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Chapter 86 Friendship improves again

At this time, Zhao Yun no longer pretended or declined, because he was indeed at the end of his strength at this time. More importantly, Lu, with the BMW under his crotch, was also exhausted and was on the verge of collapse.

This was something exclusive to the lord's crotch. Brother Yun felt a little guilty after being tortured like this.

Next, Liao Hua muttered words, held the talisman in the palm of his hand and raised it to the center of his eyebrows, then knelt down on the ground and worshiped twice.

Strange to say, after Liao Hua let go of the talisman and knelt down, the thing actually floated in the air and even emitted a faint light.

Immediately afterwards, Fang Linyan witnessed the real art of Yellow Turban Fu Shui! Only then did he understand why the great virtuous master could start from this, and then swept the world, shaking the fortune of the Han Dynasty for a full 430 years!

It turned out that under the control of Liao Hua, a direct lineage of the Yellow Turban plot character, the Taiping Healing Talisman began to rise upwards, stopped four or five meters above the ground, and then shone with a little light.

Immediately afterwards, the Taiping Healing Talisman began to fade and blur, and bursts of smoke-like things emerged from it, gathering in the mid-air like clouds, and began to surge towards the people below.

Suddenly everyone felt that the air on the battlefield smelled indescribably.

It's like an iceberg beauty has arrived in front of me, her body fragrance is overwhelming and very fresh, and it's like the air in the mountains and forests after the spring rain has washed it, full of fresh vitality.

One of the wounded men was already seriously injured and unconscious, and his breath was as thin as a thread. After smelling the air, his chest heaved violently and he breathed greedily. His body seemed to be instinctively chasing and absorbing the abundant vitality floating in the air.

The most outrageous thing was Luma. It was lying lazily on the spot, but when the talisman rose into the sky and something strange happened, its eyes immediately widened, and then it suddenly stood up and headed straight towards Taiping Healing.

He rushed past directly underneath the symbol.

After arriving under it, people kept standing up, seemingly trying to hold the talisman in their mouths.

However, it was obvious that Liao Hua would not let it succeed, and made the Taiping Healing Talisman rise about two meters. At this time, the Taiping Healing Talisman looked like a large plate filled with dry ice. The mist inside was substantial, and it kept rolling towards the sky.

It flows down below.

When Luma saw that his monopoly was hopeless, he snorted angrily and lay down lazily underneath. However, as soon as a person or horse approached, he would immediately open his mouth to bite and kick!

In the end, Zhao Yun had to take action to forcibly subdue him and hold him down before the rest of the people and horses could get closer.

Then, under Liao Hua's continued urging, the physical body of the Taiping Healing Talisman disappeared directly and turned into a dense cloud hanging a few meters high. Rain/dew began to fall down, like an illusion.

Seems real.

After these rain and dew drops fell on the human body, they penetrated directly into the body. As a result, the injuries on the body improved quickly, and the complexion of the seriously injured person also became rosy. Not only that, the intangible things such as energy and physical strength also increased rapidly.


Not only that, when receiving the treatment of Taiping Healing Talisman, people's mood is also happy and comfortable, and they have entered a state of great freedom and perfection, as if they were reborn and reborn.

The feeling of being ecstatic and reaching the pinnacle of life is as intoxicating and refreshing as ** and **.

The duration of the Taiping Healing Talisman is not long, less than a minute in total.

When it was finally over, the talisman that had turned into clouds reappeared, and then spontaneously ignited. The burning smoke formed the image of a Taoist with an immortal air, who twisted his beard and smiled, and then completely drifted away.

At this time, all those who had been affected by the Taiping Healing Talisman also withdrew from the state of great freedom and perfection. They all felt lost, but their injuries and energy had at least returned to their peak state.

Eighty percent of.

It is worth mentioning that several men who did not believe in Taiping Dao were actually directly conquered at this time. They followed Liao Hua and took the initiative to kowtow and pay respects to the immortal.

Looking at the way these men are dressed, they turn out to be Baima Yicong!!

In this case, Fang Linyan and the others could only kneel down and worship together----Those who have not yet joined the religion were shocked by the "immortal miracle" and directly knelt down to pay tribute to the immortal-------

You five people who claim to be members of the Taiping Dao are actually standing next to you with your hands in your trouser pockets? It doesn't make sense, right?

