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Chapter 80: Not a human colonizer!

Of course, another point is that after continuing the pursuit, Fang Linyan and the others got rid of the embarrassment of continuing to mix with Cao's army.

After all, the rebels headed by Fang Linyan were the main culprits who killed General Xiahou. Once the identity of the legendary team was revealed, Xiahou En would have to pay with his life...then things would be a bit tricky.

After Fang Linyan and the others chased them for almost a few hundred meters, they saw a large piece of black stuff falling on the wasteland next to them. They could smell a strange stench from a distance of more than ten meters. When they got closer, they took a closer look.

It turned out to be a corpse with a strange shape.

The death posture of this corpse is very strange. It curled up directly, with its hands and knees shrunk into one piece. The whole person seemed to have been boiled in a pot. The facial features and other features were blurred, and it seemed as if

It's like ice cubes melting, a small part melted.

As Fang Linyan and the others chased longer, they saw more and more similar corpses. It was obvious that the Corpse King was made up of such refined corpses.

At this time, the duration of the Corpse King is about to end, so it has begun to disintegrate, which is why it turned around and ran away.

Soon, the body of the Corpse King appeared in front of Fang Linyan and others. Compared with the previous vigorous and flexible steps, it was now stumbling and struggling. Every time it took a step, it had to shake for a long time to maintain its balance.

There are also pieces of corpses sliding off the surface of the body.

After seeing this scene, Fang Linyan directly struck him with a lightning strike, knocking him into a dazed state again! Then he asked the rest of the people not to intervene in a hurry, and to save as many Yumeijia tree puppets as possible.

Upon discovering that Fang Linyan and others were chasing after him, the corpse king suddenly turned around and let out a strange scream. Then his huge body expanded rapidly like an inflated ball!

After witnessing this scene, the expressions of everyone present changed drastically, and they immediately knew that this guy was probably going to commit suicide.

So after looking around, everyone in the Legend Team rushed to hide behind the nearby rocks, and asked Max to cover his head with a giant shield!

A few seconds later, an earth-shaking loud noise came. Of course, it was also accompanied by an indescribable wave of sour and stench, and black flesh and blood corpses were splashed everywhere. Fortunately, Fang Linyan and the others had done sufficient preparations.

He had already put on a gas mask.

After the corpse king blew himself up, it could be said that a catastrophe occurred within a few hundred square meters. Everywhere was polluted in a mess. Flowers, plants and trees were completely dead. Even insects, birds and the like were not spared and were destroyed together.

Corpse water.

The surrounding environment can only be described as a slaughterhouse that has been out of power for three days and no one has cleaned it.

Even though wearing gas masks can filter out the bad smell, in this environment, their health continues to decrease, and the rate of decrease is not too slow, about 10 seconds to 5 o'clock.

Of course, Fang Linyan and the others would not want to stay in such a place for a long time, because if they stayed for a long time, they would be afraid that the gas masks would not be able to withstand it...

However, just as they turned to leave, Rubes suddenly pulled the ground a few times, looked back at Fang Linyan, and then pulled a few more times! Then he continued to move forward!

Fang Linyan immediately understood. It was reminding him that there was something unusual happening underground, but it was unwilling to alert the snake!

So Fang Linyan immediately told the team channel what Lubos had discovered. Vulture was stunned and said:

"I just thought something was wrong when the corpse king blew himself up, but explosives exploded. Bomb explosions are often encountered, but this is the first time I encountered a corpse explosion, so I thought it was normal when I saw it exploded so completely. I didn't expect it.

There’s still a secret hidden there!”

So the group of people discussed it and formulated a strict plan, but on the surface they were laughing and walking away.


About twenty minutes later, in this completely dead and decaying area, there was a sudden "swishing" sound, like a groundhog digging a hole.

Then a thin, rickety figure appeared quietly, and the location where it emerged was the core area where the Corpse King self-destructed.

This is something that looks a bit like a human, but upon closer inspection looks more like a ghoul or zombie.

Its body is indescribably skinny, like a living mummy, with its bones looming under the bloodless skin. Its legs, which should have muscles, are as thin as a bamboo pole. There is no outline of muscles on them at all, only

The loose skin droops.

Not only that, this guy's skin had multiple ulcers all over his body. Those ulcerated wounds were covered with dark red pus and blood. The boundaries of the wounds were blurred, and there was still a lot of disgusting dark green pus oozing out of them.

Anyone with a little common sense would be able to tell that these wounds were definitely not caused by sharp blades, but were signs of some kind of disease, similar to syphilis.

Not only that, a large piece of skin also fell off the monster's cheek. As a result, his left eye became skewed like a muscle weakness, making it impossible to maintain a horizontal plane with the right eye. The trajectory looked weird and terrifying.

However, this monster moved extremely quickly. It almost bent down and came directly to the edge of the battlefield, and then pounced on something.

This thing was the size of a car tire and looked like half the head of the Corpse King. The humanoid monster began to bite the bloody head crazily, and when it bit off the bare scalp, the skull was being worn down by his teeth.

