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Chapter 11 The fisherman gets a profit

Faced with the temptation of dropping the props, the Ax Man gave up without hesitation.

There is no doubt that he made a wise choice, because the hegemonic state at this time only lasts for ten seconds, and if he wants to get the weapon plan, he has to force his way past the two Zhao brothers!

Even if you can get this thing by then, most of your hegemonic status will be wasted, and you will still have to face a joint attack from the enemy!

There is no doubt that the two Zhao brothers were stunned by the axe-man's escape, and then they chased after him without saying a word.

As the two Zhao brothers were led away, the contractor holding the silver shield immediately brightened up and rushed out from the cover. The archer on the watchtower shot two arrows in a row, both of which were blocked by him with his glowing arrow.

The small silver shield swings open easily.

Obviously, this guy was hiding his strength before, but his goal at this time is to target the book of swordsmanship! He wants to get the book and then escape.

However, this guy's idea was good, but the reality was very cruel. After getting close enough, the weapon strategy did not move at all and could not be pocketed, and the contractor also received a cruel reminder.


"The ownership of this item does not belong to you. You must wait until the protection period ends before you can claim it."

"The current protection time remaining: 12 seconds."

Faced with this reminder, the contractor realized that there was no sign of the two Zhao brothers coming back, so they simply moved to the side and retreated into the blind spot of the archers' shooting.

The plan is already very clear, that is, seize the opportunity to delay for 12 seconds, get the weapon strategy, and then leave.

But after this guy took two steps back, he finally dodged an arrow that was shot at him. He suddenly shook his whole body and threw himself forward. At the same time, his eyes went black and he was dizzy for a few seconds. He felt something on the back of his head.

Something wet is flowing down...

When he woke up, he realized that what had attacked him was a one-handed mace!

This mace seemed to be very crudely made. It was just a fist-sized spiked iron ball with a wooden handle attached to the back. However, it directly caused considerable damage, plus two negative special effects: dizziness and bleeding.

As soon as the contractor came to his senses, he realized that a huge meat ball had been aimed at him and hit him, and he was already very close.

It was the barbarian soldier Tiezhen who had a low sense of presence who suddenly attacked!

When the Silver Shield contractor's attention was attracted by the sharpshooter on the arrow tower, he first threw the mace in his hand, drew an arc and hit the enemy's back of the head hard, causing

It bleeds and is stunned for three seconds.

Then he leaned down and aimed at the unlucky contractor like a small tank and rushed towards him.

The previous impact of Zhao Xiong and Zhao Chui felt like a suppressive collision like a tank or a bulldozer.

The collision of the iron needle at this time clearly meant that it was going to hurt people with the spikes on its helmet and shoulders. It may not be that shocking in terms of momentum, but it is like a stone flying towards the head at high speed, which can also cause bruises and swollen faces.

, the pain is unbearable!

Because he was stunned for three seconds, the Silver Shield Contractor had no time to defend himself and was directly hit by the iron needle.

Under this collision, he and Iron Needle fell out in the opposite direction at the same time. However, the Silver Shield Contractor was hit in the chest, and there were already several blood holes, and blood gushed out!

What's even more terrible is that the Silver Shield Contractor was knocked into the center of the courtyard from a blind corner and entered the attack range of the archers staying above. Therefore, he just stabilized his body and wanted to get up, but the man on the watchtower

The marksman obviously works well with the iron needle.

He had already been ready to go, so he put on a spiked arrow made of fine iron, smeared with venom, bent his bow and nocked the arrow, and pierced the unfortunate guy's throat with an arrow!

A terrifying red number emerged from above his head.

276 (critical hit)!

Not only that, besides being bleeding, this guy was also poisoned!

In addition, he was hit by an iron needle and knocked out a lot of health points in front of him, so the team skill was directly triggered, and the "swish" sound was directly transmitted away.

Obviously, this archer was not willing to give in, and immediately began to look around, preparing to deal the final blow to this damn invading enemy.

But at this moment, a blood-red lightning fell from the sky and struck the archer on the head, causing him to enter a dizzy state for 1.5 seconds.

When the archer recovered from his dazed state, three consecutive fireballs were already aimed at him and spinning at high speed, but they exploded on the supports of the simple watchtower with a "boom!"

