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Chapter 6 Fresh Milk

 Xiao Nianzhi and Aunt Yu started working at about three o'clock and held a meeting until...

At the end of noon.

Looking at the time on the clepsydra, Aunt Yu raised her hand to signal Xiao Nianzhi: "It's time to eat."

Xiao Nianzhi was so obedient, and secretly thought to herself that Shibo was indeed taking care of her!

Go to work at 9 o'clock, take lunch break at 12 o'clock, and fish for more than two hours in between.

If 996 and 007 hear about this work, they will probably cry with envy!

The two quickly packed up and went to the cafeteria. On the way, Aunt Yu explained to Xiao Nianzhi: "The students started eating one after another at the end of the afternoon, and by the time it was half past noon, almost all of them had finished eating. Although we have many students here, the cafeteria

It's big enough, so if you take turns eating it, it will be very fast. If we go there at this time, if you don't have a favorite dish, you can cook two, or have some dessert. Talk to the aunties, and they will help you fry them.

, try not to trouble the chefs."

When it came to the chef, Aunt Yu rolled her eyes gracefully: "Everyone claims to have a different identity, but we can't do anything about it."

Xiao Nianzhi knew as soon as she heard that there was a story in it, but she was too embarrassed to ask.

What if it’s not a good memory and Aunt Yu is in a bad mood and I don’t take her fishing in the afternoon?

The two of them walked and talked, and soon they arrived at the canteen.

The cafeteria is indeed empty right now. There are no students in sight. Only the support staff who come with them from time to time come to eat.

When walking around the back mountain in the morning, Aunt Yu had already briefly told Xiao Nianzhi about the situation of the Imperial College's logistics staff.

The back hill area is full of vegetable fields and orchards, and there is very little food. The food in the Imperial College is grown outside.

Although the Imperial Academy receives funding from the imperial court every year, the academy itself has to bear a lot of expenses.

Therefore, those who can farm by themselves are always more affordable than those bought from outside.

In addition to Aunt Yu, there are three male masters taking care of the vegetable garden in the back mountain. Aunt Yu said that if they met later, she would introduce them to Xiao Nianzhi.

In addition to those who serve the vegetable garden in the back mountain, there are also those in the canteen, those who sweep, and those who do shopping...

It can be said that for the sake of the students' studies, the logistics support has been done well.

The two people quickly entered the cafeteria. When they saw them coming, many people smiled and said hello.

"Aunt Yu is here."

"Aunt Yu."


Xiao Nianzhi came late last night, and there were only Aunt Fu and Aunt Cui at that time.

Most people in the cafeteria are not familiar with her, but they have heard about her.

Xiao Siye’s clan niece and Aunt Yu’s new apprentice.

Because of curiosity, everyone looked over from time to time.

Afraid that the little girl is thin-skinned, many people are too embarrassed to look at it more and take it back after just two glances.

Seeing this, many people exclaimed: This is amazing, a little fairy has arrived!

A little girl with black hair and fair skin, a small face and big eyes, is attractive to everyone just by looking at her.

Xiao Nianzhi let them look at her openly, without any restraint.

Aunt Yu watched secretly from the side and nodded with satisfaction.

Aunt Cui was not here during the day, but Aunt Fu was. She smiled and greeted Xiao Nianzhi: "Yuan Niang is here, come and see if there is anything you like to eat."

In June in Beijing, the temperature is getting higher and higher, and it is not easy for the canteen to cook too many dishes.

Especially after the dining peak is over, people cook according to the number of people.

Otherwise, it will be a waste if you do too much.

Now that there wasn't much food left, the rich aunt didn't want the little girl to be wronged, so after calling Xiao Nianzhi over, she said a few more words: "It's okay if you don't like it, I'll fry it for you."

At this time, the chefs are already tired, either have eaten and rested, or are eating.

It’s not easy for the rich aunt to trouble them, but she is pretty good at cooking and can also cook.

Of course, if Xiao Nianzhi is willing to show off, she is actually quite happy to eat ready-made.

Xiao Nianzhi was called over and smiled shyly: "I'm sorry, rich aunt."

While replying, I looked at the remaining dishes.

It's really not much, just a home-style stir-fried tofu, a stir-fried dried vegetable, and a stir-fried dogwood sliced ​​meat, which looks like mutton.

Xiao Nianzhi is new here, and he is still young, so it is not easy for him to make his own decisions. There were few people last night, so there is no problem for him to give his best.

The chefs are all here today, so Xiao Nianzhi takes action again, which is more or less like a declaration of war.

Thinking of this, she turned to look at Aunt Yu: "Which one Auntie wants to eat, I'll help her decide."

Aunt Yu also knew that Xiao Nianzhi was in the limelight when he first came here, which was not very good-looking.

Although the logistics staff of the Imperial College are not particularly top-notch, they are sometimes unable to withstand people's instigation and have a competitive spirit.

So, she nodded: "Let's go vegetarian."

Xiao Nianzhi quickly packed her meal and returned to Aunt Yu.

She prepared a little bit of each dish. Seeing that Xiao Nianzhi didn't start cooking, the rich aunt was a little disappointed, but she didn't say much.

She is not young anymore, will she not understand the twists and turns involved?

When Xiao Nianzhi and the others arrived, the rice was gone, and only the baked golden pancakes were left.

After sitting down with Aunt Yu, Xiao Nianzhi took a bite of the pancake first.

It's still soft. If it can be left to rise for a few more minutes, the taste may be better.

As for pasta, the technical difficulty is not high depending on the time to wake up, the time to steam it, and the time to take it out of the pan.

After taking a bite of pancakes, Xiao Nianzhi ate another bite of fried tofu. To be honest, the taste was very ordinary, but she didn't show it at all, and quickly ate mutton and dried vegetables.

Well, it’s pretty average.

However, he couldn't show it yet. After all, when Xiao Nianzhi was eating, someone not far away looked at him with a burning gaze.

Xiao Nianzhi guessed that the other party should be a chef. He might have heard about what happened last night, so he paid more attention to him.

Seeing that Xiao Nianzhi ate naturally and finished all the dishes in the end, that look went away.

After eating and thanking several aunts, Xiao Nianzhi was about to leave when he was stopped by the rich aunt again: "There is still some milk delivered in the morning. You can take it back and cook it and drink it. They say this food is nutritious.

Look how thin you are, take more supplements."

While the rich aunt was talking, she had already poured a large basin of milk for Xiao Nianzhi.

They are not very good at eating this stuff. Most of the time, it is mixed into noodles to steam steamed buns, bake pancakes, and sometimes even directly feeds the pigs or sheep in the backyard.

Looking at the milk, Xiao Nianzhi's eyes lit up.

I didn’t eat well at lunch, and I urgently need dessert after dinner, but I don’t have enough ingredients, so now I’m here!

Xiao Nianzhi smiled obediently, and after thanking the rich aunt, she asked for taro and pumpkin.

The rich aunt just thought that the little girl was not full and was too embarrassed to fight more, so she specially selected the steamed ones and gave them to her: "I wanted to save them for the afternoon. If you want to eat, I will give them to you first, and my aunt will steam them later."

Seeing that Xiao Nianzhi still wanted to carry the milk basin, Aunt Yu stepped forward to help pick up the small basin filled with taro and pumpkin.

To be honest, Aunt Yu is actually quite curious. What does the little girl want to do with these things?

This chapter has been completed!
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