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Chapter 78 A chaotic battle at night

The quality of this carriage is really good. When it landed, sawdust and mud flew into the air, and it even slid sideways, throwing it out in several large circles, scooping up mud and broken grass all over the sky.

In the end, the poor carriage actually hit a rock, and then it completely fell apart with a loud "click", and the goods inside were scattered all over the floor! It can be seen that all the things inside were weapons and armor.

class of things.

Fang Linyan was almost five or six meters away from where the carriage landed, but he felt that just as the carriage landed, the monster was already running up again with a "dong dong dong", and the ground was shaking violently.

 Luckily at this time, a series of fireballs hit the corpse king's head accurately, and his head was immediately surrounded by blazing flames!

The Corpse King immediately covered his face with his hands and roared in pain.

Seizing this opportunity, there was a "whoosh" sound in the air, and there was a flash of cold light, and a thick and long arrow suddenly shot out and engulfed the corpse king's calf, with the arrow still carrying

If you try to remove the barb by force, you will have to tear off a large piece of flesh.

Not only that, as this arrow was shot, several more arrows shot out one after another, piercing deeply into the corpse king's body!

Such thick arrow clusters can no longer be fired by ordinary crossbows, but are taken out from the carriages transporting ordnance nearby. The instrument that shoots such arrow clusters is called a yellow-shouldered crossbow. Its string is very thick, and it is made of

It is made of five ordinary bowstrings.

 It’s just that such a powerful crossbow requires almost three or four strong men to complete when it is stringed. It is so powerful that it can still penetrate chainmail from a hundred steps away!

With this situation, you can still see that several sharp arrows that directly hit the corpse king's head were bounced away from his arms!

That’s because the corpse king has copper skin and iron bones. Although the arrow can break the skin, when it hits its bones, the impact force will be greatly weakened, and the arrow will be directly destroyed and bounced away.

Compared with the goat's previous fireball attack, it was obvious that this sharp arrow did more damage to the Corpse King! The Corpse King roared and directly pulled out the arrow cluster shot on his body, but the barbs on the arrow cluster were easily removed.

It tore off large chunks of flesh from its body.

After these flesh and bones leave the body of the Corpse King, they can actually turn into blood-sucking mosquitoes, flies, flies, etc., hovering around him in darkness.

Just as the Corpse King was pulling out the arrow, the sound of horse hooves was heard again in the distance, and a dozen cavalrymen joined the battlefield. They scattered and walked, waving the rope in their hands, like a cowboy swinging a horse rope, and screaming loudly.

Rush forward.

Facing these oncoming cavalry, the Corpse King swung an iron chain over without saying a word, and the two leading cavalrymen were directly whipped.

One cavalryman and his horse were directly shot away, and the other knight abandoned his horse in time and ran away, which saved his life.

At this time, the disadvantage of the corpse king's slow attack speed was exposed. The remaining cavalry successfully approached, ran around him in a circle, and then waved the ropes in their hands.

The front sections of these ropes are tied with stones, so after being thrown out, they are directly wrapped around the corpse king's legs as thick as pillars several times, hindering his walking, and then continue to run around the corpse king, hoping to let these ropes

Restrict their movements.

However, these thick ropes were easily broken in front of the corpse king's strange power. The corpse king threw out the iron chain again, severely beating a cavalryman to death on the spot, and then grabbed the bloody corpse.

Start eating.

What's even more terrible is that the Shanyue tribesmen who were on the top of the slope before, led by the high priest, whistled and charged down with weapons.

Because the Corpse King disrupted the situation here, these Shanyue tribesmen rushed into the chaotic Cao army without suffering any long-range attacks.

The armor worn by these Shanyue tribesmen is very crude. At most, they are only equipped with leather armor, but their lethality is not weak at all:

The blow darts in his mouth are hard to guard against. Not only that, but the cold weapons used in his hands are mostly forks, hoes, spears, etc. that are full of life. They can be used on the battlefield or in the kitchen.

