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Chapter 18 The Mysterious Centaur

These lucky people made a fortune and then disappeared.

However, the abandoned mining areas after mining are marked on the map.

And these guys have been staying in this ghost place for half a year, and they must have established complete defense facilities. At this time, after the people of the adventure team enter, they can safely settle in after simple renovations.

The communicator on the goat has already received a signal and is trying to contact the guards in the camp. Otherwise, if you approach the camp rashly, you may fall into a trap or be directly attacked by the sentry.

While the two were exchanging information on the intercom, Fang Linyan inadvertently observed a black figure lying on the hill next to him, and his brows suddenly furrowed!

Because it was a strange and huge figure. It seemed to be looking towards the camp on the high ground. It seemed to be perfectly integrated into the darkness. If Fang Linyan, as a contractor, had not happened to see its outline with the corner of his eye, ordinary people would really have seen it.

It is difficult to detect.

Fang Linyan immediately waved his hand to stop the team and said at the same time:

[Read books and get cash] Follow the vx public account [Book Friends Base Camp] and read books and get cash!

"Be careful, there's something going on."

The goat said in astonishment:


The liaison officer in the camp has been replaced by Talen who is on duty. He is very concerned about Fang Linyan and the others, so he is also asking questions at this time.

"Is there a problem, guys? The radar says you're stopped?"

Fang Linyan frowned and said:

"There seems to be something strange spying on our camp over there. I plan to go over and have a look!"

Tarun immediately said urgently:

"Man, are you sure that's not a warg or something? It's too dangerous. Nighttime is the home of native creatures. I think it's better not to go."

To be honest, Talen was sincere this time, because Fang Linyan and his group were considered elite among the remaining people at this time.

He knows both welding and investigation, and can also give very pertinent opinions. Although Fang Linyan and the others may be able to save a lot of commissions if something happens to them, Talen doesn't want something to happen to them now, because it means that the team's strength will be damaged again.

As a result, his own chances of survival will decrease!

Fang Linyan squinted his eyes and looked around and said:

"Probably not. Wargs all appear in groups."

After Talon heard this, he said helplessly:

"Uh! Okay, then you should be careful and run away as soon as possible. I will arrange for someone to pick you up right away."


Soon, Fang Linyan and the other two people went directly behind the creature. From the rear, it looked a bit like a huge beast. The two horns on its head were very obvious, and it seemed like a cow or a sheep.

Thinking of the taste of the kebabs, Fang Linyan immediately planned to keep them, when he saw the limbs of the black figure lying motionless on the ground, with a long fluffy tail trailing behind him, peering towards the camp.

However, Fang Linyan and the three of them only got within fifty meters, and even the shadow clone of the vulture had just reached about thirty meters, when the black shadow suddenly turned around with very vigorous and agile movements.

Only then did Fang Linyan realize that it was not a beast, but a humanoid intelligent creature!

This guy has an old face and messy long hair. He looks like he has an unconventional style of haircut and hair drying. He has a pair of elf-like ears on the side of his head. His upper body is wrapped in a green radish plant and he has a human shape, while his lower body is a bare horse body. On his shoulders

It is also covered with shells and other shells.

The most eye-catching thing is that he is holding a seemingly ordinary spear in his right hand.

There are actually a few green leaves at the end of the spear handle. However, the tip of the spear looks very blunt, and when you look at it, it gives people a "very dangerous" feeling, as if your subconscious is reminding you that you must not be caught.


"Is this... a centaur?"

Such a term suddenly appeared in Fang Linyan's mind.

At this time, he got closer and took a closer look. This old centaur had many scars on its thighs, upper body, and arms. At first glance, it seemed that it had been through many battles. There were even a few fresh wounds on its body. Fortunately, these wounds had already healed.

Bleeding coffee, even so, it still looks quite miserable.

Judging from the old man's lame leg and the spear he is holding, he should be a hunter of a certain tribe or a wilderness guard. It seems that he has just experienced a thrilling and fierce battle.

For a moment, many thoughts passed through Fang Linyan's mind, and finally he asked:

"Who are you and why are you here?"

The old centaur stared at Fang Linyan for a while, and then said calmly:

"Young humans, I see the breath of death in you."

Fang Linyan suddenly looked a little ugly:

"Really? There are many people who want my life, but now I am still alive and well, but those who want me dead are almost all dead."

The old centaur said calmly:

"Don't be excited, I know you will have such a reaction, but it doesn't matter. My name is Varden, and I am from the Centaur clan. The goddess of wind told me that there is a familiar smell here. I thought I had found my lost companion, but

I didn’t expect that the people camping here would be humans.”

"You have a strong smell of blood. You must have just killed a lot of wargs. This is why I stopped to talk to you. Do you know? These ferocious guys have masters!"

After hearing Varden's words, Fang Linyan suddenly thought, because they were indeed the Wolf King who had just hunted down the scavenger wargs! And there were clear reminders in the space that he and others were contaminated with soul marks.

