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Chapter 1434

Chapter 1434

"Fengzi, throw me the shovel, why are there so many rotten tree roots!"

Throwing the tool to Dou Sprout, I turned around and asked, "Master Zhe, how is the injury on your arm?"

"The bullet did not damage the bones, and the recovery is okay," Master Zhe shook his book.

"Then do you think all those people are dead?"

"It's hard to say," Master Zhe said with a frown: "The one with long hair detonated the explosive, he will definitely not survive. That woman, he was very close to the explosion point at the time, I guess I won't survive either."

"What about the one named Xu? He is extremely evil."

Master Zhe shook his head slowly: "Then I can't be sure. After all, I was running for my life and didn't notice everyone."

"Fengzi, why don't you two stop talking? Hurry up and get on the soil!"

The robber's hole had gone down more than three meters, and Dou Sprout called me to lift the soil quickly.

Yes, we are here in Tushan at this time.

Judging from the appearance of this earth mountain, it is 100% a sealed earth mound.

All ancient tomb mounds, no matter which dynasty, regardless of size, must be in the shape of an "upside-down" funnel if they are completely preserved.

Therefore, if you see a pure earth mountain in the shape of a standard funnel, be careful because there may be ancient tombs underground.

While I was working, I was always a little absent-minded, thinking about the "mirror" in my mind.

"Get to work quickly, Yunfeng, don't get distracted," Brother Yu said to me.

"No! It's too hot. Let's change!"

Brother Yu was about to show off, so I said I would do it.

Grabbing the rope and going down to steal the hole, Dou Sprout and I changed shifts.

We dug a "vertical shaft type narrow robbery hole". Only one person can get down at a time, and two people cannot stand apart.

Of course there is an explanation for digging like this.

Among the ancient dynasties, the tombs of the Western Zhou Dynasty and the Western Xia Dynasty were the deepest.

The average depth of the nine Xixia imperial mausoleums in Helan Mountain is more than 24 meters. If you have a chance to go there, you will know that the imperial mausoleums are surrounded by the vertical shaft type narrow robbery caves I mentioned. There are more than 200 of them.

So clean.

If you want to dig vertically from the earth hill to be safe, you must make sure that the hole you dig is narrow, regular, and solid.

When digging the soil, shovel one shovel next to the other, so that the shovel openings left behind are like fish scales, arranged neatly.

If you dig blindly, it will collapse if it reaches no more than 10 meters.

Once it collapses, do you know what the 24-meter-long tunnel is?

As high as seven or eight stories!

Another point is that for the sake of safety, when digging such a deep pit, we will dig a space of about 1.5 meters inward on the cave wall every 7 meters. This is called a "refuge hole."

Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the worst. If it collapses and you don't have time to climb up, then this refuge hole can save your life.

What I said is real.

I still remember that in 2001, the Qingtongxia Cultural Management Office conducted the third census of cultural relics. At that time, people from the Cultural Management Office discovered a very deep robbery hole in Yongning County, 25 meters deep, and the top was covered with turf.

This robbery hole has not penetrated the tomb chamber yet, but it will soon. I heard that the gap is less than two meters.

Report and approve.

On the fourth day, the Cultural Relics Bureau assigned the task of protecting the Xixia ancient tombs and filling in the stolen holes.

The Cultural Management Office rented an excavator to come over, but before they arrived, they saw a jeep driving away from the scene in a panic.

The people in the car were grave robbers.

The jeep ran away without stopping it, and the people from the Cultural Affairs Bureau were unable to do anything. After notifying the police station, they started to fill in the stolen holes.

Before starting, they shouted loudly and threw a few bricks into the hole. When no one heard a reply, they started filling the hole with soil.

Who would have thought that there were two brothers hiding in the refuge cave! They didn’t dare to come out!

After backfilling, the police station happened to catch the group of people who were escaping in the jeep. Only then did the group say anxiously: "There are still two people in the cave who haven't come out!"

Things are getting serious.

This chapter has been completed!
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