 After the fight, Cao Jun immediately found that it was very difficult to deal with these guys. They liked to use backflips and forward rolls in exaggerated ways to dodge or attack. This fighting method was very uncomfortable for people.

Although the weakness of the armor makes these Shanyue tribesmen severely injured once they are hit, the weapons and blowguns of these guys are poisonous, which means that once they are hit, they will be very serious.


Fang Linyan and others did not take advantage of the chaos to leave, because the enemy seemed to have the ability to track them, and the fact that they were able to rush ahead to set up an ambush was proof! It proved that the other party also had the help of powerful plot characters.

Therefore, instead of waiting for them to kill all Cao Jun and then concentrate on dealing with a few of them, it is better to join forces with Cao Jun to at least share the pressure. After all, the other party has already started a real war with Cao Jun and it is impossible to make peace.

Under the cover of chaos, Max rushed out first. With a heroic leap, the nearby Shanyue tribesmen staggered. Then he grabbed a Shanyue tribesman and smashed him over, just knocking away an enemy who was slashing with his sword.

, rescued a Cao Jun sentry commander.

Immediately afterwards, Max spun around again, using the giant shield as an axe, and knocked the two Shanyue tribesmen away. In the face of a large-scale attack weapon like the giant shield, it was difficult for the Shanyue tribesmen's dodge to be effective.

Max's sudden attack suddenly boosted the morale of Cao's army. A captain next to him praised him: What a man!

Then the captain also bent his bow and set up an arrow. It seemed that he had also used his skills. Three arrows flew out directly, seriously injuring two Shanyue people. Another arrow penetrated deeply into the body of a Shanyue person.

In the throat.

Such a fatal injury caused him to grab the arrow shaft, fall to the ground and twist in pain, but no matter how hard he struggled, he could not avoid death.

Withdrawing an arrow will kill you faster, but with less pain.

If you don’t pull out the arrow, you may be able to live for a few more minutes, but the pain of suffocation is even more terrifying. In the end, you may have to beg your companions to give you a good time.

 Cao Jun’s sudden counterattack immediately stabilized the situation on the battlefield.

Not only that, many Cao soldiers have already rushed forward again without fear of death, and began to make torches to throw at the Corpse King. In addition, the baggage transported on the carriage and several barrels of kerosene were also pushed out for use, and the Corpse King roared.

Lian Lian also seems to be quite wary of flames.

Seizing this opportunity, the shadow clone of the vulture has already touched the side of the great wizard of the Shanyue tribe.

 At this time, it was in the dark night, and the shadow clone of the vulture was really at home. It was only three or four meters away from the great wizard, but it was still not discovered by the other party.

According to the information obtained by Vulture's investigation: After the little overlord Sun Jian killed Yu Ji, one of Yu Ji's relics, the Dunjia Heavenly Book, flowed into Shanyue territory.

After Master Zixu heard about this, he immediately went deep into the mountains to search for the book. During the search, he met the wizard named "Mao Ganduo" and defeated him easily.

The people of Shanyue respected the strong very much. With the cooperation of Mao Ganduo, Master Zixu quickly found this volume of Dunjia Heavenly Book, and he was so happy that he taught Mao Ganduo some Taoist techniques.

It turned out that this person was gifted and could draw inferences from one instance. His witchcraft also improved greatly and he successfully became a great wizard. He made offerings to Master Zixu from time to time and had a close relationship with Master Zixu.

 This time Master Zixu was invited by Jiangdong, so of course he had to bring Mao Ganduo with him.


After confirming that Maogando was defenseless, the shadow clone cast a "Tracking Mark" (from Arctic Fur) on Maogando.

However, just after this skill was successfully released, Mao Gando immediately noticed it, and immediately raised the cane in his hand with a strange cry! Immediately, he saw a swarm of poisonous bees spurting out from it, aiming at the shadow and shooting at it.

The characteristic of a vulture's shadow is its crispy skin. As a result, after being surrounded by a swarm of poisonous bees, it turned into light and disappeared almost instantly.

