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Chapter 502 Finished Cement

It didn't start raining until we arrived at Guanyao.

After Xiao Nianzhi passed by, he found that Mr. Zhao had already arrived!

Should I say it or not, the other party is indeed a responsible official.

Seeing Xiao Nianzhi coming, Mr. Zhao came over to say hello, and then the two of them took the others to see yesterday's cement follow-up.

After a night of shaping, the cement is now hardened.

At first, Mr. Zhao didn't dare to step on it. After all, when this thing was just applied yesterday, his fingers were a little heavier and he could press it into a hole!

This thing is a bit of a blackmail!

Mr. Zhao was a little afraid, but he touched it and found...


It's pretty hard.

Otherwise, step on it?

Mr. Zhao stepped up and stepped on it with anxiety.


It's really tough.

Then stomp it again!

Not to mention one person, several more people came up later, and the rectangular shape made of cement was still very stable!

After discovering that this thing was indeed good, Mr. Zhao rolled up his sleeves excitedly and exclaimed: "This is good, this is good!"

After praising him, he motioned to others to fill the bowl with water.

If it doesn't rain for the time being, they will take the initiative to create conditions.

The water came quickly. After pouring a few basins on it, did you step on it again?

Well, it’s still stiff and not affected at all!

There will be other experiments to follow.

Of course, cement is not indestructible. If you really hit it with a hammer, it will definitely not be able to withstand it.

However, under normal circumstances, manpower, vehicles, etc. can withstand it.

Moreover, as long as the ratio with sand is controlled well, it can last quite a long time.

Of course, it is normal to need maintenance and repair every year.

However, compared to today's dirt roads, stone roads are smoother and more durable, and the cost and time required for maintenance are not particularly high.

Mr. Zhao tried for most of the day, and then...

It's raining!

The heavy rain came suddenly, without the gentleness of spring rain at all. The big raindrops hit people, and they still hurt a little.

Yan Xingxuan came later, leaning next to Xiao Nianzhi to watch the fun.

When it rained, he opened the umbrella he had prepared in advance to protect Xiao Nianzhi first.

Everyone goes back to take shelter from the rain first, as for the cement?

It was just a good idea to see if it could withstand the violent storm, and save them the trouble of trying to figure it out.

It rained from around noon until after lunch.

Because of the rain, their lunch was very messy.

Whole grain pancakes, served with wild vegetable and radish soup.

Even Zhao Lin, the Minister of the Dai Dynasty, did not turn on the small stove, but ate lunch quietly.

This is lunch for the craftsmen here in the official kiln, and everyone eats it together.

When Yan Xingxuan came here in the morning, he brought snacks, just because he was afraid that Xiao Nianzhi would be hungry and cold.

However, now that there are so many people here, if you just take it out, is it better to divide it or not?

It doesn't matter that he has a distinguished status, and those people don't dare to worry about his things.

However, Xiao Nianzhi can't do it. Now that she and Zhao Lin are colleagues, there are still many relationships that need to be dealt with.

If you do not understand how to deal with interpersonal incidents, the situation in the officialdom will also become difficult.

Even though Xiao Nianzhi has a backer behind him, he can't stand it. Some people are wearing small shoes.

Therefore, after Yan Xingxuan thought about it, he gave up taking it out for the time being, thinking to wait and see, and if the rain stopped, they would turn on the stove.

No one else, just the two of them!

After eating, we waited for a while. The rain lightened up first and then stopped.

Zhao Lin couldn't hold it any longer. When he saw that the rain had stopped, he didn't care that the ground was still muddy, so he took people to see how the cement was doing.

A heavy rain is the best detector!

At this time, Xiao Nianzhi, as a subordinate, would not look good if he did not follow him.

She followed, and Yan Xingxuan could only follow.

Everyone went to look at the cement, which was still water-stained.

Except for the water on it, which is still slowly seeping down, nothing else has been affected at all.

Zhao Lin took people up and walked around, stepping on and stamping on them, and even picked them with their fingers for a while.

Even though he struggled like this, the small cement cube was still as hard as ever.

This time, Zhao Lin couldn't help but nod in admiration: "This is good, this is good, Doctor Xiao has made a great contribution this time!"

When the others heard what Zhao Lin said, they also praised him.

Don't worry about whether it's true or false, at least the admiration at this moment is true.

You know, today's official road, even if it is maintained every year, is still a dirt road after all!

No matter how strong it is, if it rains or snows, it will become muddy and difficult to walk on.

However, this cement looks different!

After the water went through, the house was still flat and not affected at all.

Moreover, this road is smoother than their official road. Just imagine how smooth and comfortable it would be to walk on it, whether it is a carriage or a horse.

Just thinking about it, everyone looked at Xiao Nianzhi with even more admiration.

The cement has been formed, and now it has gone through a series of experiments. The next step is to go to the palace to present it to His Majesty and show His Majesty the results!

After Zhao Lin figured it out, he first asked Xiao Nianzhi for his opinion: "Is it convenient for Mr. Xiao to enter the palace with me at this time?"

Xiao Nianzhi naturally had nothing else to do at the moment, so he nodded quickly: "Yes, sir."

Knowing that Xiao Nianzhi had nothing else to do, Zhao Lin made preparations and asked someone to bring the remaining cement and the corresponding data, and then took Xiao Nianzhi with him into the palace.

Yan Xingxuan had nothing to do, so he happened to be with me.

Xiao Nianzhi originally wanted to send soap to Aunt Yu, the Xiao brothers and the Feng family cousins, but now that it's like this, he probably won't be able to deliver it today.

However, Yan Xingxuan's share is still available for the palace, so it's okay.

Fortunately, Xiao Nianzhi had already made preparations, so he was not worried about running out of things at this time.

After the group entered the city, in order to take care of Xiao Nianzhi conveniently, Yan Xingxuan specially rode beside the carriage and leaned forward to talk to Xiao Nianzhi from time to time.

Zhao Lin's carriage was walking at the front. Occasionally listening to the voices behind him, he couldn't help but say to his colleagues in the carriage: "The relationship between Mr. Xiao and His Highness the King of Wei is really good."

My colleagues didn't know what to say to this, so they could only smile and say: "That's right, that's right."

It's just a matter of having an open relationship, but if you don't get closer, I'm afraid you're embarrassing me by talking like this, sir!

After walking for a while, Xiao Nianzhi heard that there seemed to be some noise in the front. She curiously opened the curtain and asked Yan Xingxuan softly: "Did something happen in front?"

The opponent has a better view on horseback and may be able to see the situation ahead.

In response to this, Yan Xingxuan frowned slightly, and after looking carefully, he whispered: "It looks like there is thick smoke over there at the Song Mansion, maybe it's water."

This chapter has been completed!
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