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Chapter 503 The Determined Ending

When he heard that it was the Song Mansion and that he might have escaped, Xiao Nianzhi's first reaction was...

The old-fashioned and proud girl of the Song family, in the plot, the other party hangs herself and then burns down the Song mansion.

Of course, this also aggravated His Majesty's anger.

After all, after everyone in the Song Mansion has dealt with it, the mansion will need to be confiscated and divided up. For His Majesty, this is all money.

But, the Song family girl burned His Majesty’s money!

Xiao Nianzhi had a guess in his mind, but he couldn't say it directly. He just nodded to show that he knew it, and then he didn't ask any more questions.

After all, who doesn't know now that almost all the Song family in the capital are in prison.

However, until Yi Ying's charges were actually brought down, the house was temporarily under lockdown, and Yi Ying's family members were all locked up in the house, waiting to be dealt with.

However, the girl from the Song family was able to hang herself and light the fire directly. Could it be that the final disposal was done?

Yan Xingxuan really knew about this matter.

Therefore, after Xiao Nianzhi nodded, Yan Xingxuan lowered his voice and said: "The Song family has been dealt with. Regardless of the principal or accomplice, all the adult men will be beheaded. The remaining men will be exiled to the north, and the women will serve as Jiaofangsi."

Because it also involves concubines, if we really want to go into detail and kill all nine clans, then even the seventh prince will be included.

Therefore, His Majesty showed mercy in the end.

However, the main culprit will definitely not take things lightly.

All adult males were killed to avoid future troubles.

As for underage men...

The northern land is far away and the long road to exile is already difficult enough. In addition, the remote area has few people and a poor living environment. Those who can survive will be lucky even if they survive.

Rather than saying that Your Majesty showed mercy, it would be better to say that His Majesty was actually using a blunt knife to sharpen your flesh, using a method of fulfilling your own reputation instead of a method of killing people.

As for...

Anyone lucky enough to survive?

What does Your Majesty mean? The people below are the best at figuring it out.

So, lucky to survive?

What a great ability that is!

After hearing this decision, Xiao Nianzhi nodded without much sympathy.

She doesn't have the heart of a holy mother. She will sigh a few times when she sees anyone pitiful.

The Song family got involved with Yu Mingchao and Lu Jingyuan, and they wanted to arrest themselves, making Xiao Nianzhi sympathize with them?

Is she crazy, or are they?

After Yan Xingxuan finished speaking, the corner of his lips curled up into a smile: "Brother Huang is sending people to finish the work now. I think there won't be any future troubles."

It may be difficult to avoid leaving any future troubles at all, but with what happened to the Yu family in the past, Your Majesty will sum up his experience and won’t make the same mistake again, right?

After all, the descendants of the Yu family were involved in this incident, and most importantly, the posthumous son of the former King Violent.

Your Majesty must be quite disgusted!

Therefore, I will definitely not show mercy this time.

Xiao Nianzhi could finally feel at ease. If those people didn't catch him, there would always be a sword hanging over his head, which made him feel uneasy.

If the Song Mansion is flooded, someone will naturally come to rescue him.

Xiao Nianzhi and the others quickly arrived at the palace gate. Because Mr. Zhao asked for an order, they entered smoothly.

During the inspection of the second door, some instrumentation was done.

This time we went to Tai Chi Hall, where His Majesty has his office, and we walked all the way.

Yan Xingxuan was eager to get a sedan chair to make Xiao Nianzhi more convenient, but she refused.

She is really not that delicate!

Your Majesty has just received the news about the flood in Song Dynasty. Of course, he knows more about it than others. He knows that the flood is not a natural event, but man-made, and his face turns black with anger.

His face wasn't very pretty at the moment.

Fortunately, Mr. Zhao came to deliver good news, otherwise he would probably have been targeted and dealt with.

His Majesty was concerned about the progress of the cement before, but now looking at the finished product, he is actually quite curious.

The gray powder looks like moldy flour, I don’t know...

How is the taste?

It was probably Xiao Nianzhi who came up with the idea before and made pagoda meat or something, which made His Majesty feel comfortable eating it several times.

Now when he sees Xiao Nianzhi, he always subconsciously thinks of all kinds of delicious food.

The natural reaction is...


Can this be eaten?

What about that one?

What about another one?

His Majesty reacted and quietly stopped his saliva, feeling a little embarrassed.

If you only look at the cement dust, what can you see?

Experimentation is still needed.

Therefore, His Majesty quickly found a location and took people there to conduct experiments.

Of course, just wiping a small square for experiment is still a bit wasteful.

His Majesty thought for a moment and immediately used the cobblestone path in the courtyard of the palace where Shu concubine lived before: "Just pave it here and see the effect."

After Concubine Shu went to the Cold Palace to reflect, the palace she used to live in became empty. No concubine came in for the time being. Since it was empty, it was just a good time to make some simple repairs.

Therefore, it is just a road built. Whether it is useful or not, you have to see the effect after getting on the road.

The people brought here by Mr. Zhao are already familiar with the process.

Yesterday it was just a small square and the operation was simple, but with Xiao Nianzhi's guidance, they also learned a lot.

Now that I'm getting started, it's much smoother than yesterday, plus Xiao Nianzhi gives me advice from time to time.

Don't say...

The effect of the paving is really good.

It's flat and clean. The rain has stopped by now, but the water on the ground hasn't dried much yet.

Compared with the mud on one side after being stepped on, the newly plastered cement road is really clean and tidy and free of smoke and dust.

When the cement is solidifying, it is best not to see water, otherwise it will easily disappear without forming.

Therefore, after applying it and waiting for it to take shape, the palace staff also made a series of protective measures in time.

If it rains, they will not directly lose their experimental results.

The final effect will have to wait until tomorrow.

His Majesty was a little regretful that he couldn't see it today, but because he had a new direction, or progress, he was in a much better mood.

At least when I think about what happened in the Song Mansion before, I don't feel so angry anymore.

At this time, His Majesty couldn't help but feel lucky. Although the charges had just been announced today, the Song Mansion and the mansions of his associates had already confiscated important financial properties.

Therefore, even if it is burned now, it has not lost much, which makes His Majesty feel a little more balanced.

If this was burned before the house was ransacked...

His Majesty felt that he was not happy to let the Song family be killed with one blow!

The Song family has dealt with it, and the Seventh Prince will definitely not be left behind.

However, as he is his own son and has loved him for many years, His Majesty still showed mercy.

If this had been the case when he was young, the Seventh Prince would definitely not have survived.

However, now that His Majesty is getting older, his heart has softened a lot.

Therefore, he was finally demoted to a commoner and guarded the imperial mausoleum. He was not allowed to go out without purpose for the rest of his life.

As for Concubine Shu, who is still reflecting in the cold palace, His Majesty just arranged for someone to send the news about the disposition of the Song family and the Seventh Prince.

As for what is Shubin’s final choice?

Your Majesty no longer wants to hear it.

Life or death is up to her.

Thinking of the beauty he had been partial to for many years, His Majesty sighed again, feeling infinite melancholy in his heart.

At this time, Xiao Nianzhi and Yan Xingxuan had gone to pay their respects to the Queen Mother.

This chapter has been completed!
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