Fortunately, there was a gain as well as a loss. When Fang Linyan was kneeling and kowtowing, a reminder appeared in front of the group of people again:

"Legend Team, the Taiping Healing Talisman that you took out for free has produced very good effects when used by Liao Hua!"

"Based on this effect, Zhao Yun's personal favorability towards you has been increased to a certain extent/a large amount/substantially."

Obviously, because of the different relativities of hidden attributes, Zhao Yun's personal favorability for each person's improvement is not equal. Max is the unlucky guy who got "a certain degree of improvement", and the rest of the people got "a lot of improvement", so

Zhao Yun's relationship with him has improved to a friendly level.

This kind of friendly relationship is a friendship in real life, that is, we can go to dinner together, and we can nod when we meet. If we use data to quantify it, it means that a married person can pay 400 yuan for marriage, and the borrowing money can be less than 5,000 yuan.


Needless to say, it was Fang Linyan who won the “significantly improved” jackpot!

What's even more exaggerated is that Fang Linyan found that he had received different improvements from the rest of his teammates. He had received three prompts.

The first tip is that Contractor No. ZB419, the Taiping Healing Talisman that you took out for free, when used by Liao Hua, had a very good effect on Zhao Yun, and Zhao Yun's personal favorability towards you has been greatly improved.

The second reminder is that Contractor No. ZB419, the Taiping Healing Talisman you took out for free, when used by Liao Hua, had a very good effect on Adou (Liu Chan), and Zhao Yun's personal favorability towards you has been greatly improved.


The third reminder is: Contractor No. ZB419, the Taiping Healing Talisman you took out for free was used by Liao Hua and had a very good effect on the subordinates led by Zhao Yun. Zhao Yun's personal favorability towards you has been greatly improved.

This is a three-pronged approach!

Under normal circumstances, if you are friendly, you should be familiar with each other, and if you are familiar with each other, you will be like-minded!

But this time, the relationship between Fang Linyan and Zhao Yun suddenly crossed a new level, from the previous friendship to the point of congeniality!

This level of friendship is the kind of relationship where we go to the battlefield and carry guns together, the marriage cost is at least four digits, and the loan amount is less than 100,000 yuan.

Of course, a man as upright as Brother Yun would definitely not go to the third floor with anyone, so Fang Linyan had no chance to take Brother Yun to experience bathing, back rubs, etc.

Of course, Youdao was reluctant to let the child catch the wolf. The reason for such an improvement was that the Taiping Healing Talisman that Fang Linyan took out was indeed precious, and Zhao Yun really needed this thing at this time.

At this time, even Fang Linyan himself didn't notice that the infinite mark on his chest had appeared at some point and was quietly fading away.

Obviously, it is definitely not a normal phenomenon for Fang Linyan to increase his personal favorability three times in a row at this time. In fact, it is actually a low-probability event.

This is the same as the possibility that each of us will make a windfall of millions tomorrow - the prerequisite is to buy a lottery ticket first.

The emergence of infinite imprints has turned the chance of such a small probability event into a necessity.

But if someone/space becomes suspicious in the future and comes to investigate, they will find that the data is normal and in compliance with regulations!


At this time, he realized that the relationship between the two had improved again. After it had improved to this level, Fang Linyan felt that he could try to influence Zhao Yun's next behavior!

After all, if the relationship is not in place and the exchanges are simple and deep, even if you talk eloquently, others will not tease you at all, okay?

Therefore, seeing Zhao Yun get on his horse, Fang Linyan said with concern:

"I wonder what the general has planned next?"

Zhao Yun hesitated for a moment and then said:

"The military advisor asked us to divide our troops into two groups and go in a circle to the Changban Bridge. Naturally, there will be people to support us."

Fang Linyan immediately said:

"With all due respect, Cao Cao has obviously seen through your marching route. The situation on the battlefield can be said to be changing rapidly. Zhuge's advice may have been feasible at the time, but it is difficult to do so now."

Zhao Yun remained silent and said calmly:

"If there is no way, then fight your way out!"

Fang Linyan pointed to Liao Hua and others beside him and said:

"Even if the general, who is an enemy of ten thousand people, may be able to escape from the siege, what should these brothers do?"

As a result, before Zhao Yun could answer, Liao Hua and others said simply:

"As long as we can send the general and the young master to a safe place, we will die without regrets. Even if we are broken into pieces, we will still have a smile on our face!"