It makes a "clucking" sound.

Not only that, it then picked up the head, pointed it at the stone next to it, and threw it violently, making a dull and terrifying sound.

Soon, an insect the size of a finger crawled out from the head. It had a brown shell and curled up like a round multi-legged centipede.

The back of the brain worm is covered with protruding disgusting cysts. The front end of the worm's body is very large, while the back of the worm shrinks in a ring shape. It is an extremely disgusting joint-shaped creature.

After this monster got the bug, he immediately bent down and left quickly, as fast as a phantom in the night!

It's a pity that although it was fast, its perception of the outside world was very weak, and it didn't even notice that there was a dark raven sitting on the tree next to it, and it spread its wings and followed it.

Yes, this is the ember of Austria,

It had been shot by Zhao Yun before, and Fang Linyan had carefully repaired it, but it could only be considered repaired. At this time, it had lost its combat capabilities, but fortunately its reconnaissance function could still be maintained.

The monster ran five or six kilometers in one breath, and stopped when it reached the edge of the battlefield. Then it quietly attacked a lone Liu Bei Army soldier, biting its throat and sucking blood greedily.

The poor soldier could only make a "grrr" sound from his throat, but his legs kicked wildly, even making a big hole in the ground, but he still couldn't escape this miserable fate.

Thanks to such a delay, Fang Linyan, Vulture and others were able to catch them in time.

By this time, they were out of breath and wanted to imitate the dogs who had run for more than ten kilometers under the scorching summer sun and spit out their tongues.

In order to fear that it would run away again, Fang Linyan and others made a hasty arrangement, and without waiting for Max who was lagging behind, they surrounded him from the surroundings! Then, following the same old rules, Fang Linyan directly immobilized the enemy with a Dragon Crush Flash!

Then the rest of the people rushed up, surrounded him and beat him violently.

Youdao beat the master to death with random punches. The guy didn't even have time to resist, and was beaten to the point where he collapsed on the ground. He could only breathe out but not in.

But then the goat cried out:

"Everyone, be careful! This guy is not his true body, but a summoned object."

"If you look at the battle information, it's all damage caused to the summoned creature of Colonist KB717!"

As a result, as soon as the goat finished speaking, he saw the monster's abdomen squirming, and the chest supported by the ribs continued to sag and bulge, as if something was drilling inside, and then there was another "pop" sound.

It exploded.

Speaking of which, this move was really a repeat of the same trick, and it was so disgusting that everyone immediately instinctively moved out of the way to cover it with their hands!

But he didn't expect that during the explosion, a strange creature as dark as tar would suddenly shoot out!

The first thing this monster reveals is a long head that looks like an octopus. The soft top of the head is inlaid with two tiny eyes. It has no nose and lips, and several intertwined tentacles hang down from the center of its eyebrows. The tentacles are long and slender.

It's about two meters long.

Then, without any warning, this weird alien octopus jumped up from the ground and began to approach the goat quickly like lightning.

The goat reacted very quickly and immediately retreated subconsciously to defend itself.

But the octopus's path changed faster. It jumped out of the "zigzag" shape one after another, dodged and jumped under the goat's crotch, and directly wrapped its winding and flexible tentacles around the base of his feet.

The force stretches upward from the back of the thigh.

In the blink of an eye, the monster climbed onto the goat's back, and then clung to his shoulders and neck. At the same time, a tentacle began to penetrate the goat's spine.

The goat screamed in panic and scratched his back with both hands. This agile creature took the opportunity to climb on top of his head and wrapped its tentacles tightly around his neck.

At the same time, the monster began to expand and slide on the top of the goat's head, quickly swallowing half of his head like a condom. At this time, the goat looked as funny as those kidnappers wearing hoods on TV who rob banks, and at the same time, its hands and feet began to

The machine like a puppet started to twitch!

The goat seemed to be in danger at this time, and he must have used medicine, food, and rejuvenation techniques. In order to save his life, Fang Linyan even used the "Forest Spirit Ball" that he had not used until now.

After all, the extra fifty points of maximum health may determine the goat's life or death.

At this time, the vulture had already spotted the opportunity, and directly grasped the "drive shaft" in his hand, stepped forward, stabbed directly at the root of one of its tentacles, and at the same time launched the "thorn light flying knife".

Immediately under this sting, the monster's tentacle snapped off, and it jumped on the ground with a crackle.

However, the goat couldn't help but kick out the vulture at this time, kicking him in the abdomen and kicking him out!

Not only that, an angry voice actually appeared in everyone's minds at the same time:

"If you attack me again, I will kill him! Your companions will also be buried with me!"

Fang Linyan was stunned for a moment. Before he could recover, Vulture had already shared a line of combat tips:

"Your attack caused 24 points of actual damage to Colonist KB717, and the limbs of Colonist KB717 entered a disabled mode."

