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Chapter 32 Kissas appears

 When Big Q said this, the rest of the group burst into laughter, which wiped away all the original hostility in the team.

Little Carl is also a black man and has a stutter. After hearing what Big Q said, he immediately blushed and said:

 “No, no, no! Talk about it, nonsense!!”

Fang Linyan also smiled lightly at this time, because he also needed to properly adjust the overly tense atmosphere at this time.

The purpose of Liwei's troubles is not to drive people away, but to make sure that the greedy guys in front of them can make a lot of money by following them, and then they can follow them without hesitation after giving the order.

Therefore, until they had enough trouble, the vulture took out the gleaming dagger, sharpened his nails, and said in a contemptuous tone:

“Haven’t you figured out why you want to stay here? You deserve to be poor for the rest of your life!”

 At this time, a scar-faced Di Lai already said excitedly:

"I know, corpses! The headless corpses of the two giants! The centaurs are not interested in these things. Even the wargs only eat the corpses of thylacines, which means there are three gold mines below.

Ah, it’s the open-air kind.”

Those who had thought of this, their eyes lit up after listening to Di Lai's words, while those who had not thought of this immediately began to gear up and lay back to the side to observe carefully.

 After the excitement of this group of people subsided, Fang Linyan slowly said:

“Opportunities always disappear in an instant. This time I have time to slowly explain the reason, but it may not happen next time, so this explanation is the last time.”

“There can only be one voice in the team. If anyone thinks that my conditions are harsh or that you can find a way to make a fortune by yourself, please leave now and meet me in the bar later. We can sit down and have a drink.”

 When Fang Linyan said these words, he was very sincere, but also very sharp.

If it were Leng Tou Qing, he might turn around and leave immediately, but if it were an old man like Mi Er, he would not take his own face seriously at all. Being able to make money smoothly is the first priority.

He nodded simply and actively agreed:

 “OK, wrench, you have the final say.”

Fang Linyan nodded and said:

 “Okay then, let’s leave now.”

"Huh?" Fang Linyan's decision immediately aroused everyone's doubts again.

Fang Linyan raised his right hand to signal for silence, and then explained:

"The carnival of the centaurs will last for a long time. If they calm down, it will be at least the second half of the night."

"And to be honest, the combination of centaurs and wargs is also very powerful. If we fight head-on, there will probably be bloodshed and even death. I know you are all very powerful and brave warriors, but we

Is the purpose of coming here to start a war with them?”

 “No! I went back with those valuable things unscathed!”

 Hearing Fang Linyan's words, the rest of the people nodded at the same time, and some even whistled. It was obvious that the words had reached their hearts.

Fang Linyan then continued:

"My plan is very simple. In the middle of the night, the vulture will go alone, spray scent masking agent on his body, cut off the thing on the giant's corpse, and then come back. Yes, it's that simple."

“Of course, we are definitely not sitting around doing nothing, Mr. Mill.”

Mir was stunned and said:

"I am listening."

 Fang Linyandao:

“We will have to make two sets of plans when the time comes. One is a plan on how to cover the safe withdrawal of the vulture after it is discovered.”

“The first plan is that the camp is too tightly defended and the vulture cannot find a chance to attack. How can we pretend to attack the camp, attract the opponent’s attention, and then create an opportunity for the vulture.”

“Of course, the final retreat plan must also be improved. I am not very professional in this regard and need your rich experience.”

Mir nodded and said:

"No problem at all."

 He thought for a while and then added:

“According to the latest news I have received, many hill giants and centaurs may suffer from typical night blindness at night. This should be due to the harsh natural environment here.”

“The single nature of food leads to a lack of nutritional intake. The key is that for them, even a single food cannot satisfy them.”

“Even beasts like thylacines and wargs have greatly reduced vision at night, so they rely more on their sense of smell.”

“So I very much agree with your plan. It is a good idea with the least cost and the least risk.”

Mildu stood up and endorsed the letter, so it is obvious that the rest of the people will not object to Fang Linyan's plan, because the risks are basically borne by the vultures, and Fang Linyan's rhetoric is basically impeccable. In this case,

His prestige was established unconsciously.

 The purpose of Fang Linyan's doing this was to deepen the relationship between the people in the team.

 With these two giant whips fishing, even if there is an emergency or a major crisis, the guys in this temporary team will not collapse at the first touch.

When they want to give up in the face of pressure, these guys will definitely think: Damn it, if I leave, won’t I lose my share of the wealth over there in the basin?


However, plans often fail to keep up with changes. Just when a group of people were plotting the details of the operation, little Karl, who was responsible for observing the camp below, suddenly whispered:

 “There is a situation!”

Fang Linyan rushed over immediately, then picked up a telescope to observe the situation inside the camp. As a result, he immediately discovered something unusual without Karl's guidance:

It turns out that there is something obviously wrong with the fire in the center of the camp!