 Shadow was killed, and Vulture's face suddenly turned pale, obviously suffering from side effects.

 However, after he made the mark, Fang Linyan, Crespo, and Goat immediately attacked at the same time!

As soon as Fang Linyan raised his hand, Long Xushan struck out directly, and then Crespo's bloody war hammer hit him in the face unceremoniously. Finally, the goat's fireball blasted him as if it was free of charge.

drowned in the sea of ​​fire.

As soon as Long Su flashed his hand, Fang Linyan was already looking at the battle prompts very nervously, fearing that "the opponent is immune to stun and absorbs 90% of magic attacks" would pop up again, and then the battle would not be fought.

 Fortunately, after Mao Ganduo was struck by lightning, he successfully froze in place, with stars in his eyes. This reaction immediately reassured Fang Linyan!

 Fang Linyan immediately rushed forward without saying a word.

  When starting a war with legal professions, direct confrontation is the next best option. Those who rush in and hit you in the face will be beaten randomly. It is best not to use any tricks. Fighting like a street shrew is the best.

 Because even you yourself don’t know where the opponent is going to play next, and of course the opponent can’t predict it!

 Ahem, the above words are what the goat said during a casual chat. They may not be reliable, but they are the tactics he claims to be most afraid of encountering.

However, Youdao was the first to hit the target. After Fang Linyan appeared and charged forward, a rock next to him suddenly rippled like water waves, and then was directly lifted away.

 There are actually enemies who have been ambushing here!!

  Immediately afterwards, three enemies emerged directly from inside, with sinister smiles on their faces and launched an attack at the same time!!

This change is really unexpected. This group of people has obviously joined the space warriors of Sun Quan.

They had calculated that Fang Linyan and the others would use decapitation tactics to directly deal with the great wizard Mao Ganduo. Otherwise, the corpse king below would be immune to stun and absorb 90% of magic damage, making him completely invincible.

 So, this group of people directly used Mao Gando as bait. They calculated very clearly that if they shot the first bird, they would first kill the stupid young man who dared to take the lead and destroy the enemy's morale! Then they could enter their rhythm.

 So, these three people activated the bear trap on the ground first! With a click, while causing damage, it also immobilized Fang Linyan.

 Then another person pulled the trigger directly. The rocket launcher on his shoulder made a "puff" sound, and a rocket flew straight out.

At the same time, the third person pointed his hand and immediately saw a freezing ice whirlwind surrounding Fang Linyan. This move was not very lethal, but it could reduce the enemy's defense by a full fifteen points.

It can also slow down the enemy by 50%.

 When the Ice Cyclone was put on, the rocket exploded with a bang!

Finally, the guy who activated the bear trap took action. After activating the bear trap, he pulled out a double-sided axe, turned around fiercely, and threw the ax at Fang Linyan!

 This is the real killing!

These three people can be said to have a tacit understanding of each other, and they even become brothers. After the boss catches the opponent with his trap, it can reduce the enemy's defense by 5 points.

 Lao San’s skill: Ice Whirlwind can further reduce the enemy’s defense by fifteen points!

 Under normal circumstances, after losing 20 points of defense, the defense of an ordinary enemy will be reduced to almost the same level.

At this time, Lao Er's rocket has successfully hit the opponent, causing huge damage, and at the same time blowing away the surrounding enemies who came to rescue, and blasting the target enemy into the air!

The boss's rotating ax has extremely high attack power and an astonishing critical hit rate. What's more terrible is that it can also have a killing effect!!

 Once the enemy's health drops below 25%, it can directly put the opponent into a dying state!

At this time, after the target was attacked continuously, its health value was already not enough. After losing 20 points of defense, it took this axe, and it was almost certain to be on the verge of death!!

After entering the near-death state, Laosan can launch a second stage attack. The previous ice whirlwind will turn into ice spikes to chase the enemy and directly take away the enemy's head. This series of attacks are interlocking, and a series of operations are carried out.