Suddenly, the fragile wooden support broke with a "click", and the entire pillar of the watchtower also made a heart-wrenching "creep" sound, and then slowly tipped over, and the archer above could only jump down in embarrassment.

There is no doubt that this is a great show created by the cooperation between Goat and Fang Linyan.

Without Fang Linyan's help to stun the archer, as soon as the goat showed up and chanted, a sharp arrow might fly right away and teach him how to behave.

There is no doubt that the difficulty of the golden main line world ensures that as long as the arrows fired by this archer hit, they will definitely interrupt his spellcasting.

After the attack was successful, the only person standing between Fang Linyan and the goat was Tiezhen, an elite barbarian!

At this time, Fang Linyan took a deep breath, pointed the iron needle and rushed over. The short fat man was not afraid, and took out a mace from his waist and aimed it at Fang Linyan.


Fang Linyan did not dodge, and the mace passed through his body and hit the pillar next to him with a snap.

This is exactly Fang Linyan's passive skill, which makes meritorious deeds.

Iron Needle's Mace Throwing habit was aimed at the enemy's head, perhaps so that it could deal stun damage more conveniently. However, such a habit, which was not considered a bad habit at all, was caught by Fang Linyan and directly used it.

The next second, Iron Needle was forced in front of Fang Linyan, and he directly launched Wing Chun: a series of Japanese punches!

The astonishing shadow of the fist was swung out in an instant. The iron needle seemed to be caught in a violent storm at this moment. His whole body was staggering and twitching. When he just woke up, he was hit in the back of the head by a series of fireballs from the goat.


Such an attack immediately made this guy feel a strong crisis, and then the barbarian Tiezhen actually made an unexpected move:

He actually put his hand into the animal skin pocket next to him, and then took out a fist-sized black ball with sparks popping out of it, and was about to throw it at Fang Linyan?

This thing looks a bit like a firearm?

Just when Iron Needle was about to take action, Fang Linyan's eyes flashed, and the illusion of an olive tree appeared behind him. He shouted:


It was he who displayed the second-level magic: Spiritual Speaking!

As expected, Iron Needle was hit, and it immediately froze. After all, it was just an elite, and was stunned for a second.

Seizing this opportunity, Fang Linyan relied on his LV10 basic melee skills to grab the iron needle's wrist, then forcefully stuffed the thing back into his arms and kicked it away at the same time!

With a muffled sound of "boom", the unlucky guy was burned black by his own weapon. He collapsed on the ground and lost his life directly. A black smoke rose directly, and a handful of black quality was also dropped.


At this time, the goat said in surprise:

"Holy crap, this guy is still an elite, why is his health point so low?"

"Wow, he directly added 100 points of Cao Ying's reputation and 15 points of battle merit to me!"

Fang Linyan said simply:

"I have told you that the miscellaneous enemies in this world should be very fragile, but their attacks are also very high. If you take it lightly because you think they are easy to kill, you have seen the fate of the two fools before.


As he spoke, he threw a set of civilian clothes to the goat:

"Hurry up and put them on before anyone recognizes us as Cao Cao's people right away."

The goat shrugged and said:

"OK, OK, I understand."

At this time, Fang Linyan had already taken the black key that the iron needle had dropped. Of course, he would not let go of the "Weapon Strategy" next to it, and then hurriedly left with the goat.

Because there was no watchtower and the upright colonist attracted the opponent's attention, the two men's actions could be said to be quite smooth.

Fang Linyan even had time to look at the small courtyard where the temporary incident had been triggered. Han Weng had already fallen into a pool of blood, with his eyes still open, and the two children were missing.

However, at this time, the army's battle reports will always mention how many "children, gold and silk" were plundered. In other words, in these troubled times, the status of children and women is the same as that of gold, silver, cloth and silk, and will not be

When viewed as an adult, it is a kind of disposable wealth.

Therefore, the two children may not be killed. The most likely outcome is to be sold into slavery.

Seeing this scene, Fang Linyan did not feel regret, regret, or anger, because in troubled times, it is normal for human life to be as cheap as a dog.

However, two sentences suddenly came to his mind:

Repairing bridges and repairing roads without corpses, killing people and setting fires with gold belts!