The flames in the fire directly rose to a height of almost ten meters, and turned into a strange slightly green color. It suddenly changed from a large fire to a giant torch!

Not only that, all the centaurs, including the centaur thundercaller, actually stopped their revelry and knelt down towards the fire.

Immediately afterwards, a twisted face began to form in the churning flames. This face said in a majestic voice:

"My people...come to me, bring your spears, bows and arrows, as well as the heads of the enemies you hunted, and enough sacrifices. I need your strength!"

 After saying this, the flames began to drop rapidly, and these centaurs fell into a state of frenzy and began to pack up and prepare to leave, even abandoning their tents.

But! At this time, a group of people discovered that in addition to the crossbows, swords and guns, the centaurs who hurriedly left had also taken the heads of the two hill giants with them. Not only that, the bodies of the hill giants they cared about most,

They were also tied up with ropes and dragged away.

 Watching this scene, this group of people was also stunned. At this time, the action plan had not been prepared yet, and of course there was no interception.

Of course, what’s more important is that even if you take action, you can’t defeat him because there are so many people on the other side!

Even if Fang Linyan and the other two people use all their strength to bring out the "Dark of the Moon" trump card, it will probably still be very difficult.

 So, after some discussion, a group of people thought that something big was bound to happen in such a late night gathering, so they followed the centaurs who had withdrawn overnight to see if there was any chance of missing something.

 “That voice should be their chief...”

 Suddenly there was humanity.

Fang Linyan turned his head and looked over, and found that it was the scout named Winter. He suddenly felt something in his heart and said:

"What did you say?"

Went hesitated for a moment and said:

"It's like this. I've actually always been interested in occultism. Before I came here, I also learned some information about this ghost place. It just so happened that a brother of mine had been here before, so I got some inside information.


"These damn centaurs were once unified, and their supreme leader was called Khan. He was regarded by all centaurs as the incarnation of kings and gods. It was said that he had magical powers. It seems like this now."

Little Karl seemed a little dissatisfied with him at this time, and immediately said impatiently:

“Tell me something I don’t know, Winter. I’ve heard you tell me this information three times.”

Winter suddenly glared at him, but Mill stepped forward at this time:

"We're in a hurry, Winter, tell us everything you know."

Winter then cut the story short and said:

“However, it seems that only the first khan has the strongest ability, and his descendants are mixed, and they were later divided because of this. As a result, the two sides have endless wars and are in a balance of power.”

"However, this balance has been directly broken a few years ago. One of the parties - probably the tribe we are tracking now, has a powerful centaur. This guy's name is Brandha.


“Although this guy is mediocre in melee combat and strength, in terms of spells, it is said that he has completely inherited the strength of the centaur Khan Zarta of that year. He has powerful magical power, so he is called the centaur chief.”

"The two divided tribes were originally in a balance of power, but with the addition of such a guy, the balance of power was immediately completely broken, so now Brandhaden's tribe is the dominant one, and even if it hadn't planned to follow

Use a gentle way to annex the other side and restore the glory of our ancestors. The other tribe will no longer exist."

Fang Linyan muttered:

“So what you’re saying is that the centaur chief was responsible for the moth in the fire?”

Winter said:


Fang Linyan nodded and said:

“Yes, the information is very important, I can give you an extra copy later.”

Winter suddenly beamed with joy, and the group of people had no objection to playing the role of hyenas---tracking the centaur tribe in front of them, so they set off in a hurry.


 After probably following the centaur for twenty kilometers in the dark night, hills began to appear one after another in front of them.

The key is that the base rock of this hill is fiery red, and the top seems to have been cut horizontally by an invisible terrifying knife, so flat that an airplane can even take off and land on it.

 Fiery red, tall, flat, abundant water,

Such characteristics add up to form the unique Hongyun Terrace, which also produces that strangely effective herb, Ningshenhua.

 The centaurs who went to support stopped a few kilometers before reaching the Red Cloud Platform, and then got into a very concealed canyon.

Because there were vigilant centaur scouts everywhere in the canyon, Fang Linyan and the others did not dare to get close. They could only use night vision binoculars to monitor from a few kilometers away. They could only vaguely see an altar in the canyon. They were dragged there before. The corpses of the departed giants were also stacked on the altar.

However, the strange situation on the horizon also attracted Fang Linyan's attention at this time. It could be seen that the sky over the Hongyun Terrace was dyed red, and it seemed that noisy sounds could be heard in the distance, so Fang Linyan and the others brought their Some people went to investigate.

After trekking for five or six kilometers, Fang Linyan and the others suddenly discovered that a temporary walled city had been built next to the entrance to the Hongyun Terrace. They could see it from a long way away. In this temporary walled city, a fire broke out. There were a large number of bonfires, and the blazing flames dyed the sky above brightly.