Fang Linyan frowned and shook his head:

"Why do you always talk about death? Wouldn't it be better to leave a useful body and serve your young master better?"

Who is Zhao Yunnai? After listening to Fang Linyan, he said:

"Time is pressing. If you have any ideas, Fang Yan, please speak up."

Fang Linyan said:

"General, why don't you take a step back? The sea and the sky will be brighter for you?"

Zhao Yun frowned and said:

"Take a step back? Where to go?"

Fang Linyan said simply:

"By the river! Lu Su from the east side of the river has arrived with four large ships. The space on each ship is spacious and can accommodate as many as a thousand people!"

After listening to Fang Linyan's suggestion, Zhao Yun simply shook his head and said:

"No, Jiangdong's side seems to be a friendly army, but in fact they are inseparable from our army. After we board the ship, it is equivalent to stepping out of the tiger's mouth and into the wolf's den. We are still putting the young master in danger!"

"Not only that, the Jiangdong people are also not trustworthy. They previously agreed with our army to feint attack for an hour and then retreat. However, they only lasted less than half an hour and then retreated in panic, so that Cao's army was able to quickly recover from the chaos."

After listening to Zhao Yun's words, Goat couldn't help but said in the team channel:

"Ahem, it seems like we are responsible for this."

Crespo said doubtfully:

"how to say?"

Goat said:

"Think about it, if we hadn't attacked Lu Su's ship in an attempt to steal the fragments of the Heaven's Escape Book and caused an accident to the already empty Jiangdong giant ship, Lu Su and the others probably wouldn't have been bombed.

Like a chrysanthemum, I rushed back in frustration and broke the appointment."

The vulture chuckled and said:

"We don't want to have such a chain reaction. It's a coincidence. It's a complete coincidence!"

At this time, Fang Linyan ignored his teammates' chat and said directly to Zhao Yun:

"Because Lu Su on the Jiangdong side took the divine artifact left by the great virtuous master: the Book of Heaven's Escape for himself without authorization, so I conducted an in-depth investigation on the Jiangdong side not long ago and found out that their current manpower is actually

Very scarce."

"If the general has to board the ship alone, then of course he has to be controlled by others, but what if he brings these loyal and brave soldiers with him? Isn't it difficult to turn against the guests?"

After hearing Fang Linyan's suggestion, Zhao Yun was stunned and said:

"We are going to seek help from Jiangdong. What if we are turning against the guest? Isn't it morally...?"

Fang Linyan said simply:

"It's essential to be on guard against others. Just don't do it. Besides, after this battle, the general's reputation will spread all over the world, and even to future generations. Some flaws are not worth mentioning."

"Besides, for the sake of the young master's safety, it is not contrary to personal ethics. This is not contrary to loyalty."

"The key is that once you get on the boat, the whole situation comes alive!"

"The general will have multiple choices. He can directly choose to control the big ship to go down the river to Jiangling, or he can use the large ship as a springboard to land directly on the opposite side of the river."

"You can even repair it on the ship for an hour, then land directly on the same spot and kill him right back!"

After hearing Fang Linyan's series of analyses, Zhao Yun's eyes suddenly lit up, but he still could not make up his mind.

Fang Linyan added:

"We are turning around at this time. Not to mention Cao Cao, even you, the general just a moment ago, would never have imagined it!"

"Sun Tzu said in the Art of War that troops have no constant momentum and water has no constant shape! General, you can lead your men to turn around and catch them by surprise. Cao Cao will not have time to respond effectively in a short period of time."

"Let's put it this way, as long as General you can confidently bring thirty people on board, then if you can't turn your back on the guests, then I'll come and see you!"

When Fang Linyan said this, not to mention Zhao Yun, even the eyes of the people around him lit up.

However, Zhao Yun still shook his head slowly and said:

"No, it still won't work."

Fang Linyan said seriously:

"How to say?"

Zhao Yundao:

"Actually, someone has mentioned the path you mentioned before, but the military advisor has raised a very critical question."

"That is, how many people I can bring on board is not determined by how many people are around me at the time, but by the group of Kodong people on the boat!"

"If the person in charge here in Jiangdong is just a reckless man like Gan Ning, then there is still some hope. Unfortunately, there is still Lu Su here, so there is no hope of turning his back on guests."

This chapter has been completed!
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