This is the most realistic portrayal of troubled times!

Although the two of them were very careful, when they rushed out of the mansion, they were still spotted by several villagers, who immediately shouted and forced them over.

But the shouts of these villagers had no effect in the chaotic village.

Fang Linyan immediately broke away and told the goat to run away quickly. Then he picked up a stone nearby and knocked down a villager threateningly. The remaining people immediately slowed down their pursuit and watched the two men escape successfully.

Seeing this scene, the goat asked curiously:

"Why don't we kill them?"

Fang Linyan said calmly:

"According to my observation, it is not difficult to kill these guys. However, the problem is that once the number of people killed reaches a certain level, stronger reinforcements will be attracted."

"When I left before, I saw a man with a machete kill four villagers in a row. As a result, he suffered a big loss at the hands of the Orions who came for support."

"The colonist killed all those sword and shield men in a short time, and then provoked the two Zhao brothers."

"So, I think unless we are sure to kill them all at once, it is better to keep a low profile. We either don't take action. Once we do, we will make a big profit!"

After listening to Fang Linyan's analysis, Yang Yang couldn't raise any objections. After all, Fang Linyan had much more information than him, and Yang Yang's profession determined that he could just be an output turret at the back.

At this time, the two of them entered a private house again, and were surprised to find that there was an old man left inside. At this time, the goat went up to talk to him.

It might be based on the charm of the goat, but of course Fang Linyan thinks it's more likely based on the silver ingot he took out. This villager named Uncle Qin still knew everything and could not stop talking about it.

It turns out that this place is called Shangxi Village, and there is Xiaxi Village five miles away. Fang Linyan and Goat thought that Max and Vulture should be there.

Two days ago, Liu Beijun suddenly issued an order, saying that Cao Cao's thieves were about to go south, encounter villages and slaughterhouses, and kill everyone they encountered. In order to save the safety of one party, he was willing to protect everyone and go to Jiangling to live a good life.

Such an order is easy to say, but in this era information does not circulate, and most farmers have never left the county in their lives.

Moreover, after the Battle of Guandu, Cao Cao also restrained himself a lot in the north, so the people felt that it was just a matter of changing the people they paid taxes to, and they were very resistant. Who would want to go away from home?

At this time, a group of villains appeared on the stage, mainly the barbarian soldiers newly recruited by Liu Bei. These guys spoke with accents that the local residents could not understand at all, and they grabbed people and beat them up at every turn.

Then the red-faced person stood up and persuaded the big family in the village, saying that the barbarian soldiers were ignorant and only knew how to carry out military orders. If they continued to be stubborn, they would kill people with a knife.

At the same time, they also bribed the extremely poor households in the village and asked them to take the lead and leave first. If they were willing to leave, they would be given money, grain and land.

With this combination of deception and coaxing, some people in the village left, and then they captured the leaders and killed a few of them.

At this time, the bloody knife was placed on the neck. The villagers around him had either left or were frightened and dared not speak. In this case, the one who dared to fight was the fate of the Han family mansion, which was directly framed.

Cao was a thief and a spy, and then ransacked his family and exterminated his clan.

There is a saying that if the water is clear, there will be no fish. The advantage of this is of course that most of them are cheaper for the people in charge. Of course, Liu Bei also gained a lot of benefits from it.

Therefore, as Fang Linyan and the others saw, when Liu Bei's army withdrew, it was definitely not because Qiu was innocent, nor was it relying on the name of "benevolence and righteousness" to rally hundreds of thousands of people, that is, it was using coercion and robbery.


Of course, Cao Cao's army is also a tiger and a wolf. After these poor people who have been exploited fall into their hands, they will also have their bones and marrow sucked out. Maybe some of them will be treated as slaves and sold to other places in Jingzhou as tenants and the like, drained dry.

Every last drop of value.

Uncle Qin was able to stay because he was poor, childless, and suffering from serious diseases. People around him did not dare to approach him, and at the same time they felt sorry for him, so they left him here to fend for himself.

After figuring out the cause and effect, Fang Linyan and Goat contacted the Vultures again, and then prepared to unlock the key to the dropped iron needle and take a look at the properties of the weapon strategy.

This chapter has been completed!
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