There were almost dozens of hill giants roaring happily around the campfire. The sound sounded like winning a lottery jackpot, containing endless madness and debauchery.

Under normal circumstances, after the hill giants arrive in the Red Cloud Platform, they will disperse and start looking for herbs that are of great significance to the continuation of the family line.

But this is just normal. This year, for unknown reasons, it rained three times in a row on Hongyun Terrace. The abundant water immediately caused Ningshen flowers to suddenly enter the blooming season. This is a rare occurrence in more than ten years. The grand occasion to see.

Because of this, another intelligent creature also appeared and came to the Red Cloud Platform.

This creature is called a Goron.

Grons are rare on this planet and have a certain genetic relationship with hill giants, similar to chimpanzees and gorillas.

Hill Giant loves Gronn very much and considers him to be his best mate.

 However, for ordinary hill giants, let alone seeking mates, even getting close to a female Goron would be life-threatening.

 Yes, because even the female Goron is larger than the hill giant in size and strength, and is also hot-tempered and irritable.

Hunter Giant wants to mate with a female Goron successfully, and the risk he takes is not even smaller than that of a male praying mantis trying to seduce a female. He may even risk death.

The purpose of the female Goron coming to Hongyun Platform is for another specialty of Hongyun Platform: heather.

This thing will only appear when there is abundant rain. It is highly poisonous to other creatures, but it can allow the female Goron to develop and grow quickly, which is a stepping stone to get closer to it.

At this time, the oldest Mir also recognized the female Goron and quickly shared her information.

At this time, there were five female Gorons in the temporary city. The hormones they emitted were like magnets, attracting the surrounding male hill giants, and then there were a large number of hill giants jumping around them.

Courtship dance.

The courtship dance of the hill giant is very unique.

 The stone drum that was simply ground and processed was picked up high by the male hill giant, and then violently collided with its companion next to it, making a dull and loud sound.

Under the continuous collision, it is usually difficult to preserve the stone drum intact for a long time. The life of this primitive and rough instrument is very short. The broken stones from the stone drum are scattered all over the ground.

When a male hill giant is knocked to the ground, the people nearby will laugh at him at the same time.

Suddenly, a female Goron stood up, and a wave suddenly rippled on her fat belly. She was a full head taller than the male hill giants around her!

His upper body was bare, with only his lower body wrapped in a pair of horsehide trousers. His face was equally ugly, and six shriveled breasts were exposed on his chest, dangling in the wind.

  The female Goron has no horns on its head, and there are two vertical canines protruding from its lower lip. Its messy and weird long hair is coiled around a hairpin made of tibia, making it full of ferocity.

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They have four eyes and pig-like arched noses. They are so fat that there is no elegance at all. They can be described as meat mountains. However, the fatter the individual, the more favored by males. This aesthetic concept is similar to that of fat.

A certain dynasty in the United States is somewhat similar.

After the female Goron stood up, the surrounding male hill giants acted even crazier, began to become more aggressive, and shook their crotches violently.

 She took heavy steps and started walking towards a nearby fire. Probably a male hill giant got too carried away and took the initiative to get close to her body. The female Goron gave her a backhand blow.

The terrifying strange power burst out in an instant. The male hill giant was beaten so hard that he bent over in pain, then staggered back more than ten meters, fell to his knees heavily on the ground and began to vomit blood. After vomiting a few mouthfuls of blood, his eyes turned white and he fainted.

After that, his body was still twitching unconsciously.

With such lethality, it is no wonder that these crazy, hungry and greedy male hill giants can be regarded as nothing.

Immediately afterwards, the female Goron stopped at the periphery of the bonfire circle, then grabbed a nearby stone and smashed it into the darkness!

The female Gronn's strange strength was astonishing. The stone was aimed at that direction like a cannonball and flew over. However, it exploded in an instant and fell into pieces.

Immediately afterwards, a tall and burly figure slowly walked out of the darkness, with powder falling from stones on his fists, and then suddenly roared towards the female Goron with a loud roar!

That stone was actually exploded by his punch!

Hearing this huge roar, the surrounding hill giants immediately cheered and were so excited that they fell into selfless and crazy emotions.

 The shouts of "Keshas, ​​Keshas" also kept coming and going.

Hearing these shouts, Fang Linyan, who was watching from a distance, couldn't help but said in the team channel:

 “Has our target appeared?”

 Goat Road:

 “I’m afraid yes.”

The entire bonfire party was also pushed to the climax by the sudden roar. Some hill giants were so excited that they scratched blood marks on their chests. The slight pain even stimulated their nerves.

 In this semi-violent state, the wargs who coexisted with the hill giants were extremely afraid of their masters and were too afraid to approach.

This chapter has been completed!
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