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Chapter 594: At a young age, repaying debts for father

After Yan Xingxuan finished his work, he entered the palace and told His Majesty about the places south of the southwest.

Among them, the most touching thing for His Majesty is...

Rice is harvested three times a year!

what is that?

Is that rice?

No, that is just money and money to feed people!

His Majesty was very moved after hearing this. He also looked at the map for a long time. After dinner and washing, he went back to bed and lay down. What he was thinking about was that rice ripened three times a year!

Unable to sleep, I turned to my left side and thought in my mind: Rice ripens three times a year.

Still unable to sleep, I turned to the right, still thinking: Rice ripens three times a year.

At this time, His Majesty wished that he was the reincarnation of the late emperor and possessed by his father.

At this time, he no longer disliked the foolish things his father did in his later years.

Your Majesty only thinks that he can be possessed by his father who is full of martial virtues. He will personally go to the battlefield and then defeat all the places south of the southwest!

So even if all the rice cannot be transported back to Dajin, it can still meet the population needs of several nearby states, right?

Moreover, if the roads are well built, transporting these military supplies to the northwest will not be a problem.

If they can't walk in a straight line, why can't they also walk in curves?

In comparison, it will save some cost compared to transporting from the Central Plains to the northwest, right?

The more His Majesty thought about it, the more he couldn't sleep. Looking at his middle-aged body, which started to put on weight, he secretly regretted it; he should learn from his father.

Even when he first took over Jiangshan, because the treasury was cleaner than his face, he couldn't fight a war.

However, you can’t throw away this basic skill, right?

Now if His Majesty is asked to go to the battlefield, he really can't do it!

He has been pampered for a long time, and with his old arms and legs, who can he beat?

Really unable to sleep, His Majesty simply sat up, thought for a while, and then waved his hand: "Let's go..."

In the middle of the night, where to go was a question.

His Majesty hesitated for a moment, then picked through his harem, and finally decided: "Lantai Pavilion."

As soon as these three words came out, the palace people quickly became busy.

Concubine Su lives in Lantai Pavilion. She has been in the palace not long ago and now has a seven-year-old prince under her knees.

In the harem, she is the kind of person who has a sense of presence, but is not high.

The reason why His Majesty chose her after thinking about it is actually very simple.

One is that he stayed up most of the night and knocked on the palace doors of high-ranking concubines, possibly torturing most of the harem.

Maybe, before I even get to sleep, the Queen Mother sent someone over worriedly.

The other one is...

Well, Lantai Pavilion is closer to his palace, which is more convenient.

It was a cold day or in the middle of the night, and he was not willing to bother.

Therefore, this place is the most suitable.

His Majesty's actions in the middle of the night did not attract much attention.

Even if the queen heard about it the next day, she just frowned and didn't ask any more questions.

It would be even more impossible for Xiao Nianzhi to know.

The next day, she went to the Ministry of Works to check in.

Due to the disappearance of Governor Zhao, the Ministry of Industry is currently cooperating with the Ministry of War to supply military supplies.

It's just winter and the Ministry of Industry has a little more free time.

Therefore, it is convenient for them to go over and help.

Xiao Nianzhi went to the Ministry of Industry to check in early in the morning, exchanged a few words with Zhao Shangshu, and then prepared to go fishing in the store.

After all, it had just opened, so she still needed to keep a closer eye on it.

In this regard, Zhao Shangshu also turned a blind eye and cooperated directly.

Even when he saw Xiao Nianzhi about to slip away quietly, he came over and whispered: "What's in the sweet soup today?"

Zhao Shangshu also ate the desserts and sweet soup brought back by his daughter yesterday.

He has no interest in sweets, but the water chestnut soup still tastes good.

When you bite the colorful dumplings, they are smooth and chewy.

Seeing that Xiao Nianzhi was going to the store, Zhao Shangshu came over and asked in a low voice if he could bring him two bowls back.

It doesn't matter if you can't bring it with you. He brought the groom here today, so he can have people follow him to buy it!

When Zhao Shangshu asked, Xiao Nianzhi replied generously: "Thick taro paste pop bo milk tea and taro ball matcha milk jelly."

After Zhao Shangshu heard this, his eyes were blank.

Very good, never heard of it.

However, it tastes delicious as soon as I hear it.

Children only do multiple-choice questions, so of course adults have to make choices!

Therefore, Zhao Shangshu immediately took out the money and said: "I want it all, I want it all."

Thinking that it would not be good for him to eat alone, Zhao Shangshu quickly put the money back and replaced it with banknotes: "Today there are 22 people on duty in the Yamen. You count them by head. I want both, and the others

Just choose a random one."

Because they need to go to the Ministry of War to help, most of the lower-level officials of the Ministry of Industry, as well as petty officials, go directly to the Ministry of War or to the outfield after breakfast early in the morning.

The people who stayed in the yamen to do daily work, including the handymen, were only in their early twenties.

Zhao Shangshu thought, since he bought everything, he should be more generous.

Afraid that it would not be enough, Zhao Shangshu thought for a while and said again: "Buy when you are rich, don't get stuck."

He thought, there is just enough for him to drink!

Worried that the banknotes were not enough, Zhao Shangshu quickly followed up: "I didn't bring much today. If not, put it in my Yunli's account. She should go there again today."

Zhao Yunli:?

Who knows, family members, she is still a child!

Are you already going to pay off your father’s debt?

Xiao Nianzhi also didn't expect that Zhao Shangshu would say this.

She was a little speechless, but she still looked at the banknote.

Very good, one hundred taels.

Facing Zhao Shangshu's obviously worried look, Xiao Nianzhi wanted to say something: It is true that she opened a high-end store, but it was not a black shop either!

Whose milk tea costs nearly five taels of silver a cup!

Although Xiao Nianzhi was speechless, he was a boss after all, so he still had to have a good attitude, so he quickly smiled and said: "Don't worry, Sir, it's enough. Will the balance also be transferred to Yunli's account?"

In fact, they have no account, but if Zhao Yunli comes over today, they will give the change directly to the other party.

In response, Zhao Shangshu nodded: "Okay, okay."

After bidding farewell to Minister Zhao, Xiao Nianzhi left the Yamen in a low-key manner and went to the Tang Shui Shop.

The candy shop had just opened for business, so Xiao Nianzhi was not afraid that he would be late.

They don't need to compete with breakfast restaurants, so they can use their time in the morning to prepare more meals.

Moreover, the closing time will not be particularly late.

When Xiao Nianzhi was in the modern era, he would not work overtime and consume himself internally, and stay open for extremely long hours.

Even less so in ancient times!

Xiao Nianzhi's idea is to count the passenger flow in the first month of opening.

Starting next month, meals will be prepared daily based on the approximate passenger flow.

If everything is sold out every day, it will be closed immediately.

Many sweet soups and the like require soaking in advance.

For hard beans such as red beans and mung beans, if they are not soaked, subsequent operations will be very troublesome.

These items are sold out, so it’s hard to add more.

Another example is some baking products. If the ingredients are not prepared in advance, it will also affect the subsequent operation or taste.

Therefore, it is actually quite good to prepare materials based on customer flow and go home after selling.

This chapter has been completed!
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