After seeing this prompt, everyone suddenly realized that this monster that looked very much like an alien octopus was actually a space warrior, and it was better than Fang Linyan and the others, and they had all been promoted to colonizers!!

Vulture then said in the team channel:

"I tried to detect its race. Although I couldn't find out, according to various characteristics of this guy, it should be the rumored mind flayer clan!"

After figuring all this out, Fang Linyan and others immediately came to their senses. No wonder they felt that there was an obvious disconnect between the attack of the giant corpse king and the rest of the friendly forces when they were fighting before. It can be said that the two sides only had

The most basic cooperation is not at all like a team, it's more like they are working on their own.

It was only then that they realized it. It was the legendary team. After knowing the true identity of the colonist who controlled the corpse king, they would probably keep a distance from him!

After all, the mind flayer race is born with the ability to control other people's minds. It would be difficult for human space warriors to put down their guard and fully cooperate with them, right?

To put it most intuitively, after being captured by the Mind Flayer, it might be able to use its racial abilities to do a lot of outrageous things, such as making the person being controlled "voluntarily" hand over the equipment on its body. It's very general.


But at this moment, Goat suddenly said intermittently in the team channel:

"...over there at the Centaur Holy Land...they feel something is wrong with me!"

"They said my soul was tainted."

"The ancestral spirits in Maraudon have begun to chant spells and want to help me get out of my current state... There will be an opportunity soon to delay it for me."

As soon as the goat's prompt came out, Fang Linyan immediately said loudly:

"Hehehehe, don't worry, Mr. Colonist, let's talk, okay? What you want now is to leave safely, right? No problem! But please don't hurt our companions!"

"By the way, my name is Wrench, how should I call you?"

The Mind Flayer was stunned for a moment, and then transmitted a thought:

"Are you Wrench? The guy who was wanted before?"

Fang Linyan said:

"Ah...it should be me."

The Mind Flayer immediately and simply transmitted a thought:

"Call me Mr. Tom! By the way, give me that artifact, and then everyone retreat fifty meters away, otherwise, your companions will die!"

After finishing speaking, as if to enhance his right to speak, the Mind Flayer severely strangled his tentacles, which immediately caused a series of violent coughs from the goat!

Fang Linyan hurriedly stretched out his hand and pressed:

"Wait! Wait, the artifact is not with me, but with the shield warrior behind! If you want it, you have to wait."

The Mind Flayer looked like he was about to speak, but suddenly he saw an illusion of a centaur appearing behind the goat!

The centaur was holding a red war flag high in its left hand, but it was holding a double-edged ax in its right hand. It looked very passionate, and then it aimed the double-edged ax at the multi-immortal demon and struck it hard.

Go down!

This ax didn't seem to cause any substantial damage, but the mind flayer could be seen twitching violently all of a sudden, and several tentacles were convulsing violently as if they were electrocuted.

At this time, several red fireballs suddenly appeared in the goat's hand, and they aimed at his head and pressed it hard!

"Boom boom boom boom!!"

A series of flames immediately exploded, blasting the mind flayer directly from the goat's own head.

Seizing this opportunity, Fang Linyan's Dragon Crush and Crespo's war hammer also shot at the same time, hitting the mind flayer colonizer.

In an instant, it should have been put into a dying state, the team skill was triggered, and with a "swipe" sound, it turned into white light and flew away.

It's a pity that Fang Linyan's team's passive skill: Bloody Battle Flag was also triggered at the same time. Rubes, who had been preparing for a long time, successfully chased him forward, and soon ended up with a man forty meters away.

I found this guy on a big tree.

Rubeus climbed up the tree with three strokes, and bit into it, killing it completely! The bloody key that it dropped was also taken back by Rubeus.

At this time, the goat fell to his knees, panting heavily, with obvious lingering fear in his eyes!!

Fortunately, he had signed a summoning contract with the centaur tyrant before. This contract can be understood as a two-way channel. The centaur ancestral spirit over there can sense the mental state of the goat. For example, when the goat was controlled before, this state

It is an obvious exception.

Therefore, as long as the friendship between the two parties is sufficient, the centaur ancestral spirit can help him. Just like when Fang Linyan encounters other evil gods, it is reasonable for Athena to cross the border to rescue him.

Of course, the root cause is that the seeds sown by the goats are powerful enough, and the achievement of spreading weapons all over the world is really awesome. Otherwise, the ancestors will be full of food to protect you?

After a few seconds, the goat murmured:

"It said its name was Mr. Tom. Could it be that the guy with a legend level of +3 who captured Huang Jun was it?"

Fang Linyan said:

"Tang Wu from the Western Region...Tom, it should be him!"

At this time, Fang Linyan and others actually got another hidden title, and it was also upgradeable, called Racism.

The way to unlock this title is very simple, kill a space warrior from another race.

After this title is equipped, in PVP battles, the damage will be reduced by only 40% (originally 50%), and at the same time, when facing space warriors of other races, the damage will be increased by an additional 10%.

This title will be upgraded after killing 5 alien contractors.

This chapter has been completed!
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