, easily detected by certain intelligent creatures in this world.

At this time, Vulture also shared a series of information on the team channel, which they collected on the way to the planet in a spaceship, including information about centaurs.

In this plane, centaurs once had a glorious history, and could even rely on the mysterious plane gates to migrate to various planets. Therefore, even though they have declined at this time, their species can still be found on various planets in the vast universe.

This intelligent species did exist on the planet Tain, and they were mentioned in many myths and stories, calling them great sages. However, since this planet with lush green vegetation became desolate, no one has ever seen it again.


Legend has it that centaurs are descendants of tree gods, also known as tree shepherds. Many of them are proficient in strange abilities. Centaurs have a special liking for plants, and they seem to have the ability to spawn all things on the desolate surface.

At this time, Fang Linyan's eyes were also attracted by a necklace around Walden's neck.

The necklace is made of intertwined rattan, which is a string of plants. Under the necklace is a pancake-shaped pendant, small and round. Strictly speaking, it is a gray stone. The pendant is also carved with thorns.

!Looks very similar to the necklace around the Wolf King’s neck.

Obviously, there should be some unknown relationship between this Varden and the Wolf King.

Therefore, Fang Linyan squinted his eyes and said:

"Wolves eat humans. They feel that it is completely natural. We have no choice but to kill the wolf. But if we do it, we will do it. It is natural for you to avenge that wolf, and we will continue."

Walden obviously noticed Fang Linyan's appraising eyes and said calmly:

"Don't be nervous, human. If I were hostile, I would take action as soon as possible. The pendant I am wearing looks similar to the wolf pack's identity pendant, but there are actually some differences."

The goat walked up and looked carefully and said:

"There seems to be a point. The thorns on the necklaces I have seen have flowers on them, but the thorns on his are fruits."

Walden said slightly surprised:

"It seems that you have really seen the Howling Ghost Pendant in detail? The fruit can be picked and eaten by travelers passing by to quench thirst and satisfy hunger. It also represents sacrifice and salvation, which is also the creed of our Magram Sect."

"The Howler is a powerful creature tamed by the Kyrgyz sect. There are many thorns that can bloom, but the most famous one is the black buckthorn. This flower is highly poisonous, but the smell is intoxicating. It uses benefits to seduce outsiders.

Falling into death is similar to the code of conduct of the Magram sect."

At this time, the goat took out Gui Howling's necklace, looked at it and said:

"It seems like that's really the case."

And in the next second, Ghost Howl's pendant lit up with silver light, seemingly dancing like fireflies, and the pendant around Varden's neck did the same.

Not only that, an indescribable sound slowly passed into the minds of the three of them, like the sound of wind, like bells, like the sound of raindrops... It was completely like the sound of nature.

The stones on the two pendants levitated at the same time and came close to each other in the air, making people want to reach out and touch them, just like a newborn baby relying on instinct to find its mother's pacifier, making it unable to control itself.

It's a pity that after the two stones shone for a while, the halo faded away, became dim, returned to normal, and fell to the ground.

Walden said in surprise:

"It's strange, why does this pendant resonate with mine?"

It quickly stepped forward, picked up two stones, looked at them carefully, and said in shock:

"Is this the pendant of Ghost Howler?"

Fang Linyan said:

"Yes, the bloody smell you smell is from it."

Walden shook his head and said:

"It's unbelievable! Can you tell me how you killed it?"

Fang Linyan said:

"If you tell us one thing first."

Wadden said:

"What's up?"

Fang Linyan said:

"What's your relationship with Ghost Howl?"

Varden said in a melancholy voice:

"Fifty years ago, there was an extremely powerful tribe of tree shepherds on the earth, called the Jim tribe. However, this tribe later had great disputes due to different philosophies and two heirs who refused to obey the other."

"In the end, the powerful Jim tribe split into the Magram tribe and the Kyrgyz tribe, and this ideological split could easily lead to extreme incidents, so the two sides killed each other when they split, forming a bloody feud."

"However, the two tribes originated from one body, so they are very similar in many aspects. My identity is very complicated, I am a member of the Magram tribe, and Guihou is a beast spirit tamed by the Kyrgyz tribe!

So, you killing Ghost Howl actually has no grudge against me."

Fang Linyan smiled and said:

"That's the best. We actually came here with a peaceful mind. We don't want to seek any benefits here or kill any living beings. Our purpose is actually very simple, to bring home a friend who got lost here."

As Fang Linyan said this, he motioned to the vulture to get back the stone on the Howling Ghost Necklace.

After hearing what Fang Linyan said, Walden was stunned and said:

"The soul stone on the Howling Necklace looks interesting. Can you give it to me?"

Fang Linyan smiled and said:

"Although I really want to promise you, one of my friends likes hunting very much, and I have already agreed to give it to him as a trophy...so I'm sorry."

