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Chapter 1435

Chapter 1435

In order to find these two tomb robbers, the cultural management office invested a lot of manpower and material resources. At that time, they dug more than 30 meters deep and found no one.

Only more than 14,000 cubic meters of earthwork was used! It cost more than 100,000 yuan!

In hindsight, this was the behavior of a fool.

The two of them were hiding in a 12-meter-deep refuge cave!

But they directed the excavator to dig down from the other end to a depth of more than 30 meters.

My two colleagues, who could have survived, were suddenly consumed to death...

Because he waited too long, he ran out of oxygen and died of suffocation.

Some people must say that tomb robbers do not deserve sympathy, they are just garbage people, they are not worth saving, and they will die as soon as they die.

Yes, I won't refute it.

But you either don’t save them at all! After a lot of effort and money, in the end, they were killed because they didn’t understand. Is this right?

Later, it was published: "After discussion, it was determined that the several personnel involved were not derelict in their duties, and this incident should be classified as an accident."

I disagree. Even now, I still want to say something for those two colleagues.

This is not an accident, this is dereliction of duty by the three people from the Cultural Affairs Bureau!

They didn't take it seriously, one was named Zheng, one was named Ma, and the other was named Zhao.

The life of a tomb robber is also a human life, and human life is of paramount importance. Why didn’t he take it seriously in the first place?

Now that these people have retired, I guess they have long forgotten that they must be living very comfortably with monthly pensions from public servants.

never mind.....

Having said that, when the thieves dug the hole for more than ten meters, the soil that was poured up was getting drier and drier. When he saw his head, he frowned and said, "Speed ​​up, I'm afraid we will soon see the rammed soil layer."

It was getting dark and candles were lit.

I looked up at the bottom of the cave and saw that it was very high.

Sure enough, when the depth reached about twenty meters, I saw "lumps" of yellow-brown rammed earth, estimated to be fifteen centimeters thick.

After drilling through this layer of rammed earth, a row of old pottery bricks was exposed at the feet.

The surface of this kind of brick looks very rough and honeycomb-shaped. It is possible that it was made from local materials and fired from mountain clay.

I used a crowbar to break open the row of clay bricks, and after ventilating the place, I threw down the rope. I put on my headlamp and slid down.

Cold, dark, low temperature.

After going down, the first thing the flashlight illuminated was the tomb door. There were stone statues over one meter high on both sides of the tomb door.

When I saw the stone statue, my heart skipped a beat and I knew I had found a big pot.

People came down one after another, and Douyazai asked in surprise: "What is this thing? Is it a man, a woman, or a monster?"

The stone statue is covered with a thick layer of dust. It has a very long face with eyes looking down and its fangs exposed, which is very scary.

Just looking at his face, he looked like a man with a horse face, but when he looked down, he found that on his chest, he had a pair of huge round balls that only women could see.

He held up the flashlight and frowned: "It's not a man or a woman. This is a tomb beast type stone statue."

The head means tomb-suppressing beast. Tomb-suppressing beasts always look strange and strange, mostly human-shaped, with some having horns on their heads and some with wings. Anyway, they are scary, and their purpose is to frighten wandering souls and undead.

Dou Sprout walked in and wanted to touch it, so he stopped him with his head and said, "Don't move, this thing brings bad luck and is very unlucky."

These two stone statues are strange, and the tomb door is even stranger.

Not all tombs have tomb doors, but the proportion of tombs with doors accounts for about 30%.

It has an evolution process. From morning to night, it is a stone door, a brick door, and a white marble door.

Why do I say strange?

Because this tomb door is neither brick nor stone nor jade.

It's muddy!

This is a "mud door" that I have never seen before.

This chapter has been completed!
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