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Chapter 1271

Chapter 1271

A row of complicated Xixia characters are carved on the wooden pagoda. There are old cinnabar in the grooves of the strokes. They are like ghostly symbols and cannot be read at all.

On the other side, perhaps the person who built the wooden pagoda was not good at writing, so he carved a few characters crookedly in official script.

The third character in this row of official script is very blurry and cannot be seen clearly.

I tried to read out loud: "Muyuan...what, what...Puppy Dog Treasure's Home?"

Suddenly an idea flashed in my mind.

I see.

This is not a Liao and Jin tomb, this is a pure Xixia tomb!

This thing is the Muyuan Tower!

It's a miracle that it can be preserved intact and not rotten.

I raised my head and looked at the niche above the door again, guessing that this was the "Lingshu".

That’s right, it’s the coffin!

This kind of small wooden pagoda called Muyuan Pagoda has only been found in Xixia tombs. In the 1970s, this kind of small wooden pagoda was also found in the Xixia imperial tomb at the foot of Helan Mountain. According to the interpretation of relevant experts at the time, its specific use should be

It is used to store some important documents of the tomb owner during his lifetime.

Sichuan is rich in good nanmu, which lasts for thousands of years. This wooden edge pagoda is made of nanmu.

Before I came down, I didn't expect that this was actually a Xixia tomb.

Kangding was not part of the Xixia territory before. The discovery of Xixia tombs here means that more than 700 years ago, Xixia people lived here and were buried here after their deaths.

"Puppy's treasure home...."

Xiao Quan Bao should be a Xixia name.

Xixia people, including Dangxiang people, have strange surnames, such as "Wuzang", "Tuoba", "Pangji", etc.

"Home" is easy to understand. This tomb is the home where he lived after his death.

"Hold it for me."

Lao Zhang took my flashlight and helped with lighting.

I reached out and touched it, and found that there was a very narrow door directly behind the wooden edge tower. It was a chute design and could be pushed up with a hard push.

After pushing it open, I was shocked to find that what was placed inside was actually a pile of folded, dry and yellow hemp paper.

Black calligraphy is reflected on the worn hemp paper. Due to proper preservation, most of the writing is still clearly visible after more than 700 years.

I took out one and opened it carefully, fearing that it would break if I force it.

The content is written in Chinese.

"Everyone who owns a house or land in Xiaoquan Bao's family is not allowed to sell it to others without redeeming it.

"If you sell it in violation of the law, the official will punish you with one horse and the common people with thirteen sticks."

"All the principal and interest from the loan will be given to you, and then you will be allowed to sell it separately."

"If the principal and interest are not paid, it can be sold to others, but the principal and interest will not be paid. The three houses in the east of Mi Yao Ji belong to the Xiaoquan Bao family. Both parties are willing to leave each other with certificates.

There is a signature on the bottom, which can still be clearly seen, and of course the red handprint left behind by the signature.

The two parties who signed the contract were Xiao Quan Bao and an ancient man named Xiong Min.

I pulled out another one and opened it to read.

The inside of this piece of paper is not good, it is overly alkaline, the handwriting is blurry, and part of the text is difficult to read, but the last few lines can be read clearly.

I turned down the lamp and read it word for word.

When I saw the last two words at the end, my scalp suddenly went numb and I threw the hemp paper to the ground!

Seeing me throwing it away, Lao Zhang wanted to bend down to pick it up, but I grabbed him!

Lao Zhang was puzzled and turned around and said, "What's wrong, brother? This is a cultural relic. Doesn't it mean that ancient paintings and calligraphy are valuable? Why did you throw it away? It's a waste."

"If you don't want to be in trouble, just go ahead and pick it up. I won't stop you, damn..."

I cursed secretly, spit into my hands, and rubbed my hands vigorously back and forth.

It is not good for a living person to see this thing, let alone look at it, because it is too unlucky.

This is a "Mingqi".

The boss told me before that the three most unlucky things in ancient tombs are, "the tomb beast with a human face and eyes, the pillow under the dead person's head, and the last one is the paper deed."

"Bah, bah, bah!"

I spat three times in a row and made a cross on my chest, hoping I wouldn't get any bad luck.



The author said: "Hello book friends, I have been interrupted for the past two days because I have some physical problems. I had a minor surgery in the morning and it will take a few days to recover. I will try my best to update during this period. Thank you."

This chapter has been completed!
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