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Chapter 1270

Chapter 1270

I was surprised in my heart: "Could it be...that this is Baoding?"

There are seven main types of roofs in ancient tombs: vaulted roof, flat roof, coupon roof, initiation roof, tower roof, treasure roof, and one we call "beer roof".

The top area of ​​the beer is very small, and bricks are used to raise it by dozens of centimeters around it, like the lid of a can of beer.

I have only heard people say that this is the first time I have seen a real Baoding. This form was briefly popular in the middle and late Liao Dynasty and is really rare in the Central Plains.

Lao Zhang illuminated the bricks under his feet with his headlamp, turned to me and asked: "Brother, how can we get down to such thick bricks?"

I said, "It's easy. These are hollow bricks. You can make a hole quickly by just lifting them up with a shovel. If you don't believe me, try it."

After hearing this, Lao Zhang immediately started to pry it away. As a result, he almost fell down because the curvature of where he was standing was too big.

I quickly grabbed him with my quick hands.

After trying five or six times, I finally managed to pry open a hollow brick.

Seeing the bricks being pried apart piece by piece, Lao Zhang lowered his head and said, "It's so dark down there, you can't see anything."

"Don't rush down. There's still time before dawn. Wait ten minutes to let the air circulate inside."

Lao Zhang's face was covered with dirt and he rubbed his hands in excitement.

Compared with him, I was much calmer and had no disturbance in my heart. I squatted down and lit a cigarette.

No plaster was found in the soil. A solid brick tomb like this will definitely seep water, so I am not worried about biogas or methane.

Seeing me smoking, Lao Zhang asked, "Is everything okay?"

I said it was okay, and he couldn't help but light one.

After smoking, he put out the cigarette butt on the robber hole.

I think it's almost time to ventilate, so I say let's do it, you do it first, don't fall.

After going down, there is a very narrow tomb passage, and this tomb passage is not straight. When you turn your headlight on it, you can see that there is a bend not far away a few meters ahead.

If we look at the tomb passage from where we just came down, we will find that the shape is a peculiar "knife handle shape".

The tomb passage is cold and dark. I didn't see any other holes drilled through it. It's possible that this tomb has never been robbed and is a new pot.

Lower your head and walk through the tomb passage, turn left and see the tomb door.

It is very rare that the door used to seal the door is square wood, which is usually sealed with bricks.

As long as it's not a scary diamond door like Gui Zailing, this kind of square wooden door is trivial to me, as long as I know how to "click to open it".


"Brother, look what that is?"

I was about to open a square piece of wood when Lao Zhang suddenly pointed at the door and told me that there was a hole in the door.

I looked up and saw that indeed, someone had dug in and made a niche in a row of brick walls on top of the square logs.

You can see that around the niche, the bricks are dyed light red, as if they were caused by long-term cinnabar dyeing.

It was too high. I stretched out my hand and couldn't reach it.

"What is it? Is it an urn used to hold the dead in ancient times?" Lao Zhang asked.

I glared at him and said don't say the word "death" to others in the tomb, it is unlucky.

"Lao Zhang, squat down and I'll step on your shoulder and take a look to see if there are any burial objects in the niche."

"No problem, come on."

Lao Zhang immediately squatted down and asked me to step on his shoulders.

He pushed me up, and I used a flashlight to illuminate the niche.

"What's this?"

The niche is not deep, and there is a small wooden tower under the thick ash. The height of the small wooden tower is less than 15 centimeters. The niches around the wooden tower are all painted with cinnabar, which is bright red.

Also, on the right side of the small wooden pagoda, there is a copper wine vessel with a strange shape. People in the industry call this type of vessel a "mourning bowl."

For those of you who have never seen it or don’t understand it, let me give you an analogy.

The "mortem furnace" is like a piece of melon, cut in half, and then take out the half of the melon separately and put two ears on the left and right, just like that.

Seeing that I didn't move, Lao Zhang couldn't help it anymore. He grabbed my ankle and shouted loudly: "Is there anything? Get it quickly! I have a cramp in my calf!"

I just took out everything, held it in my arms and jumped down.

Lao Zhang hurriedly came over: "Let me see what treasure I found."

Lowering the light, I studied the small wooden tower carefully.

It doesn't matter if you don't see it, you will be shocked when you see it.

There are clearly words under the red cinnabar.

And there are two languages, Xixia and Chinese.

This chapter has been completed!
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