Completed within two to three seconds.

 Hence, this is a very vicious and sophisticated trap.

 In the eyes of these three brothers, the life of the enemy who stepped into the trap this time had already come to an end after entering the scope of influence of the bear trap!

 This series of combos performed by the three of them has been closely coordinated for a long time. It is a completely streamlined operation and can be said to be extremely familiar and fluent.

However, there was no problem in the previous series of links. The bear trap was triggered by the ice whirlwind, and the rocket bomb was attached to it and exploded, but the highly anticipated killing ax was empty?

You clearly hit the enemy, but the opponent directly penetrated through it as if it had no entity. What the hell is this?

Unwilling to be reconciled, Lao San clasped his hands together, and the ice whirlwind suddenly condensed, directly freezing the enemy's legs and continuing to prevent the enemy from moving.

It was then that the boss shouted:

“This thief actually has the ability to refract light, just like an underwater fish. Remember to be careful!”

  Immediately afterwards, the third child activated their alternative plan and activated a prop with a loud shout. Of course, this cost a lot.

This prop is a light blue bead. After it is activated, it is thrown directly towards Fang Linyan! Then it instantly transforms into an ice blade in the air, and it is aimed at Fang Linyan and cuts it in the head!

At this time, Fang Linyan's face was very ugly and he could only raise his left fist! He took this blow forcefully!

After this blow, the ice blade transformed into a fan and was pointed at Fang Linyan. Suddenly, a sharp cold air rushed straight at him, freezing him into an ice statue!

Finally, the ice fan turned into an ice hammer, and with a thunderous force, it aimed at Fang Linyan's ice statue and smashed it down with great ferocity.

It turns out that this light blue bead is the magic core left behind after an ice dragon was killed. It was refined into such a magic weapon. Every time this old man uses it, in addition to consuming general points and potential points,

, the upper limit of your own MP value will be permanently reduced by 50 points.

Of course, although the cost of using it is high, the lethality is also very strong, especially the last hammer, which also has a beheading judgment on the frozen target!

However, although this highly anticipated hammer hit the ice statue, a green olive leaf suddenly appeared one centimeter away from the ice statue, and it was gently and skillfully removed.

The hammer was carried down.

Lao San was stunned and hurriedly looked through his battle records, but was disappointed to see such a heartless message pop up:

 “Your attack was dodged!”

 But that’s not the most desperate thing! The previous battle record almost made him spit out a mouthful of blood:

“Your attack caused 138 points of actual damage to the enemy. Because the opponent’s unknown skill exists, this damage will be transferred to the opponent’s MP value.”

Seeing this scene, the trio did not say hello at all, but turned around and left together very decisively! They were very clear about their own affairs, that is, the CD explosion.

Nearly 80% of the skills are currently being cooled down. The key is that the person who was targeted seems to be alive and well. It seems that he can't kill him in another round. How can he still fight?

If we don’t take advantage of the fact that these Shanyue people are still there to attract the opponent’s firepower, I’m afraid they won’t be able to leave even if they want to!

At this time, watching the three people evacuate quickly, Fang Linyan and the other five were indeed unable to stop them.

 First of all, Max is far away from here, and the vulture clone was killed and is in a state of backlash.

Fang Linyan and the others attacked the great wizard Mao Ganduo, and immediately caused five or six Shanyue people around them to rush forward desperately. They all swarmed in as if they had seen the enemy who killed their father.

These Shanyue people have high attack power and are poisonous. They also have medium-range attack methods such as blowing arrows, plus various exaggerated and effective dodge methods. They can be said to be very difficult to deal with.

 However, just because it has many advantages, its disadvantages are also very prominent, that is, it has less protection against hypotension!

 Looking at these swarming enemies, if the legendary team in this world was still a little overwhelmed, because they lacked the means of group damage and control,

However, after Crespo joined, he made up for this shortcoming!

This chapter has been completed!
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