vehicle, hit the accelerator and started running to the rescue location.

In this camp of Bai Ruide, the ammunition can be said to be extremely sufficient, so when he left, Fang Linyan faked the public and privately supplied.

 Bombs, mines, grenades and the like filled up almost half of the private space. There is no surveillance here anyway. As for what the warehouse manager will do after he finds out, what does that have to do with him?

This chapter has been completed!
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