Varden didn't seem to want to return the "soul stone", but the bloody aura on Fang Linyan and the others reminded it that these three humans were not good men and women, and they had even killed beast spirits like Ghost Howl.


So Varden returned the soul stone with regret, and then turned around to leave. Fang Linyan looked at its figure, narrowed his eyes slightly, and secretly thought, could this guy really not be fooled?

It wasn't until Walden was about to disappear into the night that Fang Linyan frowned and said:

"Dear Elder, please wait a moment."

Walden turned around and said:

"What's up?"

Fang Linyan said:

"It seems that you are very interested in this soul stone?"

Wadden said:

"I'm very interested, I can't talk about it, but it actually resonates with my pendant, so I want to study it."

Fang Linyan said:

"We came here to find a lost friend. If you can help us find him, then this soul stone will be yours."

Walden thought for a while and said:

"I can tell you where the nearest water source is, I can also treat you foreign guests to a sumptuous dinner, I can even point you to where there are expensive metal minerals... these are all irrelevant.

little things.”

"However, the spirit of the wind reminds me that there are a lot of threads of fate involved in your friend! This is not something I can easily touch. I have a hunch that the cost of intervening in this matter is far greater than this.

Soul Stone, so, sir, I'm very sorry."

Fang Linyan nodded slightly and said:

"Okay, that's it, goodbye."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and left. Fang Linyan originally judged based on his many years of rich shopping experience that this old guy would stop him at the last moment.

Unexpectedly...this time his inference was actually wrong! From the beginning to the end, the old guy never looked back. Instead, it was Fang Linyan who looked back, but he saw nothing, only darkness.

Varden actually walked faster than them!


After returning to the camp, I found that several blazing fires had been set up. The piles of materials used for the fires were naturally combustible materials dismantled from the spacecraft, leather rich in tar, and a small amount of


The entire camp was well organized, and because there was a water source nearby, two simple bathrooms were even built, so members of the camp also had the opportunity to take a bath ------- Of course, they had to

Get in line first.

Fang Linyan and the others were warmly welcomed by Talon who was on duty. After entering the tent, everyone was handed a cup of hot coffee. After all, Fang Linyan's previous actions of repairing Goliath could be said to have helped him a lot.

However, when it comes to the current situation of the rescue team, Tarun can only shake his head and sigh, because Youdao kills one thousand enemies and loses eight hundred, and the entire rescue team really got off to a bad start.

It has been more than twenty hours since we arrived on the planet, but let alone saving people, we haven't even touched a hair on the hill giant. This is really depressing.

Then Talon sighed and told another shocking news:

"The latest information has also come from the Narazi camp. It is said that the president of Maersk Line, Grete, who hired us, Ryan's father, has suddenly become seriously ill and is currently being treated."

"He was originally in good health, but this happened all of a sudden. Others speculated that he was probably too worried about his son's safety."

After hearing Talon's words, the goat was stunned and said:

"If something happens to this guy, wouldn't our reward for saving people this time be wasted?"

Tarun shook his head and said:

"The employment contract has been registered with the labor union, so there will definitely be no problem with the basic amount, but it's hard to tell about the bonus that Grete verbally promised."

The vulture also looked up the relevant information with a solemn expression, and then said:

"If Ryan was a stock, it would definitely hit the limit right now."

Fang Linyan said:

"How to say?"

Vulture said:

"I downloaded all the information about Maersk Line on the way here, and I just found out that Mr. Gretel is not self-disciplined when it comes to women, so Mr. Ryan has many brothers and sisters, seven of whom are recognized by the law."

The goat heard the unfinished meaning of the vulture's words:

"That means, is it still recognized by the law?"

Vulture said:

"Yes, if Mr. President includes illegitimate children, the number of descendants will exceed double digits... I think there must be many people who hope that Mr. Ryan will never come back."

The goat shook his head:

"This is really bad news."

Tarun nodded at this time and said:

"That's right, especially now that we have a bad start and many people have died."

Fang Linyan said:

"How many people died?"

Talon hesitated for a moment. Considering that Fang Linyan and the others had also experienced hardships and life and death together at this time, Talen did not treat them as outsiders and directly told the detailed figures:

After such a bumpy encounter, the team has lost six people in total due to air crashes and accidents, and is also dragging along eight injured people.

When talking about this, Tarun sighed and said:

"We had a small meeting before, and I felt that Dejaco seemed to be giving up."

After hearing this, Fang Linyan frowned and said:

"How could this happen? How can I leave now? If I leave, wouldn't it mean that I will lose all my money?"

Talon nodded and said:


Then he motioned to Fang Linyan and the others to come closer, turned on the projector next to them and said:

"See for yourself. There were at least twenty or thirty people present during the meeting, and there was no such thing as confidentiality. If you had been there, you would have been invited."

This chapter has been completed!
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